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Continuous Education Workshops

Introduction to Solar and Wind

June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Part ONE

We are starting with some questions

- What do we know about energy?

o The ability to do work in its different forms:
§ Potential – mass and gravitation acceleration or (𝛾) h
§ Kinetic – mass and velocity
§ Thermal – temperature change – dependent on type (conduction, convection and
§ Electrical – electron movement due to potential difference P = V . I
§ Chemical – based on chemical potential
§ Nuclear and so on

- What do we know about energy conversion?

o Efficiency
o Input, output and losses

- What is renewable energy

o A definition of RE: Energy flows which are replenished (restored) at the same rate as
they are “used”

- Why promote renewable energy

o Rising effect of air, water and ground pollution
o Nature can no longer balance the pollution effect due to population growth and climate
o Pollution is affecting water resources, agriculture, air quality and natural life around us

- What are the sources of renewable energy?

o Solar
o Gravitational planetary motion
o Geothermal
o Human induced nuclear reaction
o Chemical reactions
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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

- What are the main categories of renewable energy and how are they divided?

For the end of 2021 report (IRENA)

Total production: 3 064 GW composed of:

- Hydropower 1230 GW
- Solar 849 GW
- Wind 825 GW
- Others – bioenergy, geothermal and

accessed – June 25, 2022
IRENA: International Renewable Energy Agency

Divisions of renewable energy

Mechanical – Hydropower, wind and wave and tidal

Thermal – Solar and biomass
Radiation – Photosynthesis, photochemistry and photovoltaic

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Part TWO

Solar energy
The sun

• Helios in Greek - Sol in Roman

• Big ball of plasma composed of:
• 70 - 92%: hydrogen - 8 - 28%: helium - 2%: everything else (metals)
• In its core hydrogen is changed to helium
• The surface of the sun “photosphere” is at 5800 K
• SOLAR WIND is the extension of solar atmosphere into interplanetary space

Energy generation in the sun:

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Solar terminology

Solar constant:
The radiation power received per unit area perpendicular to it at mean earth sun
distance outside of atmosphere = 1367 W/m2

Air mass ratio:

AM: ratio of the mass of atmosphere (through which the beam radiation travels) to
the mass at Zenith (measure of length of the depth of light through the atmosphere)
(thickness of atmosphere)
Beam radiation – direct solar radiation

Solar spectrum

Total solar radiation (global radiation)

Total solar radiation: global radiation = (Beam + Diffuse + Reflected) radiation
needed for calculation
Apparent solar time: based on apparent angular motion of the sun in the sky. Used for calculation of
solar angles

Solar angles:
- Latitude and longitude – required for positioning
- Declination angle
- The axis about which the earth rotates is tilted at an angle of 23.45 to the plane
of the earth’s orbital plane (23.45 to -23.45)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Sun rotates around itself in 24.7 earth days

Hour angle – deviation from midday for calculating incident angle

Altitude and Zenith angles – the height of the sun in the sky
Azimuth angles – Solar and surface
Tilt angle – optimum tilt angle – seasonal tilt angle
Incident angle

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Applications of Solar Energy

Solar thermal applications – using the solar thermal energy

Classification according to temperature range

Low temperature range

Flat plate collector

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Evacuated tube collector

you can also plant an electrical heater if needed
for hot water during the winter

Thermosyphon effect: The

movement of the fluid based on
temperature change.

Solar chimney

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Medium temperature range

Parabolic trough

High temperature range

Solar tower

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Parabolic Dish Highest possible temperature

Basic example to calculate solar flat plate collector performance

Flat plate collector with the following characteristics:
𝑾 𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱
(𝝉 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟕, 𝜶 = 𝟎. 𝟗𝟔)𝜽 , 𝑼𝑳 ≈ 𝟏𝟎 𝟐 , 𝑪𝑷(𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓) = 𝟒. 𝟏𝟖𝟔
𝒎 .𝑲 𝒌𝒈.𝑲
, 𝑪𝑷(𝒂𝒊𝒓) = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟎𝟓 𝒌𝒈.𝑲 , 𝒎𝒐 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟔𝟕 𝒌𝒈/𝒔𝒆𝒄

