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Sunday, Part 7

Persuasion Mastery Systems courses may contain viewpoints that may be considered
controversial by certain audiences. It is intended as a guide to help people win with
words and succeed in all walks of life using persuasion language, techniques, and skills.

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You alone are responsible for your decisions and actions, even if they have an impact
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While this transcript contains information, tips, tools, and strategies that are
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Ross: Say the last phrase again.

Participant: “…that may be more rewarding in the long run.”

Ross: I like this for another reason. You see, the person’s objection in
terms of the time reference is present time. You’re moving him into
the future. You’re moving him off and away from the objection into
a future where the objection no longer exists. You’re pseud-
orienting that person in time. You’re taking something that’s frozen
in the present and you’re moving it forward into time and getting
him to look beyond the moment. You’re expanding the timeframe
through which he’s looking, and in so doing, you’re dissipating the
power of all the evidence he has sitting there in the present. All the
evidence he has to stick with his decision is there in the present.

By expanding the frame into an unspecified period of future time,

you’re dissipating the force of his objection. And at the same time,
you’re simultaneously opening up a future where he’s already
enjoyed the choice that you’re tricking him into making. I love that.
I bow my yamaka to you.

Persuasion Mastery Boot Camp (March 2014) Total Immersion Seminar Footage
Sunday, Part 7
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