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Keynote Speech During the Empowerment Initiative Seminar



Good day Ladies and Gentlemen.

Presenting this keynote address in a world like ours that is constantly evolving has made me
reflect on the necessity of constantly reminding ourselves who we are —and I don't refer to just
our identities ascribed to us by our physical attributes, or by our divine and natural right to birth
life, but also what we have come to embody as humans with powerful souls and valid dreams
that seek to explore every nook and cranny of the earth.

You see, the key to overcoming the complexities of society can only stem from having a firm
grasp of true, authentic power. I once read a book titled 'the Seat of the Soul' where the author
—Gary Zukav— attached a meaning, a certain depth to the concept of true power; of authentic
power. He mentioned that when you can align who you have come to be in the world, with what
you have come to do in the world, your true, authentic power is released at that moment.

So, two questions spring forth from

Gary's statement: who have we —as women— come to be in the world and what have we come
to do; what have we come to achieve in this world?

These –like every other philosophical school of thought or notion— have found themselves
embroiled in fascinating debates, speeches, and hot takes that are not likely to end anytime
soon, so I will not bore you with such definitions. What I will do, however, is remind us of the
basics; the very foundation that makes up the core of who we are as proud women and what we
have come to be.

Today, we dream of the boundless possibilities of women in critical leadership positions, women
steering the ship of this country to the promised land. Thriving in such a landscape majorly
dominated by male figures is one daunting task, one that many women seem to shy away from.
Those that eventually do run for such positions are often reminded that their place is not before
a man, but behind a man.

So, how can a woman thrive in such a society? How can we break these invisible –and
sometimes, visible– barriers that women all around the world have come to face, and ensure
that we tap into those endless possibilities that girls and women can thrive?

First, we have to ensure easier access to education for the girl-child. Knowledge is one form of
power in its raw, unhindered form. The ability to articulate your thoughts and rationalise events
in manners that negate any sentiments is a vital characteristic of every leader. To ensure that
this is possible, we have to ensure that the girl-child is not denied this basic right on the back of
outdated societal values. In a developing nation like Nigeria, the girl-child has been denied this
basic right, with the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) stating that out of over 18.5 million
children that are out of school, a whopping 60 percent of these children are girls. That is over 10
million girls are denied their basic right to education due to several socio-economic barriers that
have been leveled against them.

Secondly, we have to ensure that the girl-child is empowered with the necessary vocational and
leadership skills needed to thrive in a developing economy. It is a stark reality that in a country
like Nigeria, education may never be enough to break down all the barriers faced by the girl-
child. Therefore, the onus lies on us, the older generations, to ensure that the coming
generations of young, vibrant, and intellectual women are also equipped with the necessary
leadership and vocational skills that will set them apart. Various corporate organisations and
bodies have developed unique and viable initiatives toward this cause, and I must say, the
success achieved so far in this country is only the beginning.

Finally, in a society that constantly attempts to impose values on every human, we as women
have to constantly tell ourselves that we have so much more to offer than being behind the
scenes. In a society like ours where girls and women are constantly subjected to conform to the
patriarchal state that we find ourselves in, we need to remind ourselves that one day, a woman
will rule this country! One day, the girl-child will take over the reins of this country and lead us all
to that promised land!

But it all starts today. It starts now! It starts with providing the necessary tools, skills, and
knowledge to challenge the status quo! It starts with you and me!

Thank you very much.

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