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Saturday, Part 2

Persuasion Mastery Systems courses may contain viewpoints that may be considered
controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a guide to help people win with
words and succeed in all walks of life using persuasion language, techniques, and skills.

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Ross: Day two! I say beyond super-duper-mega-shmega. Mighty-might
gold key understanding. Let’s read this out loud:

“Whatever you can get people to imagine for themselves will be

perceived as their own thought, and therefore they will not resist it.”

Listen to me do it, and then we’ll go through it.

Before I share this life-changing information with you, I just want to

say I don’t know just exactly what you’ll find most exciting, as you
imagine how you’ll be putting this to use. What’s important is that,
as you continue to notice that growing excitement, you feel free to
ask the questions so that you know a fantastic decision is going to
be made. So will you promise me you’ll ask those questions?

Let’s read it all together, just to get the cadence, and then we’ll go
through it.

“Before I share this life-changing information with you, I just want to

say I don’t know just exactly what you’ll find most exciting, as you
imagine how you’ll be putting this to use. What’s important is that,
as you continue to notice that growing excitement, you feel free to
ask the questions so that you know a fantastic decision is going to
be made. So will you promise me you’ll ask those questions?”

There’s a lot packed in here. I’m using a whole range of

manipulative methods packed into this one paragraph.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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I like what someone said the other day. One person said, “I zoned
out.” The other person said, “I just was totally tuned into you.”

It doesn’t matter whether you tune into me completely or you zone

out and let the other part of your mind listen in its own unique way. I
think what matters is you’re gaining the understanding that you can
stop and imagine it being of real value to you.

I’m not sure whether that’s going to happen in a way that you feel
very excited or in a way where you feel absolutely excited, or
maybe in ways you don’t even particularly feel one way or the
other. They just move you into taking the actions that we both
realize you want to take. What matters is that, as you go by the
table, each and every time you go by the table, you recognize that
you can give yourself credit for9never mind.

Let’s look at the word “share.” The word “share” is setting a

meaning frame. When I say I’m going to share something with you,
that makes it less about I’m going to pressure you or manipulate
you. It’s just sharing. It sets the frame that the reader or listener is
not being sold, but rather is being presented with life-changing
information. Let’s look at the term “life-changing information.”

Life-changing how? It’s vague. I’m not saying specifically how it’s
going to change your life, either. I want you to somewhere in the
margin write “Life-changing how?” It’s vague. I’m not saying how it’s
going to change the person’s life, am I? Why am I not saying that?

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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First of all, I want them to fill in the blanks, but I also want to create
a frame of curiosity. I want them to search for, “Wow, what could
that mean?”

Participant: If you’re in a specific niche, should you still stick with something
very vague, like life-changing information?

Ross: This is just an example. What niche are you in?

Participant: I’m a copywriter. I work a lot of health and weight loss.

Ross: Are you selling your services as a copywriter?

Participant: More on behalf of clients.

Ross: The story of how this life-changing program came about is quite an
interesting one. As you follow along with this message, I hope you’ll
promise me that you’ll remember that, as exciting as reading this is,
it’s just a small portion of what I can put into print about what this is
really going to do for you. So follow along as we get started

Do you get it? That’s how you do that. You throw that into your
copy and it’s going to make your copy significantly more effective. I
know some people who are out there using my stuff and they are
going, “Wow, this is really great.”

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Participant: Can you share anymore about the mechanism of curiosity,
specifically? You talked about life-changing as a vague thing, that it
generates curiosity.

Ross: This is from hypnosis. It’s a trans-derivational search. When you’re

vague, the unconscious mind will search for its own meanings
about what something means. That’s the technical hypnotic term.
Again, the mind is searching for meaning. Often the meanings that
we attribute to things are not the ones that we’re consciously
aware, but they are the ones we act from.

Participant: It gives you certainty that you can understand what this thing is in
whatever way you decide it means.

Ross: Actually, it’s paradoxical. Hold on. You’re almost there. It gives the
person a felt sense of certainty by being shoved into deep

Participant: How does that work?

Ross: Because the mind doesn’t like the tension of being uncertain, so it’s
going to dive down and begin to search for the meanings that are
going to be there.

I read a beautiful piece of copy. The story of how this coin became
so valuable is a really interesting one. This is a powerful statement.
That’s one of my favorite ones. Write that down: “This is a powerful

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Website -
statement.” It’s a nice little bit of pattern. The mind temporarily goes
on hold and goes, “Huh?”

Which is a powerful statement? The statement that this is a

powerful statement or the statement that you just made? You see
the ambiguity there?

By the way, one of the differences between vagueness, implication,

and ambiguity is ambiguity often involves a confusion. Ambiguity
involves a confusion.

“This is a powerful statement.” Which is a powerful statement? The

statement that this is a powerful statement or is it referring to the
statement you just made?

“The story of how this dramatic weight loss breakthrough is

discovered is a fascinating one. This is a powerful statement. Now,
as you follow along with me, let me take you by the hand and lead
you through this in a way where you can feel your own excitement
at how this can really work for you.”

That’s a suggestion. We’ll get into all these little pieces. Then you
get into the story. Some of you are following along and some of you
are just getting it unconsciously.

We have our first group exercise. I want you to reassemble into the
same teams you were in and discuss these questions:

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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1. How quickly have you been able to realize and recognize
when someone is trying to sell you? Even if it was just an
idea or some behavior that didn’t involve money.

2. What happens to your state of mind and your receptivity to

the rest of the message when this happens?

3. Have you ever attempted to sell someone something, even if

it’s just an idea or action you wanted them to take that has
nothing to do with money?

4. How do you think the outcome would have been different if

you were able to set the frame that you were sharing
something rather than convincing someone?

This is not about coming up with the right answer for me. It’s about
sharing your experiences with each other. Answer those questions.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Saturday, Part 2
Copyright  1988-present, Ghita Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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