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The Book of Angelic


Path Reference 0 - 14

James Simpson
ArchAn Publishing
Copyright © James Simpson. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of material
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responsibility with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by
reading or following any of the instructions in this book. The information is used for
research, study purposes and at your own risk.

First Publication Date: January 2012.

Magickal Path Reference: 0 – 14

Updated July 2013. :

James Simpson

Book of the Angelic Elements / James Simpson

Includes biographical references

1. Elemental Magick, 2. Magick – Spells. 1. Title

ISBN Number: None – Electronic Book. (eBook)

Important Notice

This publication may form part of the initiation path course, therefore the purchaser of
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Published by: ArchAn Publishing

Prayer to our Guardian Angels

To God Almighty,
The Lord of Israel,
May Michael be at my right hand,
Gabriel at my left hand,
Before me Raphael and
Behind me Uriel,,
And above me the Divine Presence of God.


A Salamander – According to Paracelsus - Public Domain- PD-ART













Appendices 40

Biography & References


There are things that are known, and things that are unknown:
in between are the doors.

For many centuries magicians have attempts to control the four powers of the
elemental realm, in an effort to experience its energy, understand its power, and use
this power for their own ends. However, it is also said by many practitioners that
Elemental Magick is considered one of the most difficult, but natural Magickal Arts to

The ancient magicians believed, particularly the Magician Cornelius Agrippa (1486 -
1534), that there are three worlds, Elemental, Celestial, and Intellectual, as described
in Agrippa’s work “Three Books of Occult Philosophy”. Accepting this we see that the
spirits, who govern the elemental regions, must obey the Archangels, and as you are
only a little lower that the Angels, in evolutionary terms, the elemental spirits must
therefore also obey you. This is part of Great Creators plans that all things vibrate to
certain actions and powers; the Heavens, Stars, Elements, Animals, Plants, Metals,
and Stones all have virtues which the Great Creator gave them to ensure that
mankind, who practices these rituals, may progress in his spiritual journey, ultimately
to Angelhood.

The Pauline Art therefore instructs the ways of ascending by small degrees through
each World, and as you progress through the information in this Book you will work
with each of these Worlds, under the protection of the Archangels.

 The Elemental World works with natural phenomena;

 The Celestial World works through and with astrological principles;

 The Intellectual Worlds involves your Birth and Archangels and the other
Planetary Angels.

Remember, these are not distinct discrete worlds, although they are unique in that
the approaches you must use to contact the powers of these worlds may differ, they
are however interlinked. They do not depend upon each other to function, but any
vibration set-up in one World will vibrate within the others. As a practitioner of the
Angelic Art, view them as steps in your magical training. Nothing more nothing less.

As indicated there are four traditional Elements, Fire, Earth, Water and Air, of which
all elemental inferior bodies are compounded. (Some traditions include the Spirit
which rules over, or animates the main four, but as we are treading the traditional
path, ignore this factor for the time being) This is not to say that each elemental spirit
is composed of only its particular Element, or that its composition has equal parts of
all Elements. This is not true, for Elemental Spirits to survive, they use transmutation,
and union; and when destroyed, is reabsorbed back into their individual Elemental
realms once again. Some elements are not pure. Consider the element of Earth,
there may be a small proportion of water combined, and elements of Earth may be
dissolved in Water, as may also the element of Air.

However, for our purposes we make the assumption that Elemental Spirits are wholly
made up of an element, for they can only operate within this elemental environment.
This is not to say that they cannot reach to one another, they can!

Let’s attempt to understand what Elemental Magick is about, and a brief overview of
its development. Where did the notion of four traditional elements come from?

There is a very close relationship of the elements and the rivers of Eden. It was the children
of Adam and Eve that then populated these cardinal areas following Adam and Eve's
expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The Bible does not give a specific number. But lists
Cain (Genesis 4:1), Abel (Genesis 4:2), Seth (Genesis 4:25), and many other sons
and daughters (Genesis 5:4). The Eastern River was populated with children who
had an association to the Astrological Signs of Gemini and Libra (Air Signs). Cain
was one of Eve’s children that went East of Eden, which means he a twin (to his
brother Abel) fell under the Astrological Sign of Gemini (Twins). The Western River
was settled by those with the Astrological Sign of Aires, Leo and Sagittarius (Element
of Fire). The Southern River populated with those under the sign of Pisces, Cancer
and Scorpio. Northern River settled by those under the sign of Taurus, Virgo and
Capricorn (Element Earth).

“And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was
parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison (West):
that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;
and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And
the name of the second river is Gihon (South): the same is it that
compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is
Hiddekel (Tigris – East) : that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria.
And the fourth river is Perat (Euphrates - North).” (Genesis 2:10-14).

So you can now see the elemental relationships to the Archangels and Astrological
Sign. See Appendix F for a listing of Archangels and the Rivers of Eden.

Michael Lewis states that “The earliest of Greek natural philosophers, Thales, in
considering which was the most basic element in the cosmos, from which the
cosmos was created, supposed that the cosmos was made of Water. Later,
Heraclitus decided that the most basic element in the cosmos was Fire, and
Anaxagoras named Air as the essential constituent of the cosmos. In the 6th Century
BC, Empedocles first suggested that the cosmos was made of four constituent
elements, which he named as Fire, Air, Water and Earth, in order from the most rare
to the most dense. (2001 Michael Lewis)

In the excellent work on Practical Elemental Magic, Rankine and d’Este indicated that
the Christian view of the human body put forward by the early Christian theologians
was that it was comprised of the four elements with the fifth element (aether) [Spirit]
being the animating soul. This Christian view is very much the one which would
continue through the centuries into the western esoteric traditions and the various
schools of Magick working within it. (Rankine, & d'Este 18:2008) [My emphasis]

To the ancients then the elements of Earth, Water, and Fire were very important to
the early peoples. Their lives depended on Earth for growth and food, fire for
protection, and their day to day lives depended upon a ready source of water. The
element of Air an invisible substance was needed for breathing and represented also
wind, or air in motion, which brought storms and rain.

Finally the Spirit, the fifth element, is the power of the human Spirit tied the living to
the dead and held the promise of rebirth.

So here you are working with the oldest recognized pure entities. However, as you
will be using these powers through the protection of the Archangels, you may work
with confidence. As with all the Books in the Archan Publishing Path Series, the
philosophy behind some of the traditional magickal practices, and in this case the
composition of the Elements should be of no concern to the practitioner as these are
practical Books not philosophical tomes.

A Seal containing Planetary Alignments on a Pentagram – PD-ART


For all things come from the elements, be it in their purest state, or combinations
there of. The elements make up all created things, be it stones, metals, plants,
animals, angels, daemons, gods, devils, fiends, phantoms, as well as all other
created things. Be it, within the infernal, terrestrial, or celestial realms, be it the spirit,
chaos, or life, the elements lie therein. (Suba, High Magick: The Elemental Adept).

If you consult a number of other texts on Elemental Correspondence you may find a
difference between the some of the element associations, be assured that I have
thoroughly researched the table correspondences below and these do align to the
Pauline Art tradition.

So having indicated this area which may concern some practitioners here is the basic
table of Elements and their correspondences. This table will be expanded as we
progress through the Book.

Direction Element Season Person Image Tarot Spirit

North Earth Autumn Mother Shekel of Tarot of Gnomes
Gold Coins
South Water Winter Daughter Cup of Tarot of Undines
Joseph Cups
East Air Spring Son Sword of Tarot of Sylphs
David Swords
West Fire Summer Father Flowering Tarot of Salamanders
Rod of Rods

It is best to understand that the concepts of Father, Mother, Son and Daughter are
used here only as symbols to express certain traits attributed to the respective
spheres of existence. They have no religious connotations to them (The Son does
not refer to Jesus Christ, for example), nor should they be viewed in the manner that
we consider the sexual traits of mother and father, or the relationship between son
and daughter. (Unknown Author).

