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Q4 2021

Real Estate
Market Update
Volume 5 Issue 1

2022 - What Can We

Expect Real Estate?
More of the same or is there a change coming?

This is not intended as solicitation for properties currently in an exclusive agreement with another Broker
Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC
January, 2022 Volume 5 Issue 1

In This Issue:
Housing Market May Normalize in 2022 ...................................................... 3

Floridians More Optimistic About the Future ................................................ 4

Primary Mortgage Market Survey................................................................. 4

Sellers Waiting Out Pandemic Are Ready to List ......................................... 5

Out-of-State Buyers Still Coming in 2022?................................................... 6

Local Market Statistics ................................................................................. 7

Key to Market Statistics ......................................................................7

Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, The Islands and Venice Combined Stats ....... 8

Sarasota, Venice, Lakewood Ranch and the Islands Data ..............13

Sarasota Market Stats ................................................................................ 14

Lakewood Ranch Market Stats .................................................................. 16

The Islands and Downtown Market Stats ................................................... 18

Venice Market Stats ................................................................................... 20 Visit us at:
Resources .................................................................................................. 22

Meet the Ranck Team................................................................................. 23

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Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 3

Housing Market May Normalize in 2022

By Kerry Smith choice.” Forecasts for 2022 depends a bit
on U.S. location. Some areas of
Forecasts always include Even though there may be a de- the nation are thriving and fully
caveats that may upend predic- cline in sales in 2022, Yun still recovered, Yun said – places like
tions, but NAR’s Lawrence Yun forecasts that home sales will Idaho and Utah. Both states cur-
says the market is hot right outdo pre-pandemic levels. His rently having more jobs now
now – and he sees more of the prediction, he noted, is based on than at the beginning of the
same in 2022. While next year’s an anticipation of more inven- pandemic.
sales may not surpass 2021 tory in the coming months. That
numbers, he expects a banner supply will be generated, in While real estate has thrived,
year compared to those before part, from new housing con- Yun says signs suggest that a
the pandemic.
Intense multiple offers will start to ease…
SAN DIEGO – The outlook for Home prices will continue to rise but at a
the residential real estate mar- slower pace.
ket, which performed excep-
tionally well during the height struction – already underway – more normal and predictable
of the pandemic, continues to be as well as from the conclusion market is on the horizon. Home
promising, according to NAR of the mortgage forbearance sales surged over the past year
Chief Economist Lawrence Yun, program, which in turn will in an uncharacteristic manner,
speaking during the National cause a number of homeowners with many receiving multiple
Association of Realtors® (NAR) to sell. bids after only being on the
convention. market for a short period. How-
“With more housing inventory ever, the 2022 housing sector
“All markets are seeing strong to hit the market, the intense will settle down, though at
conditions and home sales are multiple offers will start to above pre-pandemic levels.
the best they have been in 15 ease,” Yun said. “Home prices
years, Yun said. “The housing will continue to rise but at a Yun projected that mortgage
sector’s success will continue – slower pace.” rates, currently at 3.0%, will in-
but I don’t expect next year’s crease to 3.7% in the coming
performance to exceed this The job market struggled during months, a rise he attributes to
year’s.” the pandemic but turned a cor- persistent high inflation. Home
ner and continues to make in- prices rose by 12% on average in
An unknown, he said, is how re- cremental progress, Yun said. 2020 and 2021, while inflation
mote work opportunities will Since the nation emerged from rose 3%.
play out in the future, and he lockdown, 18 million jobs have
advised the industry to keep been created. At 4.6%, the un- “Rising rents will continue to
that in mind. employment rate implies the place upward pressures on in-
U.S. economy should be back to flation,” he said. “Nevertheless,
“We are only in the first innings normal – however, the country real estate is a great hedge
of work-from-home options,” still faces an employment against inflation.”
Yun said. “People have not fully shortage, he added. There are 4
digested the work-from-home- million fewer jobs now than the © 2021 Florida Realtors®
flexibility model yet in deter- number before COVID-19.
mining home size and locational
Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC
Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 4

