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The topic that they discuss and share their ideas and experiences that I want and I loved

is the LEARN TO
SEE BEAUTY IN EVERYTHING. "Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.

This phrase means a lot to me, because at some point in my life I experienced this messy life when I was
a high school student, I’m a victim of verbal bullying everyday went I go to go school every morning they
laugh, they bad mouthing me, they always gossip at me because of my family issues and it’s so hard
every morning, every day its always same routine, and I can’t imagine why me?

Why me? Why am I experiencing this kind of situation?

But as time and days pass, I can gradually get out of that situation, even though it occurs to me daily. I
still prefer to stand up for myself because I don't want to be confined to the four walls of my darkroom,
crying without anyone hearing or knowing, and I am here now because I look at the light I see in my life,
I stand up for myself and my family, because I know there is a purpose to why I went through that
situation, and with those experiences, I know how to stand out for myself.

And why do I relate this phrase to my experience because there is no such thing as ugly or awful if your
mind does not perceive things in that light, and there is no such thing as beautiful if your mind only
perceives things negatively. Beauty is difficult to define or describe since everyone views things
differently. It all depends on who is looking at it. Perspective is everything. Each of us has a unique
outlook on life; we interpret events depending on our own views and the environment in which we live.
There is no such thing as good or bad our minds are the ones that determine or see things.

So, if you're going through something, try to find the beauty in it, and I’m rooting for you!

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