Lect 7 Matching Network

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Lecture 7

Microwave Applications

Matching Networks

Amr M. E. Safwat, Ph.D.

Ain Shams University
Cairo Egypt

Course Content
 Review and introduction
 Planar transmission lines
 Network theory
 Resonators
 Filter design
 Microwave components
 Matching networks
 Amplifier design
 RF measurement

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (2)

Matching with lumped elements
Matching with single stub
Matching with double stub
Quarter wavelength transformer
Binomial multisection matching network
Tapered lines

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (3)

Matching the source and the load to the transmission line
or waveguide in a general microwave network is necessary
to deliver maximum power from the source to the load.
Matching networks are constructed with reactive
components only so that no loss is added to the overall
Matching may be required over a band of frequencies
such that the bandwidth of the matching network is an
important design parameter.

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (4)

Features of Matching Network
Complexity- The simplest design that satisfies the required
specifications is generally the most preferable.

Bandwidth- it is desirable to match a load over a band of


Implementation-Depending on the type of transmission line

or waveguide being used, one type of matching network may
be preferable compared to another.

Adjustability-In some applications the matching network may

require adjustment to match a variable load impedance.

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (5)

Lumped Element Networks (L section)

For frequencies up to approximately 1 GHz, matching networks

containing lumped elements (L-networks) may be used.
The circuit elements (capacitors and inductors) must be small
enough relative to wavelength so that the normal circuit equations for
voltage and current are valid.
The configuration of the matching L-network will depend on the
size of the load impedance relative to the characteristic impedance

Z L RL  jX L
Z L  RL  jX L zL    rL  jxL
Z0 Z0

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (6)

1 1
Z in  Z 0  jX  ( jB  )
Z in  Z 0  jX 
( jB  )
RL  jX L
RL  jX L Zin
Z 0  jX 
jBRL  BX L  1

B( XRL  X L Z 0 )  RL  Z 0 (1) X (1  BX L )  BZ 0 RL  X L (2)

Two equations in two unknowns:

X L  RL / Z 0 RL2  X L2  Z 0 RL Is positive since RL>Z0

RL2  X L2
1 X L Z0 Z0
X  

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (7)

1 1
Yin  Y0   jB 
Z0 jX  RL  jX L

BZ 0 ( X  X L )  Z 0  RL (1) ( X  X L )  BZ 0 RL (2)

1 ( Z 0  RL )
X   RL ( Z 0  RL )  X L B

Is positive since RL<Z0

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (8)

Microstrip Lumped Elements

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (9)

Example 5.1
Design an L section matching network to match a series
RC load with an impedance ZL = 200 - j 100 , to a 100
line, at a frequency of 500 MHz.
The normalized load impedance is ZL = 2 - j 1. This point is
inside the 1 + jx circle. So we will use the following
matching circuit:

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (10)

Example 5.1 (Cont'd)
Since the first element from the
load is a shunt susceptance,
convert the impedance to

 Add the shunt susceptance

such that the resulting impedance
is on the 1 + jx circle. Hence, we
have to construct the rotated 1 +
jx circle on the admittance chart.

There are two points of

intersections. Thus there are two

Switch the (1+jx) from the

admittance chart to the
impedance and remove the jx>
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (11)

Example 5.1 (Cont'd)

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (12)

Single Stub Matching
 Problems of Matching with Lumped Elements:
• Lumped element impedance matching is not always
possible or easily realizable.
 Solutions:
• A section of open-circuited or short-circuited
transmission line (a “stub”) connected in parallel or in
series with the feed line at a distance from the load
can be used.
• The tuning parameters are the distance from the
load (d) and the length of the stub (l).

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (13)

Stub Tuner
Parallel Stub

Series Stub

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (14)

Example 5.2 Solution 1

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (15)

Example 5.2 Solution 2

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (16)

Example 5.2 (cont’d)

(b) The two shunt-stub tuning

solutions. (c) Reflection coefficient
magnitudes versus frequency for the
(a) Smith chart for the shunt-stub tuners. tuning circuits of (b).

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (17)

Example 5.3 Solution 1

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (18)

Example 5.3 Solution 2

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (19)

Example 5.3 Cont’d

b) The two series-stub tuning solutions. (c)

Reflection coefficient magnitudes versus
(a) Smith chart for the series-stub tuners. frequency for the tuning circuits of (b).

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (20)

Double Stub Matching
The single-stub tuners suffer from
the disadvantage of requiring a
variable length of line between the
load and the stub.

The double-stub tuner, which uses

two tuning stubs in fixed positions,
can be used.

Such tuners are often fabricated in

coaxial line, with adjustable stubs
connected in parallel to the main
coaxial line.

The double-stub tuner cannot Double-stub tuning. a) Original circuit with

match all load impedances. the load an arbitrary distance from the first
stub. (b) Equivalent-circuit with load at the
first stub.

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (21)

Double Stub Matching (Cont'd)

The susceptance of the first stub, b1
(or b1' for the second solution), moves
the load admittance to y1 (or y1').

y1 (or y1') should have a value such

that after moving a distance d towards
generator, it can be canceled by the
susceptance of the second stub. Hence,
it should lie on the rotated 1+jb circle.
The rotation has an amount d towards
the load.

Then transforming y1 (or y1') toward

the generator through a length, d, of line
leaves us at the point y2 (or y2'), which
must be on the I + jb circle. The second
stub then adds a susceptance b2 (or
b2'), which brings us to the center of the
chart and completes the match.