Fire, Air, Earth, and Water, the four elements, also play an important part in
astrology. Below are the Astrological associations to the Elements, Planets and

Angel Element Planet Astrological Sign

Anael Air Venus Libra
Earth Taurus

Asariel Water Neptune Pisces

Azrael Water Pluto Scorpio

Cassiel Earth Saturn Capricorn

Gabriel Water Moon Cancer

Michael Fire Sun Leo

Raphael Air Mercury Gemini

Earth Virgo

Sachiel Water Jupiter Pisces

Fire Sagittarius

Samael Fire Mars Aries

Water Scorpio

Uriel Air Uranus Aquarius

Lumiel Earth Earth Complete Astrological


Alternative names for the Elemental Spirits:

Earth Air Fire Water

Gnomes Sylphs Salamanders Undines
Dwarfs Fairies Genies Nymphs
Elves Jin Sirens
Leprechauns Mermaids

For those who have studied the Hebrew language it is stated that each Hebrew letter
corresponds to a number: most Hebrew documents even use the actual letters to
indicated page numbers. Hebrew letters are also divided into three categories known
as the three “mother” letters which correspond to the three elements of Air, Fire and
Water. Earth is considered to constitute all three of the mentioned Elements and
therefore was never associated with a particular letter.

Therefore when working with the Elements, particularly when constructing Elemental
talismans, you should include within your design, the appropriate Hebrew Letter
which represents the Elemental you are working with:

Element Hebrew Letter Letter Elemental Symbol

Earth Tau Shekel of Gold

Water Mem Cup of Joseph

Air Aleph Sword of David

Fire Shin Flowering Rod of Aaron

Although the Hebrew alphabet does not assign a letter to the element of Earth we
can assign to this element the letter for Tau. This, in its original association is given
the rulership of the Plant Saturn, who has a correspondence to the Element of Earth,
however, at a deeper level the Tau symbol is also the Sigil for the Angel Lumiel, the
Angel of the planet Earth.

The metals that correspond to the four elementary forms are gold and silver for air;
mercury for water; iron and copper for fire; and lead for earth. Talismans are
prepared from them, having relation to the forces which they represent, and to the
effects proposed to be obtained.

Elemental images include the Sword of David; a sword amulet has been worn as a
symbol of Justice Authority and Courage and a powerful protection against all forms
of harm in gothic and occult folklore. Netanyahu, Israel president once said.

"Our other hand grasps the sword of David in order to defend our people
against those who seek to kill us."

So the sword is a powerful symbol of protection.

The Shekel of Gold is just that, an

amount of gold or a gold coin. Shekel
came in to the English language via the
Bible, where it is first used in the Book of

The shekel of gold was equivalent to

about 2 pounds UK Sterling.

The Cup of Joseph, according to early
Christian beliefs is that it is the cup used
by Christ at the last supper. In addition to
what there is Biblical information about
Joseph, he was a soldier of Pilate who
gave him the cup from the Last Supper.
After Christ’s Resurrection, he was
thrown into a dungeon where Jesus
appeared to him and gave him the cup
which had fallen out of his possession.

Joseph was said, not only to have come

to Britain, but to have settled at
Glastonbury where he was given land by
Joseph of Arimathea, from a window in St. John's, King Arviragus. However this mysterious
Glastonbury. Seen holding the “Grail” cup “The Holy Grail” has never been
There is no known image of the cup, so its design and shape remain a mystery. If in
fact it is a cup!
The Flowering Rod of Aran is the staff which was carried by Moses' brother, Aaron.
According to the Old Testament this staff was endowed with miraculous power. In the
Rabbinical tradition it is described as being made of sapphire, and weighing forty
seahs, or 10.80 pounds, and bore this inscription ‫דצכ עדש באחב‬, Translated, this
inscription means: "To the extent of God let these come to pass". (Wikipeadia)

Mathers indicated that in The Greater Key of Solomon, Solomon instructed that;

"Upon the first Series of talismans thou shalt engrave the Letter Yod, symbolized by
the Flowering Rod of Aaron. Upon the second the Letter Hé, symbolized by the Cup
of Joseph. Upon the third the Letter Vau, symbolized by the Sword of David my
father. And upon the fourth the Hé final, symbolized by the Shekel of Gold."

Yod H’e or He Vau or Vav H’e or He

See Appendix G & H for Hebrew Alphabet – English Equivalent and Number Values

And finally, Archangel, Astrological Sign aligned to their Element:

Archangel Astrological Sign Element

Samael Aries Fire
Anael Taurus Earth
Raphael Gemini Air
Gabriel Cancer Water
Michael Leo Fire
Raphael Virgo Fixed Earth
Anael Libra Air
Samael / Azrael Scorpio Fixed Water
Sachiel Sagittarius Fire
Cassiel Capricorn Earth
Uriel Aquarius Fixed Air
Sachiel / Asariel Pisces Water

Full Tables of Correspondences are given in the Appendices.


Much of our information about the actual Elementals themselves comes from the
work of Eliphas Levi, in his work “The Conjuration of the Four Elements” and it is this
work that much of the following has been distilled and combined with existing Angelic

According to Levi, spirits are like young children. They can torment those that
invoking them too much, unless one has control of them by means of superior
rationality and the protection of the Archangels.

These spirits are those who often prepare disquieting or fantastic dreams. They are
those who produce the movements of a divining rod, raps on walls and furniture and
even manifest in our dreams. They are not ‘Good’ or ‘Evil’ they are just lost entities
that are looking to be controlled.

They, Elementals, are reported to have occasioned the nightmares of Saint Antony,
and, very probably, the visions of Swedenborg. They are simply inquisitive and
inoffensive. We can employ or abuse them like animals or children. Therefore the
occultist who employs their help assumes a terrible responsibility, for he should
ensure that they are not used for any evil purpose. In fact under the guidance of the
Archangels this would not be allowed, and the practitioner would only be storing up
for himself some form of Karmic retribution. So be warned, only use the spells of the
Elements to assist and advance your personal development, and help your family

Levi, also indicated that in order to work with the Elements you must have previously
undergone the four trials of the ancient initiations. But the student will be relieved to
know that this is not necessary, in today’s age.

You must place trust in your Archangels, and be guided by your own intuition, just
remember a practitioner who fears water can never rule over undines; those afraid of
fire cannot command salamanders. The Elemental spirits will only help those they
consider to be superior to them. You are a unique individual; you have chosen to
study the sacred Pauline Art, the Magick of the Angels. You can command respect.

Every time you think or communicate in some form or another, you are drawing on
the spirit of Air. Therefore our connections with others are formed through Air. Air is
elusive, it cannot be containable, it is unseen, but changeable. When you seek
insight, discover a new idea, change your mind, clarify a vision, develop a plan or
concentrate on your breathing, you are becoming Air. Air is intellect, truth and
wisdom. If you have difficulty making decisions, taking action, understanding or being
understood, Air can help you. You should form close relationships with this Element
by have some form of representation, on your altar, if you have one, or integrated
within your Elemental spells. Air is extremely difficult to truly represent, so the
practitioner should visualize the air within his temple or work space as a pale yellow
radiating field which surrounds him and his working space to a depth of
approximately 5 metres.

Fire is the state of want or desire. The Spirit of Fire is the life principle. It provides
heat and light. It is the element of Spirit. It posses the power to transform the state of
any substance. If you wish to improve your sense of humour, develop courage,
confidence, or motivation, look to Fire.

Traditionally the Element of Fire is represented by your alter candles. Prometheus,
according to Greek mythology, stole the Element of Fire from Heaven for the benefit
of Man. This angered the Gods and therefore Prometheus was punished. This has a
parallel with the fall of the Archangel Lumiel.

