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Lecture 3

Microwave Applications

Network Theory

Amr M. Ezzat Safwat, Ph.D.

Ain Shams University
Cairo Egypt

Course Content
 Review and introduction
 Planar transmission lines
 Network theory
 Resonators
 Filter design
 Microwave components
 Matching networks
 Amplifier design
 RF measurement

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Lecture outline
•Impedance and Equivalent Voltages and Currents
•Impedance and Admittance Matrices
•The Scattering Matrix
•The Transmission (ABCD) Matrix

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Voltage and Current Definitions

TEM mode
Basic current and voltage definitions

Characteristic impedance Z 0 
The definitions of the current and voltage on the TEM line are
independent of the integral paths chosen

TE and TM modes
For wave guiding structures that cannot support a TEM wave like a
rectangular waveguide, we cannot define a unique voltage and
current at a given point along the structure.
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Voltage and Current Definitions
Rules used in the definition of voltage and current for
non-TEM lines.
1. Equivalent voltages, currents and impedances are defined for each non-
TEM mode.
2. The equivalent voltage is defined to be proportional to the transverse
electric field.
3. The equivalent current is defined to be proportional to the transverse
magnetic field.
4. The product of the equivalent voltage and current yields the power flow of
the mode at that point on the non-TEM line.
5. The ratio of the equivalent voltage to the equivalent current defines an
equivalent characteristic impedance for the non- TEM line. The choice of
the equivalent characteristic impedance is arbitrary, but is normally
chosen as either the wave impedance of the given mode, or normalized
to unity.

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V and I for Non-TEM Modes

We may define the transverse fields of an arbitrary non-TEM
mode on a general wave guiding structure as


How to determine C1 and C2?

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V and I for Non-TEM Modes
1st equation: Let the equivalent characteristic impedance
for the given mode of the waveguide as the wave
impedance of the mode, then:

2nd equation: Enforcing the power flow condition. The

complex power flow in the +z direction along the
waveguide may be defined using the corresponding
Poynting vector.

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Rectangular Waveguide TE10

Consider the fields and wave impedance associated with the
dominant TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide.

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Rectangular Waveguide TE10

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Even and odd properties

Symmetry of Z() and ()

Since v(t) and i(t) has to be real function and since we have
  
1 1 1
 V ( )e d
v(t )   V * ( )e d   V * ( )e
 jt jt
v * (t )  d
2  2 
2 

V ( ) V * ( )
V ( )  V * () I ( )  I * ( ) Z ( )    Z * ( )
I ( ) I * ( )

Re(V()) is an even function and Im(V()) is an odd

function, similarly are I() and Z()

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Even and odd properties
Z ( )  Z 0 R( )  jX ( )  Z 0
As for the reflection coefficient: ( )  
Z ( )  Z 0 R( )  jX ( )  Z 0

R( )  jX ( )  Z 0 R( )  jX ( )  Z 0

 * ( )    ( )
R( )  jX ( )  Z 0 R( )  jX ( )  Z 0

Re(()) is an even function and Im(()) is an odd function

|(()|2 is an even function and it can be expanded in

terms of 2.

M ( 2 )
| ( ) |2 
M ( 2 )  N ( 2 )

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Network Parameters

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Interconnecting Networks

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Interconnecting Networks

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Impedance and admittance Parameters

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Hybrid Representation

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Transmission line representation

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N-port Network
A terminal plane (transverse plane) is
defined for each port where the
equivalent voltage and current will be
The voltage and current at the nth
terminal plane may be written as:

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N-Port Characteristics
Reciprocal network:

Z ij  Z ji

Lossless network:

Re( Z ij )  0

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Scattering Parameters
Measuring the amplitude and phase angle of the wave reflected
(or scattered) from a port relative to the amplitude and phase angle
of the wave incident on that port is easy.
Thus, we define a scattering matrix which relates the scattered
voltage coefficients (V-) to the incident wave voltage coefficients (V+)
according to:
V   S V 
 

Vi 
where Sij 
V j
Vk  0 for k  j

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S-parameters Defined

Traveling Traveling
waves waves
Port 1 Port 2 b2


First number - Second number -
port where signal port where signal
emerges (to) is applied (from)

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S-Z Transformation
Z-parameters are defined as follows: V   Z I 
Rewrite V and I in terms of incident and reflected voltages and
V  V   Z I  I 
   

Z (I  I )  Z I  I 
   

(U Z  Z )I   (Z   U Z )I  Where U is the unit matrix



V   S V 
 
I   S I 
 

S   (U Z0  Z )1 (Z   U Z0 )

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Properties of S-parameters

•Theorem: If a circuit is passive then Sij<1.