Primary Mortgage Market Survey

Floridians More Optimistic About the Future

By Kerry Smith years.” Expectations of personal fi-
nances a year from now in-
University of Florida’s monthly Among the five components creased 3.4 points, from 83.9 to
sentiment index ticked up 2.6 that make up the total index, 87.3
points in Dec. Current attitudes four increased and one de-
were mixed, but people showed creased. U.S. economic conditions over
increased optimism about the the next year rose 5.1 points,
economy later this year. Current conditions: Floridians’ from 68.1 to 73.2
opinions about current eco-
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – After four nomic conditions were mixed. The outlook for U.S. economic
months of consecutive declines, Views of personal financial sit- conditions over the next five
consumer sentiment among uations now compared with a years increased 2.2 points, from
Floridians rose to 72.2 in De- year ago decreased slightly, 72.5 to 74.7
cember, up 2.6 points from No- two-tenths of a point from
vember’s revised figure of 69.6. 65.0 to 64.8. In contrast, opin- According to UF, those rosier
That increase was also reflected ions as to whether it’s a good future expectations applied to
in a study of national con- time to buy a major household almost all Floridians except for
sumers. item like an appliance in- people age 60 and older, who
creased 2.9 points from 58.3 to have pessimistic viewpoints re-
“Though consumer sentiment 61.2. garding both their personal fi-
among Floridians ended 2021 on nances a year from now and the
a positive note, the continuing UF says that upward trend is nation’s economic outlook over
declines experienced during the shared by all Floridians, and the next five years.
second half of the year have left it’s “particularly strong”
a 10-point gap between this among people with an annual Attitudes appear to have im-
month’s figure and December of income above $50,000. proved along with other Florida
last year,” says Hector H. San- economic indicators.
doval, director of the Economic Future expectations: All three
Analysis Program at UF’s Bu- components that measure Florida’s labor market contin-
reau of Economic and Business Floridians’ opinions about the ued to recover in the final
Research. “In fact, consumer future rose this month: months of the year. In Novem-
confidence has been declining ber, the state’s unemployment
over the past two consecutive
Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC
Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 5

rate was 4.5%, down 0.9% from elsewhere, thus slowing the eco- nomic activity in the short run,
a year ago. Similarly, new appli- nomic recovery,” Sandoval says. as demonstrated by the recent
cations for unemployment ben- disruptions in air travel. As a
efits have remained low. “Floridians’ optimistic opinions result, we expect consumer
However, inflation accelerated about the national economy over confidence to remain weak in
in November reaching a 39-year the next year suggest that they the first months of 2022,” San-
high. anticipate improved economic doval adds.
prospects in 2022. Nevertheless,
“The increasing cost of every- the rising Covid-19 cases due to © 2022 Florida Realtors®
day essentials such as food and the fast-spreading omicron vari-
gasoline could reduce spending ant are expected to slow eco-

