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Adapun hasil pengujian sampel geoteknik dilaboraturium dapat dilihat pada Tabel 3 Hingga (Tabel 7) Berikut.

Tabel 3 Resume hasil uji sihat batuan (GT-01)

Sample GT-01 GT-01/02

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 4.00-4 50 8 60-9.10
Visual Description Sand Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 21,020 25,090
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,630 2,690
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 1,983 2,005
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,639 1,603
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 91,368 99,507
Natural Porosity n % 37,697 40,415
Natural Void Rato e - 0.605 0.678
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.040 0.1
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.309 0.275
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 1 3,400
Unoonsolidated c kpa 26,389 76,647
Undrained ϕ deg 3,277 13,918

Sample GT-01/05 GT-01/06

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 25.70-26.20 8 60-9.10
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 34,860 23,420
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,640 2,640
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 1,848 2,012
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,370 1,630
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,324 99,816
Natural Porosity n % 48,094 38,250
Natural Void Rato e - 0.927 0.619
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.06 0.34
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.26 0.263
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 1,800 11,600
Unoonsolidated c kpa 9,900 64,500
Undrained ϕ deg 11,944 13,668

Sample GT-01/09 GT-01/10

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 45.70-46.20 8 60-9.10
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 19,910 25,860
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,710 2,650
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 2,105 1,975
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,755 1,569
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,232 99,497
Natural Porosity n % 35,222 40,785
Natural Void Rato e - 0.544 0.689
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.48 0.22
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.317 0.3
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 22,600 20,000
Unoonsolidated c kpa 212,640 75,467
Undrained ϕ deg 4,223 22,181
Hingga (Tabel 7) Berikut.

GT-01/03 GT-01/04
14.00-14.50 18.50-19,00
Clay Clay
33,850 24,510
2,630 2,700
1,828 2,018
1,366 1,621
98,167 99,381
48,072 39,972
0.926 0.666
0.2 0.18
0.283 0.28
10,000 11,000
96,310 89,102
8,902 13,184

GT-01/07 GT-01/08
14.00-14.50 18.50-19,00
Clay Clay
18,740 25,340
2,670 2,680
2,108 1,989
1,775 1,587
99,284 98,587
33,509 40,788
0.504 0.689
0.44 0.15
0.28 0.267
25,100 10,500
134,883 95,705
13,266 21,907

GT-01/11 GT-01/12
14.00-14.50 18.50-19,00
Clay Clay
25,570 26,940
2,650 2,640
1,918 1,956
1,527 2,048
92,199 99,585
42,361 41,663
0.735 0.714
0.22 0.42
0.265 0.267
12,500 14,400
45,941 121,397
23,335 15,495
Sample GT-01/13 GT-01/14
Depth (m) Symbol Unit 66.10-66.60 70.35-70.85
Visual Description Sand Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 21,700 27,350
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,700 2,670
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 2,070 1,923
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,701 1,510
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,746 95,059
Natural Porosity n % 37,044 43,445
Natural Void Rato e - 0.587 1
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.11 0
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.3 0.72
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 16,300 2,500
Unoonsolidated c kpa 172,730 56,582
Undrained ϕ deg 16,933 25,022

Sample GT-01/17 GT-01/18

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 85.50-86.00 91.30-91.80
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 28,690 26,850
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,660 2,610
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 1,940 1,945
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,507 1,533
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,822 99,798
Natural Porosity n % 43,327 41,253
Natural Void Rato e - 0.765 0.702
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.68 0.32
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.267 0.275
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 26,000 13,700
Unoonsolidated c kpa 81,181 48,594
Undrained ϕ deg 13,083 21,281

Sample GT-01/21 GT-01/22

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 105.90-106.40 110.50-111.00
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 25,690 119,220
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,660 0.93
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 1,985 1,100
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,579 0.502
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,860 0
Natural Porosity n % 40,628 46,045
Natural Void Rato e - 0.684 0.853
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.28 0.6
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.324 0.261
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 4,500 10,200
Unoonsolidated c kpa 96,472 261,363
Undrained ϕ deg 16,921 28,488
GT-01/15 GT-01/16
75.10-75.60 80.20-80.70
Clay Clay
24,450 2,278
2,660 2,660
2,005 2,032
1,611 1,655
99,894 99,740
39,433 37,772
0.651 0.607
0.32 0.15
0.67 0.26
13,300 4,900
92,785 95,143
21,260 25,575

