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Facts – 现实中要讨论的事情

Example :

 Is Gambling good or bad ? – opinion , reason

 The reason about student skip exercise – reason
 The ways to protect our environment – method
 The results of eating balance – consequence


 Define the title 给题目定义/解释 , eg: Gambling is kind of action which people wish to
earn more money from the bet in game
 Compare before and current 对比以前和现在
 What to discuss ? – refer to essay title 需要讨论的课题 – 看回作文题目


 Giving suggestion or opinion + for / because / so + example

 Eg: The first reason for student skipping exercise because they spend too much time on
mobile games, so they have no more energy to exercise after that. In example, student who
played multiplayer online games with friends may spend at least 30 minutes per round,
which consume much of the time.
 At least 3 ideas


 Giving encouragement / advise , eg: students are encouraged to exercise everyday at least
30minutes each day to grow habit of healthy living lifestyle.
 Idioms 谚语 , eg: as wiseman says: “ two heads better than one” , so that we can have more
ideas to reduce the wastage in the world.

Essay Topic:
Discuss the advantages of reading.

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