The Chaldeans believed that the Earth would be consumed by fire when all the
seven planets were in conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. This appears to contradict
the current Astrological correspondences, as Capricorn is under the Element of Earth
and the Archangel Cassiel.

Water is the most psychic of all the elements. It cleanses, nourishes and reflects. It is
passive and malleable; it takes on the shape of whatever contains it. The Holy Grail
is associated with Water, the original Primordial Chaos. Water rules the emotions
and the subconscious. If you have prophetic dreams, you are interacting with the
spirit of Water. If you are lonely, depressed, overwhelmed or having trouble opening
your heart, let Water clear the way for you. Water is necessary for the survival of all
things. In order to strengthen your link to the Element of Water, place on your alter a
small phial of pure spring water. If this is not possible simple tap water will do initially

Finally when you eat, exercise or save money, you are interacting with the Earth
Spirit. Stability is Earth's unique gift. Seeing, smelling, tasting and touching are
functions of Earth. Earth is solid, rich, sultry, strong and dependable. It is the
foundation for all the other elements. Earth is about getting results. Poverty,
insecurity, obsessions or a sense of incapability can all be resolved with Earth. As
you become proficient with the spells of the Earth you are advised to strengthen your
connection with the Element. This can be done by placing a small vial or bottle of
Earth on your alter. The earth may be obtained fro an ancient sacred site or just as
effective from your own garden.
The edited descriptions of the Elements have been taken from and article by Avalon
De Witt*
Elementals are usually only visible to those with clairvoyant sight and are more likely
to be seen at night in the mountains or country away from cities, especially if you are
tired or sleepy.
For the reader who would like to explore the works of Eliphas Levi, Archan has
published with this Book “The Conjuration of the Four Elements” - by Levi, Eliphas

* Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit


There are many paths to the Divine, some paths suit some students and some do
not. This is not because you have any advantage or a reason for failing. All it means
is that you do not have, at that time, the vibrationary link in your psychic wellbeing. It
does not mean that you are inferior, or need to learn more. It means that that
particular practice or ritual is not for you. Some practitioners have great success
directly with the Archangels, and are happy to only use these rituals to communicate
with their Birth Angels. Others are keen to practice all the different rituals in the
Pauline Art. So for the practice of Elemental Magic you may succeed or not. It all
depends upon your stage of psychic development.

You Must Discover Your Path - Your Birth Archangels Will Guide You

Previously it was stated that the Ancients believed that there were three worlds,
Elemental, Celestial, and Intellectual. If fact there are four. And as you study the
Pauline Art, the Magic of the Angels of Men, you will be introduced to the four worlds:

1 Natural World - The Elements - Earth, Airs Fire and Water

2. Celestial World - The Planet their powers and their Ruling Angels

3. Fixed Stars - The Stars that work through the Zodiacal belt

4. Divine - The Spheres of the Angelic hierarchies.

Consider these to be like the skins of an onion, radiating out from the Element of
Earth, the Natural World to the Divine and from the Divine down to the Element of
Earth. This is the Path of enlightenment that each student must follow.

The skins represent the levels of transmutation, through the Angel of Transformation,
the Angel Raphael, of your consciousness to final integration with the Divine. No one
is no more powerful than the other; they all vibrate the Divine web which links all
mundane and living things. The only difference is the speed of result.

So by studying Elemental Magic you are on the first rung of the Divine Plan as a
student of this Angelic Art and you will progress through Earthly materialism to
become free from the outside domination of time, situation and karma.


Symbols use the Law of Attraction, so it is highly recommended that you use the
Elemental Symbols presented below. If what you want to achieve in a spell, realise
that it needs a particular vibrational quality also that by surrounding our thoughts with
these same images will attract the thing you wish to have. So, each of the elements,
Air, Fire, Water and Earth have a vibrational quality which you should incorporate in
your spells. For those who are a little confused about the Element of Spirit, in the
simplest form it is a combination of all the Elements.

In all magickal systems symbols are also aligned to a particular colour, Elemental
Magic is no exception. Each Element also has a traditional colour associated with it.
The traditional symbols are all based on an equilateral triangle. Air is a triangle
pointing upwards and with a horizontal line through the middle of it. Earth is a triangle
pointing downwards and with a horizontal line through the middle of it. Fire is a
triangle pointing up. Water is a triangle pointing down.

Elemental Symbols and Colours

Air Earth Fire Water

Yellow Brown / Green Red Blue
Wet/Hot Dry/Cold Hot Cold/Wet

Properties of the Elements

The four traditional Elements are not viewed purely in physical terms. The properties
of the Elements involve two basic interactions of expansion and contraction. The
principle conditions of these properties are wet, dry, hot and cold. Air is wet and hot.
Earth is dry and cold, Fire is hot and dry and Water is cold and wet.

Elemental Correspondences

Correspondence tables can help you select which mundane items have vibrationaly
links to the Elements, and these include stones, crystals, herbs, or other Magickal
tools to use in a ritual or working. The concept is that everything has a signature that
connects it to symbols and meanings.

So by definition, a correspondence denotes a similarity between things or ideas. In

Magick, a correspondence, or item carries the energy of the Element that is similar to
what you want to achieve.

For instance, if you perform a ritual using a red candle you will be aligning to the
Element of Fire. In other words, like attracts like.

So utilizing the appropriate correspondences is traditional in most magickal traditions,

and you will find, if you explore other systems that nothing is new. Medieval
Grimoires contain lists and lists of correspondences, which may confuse some new
practitioners, so in an effort to point you in the right direction, refer to the appendices
at the end of this eBook for a full and comprehensive list.

Zodiac Signs & Elements

A final common symbol which may be used in your Elemental Spell, is know to all,
The Astrological Signs of the Zodiac

 Air is ruled by Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.

 Earth is ruled by Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius.

 Fire is ruled by Aires, Leo and Sagittarius, and

 Water is ruled by Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

Zodiac signs, 16th century European Woodcut. PD-ART

Naturally when you perform the elemental spells given later in this eBook you will be
working with that particular Elements spirit, but under the protection of the relevant
Archangel. Under normal circumstances the Elemental spirits are relatively easy to
contact however it must be noted that their powers are much specialised unlike
Planetary Angels who often rule over many areas of knowledge and experiences.

Therefore you must ensure that you contact the Elemental spirit which rules the
particular area that you need assistance with.

The following are the powers of the elemental spirits along with the name of each

1. Earth (Gnomes): Earth spirits will help the practitioner with situations which
involve material possessions, wealth and employment situations. They are teachers
in the magical properties of gems and minerals. If you want to clear your garden or
place outside your home of bad influences, gain strength or endurance, achieve
commitment, wisdom or patience. All these are governed by the Earth spirits.

2. Air (Sylphs): Sylphs help you to learn, they are teachers and will show you the
way to extract and retain information. They rule the mind, spiritual matters and
speech, all governed by the Elements of Air.

3. Fire (Salamanders): Spirits of the Element of Fire can help the practitioner
control energy and vitality in order to bring about change into your environment. Fire
is a cleansing, purgative element, and spells of fire may be used to rid places of
vibrations of evil, contamination and even insects. From a human perspective the
Element of Fire also rules blood, sap, life, and medical surgery. However, the spells
of Fire are potent, DO NOT OVERDO THEM. Once a month is quite enough, fire is a
dangerous element to stir up. If in doubt leave the spells of Fire alone, unless it is
one of the Elements under the dominion of one of your Birth Archangels.

4. Water (Undines): Relationships are under the rulership of Undines and

practitioners should petition the Element of Water to help resolve personal discord to
with loved ones. Undines may be requested to calm situations in the home, but they
also have rulership over the human traits of compassion, tenderness, forgiveness,
modesty, and creativity. Undines can appear as attractive visions and therefore the
student should understand that these visions are of spirits and treat them as such.