GT-01/19 GT-01/20
95.80-96.30 101.25-101.75
Clay Clay
30,430 20,160
2,650 2,720
1,910 2,105
1,484 1,752
99,600 99,220
44,740 35,594
0.81 0.553
0.23 0.4
0.309 0.314
61,000 9,400
41,152 79,322
18,169 23,662

Clay Clay
Sample GT-02/01 GT-02/02
Depth (m) Symbol Unit 8.02-8.52 12.00-12.50
Visual Description Sand Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 19,770 26,300
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,680 2,650
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 2,098 1,972
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,752 1,561
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,978 99,959
Natural Porosity n % 34,638 41,081
Natural Void Rato e - 0.53 0.697
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.063 0.257
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.292 0.264
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 0.489 6,170
Unoonsolidated c kpa 59,216 118,508
Undrained ϕ deg 2,814 4,994

Sample GT-02/05 GT-02/06

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 28,30-28.80 32.34-32.84
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 23,460 24,940
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,640 2,710
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 2,010 2,018
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,628 1,615
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,643 99,710
Natural Porosity n % 38,331 40,399
Natural Void Rato e - 0.622 0.678
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.257 0.262
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.262 0.308
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 7,535 5,831
Unoonsolidated c kpa 127,304 74,172
Undrained ϕ deg 6,912 13,475

Sample GT-02/09 GT-02/10

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 49.10-49.60 52.45-52.95
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 22,610 25,360
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,690 2,650
Unit Weght Natural State γN gr/cm 2,045 1,985
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm 1,668 1,583
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99,248 99,773
Natural Porosity n % 37,997 40,248
Natural Void Rato e - 0.613 0.674
Unoonfined UCS mpa 0.416 0.223
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.267 0.331
Strength Modulus Elasticity mpa 9,704 5,259
Unoonsolidated c kpa 77,639 51,100
Undrained ϕ deg 18,604 16,926
GT-02/03 GT-02/04
17.15-17.65 23.35-23.85
Clay Clay
29,530 24,150
2,590 2,650
1,898 2,005
1,465 1,615
99,644 99,858
43,425 39,057
0.768 0.641
0.177 0.284
0.292 0.31
4,334 8,673
69,700 78
9,509 16,723

GT-02/07 GT-02/08
40.15-40.65 46.20-46.70
Clay Clay
20,530 25,150
2,690 2,630
2,085 1,978
1,730 1,581
99,499 99,611
35,693 39,905
0.555 0.664
0.409 0.23
0.26 0.314
10,529 5,623
121,668 79,639
15,787 15,218

GT-02/11 GT-02/12
57.05-57.55 62.55-63.05
Clay Clay
18,280 28,690
2,700 2,650
1,964 1,934
1,660 1,503
78,837 99,601
35,501 43,289
0.626 0.763
0.31 0.091
0.286 0.263
13,793 4,413
165,045 66,514
18,071 24,180
Sample GT-02/13 GT-02/14
Depth (m) Symbol Unit 67.32-67.82 72.91-73.41
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 27.010 32.680
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2.690 2.650
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 1.961 1.553
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 1.544 1.170
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 97.886 68.513
Natural Porosity n % 42.603 55.831
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.742 1.264
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.121 0.170
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.280 0.267
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 5.916 9.333
Unconsolidated c kPa 75.780 34.518
Undrained ϕ deg 6.652 14.790

Sample GT-02/17 GT-02/18

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 89.14-89.64 95.00-95.50
Visual Description Clay Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 28.090 33.100
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2.690 2.660
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 1.962 1.878
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 1.532 1.411
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 99.926 99.461
Natural Porosity n % 43.058 46.956
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.756 0.885
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.072 0.275
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.275 0.267
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 4.903 5.804
Unconsolidated c kPa 96.435 53.769
Undrained ϕ deg 6.315 14.248

Sample GT-02/Coal 1 GT-02/Coal 2

Depth (m) Symbol Unit 107.95-108.45 113.25-113.75
Visual Description Coal Coal
Natural Water Content WN % 126.090 120.080
Spesific Gravity G2 - 0.950 0.940
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 1.023 1.075
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 0.452 0.487
Degree Of Saturation Sr % - -
Natural Porosity n % 52.371 48.225
Natural Void Ratio e - 1.100 0.931
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.660 0.440
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.308 0.263
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 19.800 24.400
Unconsolidated c kPa 36.031 139.135
Undrained ϕ deg 20.114 28.104
GT-02/15 GT-02/16
78.92-79.42 82.20-82.70
Clay Clay
27.380 20.970
2.650 2.690
1.884 2.079
1.479 1.719
91.647 99.801
44.187 36.111
0.792 0.565
0.410 0.069
0.260 0.275
15.700 5.414
122.046 19.948
20.841 25.267