Tp = Tatm. = = Tf.out =

𝑄J = 𝐴LMN [ 𝐺QRQLS (𝜏𝛼 )V − 𝑈Y Z𝑇\ − 𝑇LQ] . ^] = 𝑚R 𝐶𝑝 (𝑇c.RJQ − 𝑇 )

• When:
– Qu: useful heat gain by collector per unit area (W/m2)
– Gtotal: total irradiation of collector (W/m2)
– (τα) θ : transmittance of cover times absorptance of plate at incident (θ) angle
– UL: Heat loss coefficient W/(m2.K)
– TP: absorber plate temperature (oC)
– Tatm.: atmosphere temperature (oC)
– mo: fluid flow rate (kg/sec) = (Ac-s (pipe) x Velocity of flowing fluid) x fluid density)
– Cp: specific heat of fluid (kJ/(kg.K))
– Tf.exit, inlet and exit temperature of the fluid (oC)
– Aabs: Absorber surface area (m2)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Hndav, remember that wind comes from the sun, meaning the sun
Part FOUR creates the wind.
Photovoltaic electricity generation
Day Two (June 29th)
Photovoltaic effect

junction ( you still have The process:

silicon there but its not • Photon absorption
the purest silicon)
• Electron separation
• Action of p-n junction

Solar cell output is direct current (DC)

For a single cell
Output voltage in the range 0.5 V

PV cell characteristics

PV cell is an assembly of:

– Solar cells
– Connections
– Protective parts and

Iph: Photo current

ID: Diode current
Rsh: Shunt resistance
Rs: Series resistance
V: Voltage

I = Iph - ID
Power (Watts) = I x V

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑐𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =
𝐺 × 𝐴t
G: Incident solar radiation (Watt/m2)
Ac: PV module surface area (m2)

Solar Cell Characteristics – continue

Effect of increase in solar radiation The effect of temperature rise

of current

Solar cell connections: They are usually connected in series and parallel

Parallel connection Series connection

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Solar cell assemblies and arrangements


• Cell
• Module
• Panel
• Array

A PV module is actually a number of solar cells connected in series and parallel:

good design, we
need higher
voltage not higher
current. because
high current needs
more material and
its also more lethal
than voltage.

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

PV types:
First Generation: Focus on:
Crystalline: Crystalline solar cells
- Mono-crystalline arrangement
- Poly- crystalline arrangement
EFG ribbon (Edge defined film fed growth
Second Generation:
Thin film PV technology
- Amorphous (a-Si) + Micro morph Silicon (μc-Si)
- CdTe
- CIS (copper indium selenide)
Third Generation:
Concentrating PV
Organic PV

Components of a PV systems for electricity generation

The system is basically made up of:

- PV modules
- Batteries
- Power conditioning:
o Inverter (DC to AC)
o Charge controller
o Electronics for steady flow of
Maximum power point tracker is used here.

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Example - Calculate the required electricity for a home:

Having had enough from the grid electricity complications and district generator problems, you have
decided to take matters into your own hands and are getting ready to design a standalone
photovoltaic system for your home.
After running a check, you have prepared the following table to show the minimum electrical

# Appliance No. Description Power Period of

type type operation
1 Lights 5 20 W LED bulbs, daily DC 8 hours each
2 Water pump 1 50 W (with 6 Amps for starting current), DC 2 hours
3 TV 1 120 W, daily AC 8 hours
4 Water heater 1 800 W, 3 times a week AC 2 hours
5 Refrigerator 80 W, daily AC 24 hours

Use the table below with a 12 Volt system and inverter to find: according to battery you use inverter

- The average AC and DC loads per day

- The peak AC and DC power required to match the load

# Appliance type Power type Power (W) Run time (hrs) Energy/day (Whr) Energy/Wk
1 Lights DC 5*20=100W 8hrs 100*8=800 7*800=5600
2 Water pump DC 50W (no amp
considered yet) 2hrs 50*2=100 100*7=700
3 TV AC 120W 8hrs 120*8=960
4 Water heater AC 800W 2hrs 800*2*3=4800
5 Refrigerator AC 80 24hrs 80*24=1920 1920*7=13440