Many of the elemental spells require the making of images, traditionally called
'Sympathetic Magic’ and this is achieved by making images or diagrams, of what you
want done by the lesser -spirits (elementals), and images help them to understand.
Elementals are on a far lower scale then man, they have an even lower mentality,
you cannot tell them what to do, and you must show them.

If you are one of the people who say 'I don’t believe until I’m shown', you are acting
on the level of the elemental that must be shown, because they cannot think for

On the next page is the Astrological Sigils assigned to their appropriate Elemental
sector. This image represents the Elements and Angelic Rivers as taught by
practitioners of Angelic Magic.
Note: The sign of the cross adopted by the Christians does not belong to them
exclusively. It is also Kabbalistic, and represents the contrasts, and the quaternary
equilibrium of the elements. The spells revolving around this symbol is explored in
the Archan Publishing Book – The Book of the Angelic Cross.


The Sylphs are the Air spirits, the term originates from Paracelsus, who describes
Sylphs as invisible beings of the air. This Element has the highest vibratory rate of
the other three traditional elements. Sylphs are said to live on the tops of
mountains and windy places where they are volatile and changeable as they
work through the winds of the environment. They are appear with wings and are
often confused with fairies. However they can assume a human form, but only for
short periods of time. So every time you think or communicate, you are drawing on
the Element of Air. Connections to others are formed though the power of the
Element of Air, which you cannot restrain, change or contain.
You should consult the Element of Air when you wish to develop your ideas,
thoughts, mental agility and even creative thought. Air is intellect, truth and wisdom. If
you have difficulty making decisions, taking action, understanding or being
understood, Air can help you.

When you wish to develop your understanding of the spiritual plane, knowledge in
general, abstract learning, theories, clarity of speech, logic, proficiency with the
spoken word, intellect and memory. Air is creative and is that which causes magickal
intentions to become manifest. It is also associated with higher consciousness and
wisdom, divination, and purification, mental and psychic work, intuition. clouds,
inspiration, hearing, herbal knowledge, plant growth, freedom, revealing truth, finding
lost things, instruction, telepathy, memory, new beginnings, learning the secrets of
the dead, and mystical illumination.

Increase your sensitivity to the Element by ensuring your home is open to natural air.
Ensure that, weather permitting, you open the windows in your home. Listen to the
wind, it is air in motion, and be aware of smells that are brought in on the air.

The Archangels of Air include Anael, Raphael, and Uriel. Raphael is the traditional
Archangel of knowledge and communication, and may be called to help with any
related areas, such as improving your memory, learning languages, exams, dealing
with bureaucracy and business matters. The Archangel Anael rules all artistic
matters, drama, the arts, friendships, visual arts and partnerships. For the Archangel
Uriel his rulership addresses magic of tumultuous change, revolution magickal force,
those attempting to control your life through magical means. The rulerships of the
Archangels indicated is limited and not complete, as the Archangels also rule certain
planets and therefore also have governance of those planets powers. As we are only
dealing with the Elements it is those areas which have a direct relationship to the
element that you should work with.

When working with the Archangels you should visualize the Archangel standing on
top of a wind-swept hill, surrounded with wild flowers of clover or lavender. For the
Archangel Raphael, try to visualise him as a young man dressed in a flowing white
cloak with flashes of yellow and bodice. Also, as with the Greek God Hermes, he
wears a winged hat and sandals.
For the Archangel Anael he should be visualized as about is 5'0" tall with straight
light blond hair, which is braided with wild flowers and roses, and possessing one
pair of large cream wings.

Jackson & Howard (2003:256) say that the angel appears as dressed in emerald
green tunic, carrying a lantern, and holding a wand tipped with a pine cone and
decorated with multi-coloured ribbons.

Uriel, as the Archangel of Magick he is sometimes portrayed holding a copper lamp

(the lamp of enlightenment), a copper burnished disk engraved with mystical symbols
or a sword. He is said to be three metres tall, and wearing a green robe, which the
symbol of a winged bull is embroided, and his robe which is secured with a brown
leather belt. His face is beautiful; he has green eyes with a feminine quality. His hair
is black hair and he sports a pair of pure white wings.

It is advisable to include relevant magickal correspondences in any Magick work, it

add power to the ritual as it includes such alignment factors as colour, the moons
phase, and general correspondences etc, are all in balance.

The Element of Air represents intelligence and the arts, so many of your exercises
will involve meditation on the element concerned and within this meditative exercise
you will address the area you wish to work with to develop or improve. As an
example, memory improvement.

Your meditation should be developed around the following ritual.

Air - Meditation Exercise

You need to set-up an incense censer with charcoal and appropriate Air incense, or
you may use frankincense or myrrh as it is also appropriate for Air meditative
exercises. From a symbolic perspective burning some incense, just for the pleasure
of it, will also attract the Element of Air to your home, meditations and rituals.

If you are meditating indoors ensure that you have a flow of air through the room.
Light your charcoal and when it is covered with a fine grey ash put some of the above
indicated resin on to it. Let the fragrance of the incense fill the room, watch the
smoke curling upwards, imagine it as clouds being blown by the wind, see the
movement in the smoke, this is the power of Air. As the Air moves it generates
movement in the physical world. Air represents the powers of the intellect and
knowledge, and that Air gives life to other physical things (such as fire). Meditate on
the elusiveness of Air, how all its qualities are tied in with this and its quality of

During your meditative exercise you may also concentrate on the qualities that you
wish to personally improve. See in your minds-eye these qualities being adopted,
improved, honed and sharpened. Consider your failings in this area, and see them

Basic Ritual

Before you commence any Air rituals (a ritual which is required to address an
immediate problem area), firstly, set up your Altar with those items associated with
the Element of Air (See Appendix B).

Complete the meditation exercise indicated above, and then commence your actual
ritual with a prayer to the Archangels of the Element and then to Sylphs of Air:


“Archangels of God, Anael, Raphael, and Uriel. To whom God's love entrusts
me here; Ever this day be at my side, To light and guard, To rule and guide.


“Spirit of light! Spirit of wisdom! whose breath gives and takes away again the
forms of all things! Thou, in whose presence the life of being is a shadow
which changes, and a vapor which passes away. Thou who ascendest the
clouds and movest on the wing of the winds. When thou breathes! forth,
infinite spaces are peopled! When thou inhalest, all that comes from thee
returns to thee! Endless movement in eternal stability, be thou eternally blest!
We praise thee and bless thee in the changing empire of created light, of
shadows, of reflections and of images; and we long unceasingly for thine
immutable and imperishable light. Let the ray of thy intelligence and the heat
of thy love penetrate even to us; then what is movable will become fixed; the
shadow will become a body; the spirit of the air will become a soul; the dream
will become a thought, and we shall no longer be borne away by the tempest,
but shall hold the bridle of the winged steeds of the morning, and shall direct
the course of the evening winds that we may fly into thy presence. O spirit of
spirits! O eternal soul of souls! O imperishable breath of life! O creative
inspiration. O mouth which inspires and respires the existence of all beings in
the flux and reflux of thy eternal Word, which is the divine ocean of movement
and of truth. Amen!”

The Conjuration of the Four Elements, by Eliphas Levi.

Now you may progress to the actual rituals themselves.

Air – Rituals:
To Stimulate Creativity

Some would say that creativity is an inherent skill, you are born with it, and to some
respects this is so, however, a fair degree of creativity may be learnt, you just need to
tap into your subconscious and let the creativity pour forth.

Complete the ritual prerequisites as indicate earlier. Then light a yellow candle and
position it on your Altar. Contemplate the flame and imagine the light of the flame
casting its light in your subconscious mind. Just imagine the inside of your head
being illuminated through your eyes. You may find this a little difficult to achieve at
first, by do persevere. When you feel the light is established visualise a painting or
picture you are quite familiar with.

