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Thermal management optimization of a heat-pump-based HVAC system for

cabin conditioning in electric vehicles

Conference Paper · April 2018

DOI: 10.1109/EVER.2018.8362408


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4 authors, including:

Giovanni De Nunzio Antonio Sciarretta

IFP Energies nouvelles IFP Energies nouvelles


Alois Steiner
Virtual Vehicle


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2018 Thirteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER)

Thermal Management Optimization of a

Heat-Pump-Based HVAC System for Cabin
Conditioning in Electric Vehicles
Giovanni De Nunzio∗ , Antonio Sciarretta† Alois Steiner‡ , Alexander Mladek§
IFP Energies nouvelles Virtual Vehicle Research Center
1 et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau Inffeldgasse 21a
92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France A-8010 Graz, Austria
Email: ∗ giovanni.de-nunzio@ifpen.fr Email: ‡ alois.steiner@v2c2.at
† antonio.sciarretta@ifpen.fr § alexander.mladek@v2c2.at

Abstract—One of the biggest barriers towards large comfort has grown steadily. Heat pump technology has
scale adoption of electric and plug-in hybrid cars is still proven to offer much higher efficiency and perfor-
range limitation due to limited storage capacity of elec- mance as compared to conventional conditioning sys-
tric batteries. The air conditioning system for passenger tems, showing a promising energy consumption reduc-
comfort and the thermal conditioning system (battery and
tion for cabin comfort of up to 60% [4], [5], [6].
powertrain) are critical auxiliary consumers in electric
vehicles with respect to energy consumption. Therefore,
This translates into significant driving range extension,
the Horizon 2020 project “OPTEMUS” proposes to tackle especially for electric vehicles.
this bottleneck by leveraging heat pump technology and Therefore, research efforts have been focused on per-
a holistic thermal system optimization approach. This formance evaluation of different system configurations
paper presents the optimization strategy used for energy- making use of heat pump technology in order to narrow
efficient cabin conditioning in cold weather condition and
down the feasible solutions prior to hardware develop-
simulation results of the air conditioning system including
a heat pump. This system is capable of using the ambient
ment and demonstrators assembly, as well as lay the
air or a preconditioned battery as heat source, thus foundations for development of control strategies [7], [8].
significantly reducing overall energy consumption. Recent works have dealt with the dynamic control
Index Terms—electric vehicles, passenger comfort, ther- of heat pump systems in order to reduce energy con-
mal conditioning, heat pump system, optimization sumption for comfort in electric vehicles. The typical ap-
proach is to achieve a desired cabin vent temperature or
I. I NTRODUCTION heating power by controlling the heat-pump compressor
Driving range anxiety is one the main deterrent factors speed and/or the positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
for diffusion of electric vehicles and transportation elec- heaters. In [9] and [10], the proposed thermal manage-
trification [1]. Increasing battery size and capacity does ment strategy acts on a combination of PTC and heat
not represent a sustainable option due to manufacturing pump technology in order to mitigate the driving range
costs and environmental impact. Comfort and cabin reduction at different ambient temperature conditions. In
conditioning, especially in low ambient temperature con- [11], the benefits of using heat pump technology over the
ditions, require considerable amounts of power, which conventional PTC heating are shown, with also an insight
for electric vehicles could translate into a driving range into the possibility of further reducing energy consump-
reduction of up to 50% [2], [3]. This is mainly due tion thanks to battery conditioning. In [12], the authors
to the fact that in cold weather hardly any waste heat assess the impact of using a pre-conditioned battery as
is available for reuse and cabin conditioning. Thus, all a heat source for the heat pump instead of the ambient
the heat has to be provided by the conventional positive air in cold weather. The analysis shows that the energy
temperature coefficient (PTC) heater, which is one of the consumption can be reduced by up to 50% while keeping
major energy consumers in the vehicle. the same target cabin vent temperature. The objective
In the past few years, interest into more performing of this work is to optimize the thermal management
and efficient system architectures for vehicles cabin for cabin conditioning of an electric vehicle where heat
Fig. 1. Simulation model of the heat pump and the connected coolant circuits, using the ambient air as heat source.