•Theorem: The Scattering Matrix for a symmetric circuit
has the following properties
1) The diagonal terms are equal
2) The off diagonal terms are pair wise equal
•Theorem: The Scattering Matrix for a reciprocal circuit
has the property that the off diagonal terms are pair
wise equal.

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Properties of S-parameters
A Symmetric Circuit is an electrical device or combination of
elements whose physical characteristics are exactly the same as
viewed from each of its ports (terminals).
For a symmetric two port circuit S11= S22 , S12= S21
A reciprocal two port circuit S12= S21

S   S t
A symmetric circuit is automatically a reciprocal circuit but
not visa versa

For a lossless network [S] is unitary

S t S *  U 
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Shift in the Reference Planes

V   S V 
 

V '   S 'V ' 

 

V '  V  e jn
V '  V e jn

e  j1 0  e  j1 0 
  j 2    j 2 
 e   e 
S '   S  
   
   
 0  j N    j N 
 e   0 e 
Microwave Applications Review Slide 25

Normalized Waves
V ( z )  V0 e jz  V0e jz
V0  jz V0  jz
I ( z)  e  e
Z0 Z0

Normalized waves are defined as follows:

V ( z) i( z )  Z 0 I ( z )
v( z )  As for the current
V  ( z) V  ( z)
Hence: a( z )  b( z ) 
Z0 Z0

v( z)  a( z)  b( z) and i( z)  a( z)  b( z)
Rewriting a(z) and b(z) in terms of V and I
1 1
a( z )  (V ( z )  Z 0 I ( z )) b( z )  (V ( z )  Z 0 I ( z ))
2 Z0 2 Z0
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Normalized Waves
For Multiport
ai ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z 0i I i ( z ))
2 Z 0i

bi ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z 0i I i ( z ))
2 Z 0i

and the s-parameters are now defined as follows (for 2-port


 b1   S11 S12   a1 
b    S  
 2   21 S 22  a2 

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Normalized Waves
Why Normalized waves?
Pinc Pref
1 1
Pinc (0)  Re(V  (0) I * (0)) Pref (0)  Re(V  (0) I * (0))
2 2
1 V * (0) 1 V * (0)
Pinc (0)  Re(V  (0) ) Pref (0)  Re(V  (0) )
2 Z0 2 Z0

Vi  ( z ) Vi * ( z ) Vi  ( z ) Vi * ( z )
ai ( z )ai* ( z )  bi ( z )bi* ( z ) 
Z 0i Z 0i Z 0i Z 0i

1 1
Pinc (0)  | a(0) |2 Pref (0)  | b(0) |2
2 2

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Normalized Voltage Waves
For Multiport
ai ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z 0i I i ( z ))
2 Z 0i
bi ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z 0i I i ( z ))
2 Z 0i
Now the S-parameters can be defined as follows:
 b1   S11 .. S1n   a1 
b   ..  a 
 2    2 
 ...   ..   ... 
    
bn   S n1 .. Snn an 

The problem now, is how to transform the S-parameters to

other parameters? Moreover, what about measuring lumped
elements, where there is no transmission lines and Zc?

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Power Waves

The wave is normalized w.r.t

the source impedance

ai ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z si I i ( z ))
2 Rsi
bi ( z )  (Vi ( z )  Z si I i ( z ))
2 Rsi
where Rsi  Re( Z si )

In RF: Zs=Rs=50 

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Network Analyzer

Agilent N5247A Programmable

Network Analyzer

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Network Analyzer

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Next Time

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