Average DC load = 800+100=900

Average AC load = (6720+4800+13440)/7=3565.7

Peak DC load = 6*12+100=172

Peak AC load = 120+800+80=1000W

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Part FIVE wind is the aftermath of the difference of heat in on

the surface of the earth and ofc it is caused by the
Wind Energy sun.
Wind patterns are caused by a combination of
unequal solar heating of the earth and earth

Earth receives grater solar heating at the

equator than at the poles, resulting in warm air
rising at the equator flowing through the upper
atmosphere toward the poles.

Trade winds between equator and 30 deg north

and south
Doldrums: calm equatorial winds. There is little
wind near the equator as it is rising up slowly

Coriolis Effect when you are in the northern hemisphere the wind turns clockwise.
southern is opposite CCW
Explains the path of wind as it rises based on
three points:
- Rise of warm air in the atmosphere
- The rotation of earth
- The interaction between the masses of air
in the atmosphere
Concluding that there is a bending of wind
based on difference in air layer rotation speed at
different heights

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Historical review
One of the earliest forms of wind turbine
constructed in the area between Iran and
Afghanistan was a vertical axis wind turbine
used for milling grains
Constructed 1400 years ago

Ancient Chinese vertical axis windmill for

pumping water used for draining rice field

Horizontal axis wind post or trestle mill was

probably invented with evidence of origin in
1180 in the Duchy of Normandy.

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Wind turbine types

Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Vertical axis wind turbines (VAWT)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Development of HAWT

Drivetrain of a modern (HAWT)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Wind power equation:

Wind power generation equation:

𝑃 = w 𝐶\ 𝜌 𝑉yz 𝐴

𝐶\ is limited by Betz limit to 0.59 for

maximum obtainable coefficient
however the actual value is closer to 0.45

Rotor swept area


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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Drag and lift and airfoil terminology

Drag effect is in the direction of flow Lift is perpendicular to the direction of flow
Drag force (FD) = ½ CD ρ A (Vw – u)2 Lift force (FL) = ½ CL ρ Ap VA2
CD: Drag coefficient CL: Lift coefficient
ρ: Air density (kg/m3) Ap: Projected area (m2) = t . r
A: Swept area (m2) t: Blade cord (m)
Vw: Wind velocity (m/s) r: Rotor radius (m)
u: Object velocity (m/s)

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

check Q Blade out

Tip speed ratio:
𝜔: angular speed of rotor (radians/sec)
r: rotor radius (m)
Vw: Wind speed (m/sec)

V is the undisturbed air velocity 𝛼: is the angle of attack

It slows down to V(1 – a) as it reaches the rotor 𝛽: is the blade setting angle
𝜔𝑟(1 + 𝑎) is due to the rotation of blades and 𝜙: is the flow angle
the wake behind them a: is the axial induction factor = (V – VT)/ V
W is the resultant of the two velocity dL: the change in lift force
components dD: the change in drag force

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Turbine rotor efficiency

A basic example for wind power calculation:

Consider a location where the wind speed is 10 m/s,. A large wind turbine has a diameter of 120 m.
• The maximum turbine power

𝑃 = 𝐶\ 𝜌 𝑉yz 𝐴

Cp = (𝜌)Air density = Vw = A = ¼ π D2

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Wind speed prediction

Weibull Probability Distribution Function
(WPDF – h) is based on:
• v: wind speed
• k: shape parameter (it determines the
shape of the curve)
• scale parameter (shifts the distribution of
the hours at a higher speed scale)
Spacing of Towers:
Depends on:
• Terrain
• Wind direction
• The rotor speed
• Turbine size

Generators for wind turbines

Synchronous – armature field (stator) and the excited field (Rotor) operate at synchronous speed
type of generator
One such generator is Salient – Pole Generators with:
– Larger number of pole pairs
– Larger rotor diameter
– Lower rotational speeds
– Dominant in horizontal-axis wind turbines

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

Part SIX
Practical session

Location “Renewable Energy” Lab on top of the Academic Building

Some additional reading material for the practical (lab) component of the course:

1. Photovoltaic Panels

In 1839 a French Physicist, Edmund Becquerel, established the first known reference to photovoltaic
effect. The first theoretical explanation for the process was done in 1904 by Albert Einstein. However,
it took until 1950s and the space program for a PV device to be used in a practical form. By the eighties
they were used in applications where the grid connection was difficult to establish like, offshore and
highway lighting. By the beginning of 21st century the production costs were reduced, and policies
were placed to allow more installation.

