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Speech Title: The benefits of student playing Lego

You are required to give a speech in your school to share with your audience regarding benefits if
student plays with Lego.

损坏,还会导致学生沉迷于此荒废学习的时间。 与其把时间花在电子产品或者社交软件,不
如尝试玩一玩 可以帮助我们开发想象力和创造力的乐高积木。 所以,今天我要向大家说明玩

Good morning to my dearest schoolmates, teachers, and beloved principal. Student nowadays spends
most of the time on video games or social media. It harms our eyesight and brain. Besides, it also
causing student addict to games and social media and forget about their academic. Instead of
spending time on the unhealthy hobby, we shall give a try with Lego which bring various benefits to
us. So, I would like to share about the benefits of playing with Lego.

First, Lego helps to improve our creativity and imagination because we can build any structures,
buildings and items according our thoughts. For example, we can use Lego to build our dream house,
future city, even curate a real size car model.

Besides, we able to learn physics theory when playing with Lego. It may help student to get insight for
creating a building model with high intensity and stability. Furthermore, student may get career
inspiration from Lego, it leads students to achieve their goal and train them to put more effort.

Lastly, we should reduce the time of playing video games and social media. On the other hand, we
should spend it on Lego from today onwards. Thank you!

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