Sellers Waiting Out Pandemic Are Ready to List

By Kerry Smith 2021. today’s market and stick to their
plans will likely see their expec-
Owners who postponed selling Many sellers, however, want to set tations met.”
during the pandemic – perhaps an asking price higher than they
waiting for a sign that price in- think their home is worth, and When will sellers list?
creases were slowing – appear they expect buyer bidding wars.
ready to list their home within Among homeowners who seem
the next six months. Many, “The pandemic has delayed plans prepared to enter the market in
however, plan to overprice it – for many Americans, and home- the next year, 65% will do so
and they expect bidding wars to owners looking to move on to the within six months, including
push the final price even next stage of life are no excep- 19% who have already listed
higher. tion,” says George Ratiu, manager their home.
of economic research for realtor
SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Home- .com. Compared to the spring (76%),
owners have had all the usual more prospective sellers (93%)
reasons to sell over the past two “Buyers should be ready for high have already taken steps toward
years – marriages, deaths, chil- asking prices and offer deadlines listing their home, including
dren, etc. – but many hunkered as seller expectations of the up- working with an agent (28%).
down during the pandemic, and coming market are greater than in
some feared the housing market the spring, but an increase in new More than one-third of
because selling might be easy sellers could mean some relief prospective sellers (36% each)
but finding a new home? Not so from the inventory crunch,” he have researched the value of
much. says, saying price growth has their home and others in their
moderated some, and many sell- neighborhood, and started mak-
A survey conducted by HarrisX ers will likely wait until after the ing repairs or decluttering.
for, however, sug- holidays to make a move.
gests that many of those people Top reason for selling? More
might be planning to list their However, early 2022 home listers time at home during COVID
home in 2022, with 65% of may have an advantage, he adds.
them planning to do so this “As buyers race against the clock Compared to the spring (15%),
winter and spring. The survey of of rising mortgage rates, sellers nearly two-times as many
2,583 consumers was conducted who price their homes in line with prospective sellers (33%) want
online in September-October different home features.
Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC
Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 6

With more sellers having chil- spring (24%). More than three-quarters (77%)
dren at home this winter (65%) of prospective sellers would be
than in the spring (43%), family When asked about current mar- willing to accept a lower offer to
considerations are a top reason ket impacts, 42% said they plan close quickly versus just over
behind homeowner decisions to to list their property for more half in March (54%).
enter the market: 37% of money than they think it’s
prospective sellers say their worth, and 29% will push for a Compared to spring sellers, a
home no longer meets their quick close. higher number plan to take al-
family’s needs and 32% want to ternative routes to moving out,
move closer to friends and fam- Compared to the spring, more such as living with family ini-
ily. prospective sellers anticipate tially (19%) or temporarily
buyer bidding wars, more offers renting their home back from
The rise in remote work is also a above asking price, and more the buyer (29%).
key driver: 23% of sellers want a buyers willing to forgo contin-
home office and 19% don’t need gencies like inspections and ap- “For homeowners who do feel
to live near work, up from 6% praisals. ready to sell, getting pricing
in March. right from the start is key to a
Price range changes fast and successful home sale in
Seller expectations any market – take the
Sellers with homes at the core of Goldilocks approach,” says
Nearly half of today’s prospec- the market ($351,000- Lexie Holbert, home and living
tive sellers want to take advan- $750,000) remained the same expert at
tage of the current market and over March (29%). However,
think they can make a profit more sellers plan to list in the © 2021 Florida Realtors®
(45%), nearly doubling from the $500,000-$750,000 price range.

Out-of-State Buyers Still Coming in 2022?

Fla. Tourism officials think so, below the second quarter of sight unseen, though anecdo-
though a panel of state econo- 2019. tally I’ve noticed a softening to
mists have lowered near-term this trend.
expectations for Canadian and In addition to the tourists, we
foreign tourist visits. are still seeing an influx of Home sales continue to be
homeowners moving from other strong and there does not seem
Florida’s tourism industry ex- states. United Van Lines listed to be any let up in the local de-
ceeded expectations in the third Florida as a top moving destina- mand. Even with the amount of
quarter of 2021, drawing 32.6 tion in 2021 with a 62% inbound new housing starts, supply con-
million visitors, which was 2 move rate. They also found the tinues to lag behind demand.
million more than forecast ear- COVID-19 pandemic to be a
lier this year and 0.3% above the continuing driver for moving I think we will see continued
overall number of visitors in the decisions. activity from out-of-state buy-
third quarter of 2019 – before ers through 2022.
the pandemic began. The 2021 Sarasota has again been listed
third-quarter totals followed as the top retirement destina-
31.7 million visitors in the sec- tion in the U.S. Out-of-sate
ond quarter, which was 2.2% buyers are still buying homes

