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This guide lines is made in order to fulfill my concern as BBKFP's pilot who operate an aircraft under
certain environment which brought different levels of stress and needs extreme capability of the pilots
working under extreme circumstances, e.q, : normally we do 17-20 go arounds within more than 3
hours red eyes flight in mountainous area. This guide lines will tell you how to deal step by step in
details to bring the aircraft safely down to ground.

There are 2 kinds of pilot incapacitation: SUBTLE (incomplete incapacitation) and OBVIOUS.

Subtle incapacitation most commonly caused by hypoxia, hypoglycemia, extreme fatigue, alcohol,
drugs or other toxic substances. The first indication of illness may be loss of consciousness, seizures,
severe pain or paralysis. Skills or judgement may be lost with little or no outward sign. The victim
may not respond to stimulus, may make illogical decisions, or may appear to be manipulating controls
in an ineffective or hazardous manner. Symptoms may be evident only in moments of high stress or

Although most recorded deaths of operating pilots in flight have been found to be due to cardiovascular
disease, by far the most common cause of flight crew incapacitation are gastroenteritis and


Early recognition of incapacitation is essential:

• Routine monitoring and cross-checking of flight instruments, especially during critical phases
of flight.
• Flight crewmembers should be alert to subtle incapacitation:
• If a crewmember does not respond appropriately to two verbal communications, or
• If a crewmember does not respond to a verbal communication associated with a significant
deviation from a standard flight profile
• If you don’t feel well, say so and let the other pilot fly.

Other symptoms of the beginning of incapacitation are:

• Incoherent speech
• Strange behavior
• Irregular breathing
• Pale fixed facial expression
• Jerky motions that are either delayed or too rapid

The following summarizes the actions to recover from detected incapacitation:

• The fit pilot must assume control and return the aircraft to a SAFE FLIGHT PATH, announce
“I HAVE CONTROL” and engage the autopilot as soon as possible.
• The fit pilot must take whatever steps are possible to ensure that the incapacitated pilot cannot
interfere with the handling of the aircraft. This may involve any crew to restrain the
incapacitated pilot if needed.
• The fit pilot must land as soon as practicable considering all pertinent factors
• Arrange medical assistance after landing, giving as many relevant details about the condition of
the crewmember as possible.

In any flight phases, PANIC will bring you to worsen situation. Recognize the flight phase, specially
during calibration flight (approach, go around, etc), both pilots HAVE TO BE READY TO RECOVER
THE AIRCRAFT AT ANYTIME, therefor, fall a sleep without informing the other pilot is STRICTLY

If any pilot feels tired, sleepy, unfit or in any circumstances is unable to do a safe flight, simply inform
the other pilot then land. The same situation is applicable before you are assigning for any duty, please
do not push your limits to operate the aircraft (even just to make a radio call as a PNF). Pilot
incapacitation can be happened at anytime and any flight phase. Pushing yourself to uncertain situation
will always brought to worsen situation / unsafe flight.


To know your flight phase, aircraft attitude and position is A MUST, therefor FMA reading and

• Take off / Go around Phase

Complete the phase (flaps up, engaged AP, reduce power, etc - READ SOP), follow SID (if given by
ATC) until the aircraft has reached MSA / terrain then level off, make a MAYDAY CALL, prepare
FMS for the easiest approach, visual approach is the the most easy one if adequate visual reference is
adequate, otherwise any precision / non precision approach can be selected and land. First segment up
to fourth segment are consider as take off phase. Whenever situation permitted, set squawk number
7700 or any squawk number as instructed by ATC.

• Climb Phase (any attitude of the aircraft out fourth segment)

During climbing and clear of surrounding terrain, above MSA level off the aircraft, make a MAYDAY
CALL, prepare prepare FMS for the easiest approach, visual approach is the the most easy one if
adequate visual reference is adequate, otherwise any precision / non precision approach can be selected
and land.
• In Cruise (TOC has been reached and en-route alternates have been nominated)

To nominate take off alternates and en-route alternates is A MUST. Do not make any diversion to any
alternates without knowing present weather at that airport unless VMC can be obtained. Diversion to
suitable airport is more preferable rather than to adequate airport. Explanation of suitable airport /
adequate airpot is provided below.

Make a MAYDAY CALL ended by the word "STANDBY". It means, emergency situation arises but
decision has not been made while you are collecting data for weather informations / has not decided
where to go.

If METAR or TAFOR of alternates aerodrome can not be received, any help from present controller
(ATC / Radar) to get weather might help for your decision making.

Once decision has been made, report to ATC where the diversion is planned. Prepare the FMS to the
alternate airport, including the expected approach will be made. Do not worry regarding fuel.
Whenever the aircraft position during cruise, fuel should be enough to make diversion. Adjust the
aircraft altitude and descend according to the profile. No rush. Holding to loose / adjustment altitude is
a normal thing to do.

• Approach Phase

This phase is started once the aircraft commencing first turn while executing any complete precision /
non precision approach. Complete briefing as per SOP, HAVE TO BE DONE and UNDERSTOOD.
After a MAYDAY has been made, nothing much can be done except to call any crew by PA to restrain
incapacitated pilot (if necessary) then continue the flight as briefed. At this phase other crew might stay
near cockpit area to help any technical task given by the active pilot.

• Final Approach (At FAF afterward)

Simply continue the approach and land the aircraft according to followed profile. The active pilot may
inform ATC regarding the situation after landing is advised, to avoid unnecessary conversation which
will lead to active pilot more tense / pressure / unable to coupe the conversation while controlling the
aircraft unless he / she is able to do so. Once landed, MAYDAY call is NOT necessary but
incapacitation must be informed. To navigate out of the active runway is NOT a must. Taxi the aircraft
out of the active runway to the gate is an advantage.
Adequate airport is an airport meeting the safety requirements for takeoff and landing for
commercial and non-commercial operations. It should be anticipated that at the expected time of use:
1) The aerodrome will be compatible with the performance requirements for the expected
landing weight and will be available and equipped with necessary ancillary services such as ATC,
sufficient lighting, communications, weather reporting, navigation aids, refueling and emergency
services and etc.
2) At least one let down aid (ground radar would so qualify) will be available for an Instrument

Suitable airport is an adequate airport with weather reports or forecast or any combination there of
indicating that the weather conditions are at or above operating minima as specified in the operations
specification and the field condition report indicates that a safe landing can be accomplished at the time
of the intended operations.



JAKARTA RADAR (ATC to be informed)
PK-CAQ (registration / call sign)
POSITION R030 - 15 DKI MAINTAIN FL 250 (exact position)
SAY ANY AIRPORT FOR LANDING (decision) or STANDBY (if have not decided where to go)

Open discussion and questions are always welcome with the goal is:



LW - Mid Dec 2022

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