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Chapter 5 Separate Legal Entity

Separate Legal Entity

- A company is protected by a corporate

veil of incorporation i.e, the company is a Common Law Exceptions (Pre Adam v Cape
person in law and can institute or be party Industries)
to a legal action 1. Agency
- Salomon v A Salomon Ltd 2. Single economic unit
1. A company is protected by the corporate 3. Fraud
veil 4. Justice (quite a vague argument?)

2. This is to ensure commercial efficacy

Current Position
Adam v Cape Industries
Prest v Petrodel Resources
Megary V-C in Estmanco v
- recognised 3 exceptions
- The Supreme Court Greater London Council
to the Salomon principle
“fused” both Salomon v A
Salomon Ltd and Adam v - The exception pre 1. Expressly provided by
Cape Industries Adam v Cape can be stattute/contract
used as reasons to
apply the post Adam 2. Express agency
- Separate legal entity
protects companies and exceptions 3. Façade concealing the
can be pierced if there true facts
is evidence of façade
concealing the true facts of
the case


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