Explore the image, examine it in detail, what you like and do not like. Try to establish
what you would have done differently if you were the painter.

You can perform this analysis with a song, a poem or the plot of a book you have
recently read.

Let your imagination run wild, you do not have to restrict yourself; do not let any
negativity enter your contemplation or evaluation. If it does, stamp your foot hard on
the floor and return to your evaluation.

When you feel that you achieved a step forward in your creativity development, just
extinguish the candle, and return to the everyday. Repeat as many times as you
wish, and see you creative abilities grow and grow.

To Improve Mental Focus

Retire to a quiet area of your home, your Temple if you have one; sit in front of an
open window. It is best if you perform this ritual when the wind is blowing and you
can feel it on your face through the open window. If the window faces East, all the
better, but if not do not worry. Start to take deep, slow, steady breaths. Focus on
taking deep, slow, breaths for a few minutes. After this doing this for a number of
minutes visualize the very Air around you shimmering with light and feel the wind on
your face. As you breathe deeply and slow, imagine that you are absorbing this
shimmering Air through your lungs, and the shimmering light starts to spread
throughout your body. Keep breathing until your feel your whole body is glowing with
the light. Now confidently believe that your mental focus has improved, your memory
has improved, your retentive powers improved, and that you will easily commit to
memory all the information you may require to succeed in a particular action.
Continue until you feel that the Element of Ait has accomplished the request.

To Practice Mirror Magic

To become very proficient at Mirror Magick you will need to study a little more than
this spell teaches however, it is a good place to start the development of your
clairvoyant powers. You may use this ritual to assist you to overcome inner problems,
and seek answers which may help with making difficult personal decisions.

This ritual is best performed at night so that your Temple or room may be darkened.
Prior to commencing the ritual obtain a personal mirror, but one that has only been
used the majority of the time by you. Light a candle of white, or yellow and place this
in a position so the light of the candle is reflected on the surface of the mirror.

Now, having performed the meditative exercise and the prayer to the Archangels and
the Sylphs, sit quietly looking into the mirror. Try to look past the surface of the
mirror, look through it, as if you are trying to see beyond the surface. Do not strain
your eyes; just concentrate on the reflected candle light.

Now, formulate your question, frame it simply and to the point, and start to repeat it in
your mind, speeding up each repetition until you cannot repeat it any faster. Then
stop! Clear you mind and gaze into the mirror.

When you feel like it, start the question repetition once again and finally repeat for a
final time (three repetitions). Lastly, clear your mind and let your attention focus on
the mirror once again.

Become absorbed in the reflection and note any images that may appear on the
mirrors surface.

You may have to perform this ritual a number of times for it to become effective, and
to this end you may also incorporate it into your meditative exercise above, but
omitting and questions, just seeking the Element of Air to assist you develop your
psychic abilities.

Air Incense Recipe

Here is a general purpose incense receipt which is recommended that you

compound and use in your Air rituals.

 Frankincense 3 parts
 Benzoin Resin 2 parts
 Sandalwood 1 part
 Lavender 1 part
 Pine oil a few drops.

A part can be any measure, a teaspoon full, an ounce or even a pinch. The secret is
that the “part” uses the same measure.


In this section Earth Spells are a collection of magic spells based on an association
with our natural habitat the Earth, Each spell draws upon the powers contained within
your home environment.

The Archangels related to the Element of Earth are the Anael, Cassiel, and Raphael.
The Elemental Spirits are Gnomes (Goblins), who Paracelsus classified them as
Earth Elementals, who he described as two spans high, very reluctant to interact with
humans, and able to move through solid earth as easily as humans move through air.

There is conflicting descriptions of the Archangel Anael some researchers have

indicated that the Archangel Anael is 5'2" tall with straight light blond hair. Others
describe her as having long black hair, braided with wild flowers and roses, and
possessing one pair of large cream wings. Others describe her as an androgynous
figure long black hair and with large gray wings approximately 6' 0" tall. Finally,
Jackson & Howards (2003:256) say that the angel appears as dressed in emerald
green tunic, carrying a lantern, and holding a wand tipped with a pine cone and
decorated with multi-coloured ribbons.

Archangel Raphael may be visualised as a young man dressed in a flowing white

cloak with flashes of yellow and bodice. Also, as with the Greek God Hermes, he
wears a winged hat and sandals.
Archangel Cassiel appears as an old man, as depicted in many Tarot Cards (The
Hermit), holding a Lantern, Staff and may also hold an hourglass. (Jackson &
Howard: 256 - 2003). The Magus he is shown as having long copper hair and a
beard, riding a dragon.

Prior to commencing the practice of Earth spells it is advisable to connect with the
natural Earth environment, that is build up your connection to the Earth, which may
be attained by walking bare foot when walking around your garden (weather
permitting), start your own Earth element or even grow a houseplant, our herb
garden which may be grown on your window sill. Earth plants include; comfrey,
honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, and verbain. However, you may also choose native
plants, from your location which will not only enhance your gardening experience but
bring you closer to the Element of Earth, making your gardening experience more
pleasurable and environmentally friendly.

You may also meditate in locations governed by the element of Earth, such as caves,
canyons, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, parks, and mines.

As previously indicated Earth Magick involves the use of herbs and plants. Using the
correct herb to attain your desire along with the other Elemental correspondences
can be very effective. Burying something, or making a simple offering to the Earth, is
very effective in establishing the elemental link you are seeking. Try using gems or
crystals and burying them in the Earth under an appropriate tree while making your
wish can be very effective.

Earth spells are safe to perform; however, as with all Magickal operations caution
should be applied. As with all spells, their effectiveness is largely attributed to the Will
of the Magician and his or her relationship to the surrounding environment.

They involve in some cases the making of images, which traditionally is called
'Sympathetic Magic’ and performed by making images or diagrams, of what you want
to happen by the Spirits of the Earth on your behalf. Remember that Elementals are
on a far lower scale then the Archangels and also Man, so you may work with them

Earth - Meditation Exercise

You need to set-up an incense censer with charcoal and appropriate Earth incense,
or you may use frankincense or myrrh as it is appropriate for all meditative exercises.

You should try to meditate in your garden, however if you are meditating indoors
ensure that you have a dish of garden earth near to you. Light some charcoal, in an
incense burner and when it is covered with a fine grey ash put some incense on to it.
Let the fragrance of the incense fill the room or swirl around you in the garden.
Concentrate on the dish of earth, and try to visualise the Earth Spirits appearing on
the earth of the dish.

During your meditative exercise you may also concentrate on the qualities that you
wish to personally improve. See in your minds-eye these qualities being adopted,
improved, honed and sharpened. Consider your failings in this area, and see them

Basic Ritual

Before you commence any Earth rituals (a ritual which is required to address an
immediate problem area), firstly, set up your Altar with those items associated with
the Element of Earth (See Appendix D)

Complete the meditation exercise indicated above, and then commence your actual
ritual with a prayer to the Archangels of the Element and then to Gnomes of the


“Archangels of God, Anael, Cassiel and Raphael. To whom God's love

entrusts me here; Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, To rule and
guide. Amen”.


“Invisible King who has taken the earth as a support, and who has dug
abysses in order to fill them with the omnipotence! Thou whose name makest
the arches of the world tremble! Thou who makest the seven metals circulate
in the veins of stone; Monarch of seven luminaries! Rewarder of subterranean
workmen! bring us to the desirable air and to the kingdom of light. We watch
and work without respite. We seek and hope by the twelve stones of the Holy
City, for the talismans which are buried by the magnetic nail which passes
through the centre of the earth.
Lord! Lord! Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer! Enlarge our hearts! Let us
be free and raise up our heads! Exalt us! O stability and movement! O Day
invested by night! O Darkness veiled in light! O Master who never retainest
the wages of thy workmen! O silvery whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown
of Diamonds, living and melodious! Thou who bearest the sky upon thy finger,
like a ring of sapphire! Thou who hidest under the earth, in the kingdom of
gems, the wonderful seed of stars! All hail! Reign; and be the Eternal
Dispenser of riches, of which thou hast made us the guardians. Amen.”