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 7

Local Market Statistics

Real Estate is Hyper-Local. Because of the hyper-local na- We’ve included the data for this
While national and state histor- ture of Real Estate, we’ve di- quarter, last quarter and corre-
ical data and trends are inter- vided the data into 5 sections: sponding quarter last year. Each
esting and important, local section has graphs showing the
trends can be quite a bit differ- ●Summary of the Entire Area history and trends for:
ent. The following pages show ●Greater Sarasota
the actual MLS data from the ●Lakewood Ranch ●Number of Sales
Sarasota area, Lakewood Ranch, ●The Islands and Downtown ●Median Price
the Islands and Venice. ●Venice ●Average Days on Market

Key to Market Statistics

Terms Used: Abbreviations:

Yr Change ADOM
The change over the same pe- Active Days on Market
riod last year
Qtr Change Average
The change over the last quarter
Active Days on Market Median
The period of time from the first
date listed to when the home PPSF
went under contract Price per square foot

Condo SFH
Condominiums, Villas and Single Family Home

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Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 8

Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, The

Islands and Venice Combined Stats

Sarasota, Lakewood Ranch, Islands and Venice Home Sales

All 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change
Closed Sales 3,645 4,660 -27.8% 3,659 -0.4%
Average Price $599,879 $508,855 15.2% $581,644 3.0%
Median Price $440,000 $360,000 18.2% $415,800 5.5%
Average PPSF $307 $238 22.4% $340 -10.7%
Median PPSF $258 $192 25.3% $241 6.6%
Average DOM 19 20 -5.3% 58 -205.3%

SFH 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 2,298 3,005 -30.8% 2,371 -3.2%
Average Price $666,357 $576,002 13.6% $648,832 2.6%
Median Price $485,000 $403,040 16.9% $465,000 4.1%
Average PPSF $297 $233 21.6% $283 4.5%
Median PPSF $264 $199 24.8% $247 6.5%
Average DOM 16 18 -12.5% 50 -212.5%

Condos 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 1,347 1,655 -22.9% 1,288 4.4%
Average Price $486,468 $386,935 20.5% $457,963 5.9%
Median Price $353,500 $270,000 23.6% $320,000 9.5%
Average PPSF $324 $248 23.6% $444 -37.0%
Median PPSF $238 $177 25.3% $219 7.8%
Average DOM 19 22 -15.8% 68 -257.9%

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 9

NUMBER OF SALES Number of Sales Trend

The overall number of sales in
our area flattened last quarter as
inventory continued to fall. 4500
There are still many more buy- 4000
ers than there are properties for
sale but the lack of inventory
has caused sales to level out. If 3000
and when inventory increases, 2500
we should see sales follow.
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Sales Forecast

MEDIAN PRICES Median Price Trend

Across the region, median prices
have risen again reaching record
highs.The median price of a
home increased by 18.2% over $395,000
last year topping out at $375,000
$440,000. $355,000
The median price increase on $315,000
condos outpaced single family $295,000
homes 23.6% to 16.9%. $275,000
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

The median price of a condo is Price Forecast

now $353,500

AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET Average Days on Market Trend

The average days on market is
now just 19 days. Last year at
this time it was 58 - a 205% de- 80
crease this year. We expect this
fast pace to continue at least
through “season”. 40


3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

ADOM Forecast

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 10

ADOM by Price Range



Sales by Price Range








Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 11

Historical Months of Inventory


Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2018 2019 2020 2021

Historical Count of Active Listings







Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2018 2019 2020 2021

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 12

Historical Sales by Months











Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2018 2019 2020 2021

Median Sales Price Trend










Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan, Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2018 2019 2020 2021

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 13

Sarasota, Venice, Lakewood Ranch and the Islands Data

All Types 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21
Sales 3214 3330 3031 4219 4660 4744 5110 3659 3645
Avg Price $416,617 $441,667 $423,242 $470,157 $508,855 $587,966 $632,268 $581,644 $599,879
Med Price $310,000 $317,500 $318,000 $335,000 $360,000 $374,900 $401,050 $415,800 $440,000
Avg PPSF $211 $228 $210 $226 $238 $281 $296 $340 $307
Med PPSF $172 $180 $175 $184 $192 $206 $226 $241 $258
ADOM 86 81 79 84 70 58 36 20 19