GT-02/19 GT-02/20
100.50-100.00 104.75-105.25
Clay Clay
21.150 26.030
2.690 2.700
1.968 1.995
1.624 1.583
86.733 99.595
39.612 41.372
0.656 0.706
0.093 0.146
0.267 0.300
1.998 4.356
44.138 67.738
25.228 16.863
Sample GT-03 GT-03
Hole No 1 2
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 11.50-12.00 21.00-21.50
Visual Description
Natural Water Content WN % 17.540 9.780
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2.650 2.660
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 2.109 2.246
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 1.794 2.046
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 97.462 86.671
Natural Porosity n % 32.291 23.086
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.477 0.300
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.170 0.160
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.273 0.270
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 7.000 9.000
Unconsolidated c kPa 66.169 43.702
Undrained ϕ deg 10.293 7.930

Sample GT-03 GT-03

Hole No 6 7
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 39.70-40.20 47.20-47.70
Visual Description
Natural Water Content WN % 8.770 8.820
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2.740 2.620
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 2.264 2.184
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 2.081 2.007
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 75.951 75.656
Natural Porosity n % 24.034 23.398
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.316 0.305
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.110 0.180
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.295 0.264
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 11.300 8.500
Unconsolidated c kPa 101.420 37.088
Undrained ϕ deg 3.231 14.164

Sample GT-03 GT-03

Hole No 11 12
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 69.85-70.35 75.00-75.50
Visual Description
Natural Water Content WN % 11.250 12.490
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2.520 2.640
Unit Weight Natural State γN gr/cm² 2.166 2.228
Dry Unit Weight γd gr/cm² 1.947 1.981
Degree Of Saturation Sr % 96.323 99.045
Natural Porosity n % 22.739 24.976
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.294 0.333
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.860 0.370
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.273 0.262
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 94.700 16.400
Unconsolidated c kPa 234.337 199.661
Undrained ϕ deg 29.571 27.896
GT-03 GT-03 GT-03
3 4 5
24.60-25.10 29.90-30.40 35.30-35.80

10.900 13.350 12.840

2.700 2.560 2.650
2.214 2.123 2.203
1.996 1.873 1.952
83.504 93.168 95.215
26.060 26.838 26.327
0.352 0.367 0.357
0.760 0.430 0.050
0.278 0.288 0.271
26.800 22.500 3.000
344.517 345.363 19.226
29.499 35.611 2.176

GT-03 GT-03 GT-03

8 9 10
53.00-53.50 58.75-59.25 65.00-65.50

10.070 8.430 7.570

2.630 2.670 2.700
2.233 2.261 2.243
2.029 2.085 2.085
89.355 80.259 69.316
22.863 21.902 22.772
0.296 0.280 0.295
0.090 0.180 0.370
0.265 0.268 0.265
4.100 12.400 21.900
100.189 78.764 150.108
18.586 10.325 11.620

GT-03 GT-03 GT-03

13 14 15
80.30-80.80 84.30-84.80 89.15-89.65

10.160 8.990 7.420

2.670 2.670 2.660
2.174 2.257 2.278
1.973 2.071 2.121
76.863 82.960 77.604
26.086 22.441 20.276
0.353 0.289 0.254
0.050 1.740 2.570
0.266 0.264 0.292
3.100 180.300 374.300
7.289 144.616 340.980
9.949 20.229 37.029
Sample GT-04
Hole 2
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 10.30-10.80
Visual Description Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 25,632
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,694
Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 1,991
Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,585
Degree of Saturation Sr % 98,659
Natural Porosity n % 41,173
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.7
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.52
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.268
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 36,000
Unconsilidated c kPa 30,910
Undrained ϕ deg 14,493
Sample GT-04
Hole 9
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 45.95-46.45
Visual Description
Natural Water Content WN % 13,540
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,650
Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 2,190
Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,929
Degree of Saturation Sr % 95,988
Natural Porosity n % 27,214
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.374
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.27
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.297
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 24,100
Unconsilidated c kPa 96,400
Undrained ϕ deg 16,936
Sample GT-04
Hole 15
Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 75.45-75.95
Visual Description Silty Clay
Natural Water Content WN % 12,030
Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,690
Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 2,190
Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,955
Degree of Saturation Sr % 86,048
Natural Porosity n % 27,330
Natural Void Ratio e - 0.376
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.08
Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.307
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 4.1
Unconsilidated c kPa 7.118
Undrained ϕ deg 12,435
GT-04 GT-04 GT-04 GT-04
4 5 7 8
20.45-20.85 25.95-26.45 35.95-36.45 40.95-41.45
Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay
11,562 17,326 15,283 18,565
2,696 2,527 2,678 2,663
2,169 2,028 2,109 2,109
1,944 1,729 1,829 1,779
80,612 94,779 88,233 99,454
27,885 31,598 31,687 33,204
0.387 0.482 0.464 0.497
0.92 0.19 0.1 0.18
0.274 0.275 0.303 0.26
18,500 11,400 15,400 9,100
85,801 169,091 66,668 32,482
2,681 21,123 25,570 18,791
GT-04 GT-04 GT-04 GT-04
11 12 13 14
55.95-56.45 60.45-80.95 65.45-65.95 70.45-70.95