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (22)

Example 5.4
Example: Design a double-stub shunt tuner to match a load impedance ZL = 60 - j80
to a 50  line. The stubs are to be short-circuited stubs and are spaced /8 apart.

b) The two double-stub tuning solutions. (c)

Reflection coefficient magnitudes versus
frequency for the tuning circuits of (b).
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (23)

The Quarter-Wave Transformer

The impedance viewpoint
RL  jZ1 tan l
Z in  Z1
Z1  jRL tan l
When l = odd multiple of /4 such that:

2  
tan l  tan( )  tan( )
 4 2
Z in 
Matching occurs when Zin=Z0

If we have a section of TL that

has Z1=(Z0RL)1/2, matching
will occur at frequencies Reflection coefficient versus normalized
corresponding to /4 frequency for the quarter-wave
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (24)

The Quarter-Wave Transformer
Multiple Reflection Analysis
Z1  Z 0 Z 0  Z1 R  Z1
1  2   1 3  L
Z1  Z 0 Z1  Z 0 RL  Z1
2Z1 2Z 0
T1  T2 
Z1  Z 0 Z1  Z 0
  1  T1T2 3  T1T2 2 32  T1T222 32 ...

T1T2 3
 1  T1T2 3  (2 3 ) n  1 
n 0 1  2 3
Geometric series

T1T2 3 1
  1   (1  12 3  T1T23 )
1  2 3 1  2 3
1 1 2( Z12  Z 0 RL ) The same condition
 (1  3 (12  T1T2 ) 
1  23 1  2 3 ( Z1  Z 0 )( Z1  RL )
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (25)

Single Section Transformer

Multiple Reflection Analysis
Z1  Z 0 Z 0  Z1 Z  Z1
1  2   1 3  L
Z1  Z 0 Z1  Z 0 Z L  Z1
2Z1 2Z 0
T12  T21 
Z1  Z 0 Z1  Z 0

  1  T12T213e 2 j  T12T21232 e 4 j  32 ...

T12T213e 2 j 1  3e 2 j
 1  T12T213  (23 ) n e 2 nj  1  
n 0 1  23e 2 j 1  13e 2 j
Geometric series
If the discontinuities between the impedances Z1, Z2 and Z2,
ZL are small, then |13|<<1
1  3e 2 j
1  3e 2 j
1  13e  2 j

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (26)

Multisection Transformer

The transformer consists of N equal-length sections of transmission lines.

All Zn increase or decrease monotonically across the transformer and ZL

is real, i.e. all n are real and of the same sign.

Reflection coefficients can be defined at each junction as follows:

Z1  Z 0 Z n 1  Z n ZL  ZN
0  n  N 
Z1  Z 0 Z n 1  Z n ZL  ZN

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (27)

Multisection Transformer
The overall reflection coefficient is:
n  0  1e j 2  2e j 4  ...  n e j 2n  ...  N e j 2 N
Where =l (we are close to l=/4, i.e. full transmission)
Let's assume the transformer can be symmetric, i.e.:
0  N 1  N 1 ...etc
n  e jN (0 (e jN  e jN )  1 (e j ( N 2)  e j ( N 2) )  ...
If N is odd

n  2e jN (0 cos( N )  1 cos(( N  2) )  ...  ( N 1) / 2 cos( )

If N is even

n  2e jN (0 cos( N )  1 cos(( N  1) )  ...  N / 2 )

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (28)

Multisection Binomial Matching Transformers
The passband response of a binomial matching transformer is as flat as
possible near the design frequency.

This type of response is designed, for an N-section transformer, by setting

the first N - I derivatives of n () to zero, at the center frequency f0.
( )  A(1  e j 2 ) N

And the magnitude is:

( )  A e  jN (e  j  e  j )

 2 N A cos( )

The constant is determined at =0

Z L  Z0 1 Z L  Z0
(0)  2 N A cos(0) 
Z L  Z0 2N Z L  Z0
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (29)

Binomial Matching (Cont'd)

Now how to determine the value of Zn?
To determine Zn, equate the reflection coefficient derived for
multisection transformer to the binomial function as follows:
( )  A(1  e  j ) N  A CnN e 2 jn
 j 2
 0  1e  2e  j 4  ...  N e 2 jN

n  ACnN

Z n 1  Z n 1 Z L  Z0 N!
n  A CnN 
Z n 1  Z n 2N Z L  Z0 ( N  n)!n!

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (30)

Tapered TL Matching Section
For a continuously tapered line:
Z n 1  Z n
n 
Z n 1  Z n
Z n 1  Z n Z n
n  
Z n 1  Z n 2Z n
Z  Z n dZ ln( Z / Z 0 )
d  n 1  
Z n 1  Z n 2Z 2

However, we want to write the

DE in terms of distance (z)
d d (ln( Z / Z 0 ))

d ( z) 2dz
d (ln( Z / Z 0 ))
 2 jz
To include the propagation factor: ( )  d ( z)
z 0
2d ( z )
Microwave Applications Matching Networks (31)

Exponential Impedance Taper

For an exponential taper:
Z  Z 0e az
Find the value of a and the
reflection coeficient?
Since this taper is used to
match ZL to Z0 TL, hence
Z L  Z 0e aL a ln( Z L / Z 0 )
To find 
d (ln(e az ))
( )  
z 0
e  2 j z

ln( Z L Z 0 )  jl sin l A matching section with an exponential impedance

 e taper. (a) Variation of impedance. (b) Resulting
2 l reflection coefficient magnitude response.

Microwave Applications Matching Networks (32)

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Microwave Applications Matching Networks (33)


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