SFH 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 3Q20 3Q20 4Q21
Sales 2024 1989 1984 2767 3005 2692 3022 2371 2298
Avg Price $457,894 $464,098 $473,451 $524,909 $576,002 $635,955 $688,307 $648,832 $666,357
Med Price $343,750 $350,000 $350,000 $376,000 $403,040 $425,000 $459,000 $465,000 $485,000
Avg PPSF $200 $207 $206 $226 $233 $255 $279 $283 $297
Med PPSF $176 $183 $181 $191 $199 $211 $231 $247 $264
ADOM 81 80 76 80 0 0 0 0 0

Condo 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 3Q20 3Q20 4Q21
Sales 1190 1341 1047 1452 1655 2052 2088 1288 1347
Avg Price $346,411 $408,396 $328,099 $365,819 $386,935 $525,010 $546,678 $457,963 $486,468
Med Price $245,000 $256,500 $248,000 $249,450 $270,000 $289,500 $315,000 $320,000 $353,500
Avg PPSF $230 $258 $217 $226 $248 $315 $318 $444 $324
Med PPSF $161 $169 $164 $166 $177 $191 $212 $219 $238
ADOM 95 84 86 93 85 68 44 22 19

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Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 14

Sarasota Market Stats

Sarasota Home Sales

All 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change
Closed Sales 1,653 2,014 -21.8% 1,736 -5.0%
Average Price $487,627 $426,454 12.5% $484,513 0.6%
Median Price $391,002 $330,000 15.6% $375,750 3.9%
Average PPSF $257 $202 21.3% $246 4.2%
Median PPSF $245 $187 23.6% $230 6.2%
Average DOM 16 19 -18.8% 58 -262.5%

SFH 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 1,102 1,373 -24.6% 1,166 -5.8%
Average Price $577,925 $513,674 11.1% $581,625 -0.6%
Median Price $460,000 $399,000 13.3% $438,250 4.7%
Average PPSF $277 $221 20.2% $268 3.2%
Median PPSF $262 $201 23.3% $246 6.1%
Average DOM 17 22 -29.4% 52 -205.9%

Condos 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 551 641 -16.3% 570 -3.4%
Average Price $307,031 $239,631 22.0% $285,860 6.9%
Median Price $282,000 $224,900 20.2% $260,000 7.8%
Average PPSF $218 $163 25.3% $202 7.1%
Median PPSF $214 $157 26.6% $195 8.5%
Average DOM 12 15 -25.0% 66 -450.0%

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 15

NUMBER OF SALES Number of Sales Trend

Sales are slightly down in the 2300
greater Sarasota area reflecting 2100
the overall lack of inventory. 1900
Buyers are still actively looking 1700
and buying but have limited 1500
choices. 1300
All 3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Sales Forecast

Median Price Trend
Median prices in Sarasota are up $425,000
by 15.6% over last year, and are
still rising.
Condos slightly outpaced single $325,000
family homes. $305,000
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Price Forecast

AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET Average Days on Market Trend

Days on market is still ex- 95
tremely low at an average of just 85
16 days. Many homes are still 75
selling within days and even 65
hours of listing. 55
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21
ADOM Forecast

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 3, Issue 3 Page 16

Lakewood Ranch Market Stats

Lakewood Ranch Home Sales

All 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change
Closed Sales 675 895 -32.6% 668 1.0%
Average Price $562,687 $464,497 17.5% $569,930 -1.3%
Median Price $469,120 $375,000 20.1% $451,625 3.7%
Average PPSF $259 $197 23.8% $522 -101.7%
Median PPSF $246 $185 24.9% $237 3.6%
Average DOM 14 13 7.1% 49 -250.0%

