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Primary school
Secondary school
High school
University = Higher education
College = Further education
Vocational course
Distance learning course
Comprehensive education
To enroll in a course
Join in = involve in = participate in = engage in
Attend a lecture
To do note-taking
To fall behind with study = to fail to keep pace with study
Play truant
A gap year
Focus on studying = concentrate on studying
Academic performance
Academic qualification
Gifted = talented
Learn sth by heart
Role model
Core curriculum
Extra-curricular activities
Drop out of school = quit school
Disruptive students
1. Where do you study?
2. What is your favorite subject?
3. Do you like studying at your school?
4. Do you have many friends at school?
5. Do you like studying history?
6. What do you like the most about your school?
High-paid job opportunity
Know deeper insight into different aspects of life
What courses/subjects will be helpful in future work?
What do students do after school in your country?
Can the students in your country choose their favorite subjects?
Describe your favorite subject.
You should say:

 What it is
 Who teaches it
 How it is taught/ how you learn it
 Why you like it

When I read the cue card, the first thing springing to mind was English.

Maybe you don’t know but English used to be my pet hate (to be one’s pet hate) in
former days. The education system in Vietnam is somewhat impractical. It focuses on
an exam-driven curriculum in which we studied English by learning by heart grammar
and vocabulary in school. We’re not taught listening and speaking so it’s no wonder
that I couldn’t speak a word of English when graduating from high school.

But everything has changed since I started my higher education. I am majoring in the
English language, so I’ve got to study in English-speaking classes. At first, it was a
nightmare when I couldn’t grasp what my teachers and friends said. But it turns out that
the environment has boosted my English skills so greatly. Through practice, I’ve gained
a certain level of competence in English.(ability to do st well) I even participated in a
local tour guide club in which I had opportunities to meet foreigners, practice English
with them and discover more about their countries. They are
such exhilarating (interesting/ exciting) experiences.

I have gradually built up confidence in speaking English and take a keen interest in

having idle chit-chat with foreigners. At school, there is this one subject called “Cultures
and Civilizations” in which we learned a lot about the cultures and traditions of English-
speaking countries like the UK, the US or Australia. Such a subject really broadened my
horizons.(broaden your mind) (expand/ widen) All in all, I never regret choosing English
as my major at university.
Part 1:
1. Do you work or are you students?
I’m currently a freshman/ sophomore/ junior/ senior (in first/ second year) at
National Economics University – one of the top schools in Vietnam. Now I still
can’t believe I was able to gain admission to the university because it’s so

2. What do you study?

I’m majoring in the English language and as you can guess, I have to deal a lot with something
like phonetics and phonology, lexicology or grammar. To be honest, they are sometimes
overwhelming to me, but I have a knack for linguistics, so it’s OK.

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