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Academic Year 2018 – 3rd Year Examination – Semester 5

EN5101: Fundamentals of Management

Multiple Choice Question Paper

20th May, 2018


Important Instructions:
 The duration of the paper is 01 (one) hour.

 The medium of instructions and questions is English.

 The paper has 25 questions and 6 pages.

 All questions are of the MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) type.

 All questions should be answered.

 Each question will have 5 (five) choices with one or more correct answers.

 All questions will carry equal marks.

 There will be a penalty for incorrect responses to discourage guessing.

 The mark given for a question will vary from 0 to +1 (All the correct choices are
marked & no incorrect choices are marked).

 Answers should be marked on the special answer sheet provided.

 Note that questions appear on both sides of the paper.

If a page is not printed, please inform the supervisor immediately.

 Mark the correct choices on the question paper first and then transfer them to the
given answer sheet which will be machine marked. Please completely read and
follow the instructions given on the other side of the answer sheet before
you shade your correct choices.
 Calculators are not allowed.

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1. Which of the following statement (s) define (s) Management correctly?

(a) Management is coordinating the efforts of people of an organization to achieve its

(b) Management is the art of managing physical resources.
(c) Management is the art of managing people of an organization to achieve its goals.
(d) Management is the way of carrying out jobs and duties to satisfy owners of a business.
(e) Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling resources to
achieve organizational goals.

2. Mrs. Perera as a manager is responsible for the tactical level management of an organization. She
is supposed to coordinate tasks between top and lower levels of the organization. Which of the
following position (s) can be held by Mrs. Perera as per the above information?

(a) Chairman (b) Chief Executive Officer (c) Production Supervisor

(d) Marketing Manager (e) Finance Manager

3. Which one of the following presents the correct order of the skills set that the top managers of an
organization should possess?

(a) Conceptual skills, communication skills, technical skills

(b) Conceptual skills. problem solving skills, technical skills
(c) Conceptual skills, negotiation skills, technical skills
(d) Conceptual skills, human skills, technical skills
(e) Conceptual skills, technical skills, human skills

4. You are supposed to answer this question based on the photograph given below.

Which of the following attribute (s) of workers could be reflected in the above photograph?

(a) Formal communication

(b) Vertical coordination
(c) Informal communication
(d) Worker competition
(e) Informal teams

5. The “one-best way” of managing people was emphasized by

(a) classical thinking. (b) systems thinking. (c) collaborative innovation.

(d) Taylorism. (e) contingency view.

6. Fill in the blank.

……………….. explains the ongoing interaction of the organization with its external environment.

(a) The contingency approach (b) The classical approach

(c) The systems approach (d) The behavioral approach
(e) The quantitative approach

7. Which of the following presents the Interpersonal Roles of a manager as per Henry Mintzberg?

(a) Figurehead, leader, spokesperson (b) Figurehead, leader, liaison

(c) Figurehead, monitor, liaison (d) Figurehead, monitor, disturbance handler
(e) Figurehead, monitor, negotiator

8. Which of the following present the hygiene factors as per the Two-factor theory of work

(a) Achievement
(b) Career growth
(c) The pay
(d) Recognition
(e) Company policies

9. Which of the following can be treated as a strength (S) of an organization?

(a) Passive workers (b) Flexible structure

(c) Market competition (d) Population growth
(e) Government support

10. The establishment of strategic goals of an organization should be based on its

(a) functional level goals.

(b) operational level goals.
(c) single use plans.
(d) mission.
(e) structure.

11. Which of the following is/are considered as the elements of organizing?

(a) Planning
(b) Job design
(c) Departmentalization
(d) Strategy
(e) Coordination

12. Organizational communication can be defined as a process of

(a) understanding of messages.

(b) transfer of messages.
(c) transfer of messages meaningfully.
(d) encoding of messages.
(e) decoding of messages.

13. Which of the following presents an operational level goal of an organization?

(a) Customer satisfaction through product development.

(b) Minimizing production wastage.
(c) Merge with another organization in the same industry.
(d) Enter into a new market.
(e) Investing in a new project.

14 What is/are the characteristic (s) of a successful objective of an organization?

(a) Achievability
(b) Manageability
(c) Measurability
(d) Workability
(e) Relevancy

15. A popular method used by managers to analyze the business environment is the

(a) SWOT analysis.

(b) Cost analysis.
(c) Market analysis.
(d) Five forces analysis.
(e) Sales analysis.

16. Which of the following needs can be recognized under the self-actualization needs proposed by

(a) Salary (b) Recognition

(c) Affiliation (d) Career growth
(e) Achievement

17. Out of the following, which has/have the highest impact from the use of modern ICT?

(a) Production teams

(b) Informal teams
(c) Formal teams
(d) Self-managed teams
(e) Virtual teams

18. Which of the following is/are (an) element (s) of the task environment of an organization?

(a) Management
(b) Suppliers
(c) Employees
(d) Customers
(e) International dimension

19. Fill in the blank.

…………………. is/are (a) measure (s) to get prepared for the routine activities of an

(a) Operational plan

(b) Tactical plan
(c) Strategic plan
(d) Human resource plan
(e) Contingency plan

20. Which of the following is/are (an) example (s) for a semi-programmed decision?

(a) Inventory control

(b) Monitoring employee attendance
(c) Budgetary control
(d) Mergers and acquisitions
(e) Procurement

21. The process of work motivation ends with the

(a) goal setting.

(b) need satisfaction.
(c) needs or expectations.
(d) drives.
(e) frustration.

22. Needs and wants of the target customer group is/are mostly considered in the

(a) functional structure.

(b) divisional structure.
(c) matrix structure.
(d) simple structure.
(e) market structure.

23. “Leaders are born” has been emphasized in the

(a) traits approach to leadership.

(b) behavioural approaches to leadership.
(c) situational approach to leadership.
(d) modern approaches to leadership.
(e) great man theory of leadership.

24. ‘What motivates employees of an organization’ is explained by the?

(a) Process theories of work motivation.

(b) Expectancy theory of work motivation.
(c) Content theories of work motivation.
(d) Equity theory of work motivation.
(e) Needs hierarchy theory of work motivation.

25. Fill in the blank.

……………………………detects the disturbance to a process directly and takes an appropriate
control action in order to eliminate its effect on the process output.

(a) Feedback control

(b) Cultural control
(c) Output control
(d) Feed-forward control
(e) Financial control


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