The Conjuration of the Four Elements, by Eliphas Levi.

Now you may progress to the actual rituals themselves.

Earth – Rituals:
The Protection Jar
Early Magicians would make Protection Jars, using an earthenware container,
usually of clay. However, many practitioners of Elemental Magick now favour glass
which is 90% sand and therefore another ideal material for Earth Magick. Also the
contents of the jar may be arranged into visible layers, creating an attractive display
object, which will not elicit any embarrassing questions from curious visitor to your
home. So by following these instructions you will casting a spell of protection and
power for the home, and as the jar matures through use, its Magickal power will grow
in strength and protective power. You will need:

- a brown, dark green or even black glass jar, approx 6 inches tall.
- a small amount of clean river sand
- a selection of stones/gems (See appendix C)
- a selection of leaves (See appendix C)

Wash your chosen jar in clean water in which a little salt has been added. Leave the
jar to dry on its own, and polish with a clean cloth once dry.

Place a layer of sand, approximately 1 inch or 25mm in the bottom of the jar. Next
place a layer of stones which you have picked up on your travels, follow with a layer
of dried related herbs and leaves, a layer of salt (mined or rock salt not sea salt) and
finally, top off with a selection of associated stones/gems.

Now place a piece of lead metal on top of the gems, ensuring that there is at least
one inch between the gems and the top of the jar.

Between the first day of the Full Moon to the Third Quarter, you should dedicate your
jar to the element of Earth and the Archangels Anael, Cassiel, and Raphael. You
may pick one of the Archangels days to do this; Friday, Saturday or Wednesday.

Stand out in your garden, facing North, if you do not have a garden any place out in
the open will do. If you can, undertake your dedication in a forest, valley or cave.

Say the following:

“Archangels, Anael, Cassiel, and Raphael please add your powers to the
Element of Earth, May the Elemental Gnomes, detract evil from my home.
Protect my land. Protect my home, Protect all who reside on my land. Ban evil
from this place and empower this jar to absorb and dissipate all evil

Next place the jar near to your homes entrance door, either outside the door, or
inside your hall. Then for the next 5 days pick up a single stone during the day and
place it in the jar, on top of the lead metal, when you return home. As you place the
stone in the jar say:

“Archangels, Anael, Cassiel, and Raphael Protect”

Only one stone per day for the next five days. Once the jar is complete, place on its
lid and now it will be fully charged with power and will protect your home from
unwanted influences.

To Remove Pests from your Garden or Home

If you want to clear your home, garden or place outside your home of weeds, bad
influences, or anything else, make an earthen or clay image on a Wednesday, Friday
or Saturday, (Saturday is preferred), then bury the image in the garden on the same
day, or the following Saturday, and let the Earth Elementals get on with the work of
helping you to eliminate the problem situation. And you don’t need any special
preparations apart from what is given here. If your artistic abilities are a little wanting,
do not worry, the image must represent the situation to you. If the situation is a little
hard to form into an image, say “dry rot” make the image as abstract as you wish
then when completed write “dry rot: somewhere on the image. Get the idea?

To Create Stability in Your Life

The Element of Earth represents stability and therefore it this element that you
should approach to instil or achieve stability into your live. This is what you should

One of the tools of the Earth Element is the Pentacle, and it is a pentacle that you will
construct to indicate that you require stability to be generated in you, or your family’s

On a Saturday, take a piece of lead (be very careful as lead is a poisonous metal, so
handle it carefully and wash your hands after handling) and cut it into a circle. Size is
not important; just ensure that you can engrave the following image on the lead disk.
The image to be engraved onto the lead seal is the cross of balance and a
pentagram. The balanced cross is also call the equal-armed cross, Greek cross or
square cross. It also represents the four elements, and it is the element of Earth that
we wish to achieve the balance of the elements on our behalf.

The basic Elemental Seal should look like this:

Finally you should write your name, the name you are most commonly referred to, if
your name is Jonathan, but friend and family call you John, the inscribe John on the
reverse of the Elemental Seal. If you have not made the Seal on the Saturday of
dedication, indicated below, then wrap the Seal in a black cloth till the time you will
be performing the dedication ritual.

During the period of the Full Moon to the Third Quarter, at midnight on a Saturday,
you must dedicate your Seal to the Element of Earth. To do this go into your garden
barefoot and facing North, first call on the Archangels of the Element of Earth

“Archangels of God, Anael, Cassiel and Raphael. To whom God's love

entrusts me here; Ever this night be at my side, to light and guard, To rule
and guide. To assist the Element of Earth achieve this request. Amen”.

Now repeat the prayer of the Gnomes;


“Invisible King who has taken the earth as a support, and who has dug
abysses in order to fill them with the omnipotence! Thou whose name makest
the arches of the world tremble! Thou who makest the seven metals circulate
in the veins of stone; Monarch of seven luminaries! Rewarder of subterranean
workmen! bring us to the desirable air and to the kingdom of light. We watch
and work without respite. We seek and hope by the twelve stones of the Holy
City, for the talismans which are buried by the magnetic nail which passes
through the center of the earth.
Lord! Lord! Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer! Enlarge our hearts! Let us
be free and raise up our heads! Exalt us! O stability and movement! O Day
invested by night! O Darkness veiled in light! O Master who never retainest
the wages of thy workmen! O silvery whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown
of Diamonds, living and melodious! Thou who bearest the sky upon thy finger,
like a ring of sapphire! Thou who hidest under the earth, in the kingdom of
gems, the wonderful seed of stars! All hail! Reign; and be the Eternal
Dispenser of riches, of which thou hast made us the guardians. Amen.”


“Gnomes of the Element of Earth, bring into my life stability and protection”

Take the Elemental Seal and bury it as near the front door of your house as possible.
If you live in a flat or apartment, then glue it to the door frame in an unobtrusive
position. You may also use your ingenuity and place the Seal in a pot plant near to
the front door, either inside or outside the apartment or flat.

This seal will generate stability in your home.

Earth Incense Recipe

Here is a general purpose incense receipt which is recommended that you

compound and use in your Earth rituals.

 Myrrh 2 parts
 Frankincense 2 parts
 Benzoin Resin ½ part
 Magnolia Petals ½ part
 Pine Chips ½ part
 Storax ½ part

A part can be any measure, a teaspoon full, an ounce or even a pinch. The secret is
that the “part” uses the same measure.


The Element of Water is the element which is aligned to the force of creation. This
natural element is cleansing, represents fluidity, maturity, healing and psychic
experiences. In nature, it represents the famine principle. Water has the power of
taking on different shapes, depending on the container it is poured into; it is a heavy
element which has force of movement and emotion. We all have a very close
relationship to the element as our bodies, as we are 90% water in composition Finally
without water Man could not live, and the Earth would die.

The Element of Water is ruled by the Archangels Gabriel, Sachiel, and Samael and
the elemental creature is the Undine.

What do the Archangel look like, well some adepts describe the Archangel Gabriel as
often appearing as a mature male, shrouded in white/silver glow, which is
accentuated by his dazzling white robe. Some say he also has a silver crescent
ornament on his brow (Jackson & Howard 2003: 255).

Sachiel appears in a purple robe with a cloak, in the image of an older man with gray
hair. He also holds a sceptre (Jackson and Howard 2003:256).