SFH 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 473 677 -43.1% 504 -6.6%
Average Price $648,035 $529,843 18.2% $652,685 -0.7%
Median Price $540,000 $425,000 21.3% $539,000 0.2%
Average PPSF $270 $207 23.3% $267 1.2%
Median PPSF $257 $193 25.1% $249 3.3%
Average DOM 13 13 0.0% 41 -215.4%

Condos 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 202 218 -7.9% 164 18.8%
Average Price $362,837 $261,567 27.9% $315,609 13.0%
Median Price $346,118 $245,000 29.2% $310,000 10.4%
Average PPSF $232 $166 28.4% $1,305 -462.7%
Median PPSF $218 $161 26.4% $201 7.7%
Average DOM 11 10 9.1% 69 -527.3%

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 17

NUMBER OF SALES Number of Sales Trend

Sales have flattened in the
Lakewood Ranch area reflecting
the overall lack of inventory. 800
Buyers are still actively looking 700
and buying but have limited


3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Sales Forecast

MEDIAN PRICES Median Price Trend

The median price is up about $500,000

20.1% over last year in LWR fol- $480,000

lowing the trends in our area. $460,000
Condo prices outpaced single $420,000
family homes 29.2% to 21.3%. $400,000
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Price Forecast

AVERAGE DAYS ON MARKET Average Days on Market Trend

LWR average days on market is 95
now only 14 days, Last year at 85
this time it was 49 days. 75
Buyers are still acting quickly
when they find a home they
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

ADOM Forecast

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Page 18

The Islands and Downtown

Market Stats

Islands and Downtown Home Sales

All 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change
Closed Sales 457 602 -31.7% 434 5.0%
Average Price $1,289,738 $1,103,570 14.4% $1,240,982 3.8%
Median Price $825,000 $686,000 16.8% $750,000 9.1%
Average PPSF $622 $483 22.3% $604 2.9%
Median PPSF $581 $440 24.3% $548 5.6%
Average DOM 46 45 2.2% 87 -89.1%

SFH 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 117 174 -48.7% 106 9.4%
Average Price $2,301,818 $1,912,775 16.9% $2,189,544 4.9%
Median Price $1,550,000 $1,400,000 9.7% $1,522,500 1.8%
Average PPSF $690 $549 20.5% $687 0.5%
Median PPSF $641 $516 19.5% $618 3.6%
Average DOM 40 30 25.0% 90 -125.0%

Condos 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 340 428 -25.9% 328 3.5%
Average Price $941,464 $774,594 17.7% $934,435 0.7%
Median Price $730,000 $570,000 21.9% $650,000 11.0%
Average PPSF $598 $457 23.7% $577 3.5%
Median PPSF $559 $414 26.0% $531 5.0%
Average DOM 41 50 -22.0% 86 -109.8%

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 19

NUMBER OF SALES Number of Sales Trend

Sales have flattened in down- 900
town and the islands reflecting 800
the overall lack of inventory. 700
Buyers are still actively looking 600
and buying but have limited 500
choices. 400
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Sales Forecast

Median Price Trend
The median price of homes on $900,000
the Islands and downtown has $850,000
risen 16.8% over last year.

Condo price increases greatly $750,000

outpaced single family homes $700,000
21.9% to 9.7% over last year.