14,580 11,180 22,880 11,190

2,690 2,707 2,660 2,680
2,140 2,170 1,990 1,891
1,868 1,952 1,619 1,701
89,080 78,216 94,723 52,080
30,589 27,898 29,118 36,541
0.44 0.387 0.643 0.576
0.71 0.18 0.39 1.13
0.276 0.297 0.292 0.282
15,000 4,600 32,200 42,100
222,056 73,359 119,553 342,178
29,252 4,787 27,926 19,657
Silty Clay
Sample GTP-05
Hole 1
No Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 06.10-06.55
Visual Description
1 Natural Water Content WN % 12,260
2 Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,670
3 Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 2,089
4 Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,812
5 Degree of Saturation Sr % 86,110
6 Natural Porosity n % 32,119
7 Natural Void Ratio e - 0.473
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.1
10 Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.267
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 4,800
Unconsilidated c kPa 42,480
12 Triaxial
Undrained ϕ deg 16,794

Sample GTP-05
Hole 6
No Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 29.68-30.18
Visual Description
1 Natural Water Content WN % 12,740
2 Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,670
3 Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 2,233
4 Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,981
5 Degree of Saturation Sr % 97,737
6 Natural Porosity n % 25,816
7 Natural Void Ratio e - 0.348
Unconfined UCS Mpa 1,220
10 Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.271
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 24,300
Unconsilidated c kPa 336,937
12 Triaxial
Undrained ϕ deg 28,653

Sample GT-05
Hole 11
No Symbol Unit
Depth (m) 49.95-50.54
Visual Description
1 Natural Water Content WN % 16,070
2 Spesific Gravity G2 - 2,730
3 Unit Weight Natural State γN ar/cm2 2,181
4 Dry Unit Weight γd ar/cm2 1,879
5 Degree of Saturation Sr % 96,873
6 Natural Porosity n % 31,171
7 Natural Void Ratio e - 0.453
Unconfined UCS Mpa 0.86
10 Compressive Poisson's Ratio - 0.289
Strength Modulus Elasticity MPa 77,000
Unconsilidated c kPa 197,185
12 Triaxial
Undrained ϕ deg 28,414
GTP-05 GTP-05 GTP-05 GTP-05
2 3 4 5
11.15-11.85 15.00-15.50 19.00-19.50 26.20-26.70

14,890 13,860 13,650 13,370

2,590 2,640 2,670 2,720
1,961 2,195 2,216 2,139
1,707 1,928 1,950 1,807
74,534 99,045 98,678 98,900
34,098 26,977 26,972 33,564
0.0517 0.369 0.369 0.505
0.22 0.6 0.49 0.09
0.267 0.261 0.287 0.297
5,400 23,000 69,100 4,400
96,317 154,195 210,942 30,150
11,069 28,203 28,195 30,898

GTP-05 GTP-05 GTP-05 GTP-05

7 8 9 10
34.92-35.42 39.95-40.45 42.50-43.00 45.45-45.95

10,760 10,900 11,130 11,520

2,700 2,680 2,690 2,720
2,227 2,098 2,165 2,264
2,011 1,892 1,948 2,030
84,738 70,113 78,626 92,210
25,531 29,411 27,577 25,383
0.343 0.417 0.381 0.34
2,010 1,140 1,280 0.22
0.309 0.275 0.293 0.266
85,300 122,900 168,500 24,900
328,447 268,455 164,982 173,175
26,843 29,680 27,897 27,374

GT-05 GT-05 GT-05

12 13 14
53.98-54.48 59.50-60.00 64.45-54.95

16,390 17,640 17,030

2,710 2,700 2,710
1,998 2,146 2,074
1,717 1,824 1,772
76,758 99,206 87,213
36,655 32,437 34,605
0.579 0.48 0.259
0.95 0.1 0.07
0.287 0.271 0.284
104,400 20,400 8,600
163,478 49,974 36,747
19,592 3,746 10,725

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