pump technology is used. Thermal management of a exchangers (refrigerant-coolant) and an expansion valve.
heat-pump-based system typically makes use of several Known geometries of heat exchangers for an A-segment
actuators, such as heat-pump compressor, coolant circu- vehicle and the performance curves of pumps were used
lation pumps, cabin and ambient-heat-exchanger (AHX) for the characterization of the component models. A 50%
fans in order to achieve a desired cabin temperature glycol/water mixture was assumed in the coolant circuits.
and/or cabin vent temperature. The contribution of this Also the simple cabin model was characterized with
paper to the existing literature resides in a dynamic known values for an A-segment vehicle. For the second
optimization of the whole set of actuators, instead of use case, the model of the ambient heat exchanger was
solely controlling the compressor speed, for achieving replaced by a (thermal) battery model, which represents
a desired cabin comfort level. The analysis will address the thermal mass of the battery, as well as the coolant
cold weather conditions using both the ambient air and side pressure drop. A battery weight of 175 kg with an
a pre-conditioned battery as heat sources for the heat average heat capacity of 0.7 kJ/kgK was assumed. In
pump. The performance improvement will be assessed in order to improve the thermal stability of the battery and
simulation in comparison with a vehicle equipped with to enhance its thermal capacity, the battery model was
heat pump technology where only the compressor speed enriched by considering also a phase-change-material
is controlled. (PCM) inside the modules.
The paper is organized as follows: the modeling ap-
proach and the adopted simplifications for optimization A. Simplified Model
purposes are described in Section II, the optimization For the optimization problem design, the comprehen-
problems are formulated in Section III, the simulation sive thermal system model in Dymola was simplified
results are discussed in Section IV. and redefined as an artificial neural network (ANN).
In the following, the PCM inside the battery will be
II. M ODELING A PPROACH assumed to be ideal, therefore the battery temperature
In this work, two use cases for heat pump operation will be considered constant as long as the PCM is in
are analyzed: ambient air as heat source, and pre- phase change (melting or solidifying). For each of the
conditioned battery as heat source. In both scenarios, the two considered use cases, an ANN was trained and
vehicle follows an NEDC driving cycle, at an ambient verified over a set of steady-state simulations conducted
air temperature of -10 ◦ C. in Dymola, at constant boundary conditions of ambient
The system model was developed in the software air temperature of -10 ◦ C and battery temperature of
Dymola by means of the “AirConditioning Library” 25 ◦ C. The steady-state simulations in Dymola for the
(Version 1.9). Figure 1 shows the simulation model of ANN design and training were run varying the inputs
the first use case, where the “cold coolant circuit” of within a pre-specified range, as detailed in Table I.
the heat pump is connected with the AHX and the In both cases the ANNs were trained by means of
“warm coolant circuit” with the cabin. The heat pump a Bayesian regularization back-propagation algorithm,
model itself consists of a compressor, two plate heat and by using 90% of the Dymola simulations as the
training set, while the remaining simulations were used with Pp,b the power consumption of the pump enabling
for validation and testing. the flow in the battery-side coolant circuit, Q̇b the heating
The ANN fa associated with the case with ambient air power extracted from the battery.
as heat source was designed as a 4-hidden-layers network
with a total of 120 neurons. The network is defined as III. O PTIMIZATION P ROBLEM
fa : Xa → Ya (1) In the first use case, the objective is to minimize the
energy consumption of the heat pump compressor, the
where the set of model inputs is: AHX and heater fans, and the pumps in the AXH and
Xa : {ωc , ṁa,AHX , ṁa,ht , ṁv,AHX , ṁv,ht } (2) heater coolant circuit. The optimization must respect a
heat flow constraint in order to reach the desired cabin
with ωc the heat pump compressor speed, ṁa,AHX the comfort. Therefore the optimization problem for the first
air flow through the AHX, ṁa,ht the air flow through the use case may be formulated as follows:
cabin heater, ṁv,AHX the volume flow in the AHX-side  Z Tf
coolant circuit, ṁv,ht the volume flow in the heater-side 
coolant circuit.

 min (Pc + Pf,AHX + Pf,ht +
 u∈Xa
 0
The set of model outputs is:

P1 : +Pp,AHX + Pp,ht ) dt (7)
n o 
Ya : Pc , Pf,AHX , Pf,ht , Pp,AHX , Pp,ht , Tht , Q̇ht (3)

 s.t. Ya = f (Xa )