3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Price Forecast

Average Days on Market Trend

ADOM for the Islands and
downtown is higher than other
local areas, but is significantly
down over last year. The aver-
age ADOM last quarter was 46 110
compared with 87 last year at 90
this time. 70
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

ADOM Forecast

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Page 20

Venice Market Stats

Venice Home Sales

All 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change
Closed Sales 864 1,149 -33.0% 821 5.0%
Average Price $476,465 $376,250 21.0% $448,018 6.0%
Median Price $415,000 $318,000 23.4% $379,900 8.5%
Average PPSF $272 $203 25.2% $249 8.2%
Median PPSF $251 $184 26.7% $233 7.2%
Average DOM 13 12 7.7% 43 -230.8%

SFH 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 606 781 -28.9% 595 1.8%
Average Price $525,710 $427,766 18.6% $502,793 4.4%
Median Price $460,000 $365,000 20.7% $428,410 6.9%
Average PPSF $277 $204 26.2% $254 8.2%
Median PPSF $262 $189 27.7% $239 8.6%
Average DOM 12 13 -8.3% 43 -258.3%

Condos 4Q21 4Q20 Yr Change 3Q21 Qtr Change

Closed Sales 258 368 -42.6% 226 12.4%
Average Price $360,796 $266,919 26.0% $303,811 15.8%
Median Price $329,000 $250,000 24.0% $280,000 14.9%
Average PPSF $259 $201 22.5% $236 8.8%
Median PPSF $228 $173 24.0% $211 7.4%
Average DOM 13 9 30.8% 44 -238.5%

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 21

NUMBER OF SALES Number of Sales Trend

Sales have flattened in down-
town and the islands reflecting
the overall lack of inventory. 1000
Buyers are still actively looking
and buying but have limited 900

choices. 800


3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Sales Forecast

MEDIAN PRICES Median Price Trend

The median home price contin-
ues to rise in Venice and is now
$4115,000 an increase of 23.4%
over last year. We expect this
trend to continue but slow later
in the year.
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

Price Forecast

Average Days on Market Trend

Average days on market contin- 95
ues to remain very low at just 10 85
days reflecting the popularity of 75
the Venice market.
3Q19 4Q19 1Q20 2Q20 3Q20 4Q20 1Q21 2Q21 3Q21 4Q21

ADOM Forecast

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 22

The following sources are quoted or referenced in this report:

Florida Realtors Association

NAR Economist Yun: Housing Market May Normalize in 2022

Floridians More Optimistic About the Future

Survey: Sellers Waiting Out Pandemic Are Ready to List

Will Omicron Ding the Number of Out-of-State Buyers?

Where Are People Moving in 2022?

Freddie Mac
Mortgage Rates

Sun Stats
Northport - Sarasota - Bradenton MSA: Metric Comparison (Login Required)

Data Source
Unless otherwise noted, the data used in this report was derived from the Stellar MLS system. Some prop-
erty styles such as mobile homes are not included.

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

Volume 5 Issue 1 Page 23

Meet the Ranck Team

Victoria Ranck is an experienced real estate professional with a broad
range of clients from first-time home buyers searching for their
dream home to commercial investors seeking to maximize their in-
vestment dollars. She is known by her peers as the “numbers” girl –
she knows how to make the numbers work for her clients in any price
Victoria Ranck
REALTOR, CPC, SFR, SRES Above all, Victoria works hard to ensure her clients reach their goals.
941.320.9299 In fact, according to Victoria’s listings sell 27% faster than the average agent in the Sarasota area.

“In my Real Estate practice, I have been successful because it

is always all about my clients: What is best for them, When
is best for them and even If purchase or sale is best for them.

David is an experienced Residential Realtor who brings over 25 years

of business and Internet marketing experience to the Real Estate in-

Before joining Victoria in Real Estate, David had a successful career as

a Software Architect. He was Chief Technology Officer at Software
David Ranck Consortium in Towson, Maryland and Application Development Man-
REALTOR, SRES, KOCiB ager at The Hartford Insurance Group in Connecticut. He brings his
941.320.9399 knowledge and experience of Internet Marketing and Systems to the Victoria Ranck Group.

“Less than 3% of home sales today come from

traditional advertising. Internet marketing and in
particular mobile and social media marketing are the
most important factors to sell homes today. “

We’re Easy To Talk To

Copyright © 2022 David Ranck LLC

This is not intended as solicitation for properties currently in an exclusive agreement with another Broker

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