Jackson & Howard describe the Archangel Samael as a tall male, wearing a scarlet
tunic and a cloak. He sports a breastplate on which there is engraved a pentagram.
His hair is red and worn in a ponytail. (The Pillars of Tubal-Cain 2003: 257). For
David Goddard, Samael appears as a being of scarlet flame, with sparks of green.
His armour is mirror like, and he wields a sword of pure flame, on which appears
Yod-He-Vau-He of the Sacred Tetragrammaton is inscribed (The Sacred Magic of
the Angels 1996:8) and Guilley, describes Samael as having long hair which streams
from his navel, whilst flying. and having 12 wings. (317:2004

Remember though that all Angels are personal to you and they tend to adopt the
appearance which you will find attractive. So when you see your Angel it may not
conform to the appearances described above.

Undines are also called Ondines, these elemental spirits, where first assigned to the
element of water by Paracelsus. They are described as fairy-like creatures; who. it is
said, are able to gain a soul, by marrying a man and bearing his child. Their natural
environment is forest pools and waterfalls. In folklore they have possess beautiful
voices, which, if you listen carefully, may be heard over the sound of water.

The Element of Water represents emotions and
intuition, and to cultivate a relationship to the
Element of Water, you should, when bathing,
include the flowers/herbs; Chamomile, Rose
Petals, or thyme to your bath water.

Try only to drink pure spa water.

Experience the pleasure of contemplating the

falling rain, collect rainwater and also add it to
your bathwater and pot plants.

So if you need assistance with such matters as

emotions, love, sorrow, courage, psychic
abilities, fertility, the third eye, wisdom, vision
quests, self-healing, or sorrow, then work with
the Element of Water.

19th Century German Sculpture entitled “

The Nymph of the Rhine” 1855 – PD-ART

Water - Meditation Exercise

You need to set-up an incense censer with charcoal and appropriate Water incense,
or you may use frankincense or myrrh as it is appropriate for all meditative exercises.

On your Altar place a bowl of well or spa water. Light some charcoal, in your incense
burner and when it is covered with a fine grey ash put some incense on to it. Let the
fragrance of the incense fill the room. Concentrate on the bowl of water, and try to
visualise the Water Spirits appearing in the water. During this exercise dip your
fingers in the water and massage the area of your third-eye. Splash some of the
water on your face and over your hands. Immerse yourself in the experience and
implore the Spirits of Water to assist you. At the conclusion of the meditative
exercise, drink a small amount of the water from the bowl.

During your meditative exercise you may also concentrate on the qualities that you
wish to personally improve. See in your minds-eye these qualities being adopted,
improved, honed and sharpened. Consider your failings in this area, and see them

Basic Ritual

Before you commence any Water rituals (a ritual which is required to address an
immediate problem area), firstly, set up your Altar with those items associated with
the Element of Water (See Appendix E)

Complete the meditation exercise indicated above, and then commence your actual
ritual with a prayer to the Archangels of the Element and then to the Undines of


“Archangels of God, Gabriel, Sachiel and Samael. To whom God's love

entrusts me here; Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, To rule and
guide. Amen”.


“Terrible king of the sea! Thou who boldest the keys of the cataracts of
heaven, and who enclosest the subterranean waters in the hollow places of
the earth! King of the deluge and of rains, of springtime! Thou who openest
the sources of streams and fountains! Thou who commandest the moisture
(which is like the blood of the earth) to become the sap of plants! We adore
and invoke thee! Speak to us, ye moving and changeable creatures! Speak to
us in the great commotions of the sea, and we will tremble before thee. Speak
to us also in the murmur of the limpid waters, and we will desire thy love. O
immensity in which all the rivers of being lose themselves, which ever spring
up anew in us! O ocean of infinite perfections! Height which beholdeth thee in
the depth! Depth which breathes thee forth in the height! Bring us to the true
life through intelligence and love! Lead us to immortality through sacrifice, in
order that one day we may be found worthy to offer thee water, blood, and
tears, for the remission of sins. Amen.”

The Conjuration of the Four Elements, by Eliphas Levi.

Now you may progress to the actual rituals themselves.

Water – Rituals:
Ritual to help improve your Scrying Psychic Power

Under the Element of Air, you were introduced to the use of a Magick Mirror. Here we
will use the Element of Water to help you develop your psychic (vision-quest)
abilities. But please note, not all of you have the ability to develop this specific
psychic ability, scrying. If you have difficulties using Magick Mirrors or Scrying Bowls,
then do not persist, you are probably one of those that cannot develop these skills.

Obtain a large bowl which has not been used for any other purpose. The bowl should
be Blue-Green, Pale Green, Turquoise, or Aquamarine. It may be metal, glass or
porcelain, the choice is yours. If it is metal you may paint it the required colour(s). So
it is probably worth buying one new, customise it to your preference and once
completed, only use it for the purpose of scrying. The bowl may be as large and
ornate as you wish.

Once you have selected an appropriate
bowl, you should add to the outside of the
bowl, that is equally spaced, four times
around its perimeter the Symbol for Water,
using a rich blue/green colour.

Inside the bowl glue three of the elements

gems at the three points of the Symbol of
Water as shown below.

Select one of three of the following gems;

Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Blue
Tourmaline, Blue Topaz, Blue Fluorite,
Coral, Opal, Pearl, , Lapis Lazuli or
Sodalite. and set them securely with glue
(waterproof) to the three points of the
triangle that you have painted inside the

Finally, select a further gem and set it on

the rim of the Scrying Bowl, which should
always be towards your body when you
actually scrying.

When you are ready to start your Scrying Ritual, you may commence your ritual on
any day, but try to use Monday, Tuesday or Thursday at sunset preferably, or in the
hour of the appropriate Archangel. See table below and Appendix I.

Gabriel Samael Sachiel

Monday Tuesday Thursday

Hours of the Day Hours of the Day Hours of the Day

1 and 8 1 and 8 1 and 8

Hours of the Day Hours of the Day Hours of the Day

3 and 10 3 and 10 3 and 10

Tradition indicates that well water should be used. However, bottled mineral/spa
water, or unpolluted stream, pond or river water may be used.

Settle comfortably in front of your altar, which for this ritual should face South. Place
a green candle so the light of the candle will illuminate the surface of the water in the

Take a few deep breaths and relax. If you feel tension being generated, concentrate
in the area concerned, and then say “Relax, Relax, Relax”

Now say:
“I summon the spirit of Water; show me what shall come to pass.”

Do not stare intensely at the water, but hold a steady and relaxed stare, look below
the level of the water and clear your mind.

If you are successful images will appear in the water, which you must remember may
be symbolic of the solution that you are seeking.

Benjamin Rowe indicates that you should at the same time imagine, and feel a total
confidence, that the answer to anything you look for will appear to you in this mirror
[the water]. Don’t get bogged down in how the mirror [scrying bow] does this, simply
generate an emotional confidence that it works. (Rowe, 17:1998) [Italics are my

Rowe goes on to say that the basic use of this mirror [scrying bowl] is fairly simple.
You hold the thought of what you want to know about in your mind, and then you
imagine that the mirror [water] is "tuning in" to that thought, using the thought to
make a connection to some place where the answer can be found. Once you feel
that the mirror is tuned, release the thought and wait in mental silence for images to
arise out of the darkness of the mirror. In some instances the images will be
accompanied by meanings that you will be able to "hear" or sense in your mind.
(Rowe, 17:1998) [Italics are my addition]

To Heal an Emotional Situation

In order to heal an emotional situation, purchase two new deep blue, deep green or
blue/green candles on a Monday when the Moon is between New Moon and the First
Quarter phase.

On the day of Monday, Tuesday or Thursday take the candle and engrave into the
shaft of the candle the Elemental Symbol of Water.

On the opposite side of the Elemental symbol

engrave in your home language what emotional
situation you wish to improve. (i.e. I wish to see the
……. situation improve) . On the selected day, when
the Sun has set place the candle into a bowl of well
or spa water, You may use your scrying bowl, placed
on your altar. Light the candle with a taper, not
directly from a match or lighter, visualize the situation
which is giving you pain improving. You may leave
the candle to burn out naturally or, which is
recommended, when you feel you have contacted
the Water Element, extinguish the candle,

use a candle snuffer do not blow out the candle, and repeat the next night, and keep
repeating the ritual until the candle has burnt away.

