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BUS 5110 Group Activity Rubric

Emerging Weight
Criterion No Proficiency Limited Proficiency Proficient Advanced
Proficiency (%)

No description of Provides some Presents information Balanced Balanced

the case is elements of the case, that describes the case presentation of presentation of
presented, and no but the description is and supports the relevant and relevant and
purpose is too vague or general. central purpose of the legitimate legitimate
provided. The central purpose of assignment. However, information that information that
Describes the the assignment is not some irrelevant or clearly describes the clearly describes the
circumstances explicitly stated nor are unnecessary case and supports case and supports the
the steps to be information is given. the central purpose central purpose of
performed presented. Describes general of the assignment. the assignment.
steps to be performed. Describes general Explains the three
steps to be phases of the project
performed. and details clear
steps to be

Score 0 4 6 8 10 10%

No calculations Few calculations are Several errors in Only a few errors in All calculations are
are correct. performed correctly (1 calculations (5 - 9 calculations (10 - 12 performed correctly
– 4 correct). correct). correct). (13 of 13).
Performs all
calculations correctly
Score 0 4 6 8 10 25%

No explanation of Presents an overview Explains how the Presents relevant Balanced

the calculations is of how the calculations calculations were and legitimate presentation of
Articulates how the provided. were performed. No performed, but information that relevant and
calculations were detailed steps are relevant details are shows how the legitimate
performed provided. missing. calculations were information that
performed. However, clearly shows how
some details are the calculations were
missing or unclear. performed.

Score 0 4 6 8 10 10%

Attempts to Provides some Provides information Balanced Balanced

provide information that that evaluates the presentation of presentation of
information that evaluates the calculations but the relevant and relevant and
evaluates the calculations but analysis is vague or legitimate legitimate
calculations but displays limited too general. information that information that
Evaluates the
does not display understanding of the evaluates the clearly and correctly
computations and
evidence of a materials. calculations and evaluates the
explain their
basic explains their calculations and
understanding of meanings. Minor explains their
the materials. errors or omissions in meanings. Displays
the evaluation evidence of
and/or explanation. thoughtful, in-depth

Score 0 4 6 8 10 20%
No Attempts to present Presents Clearly presents Clearly presents
recommendations recommendations but recommendations; recommendations. recommendations.
are provided. does not display however, some Includes balanced Includes balanced
Makes evidence of a basic information is presentation of presentation of
recommendations, understanding of the irrelevant or incorrect. relevant and relevant and
supported by well materials. Considers some legitimate legitimate
thought-out rationale factors that could information that information that
and considering impact the decisions. clearly supports the clearly and correctly
various factors that recommendations. supports the
could impact the Considers some recommendations.
decisions factors that could Considers various
impact the decisions. factors that could
impact the decisions,
including qualitative

Score 0 4 6 8 10 15%

The slides are not The slides are In general, the slides The slides are The ideas on the
logically presented in a are arranged logically, arranged logically to slides are arranged
organized. Most somewhat logical although occasionally support the central logically to support
of the time, ideas order. Need a little bit ideas fail to make purpose or the purpose or
Organization & Clarity fail to make sense more effort in putting sense together. argument. They are argument. They flow
together. the ideas to make usually clearly linked smoothly from one to
sense together. to each other. another and are
clearly linked to each

Score 0 4 6 8 10 10%
The presentation Minimal creativity-- Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation shows a
lacks any some different some creativity or creative endeavor, great deal of
evidence of backgrounds and fonts personalization, such including use of creativity; images,
creativity or flair; are used. as the use of images and sounds, or videos are
Creativity materials might backgrounds and backgrounds. Some incorporated, as well
be straight from minimal use of images. personalization is as creative
the resources or evident. backgrounds. There is
text. clear evidence of
personal flair.

Score 0 4 6 8 10 10%

TOTAL 100%

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