 Q̇ = ṁ
ht a,ht· c · (T − T )
a ht amb
with Pc the power consumption of the heat pump com-
pressor, Pf,AHX the power consumption of the AHX where ca is the air specific heat capacity, Tamb = −10 ◦ C
fan, Pf,ht the power consumption of the heater fan, is the ambient air temperature, Q̇∗ht is a desired heater
Pp,AHX the power consumption of the pump enabling heat flow.
the flow in the AHX-side coolant circuit, Pp,ht the power
Note that the optimization problem (7) is independent
consumption of the pump enabling the flow in the heater-
of the driving cycle, meaning that the objective func-
side coolant circuit, Tht the cabin vent temperature at the
tion can be minimized while respecting the heat flow
heater outlet, Q̇ht the heater heat flow.
constraint independently of the required traction power.
Analogously, the ANN fb associated with the case
In fact, the problem is a static optimization and can be
with battery as heat source was designed as a 3-hidden-
solved by using a standard interior-point algorithm.
layers network with a total of 90 neurons. The network
On the other hand, the second use case presents a more
is defined as follows:
complex formulation due to the additional dynamics of
fb : Xb → Yb (4) the battery heat flow. The heat dynamics inside the PCM
is introduced as an additional optimization constraint,
where the set of model inputs is: and is defined as the difference between the heat injected
Xb : {ωc , ṁa,ht , ṁv,ht , ṁv,b } (5) into the PCM due to the thermal losses induced by the
traction power and the heat extracted for comfort and
with ṁv,b the volume flow in the battery-side coolant heat pump operation. Evidently, such an optimization
circuit. problem is dependent on the driving cycle and on the
The model outputs are: specific battery thermal losses. The problem can be
solved by means of known techniques, such as numerical
n o
Yb : Pc , Pf,ht , Pp,ht , Pp,b , Tht , Q̇ht , Q̇b (6)
methods based on the Pontryagin Minimum Principle
(PMP). Thus, the optimization problem for the second
use case may be formulated as follows:

 min (Pc + Pf,ht + Pp,ht + Pp,b ) dt
ANN fa ANN fb u∈Xb


s.t. Yb = f (Xb )

ωc [3000, 6000] RPM ωc [900, 2500] RPM 

ṁa,AHX [1000, 3000] kg/h ṁa,ht [200, 400] kg/h P2 : Q̇P CM = Pb,loss (t) − Q̇b (8)
ṁa,ht [200, 400] kg/h ṁv,ht [0.8, 1] % ∗

Q̇ht = ṁa,ht · ca · (Tht − Tamb )

ṁv,AHX [0.8, 1] % ṁv,b [0.8, 1] % 
QP CM = [QP CM,min , QP CM,max ]

ṁv,ht [0.8, 1] %

QP CM (0) = QP CM,max

Heater Heat Flow [W]




3000 Fig. 3. Schematic of the simulation campaign. The reference and

optimal outputs, Yref and Yopt respectively, will be compared for
energy performance assessment.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [s]
same cabin comfort. As already mentioned, the refer-
Fig. 2. Heater heat flow constraint. ence inputs and outputs are obtained from a previous
study [12]. The idea of the simulation campaign can be
illustrated as in Figure 3.
where QP CM is the heating energy stored in the PCM
In both simulation scenarios the vehicle follows an
between a minimum and a maximum level, and the
NEDC driving cycle, at an ambient air temperature of
thermal losses induced by the traction power are:
-10 ◦ C. The ideal PCM is supposed to keep the battery
1 − ηbatt at a constant temperature of 25 ◦ C. When the ambient
Pb,loss (t) = Pbatt (t) (9)
ηbatt air is used as a heat source for the heat pump, the PCM
with ηbatt the battery efficiency, and Pbatt the power does not lose thermal energy. On the other hand, when
consumption at the battery during the driving cycle. The the battery is the heat source, the thermal energy in the
battery power consumption can be either measured or PCM is depleted according to its dynamics, as in (8).
estimated by means of a standard longitudinal dynamical In Figure 4, the time-varying inputs solving the opti-
model of the vehicle. mization problem in (7) are shown. Most of the control
As already mentioned, Q̇∗ht is the desired heater heat effort is exerted by the heat-pump compressor in order
flow to achieve a goal comfort level. Typically, this time- to respect the heater heat flow constraint. However, the
varying value can be calculated by an inner control optimization makes use of the other control inputs as
loop dedicated to operate the heat pump compressor well in order to reduce the overall energy consump-
in order to reach a target cabin vent temperature. The tion. The energy consumption of the optimized case is
optimization proposed in this work may be thought 1297 Wh, whereas the non-optimized case presented in
of as an outer control loop, which selects the optimal [12] showed an overall energy consumption of 1461 Wh.
operation of the different actuators in order to track Therefore, the optimization improves performance by
the desired heater heat flow. In the following, for the 11%, while maintaining the same cabin comfort level. In
sake of comparison, the heat flow profile in [12] will fact, the average cabin temperature of the optimized case
be used as an optimization constraint for both problems reaches an even higher value at the end of the driving
(7) and (8). However, the ANNs defined in (1) and (4) cycle, as shown in the comparison in Figure 6.
were designed using a training set generated by steady- The optimization inputs of problem (8) are shown in
state simulations. Therefore, the reference heater heat Figure 5. In this case, the overall energy consumption
flow profile in [12], which is generated by a dynamic for thermal comfort is 702 Wh. It is evident how using a
simulation, cannot be used directly as a constraint. In warmer heat source for cabin comfort instead of ambient
order to make the constraint compatible with the steady- air in extremely cold weather can reduce consumption
state models used in the optimization problems P1 and by about 50%. The reference case, in which only the
P2 , the heat flow constraint Q̇∗ht was recalculated by heat pump compressor was actuated by a controller,
feeding the dynamic inputs in [12] to the ANNs in (1) shows an energy consumption of 751 Wh. Therefore, the
and (4). The resulting steady-state heat flow constraint optimization improves performance by about 7%. The
Q̇∗ht is shown in Figure 2. average cabin temperature for both the reference and
optimized case is shown in Figure 7.
IV. R ESULTS A summary of the overall energy consumption per-
The objective of the simulation campaign is to assess formance for the optimized case with respect to the
the optimization performance gain in terms of energy reference in the two simulated scenarios is hown in
consumption over a non-optimized case to achieve the Figure 8. The breakdown of the relative consumption
300 AIR - optimized 110 110
AIR - reference 8500
8000 105 105
2000 280

