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Nurul Huda

16 December 2022

Enrolment as PhD student at DTU

The Head of the PhD school at National Institute of Aquatic Resources has approved you for enrol-
ment on 02 December 2022.

You are enrolled at the Technical University of Denmark as a PhD student with a 37 -hour working week
(full time) for a period of three years. Your starting date of study is 01 March 2023 and your final date
of study will be 28 February 2026.

Enrolment at DTU is based on the following preconditions:

 Your Danish work- and residence permit has been obtained before starting date
 That a signed collaboration agreement has been forwarded to PA&D before the starting date,
if relevant

You are enrolled in the PhD school at National Institute of Aquatic Resources with Professor Barry
O’Neill being the principal supervisor. The principal supervisor is overall responsible for the PhD study.

The enrolment is subject to the rules of the current Ministerial PhD order. It must be emphasised that
the final date of study is binding under the current set of rules for the PhD education.

Access to IT systems and student ID

In order to give you access to the relevant IT systems, including PhDigital we need your Danish and Danish address. Please provide the PhD administrator/PhD secretary at the Department
with this information as soon as you have it.

When all details regarding your enrolment have been handled and your study period begins, you will
receive information about student number and access to relevant IT systems, including PhDigital.

When you have been granted access to the relevant IT system s, we kindly ask you to upload a pass-
port photo of yourself in DTU-basen. Subsequently your student ID will be printed and sent to you.

Technical University of Denmark Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Tlf. +45 45 25 25 25

Administration Building 101 A Dir. +45 45 25 92 00
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Find information on DTU Inside
On DTU Inside you will find important information about the PhD programme at DTU which you are
expected to familiarize yourself with.

The content of the pages takes you from beginning to completion of a PhD study. You can find infor-
mation about the compulsory elements of a PhD study, PhD Plan, Half-years reports, information
about completion of the PhD study with submission of the thesis as well as other matters such as
leave, extension etc. You will find the pages for PhD students by navigating as follows: DTU Inside →
Education → Study Rules → PhD education → PhD students.

Protection of personal information

You can find information about the data protection policy at DTU here:

If you have any questions regarding your PhD studies, you are welcome to contact me at PA&D.

Yours sincerely

Seda Emine Ocak

Corporate HR
PhD Administration & Development

Barry O’Neill
National Institute of Aquatic Resources

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