There is a wide range of available solar cell materials. The variety includes amorphous or
polycrystalline silicon, cadmium sulfide and gallium arsenide. The maximum theoretical efficiency of
silicon cells does not exceed 23% due to the limiting effect that radiation above 1.1 micro m leads
only to heating the cell. In a module many cells are connected in series and parallel to produce the
required voltage and current.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 26

UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

A typical solar cell is composed of two layers of dissimilar semiconductors and the junction between
the two. One is the ‘p’ type, and the other is the ‘n’ type, as in figure (1). n-type is doped with a
limited amount of impurities such as phosphorous, so that it has more free electrons than p-type. p-
type is also doped but with a less amount, and elements such as boron that lead to a deficit of free
At the junction the doping level changes gradually from ‘p’ to ‘n’ setting up an electric field allowing
for the current flow. Infrared radiation from within the visible light spectrum (1.138 micro m)
causes electron movement and an electric current in the external circuit.

Specifications of a typical PV Module

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

2. Wind turbine

Wind energy applications go back about 4000 years. it was first used in sailing ships and almost at the
same time for grinding harvest in windmills. The first commercial wind turbines were installed during
the seventies. The efficiency limit for wind turbines is theoretically set at Betz limit at 59% but in real
applications the efficiency is set at a lower limit close to 45%.

Wind turbines for power production is currently well established. In this case the primary purpose is
to convert the kinetic energy in the wind to electrical energy. The size and output of installed wind
turbines has significantly increased since the nineteen eighties. Expected growth is anticipated to
continue reaching over 180 m diameters with output powers 8 to 12 MW.

Despite the attractive idea and the technological advances, there are a number of obstacles that exist
in the path of its growth such as; public acceptance, visual impact, noise, telecommunication
interference, with additional impacts on wildlife and the natural habitat.

Most of the industrial size wind turbines are horizontal axis machines. The large units mostly have
three blades. In recent years there has been many developments in terms of speed control and blade
design and the costs per kWatt for wind power generation, have descended to below $1000.

Small wind turbines, table (1) are very different from the large turbines in blade design, number of
blades and the manufacturing process. The main design points are the ability to start at lower
speeds and then to have sufficient structural support for high rotation speeds.

End of course

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 28

UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.
Continuous Education Workshops
Introduction to Solar and Wind
June – July 2022
Instructor – Soorkeu A Atrooshi, PhD

References and additional reading:

- Atrooshi, S.A., “Lecture notes in Renewable Energy for UG and PG Modules”, 2012 to 2022.
- Kreith, F. and Krumdieck, S., Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems, 2nd Edition, 2014, CRC Press,
Taylor and Francis
- Vanek, F. M., Albright, L.D., Energy Systems Engineering, Evaluation & Implementation, 2008,
McGraw Hill
- Peake, S., Renewable Energy, Power for a Sustainable Future, 4th Edition 2018, Oxford University
- Duffie, J.A. and Beckman, W.A., Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, 4th Edition, 2013, John
Wiley and Sons
- Hinrich, R.A. and Kleinbach, M., Energy, Its Use and the Environment, 2013, Brooks/Cole, Cengage
- Twiddel, J., Renewable Energy Sources, 2nd Edition, 2006, Routledge
- Aldo V. Da Rosa, “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes”, 2008, Academic Press
- Bent Sorensen, “Renewable Energy Conversion, Transmission and Storage”, 2007, Academic Press
B3BC7 - accessed – June 25, 2022

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UKH – June – July 2022 – Cont. Edu. workshops – Introduction to solar and wind applications – S.A.A.

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