Volume flow heater pump [%]

Volume flow AHX pump [%]
7500 100 100

Compressor speed [rpm]


Air flow heater [kg/h]

Air flow AHX [kg/h]

1800 7000
95 95
250 6000 90 90

1400 240 5500 85 85

230 5000
1200 80 80
220 4500
1000 75 75
210 4000

800 200 3500 70 70

0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 4. Comparison of the reference and optimized input profiles for the case with ambient air as a heat source.

300 3500 110 BATTERY - optimized 110

BATTERY - reference
105 105
280 3000 Volume flow battery pump [%]

Volume flow heater pump [%]

100 100
Compressor speed [rpm]

Air flow heater [kg/h]

95 95
260 2500

250 90 90

240 2000
85 85
80 80
220 1500
75 75

200 1000 70 70
0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000 0 500 1000
Time [s] Time [s] Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 5. Comparison of the reference and optimized input profiles for the case with battery as a heat source.

25 25
AIR - optimized BATTERY- optimized
20 AIR - reference 20 BATTERY - reference
Cabin Temperature [°C]

Cabin Temperature [°C]

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

-5 -5

-10 -10
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 6. Comparison of the average cabin temperature for the reference Fig. 7. Comparison of the average cabin temperature for the reference
and optimized case when using ambient air as a heat source. and optimized case when using the battery as a heat source.
Energy Consumption [Wh] 1500 V. C ONCLUSIONS
Reference In this paper two different heat pump operation modes
in cold weather conditions were optimized. The heat
pump is capable of redirecting the heat flows in the
electric vehicle cabin using either the ambient air or
the battery as a heat source. In simulation, the cabin
temperature was raised from -10 ◦ C to 20 ◦ C in about
20 minutes, which corresponds to the NEDC driving
cycle duration. The optimization proves to be able to
AIR BATTERY reduce the energy consumption for cabin conditioning
with respect to the non-optimized case. In the first use
Fig. 8. Comparison of the overall energy consumption for reaching
a cabin temperature of 20 ◦ C for the optimized and reference case in case where the ambient air is used as a heat source the
the two use cases. energy consumption is reduced by about 11%. In the
second use case, where the battery equipped with PCM is
AIR used as a heat source, the energy consumption is reduced
Energy Consumption [Wh]

by about 7%.

-40 Heat-Pump Compressor This project has received funding from the European
Heater Fan Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
-80 AXH-Side Pump under grant agreement No. 653288 - OPTEMUS.
Heater-Side Pump The simulation model of the heat pump and the
Optimized vs. Reference data about the other thermal system components have
been provided by DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland
Energy Consumption [Wh]


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