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• Document adopted by UN Conference on Environment and Development (1st Earth

Summit)held in Rio de Janeiro on 14 June 1992.

• 178 nations voted to adopt the program‘Action Program’ of UN international


• The Program is in eld of environment and development for 21st century

• Comprehensive blueprint of actions : 300 page nal document
• To be taken by organisations of UN, govts.,major groups : globally, nationally, locally
• Number 21 refers to agenda for 21st century

1)Social and economic dimensions of poverty, health, environment,

demographics, production

2) Conservation and management of resources: the atmosphere,

forests, deserts, mountains, water, chemicals and waste.

3) Strengthening the role of the most signi cant: women, youth,

NGOs, farmers, trade unions.

4) Methods of implementation: nance, institutions.

• Minimise Waste

• Energy Management And Conservation

• Management Of Drinking Water And Water Resources

• Management Of Waste Water

• Dangerous Substances

• Transport

• Planning And Management Of Earth Use That Development

Contributed To Preservation Of Cultures

• Involve Sta ,Customers And Community On Environmental Issues


• Producing more with less

• Reduce energy waste and emissions

• Protect water quality and use resources

• Minimise waste for the protection of aquatic environment

• Replacement with more environmentally friendly products

• Reduce overall emissions in the atmosphere

• Responding to the demand for land in a fair manner,ensuring

equal access to development and information
SECTION 1: Social and Economic Dimensions

• International cooperation to accelerate sustainable development in

developing countries and related domestic policies
• Combating poverty
• Changing consumption patterns
• Demographic dynamics and sustainability
• Protecting and promoting human health conditions
• Promoting sustainable human settlement development
• Integrating environment and development in decision- making
SECTION 2: Conservation and Management of Resources For
• Protection of the atmosphere
• Integrated approach to the planning and management of land resources
Combating deforestation
• Managing fragile ecosystems: combating deserti cation and drought
• Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development
• Conservation and Management of Resources For Development
• Promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development
• Conservation of biological diversity
• Environmentally sound management of biotechnology
• Protection of the oceans, all kinds of seas, including enclosed and semi-
enclosed seas, and coastal areas and the protection, rational use and
development of their living resources
• Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources: application of
integrated approaches to the development, management and use of water

• Protection of the quality and supply of freshwater resources:
application of integrated approaches to the development,
management and use of water resources
• Conservation and Management of Resources For Development
Environmentally sound management of toxic chemicals, including
prevention of illegal international traf c in toxic and dangerous
products Environmentally sound management of hazardous waste
Environmentally sound management of solid wastes and sewage-
related issues
• Safe and environmentally sound management of radioactive wastes

SECTION 3 :Strengthening The Role of Major Groups

• Global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development

• Children and youth in sustainable development
• Recognizing and strengthening the role of indigenous people and their
• Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners for
sustainable development
• Local authorities' initiatives in support of Agenda 21
• Strengthening the role of business and industry
• Strengthening the role of Scienti c and technological community
• Strengthening the role of farmers

SECTION 4 : Means of Implementation

• Financial resources and mechanisms

• Transfer of environmentally sound technology, cooperation and
capacity of building
• Science for sustainable development
• Promoting education, public awareness and training
• National mechanisms and international cooperation for capacity of
building in developing countries
• International institutional arrangements
• International legal instruments and mechanisms
United States

• The national focal point in the United States is the Division Chief for
Sustainable Development and Multilateral Affairs, Of ce of Environmental
Policy, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scienti c
Affairs, U.S. Department of State.
• A June 2012 poll of 1,300 United States voters by the American Planning
Association found that 9% supported Agenda 21, 6% opposed it, and 85%
thought they didn't have enough information to form an opinion.


• Australia is a signatory to Agenda 21 and 88 of its municipalities

subscribe an organization that promotes Agenda 21 globally.
• Australia's membership is second only to that of the United States.


• The Rio+10 report identi ed 5120 of local governments in Europe having

a "Local Agenda 21". As most Europeans live in about 800 cities of
+50.000 inhabitants, it is fair to say that just about all cities, communes
and villages have a local Agenda 21.
• For example:
By 1997, 70% of UK local authorities had committed to Agenda 21. Many,
such as the London , employed Agenda 21 of cers to promote the
• Sweden reported that 100% of the municipalities had adopted the agenda
by 2002.
• France, whose national government, along with 14 cities, is a signatory,
promotes nationwide programs in support of the goals of Agenda 21
• Baltic nations formed the Baltic 21 coalition as a regional expression of

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