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PLTCOL ROLANDO B BAULA December 13, 2022



The forum on Safety Peace and Development Volunteerism started with an

opening message of Ms. Fely M. Baday, from the Supervising Volunteer Service Office
Policy, Advocacy and Technical Service Division, Philippine National Volunteer Service
Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA) highlighting the month of December as the “National
Volunteerism Month” in line with the Presidential Proclamation No. 55 series of 1998
which gives recognition on the importance of volunteerism in the nation building.
After the message, Resource Speaker, PLTCOL JUDITH ZIPAGAN LAGUITAO,
Asst. Chief, Plans and Programs Division, DPCR tackled about the community
involvement in law enforcement and responding to crime and emergencies emphasizing
that volunteerism is proven very effective in the crime prevention. She also mentioned
the economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society thru
upholding the public order and safety, peace, and security aligned with the M+K+K=K
(Malasakit, Kaayusan, Kapayapaan tungo sa Kaunlaran) Peace and Security
Framework and the Revitalized PNP KASIMBAYAN (Kapulisan, Simbahan at
Pamayanan) of the PNP. During his lecture, PLTCOL DENVER A ALIDAO, OIC,
Administrative and Resource Management Division, PCADG discussed that the
community and the police are the two actors in the crime prevention and solution since
the community is the police and the police is the community. He added, that it is very
important to empower the public to support the police in upholding the peace and
tranquility in the community through partnership, target hardening and establishment of
NGOs such as Citizen Crime Watch and Kataguyods.
Mr. Franz Lian Arabia, Resource Person and Regional Vice President and
Spokesperson of Kabataan Kontra Droga at Terorismo (KKDAT) Central Luzon shared
his experiences on volunteerism. As KKDAT advocates they are part of the PNP
Community Relation Programs that empowered the youth sectors in terms of countering
the radicalization of the CPP/NPA/NDF organization to fight terrorism and insurgency
through NTF-ELCAC. Mr. Robert Karl Rumusud, one of the Resource Speakers and
resident of KKDAT President Iguig, Cagayan Province, recounted that they are very
active in the environment protection programs and campaign through community
partnership and collaboration with the PNP, other agencies, NGO’s, and sectoral
groups. Ms. Kalma Isnain, another Resource Speaker and Executive Director,
Integrated Resource Development for Tri-People (IRDT) Inc., Zamboanga City
showcased their significant contributions of community volunteers in humanitarian and
peace-building works in ZAMPENBASULTA area. Last Resource Person, Mr. Stephen
Henry L. Chin, volunteering for peace building and sustaining peace in Mindanao
shared his expertise and highlighted his numerous affiliations in Mindanao as he
believed that having affiliated with several organizations can make his volunteerism with
the community systematic and beneficial.
The very inspiring accounts of all resource speakers mentioned earlier are the
clear manifestation that volunteerism is a clearly defined unselfish regard, and behavior
of caring for others without expecting a reward from it and there was a feeling in their
hearth that they cannot ignore in helping others. Their experience made me realized
how importance volunteerism is, most especially in my profession as law enforcer.
What I have learned from that seminar is that volunteerism is a way of helping
others. It is giving a person's time and ability to help someone who may need help. Not
only does volunteering help others, but what they may not know is that it can be helpful to
themselves. It gives someone that time to themselves while also creating bonds when
they are doing the greater good. Further, the effects of volunteerism can range from many
helpful characteristics from helping those in need, giving back to the community, working
for worthwhile causes, and overall helping someone with their health, mentally and
To my mind, the shared topics of the resource speakers are very noble and
upright. I became more aware of my commitment to the community and I truly enjoyed
being able to help them as far as I can. Lastly, I will continue to uphold the volunteerism
and encourage others to do the same way that would benefit my organization and our
nation as well.

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