Only perform the repeat-ritual during the period of New Moon to Full Moon.

On the second night of the Full Moon, take your second candle, and repeat the
process as above, However, on the opposite side of the Elemental symbol engrave
the emotional situation that need to be eliminated (i.e. eliminate from my life ……….),
also visualise the situation being eliminated or banished from your life. Again you
may leave the candle to burn out or you may use the repeat-ritual, re-lighting the
candle each following night.

It is important to note that if you are performing the repeat-ritual it should only be
undertaken between the second night of the Full Moon and the first day of the Last

You may perform this ritual each new Lunar Phase until your situation improves.

Negativity Protection Pool

This is a simple but very effective ritual, take a bowl, you may use your scrying bowl
if you have made one. Fill it with well-water or bottle spa water. Depending on the
actual negativity, place the appropriate gem or stone into the bowls water and leave it
to absorb the negativity. Use the following stones or gems for:

Amethyst – removes anger and negative thoughts.

Aquamarine - provides a calm atmosphere were fears are released and healed.

Beryl - provides healing and removes discord between lovers and friends.

Blue Fluorite - eliminates stress, relieve loneliness, and enhances mental clarity.

Lapis Lazuli - increases concentration, instincts, and promotes happiness.

Quartz - although not ruled by the Element of Water may be used to balance
emotions, dispels fear, wards off evil and provides protection.

As you place the stone/gem into the water say;

“I summon the spirit of Water; an request protection. May evil and negativity
be banished from my life.”

Gaze into the water at the stone and visualize the power of water in the bowl entering
the stone/gem, empowering it with the powers of the Element of Water. Leave the
water bowl where you can view it everyday. When you see an improvement in the
situation, simply empty the water from the bowl on the ground in the garden and
place the stone/gem in a position where its absorbed power may continue to be
dissipated throughout your home. Repeat weekly or as you feel it is needed.

Water Incense Recipe

Here is a general purpose incense receipt which is recommended that you

compound and use in your Water rituals.

 Myrrh 3 parts
 Sandalwood 3 parts
 Willow Bark 1 parts
 Juniper berries 1 part
 Ylang-Ylang oil 4 drops

A part can be any measure, a teaspoon full, an ounce or even a pinch. The secret is
that the “part” uses the same measure.

The Elements – Unknown Author – PD-ART


The spells of the Elemental Spells of the Western River concern making images that
must be burned in fire once completed, as the Western River is ruled by the Angels
of Fire. Naturally this is not possible if you are constructing a metal talisman to the
Spirits of Fire. The Archangels of the Element of Fire are; Sachiel, Samael, and
Michael. The Elemental Spirit of Fire is the Salamander and without these spirits fire
could not exist. They are present in every fire and flame. The salamander is
considered the strongest and most powerful of all the elementals, but can
mischievous, as they have domain over fiery tempers and actions. They are like
children in that they don't fully understand the results of their actions.

The descriptions of Sachiel and Samael appear on page 27 but for the Archangel
Michael, he appears as a tall young man, blonde hair and has yellow/golden coloured
eyes. He is usually dressed in a golden cloak and tunic. He carries a large sword in
his right hand. (Jackson & Howard, 2003:253). And sometimes depicted with the
morning star of Lumiel on his brow. (Jackson & Howard 2003:189). The image of the
Sun is the image of a beardless man with a beautiful face, having a crown on his
head and a lance in his hand, and before him is the image of a head and a man's
hand and the rest of his corpse like a horse with four hooves, lying reversed, that is
with hands and feet upraised. . (Greer & Warnock, 2011:140). For David Goddard,
the Archangel Michael appears as a figure of warm, living sunlight, great aura-wings
of gold and salmon pink. He carries a lance of flame – the spear of the Sun. (1996:3)

As with the other Elemental Spirits, you must open-up yourself to their power and
experience it’s force. The simplest action you can perform in this respect is the
lighting of a candle, contemplate the flame and see what it can reveal.

Spontaneity is also ruled by the Element of Fire, try to be spontaneous in your

actions to feel Fires power. Fire represents courage and daring.

The rituals of Fire quite numerous, and involve such techniques as Bonfire and
Candle Magick.

So if you are experiencing situations that involve; surgery, destruction, courage,

strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, passion, authority,
transformation, purification, heat, flame, embers, lifeblood or sexuality, approach the
Element of Fire for help and assistance for fire Magick is quickly manifested and filled
universal energy.

Fire - Meditation Exercise

You need to set-up an incense censer with charcoal and appropriate Fire incense, or
you may use frankincense or myrrh as it is appropriate for all meditative exercises.

On your Altar place a candle of bright red or orange. Light some charcoal, in your
incense burner and when it is covered with a fine grey ash put some incense on to it.
Let the fragrance of the incense fill the room. Concentrate on the candle flame, and
try to visualise the Fire Spirits appearing in and around the candle flame. Place your
hand near to the candle and feel its heat, as you watch the dancing flame.

During your meditative exercise you may also concentrate on the qualities that you
wish to personally improve. See in your minds-eye these qualities being adopted,
improved, honed and sharpened. Consider your failings in this area, and see them

Basic Ritual

Before you commence any Fire rituals (a ritual which is required to address an
immediate problem area), firstly, set up your Altar with those items associated with
the Element of Fire (See Appendix D)

Complete the meditation exercise indicated above, and then commence your actual
ritual with a prayer to the Archangels of the Element and then to the Salamanders of


“Archangels of God, Michael, Sachiel and Samael. To whom God's love
entrusts me here; Ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and
guide. Amen”.


“Immortal, eternal, ineffable and uncreated Father of all things I who are
borne upon the incessantly rolling chariot of Worlds which are always turning;
Ruler of the ethereal immensity where the throne of thy power is elevated;
from whose height thy dread-inspiring eyes discover all things, and thy
exquisite and sacred ears hear all; Listen to thy children whom thou hast
loved from the beginning of the ages; for thy golden, great, and eternal
majesty is resplendent above the world and the starry heavens. Thou art
raised above them O sparkling fire! There thou dost illumine and support
thyself by thine own splendor; and there comes forth from thine essence
overflowing streams of light which nourish thine infinite spirit. That infinite
spirit nourishes all things, and renders this inexhaustible treasure of
substance always ready for the generation which fashions it and which
receives in itself the forms with which thou hast impregnated it from the
beginning. From this spirit those most holy kings who surround thy throne,
and who compose thy court, derive their origin. O Father Universal! Only One!
O Father of blessed mortals and immortals! Thou hast specially created
powers who are marvelously like thine eternal thought and adorable essence.
Thou hast established them superior to the angels who announce to the world
thy wishes. Finally thou hast created us in the third rank in our elementary
empire. There our continual employment is to praise thee and adore thy
wishes. There we incessantly burn with the desire of possessing thee, O
Father! O Mother! the most tender of all mothers! O admirable archetype of
maternity and pure love! O Son, the flower of sons! O Form of all forms; soul,
spirit, harmony and number of all things. Amen.”

The Conjuration of the Four Elements, by Eliphas Levi.

Now you may progress to the actual rituals themselves.

Fire – Rituals:
Ritual to help improve your Scrying Psychic Power
We explored this ritual under the Element of Water; you may also use the Element of
Fire, also as a means of developing your psychic power.

Obtain a Red Candle and a Quartz Crystal, which has, by tradition, the reputation to
assist the seeker the power to divine the future and commune with Spirits. Place the
candle on your altar, and ensuring that you are facing West. Hold the quartz crystal
in your right hand concentrate on the flame and repeat continually:

“Element of Fire open my third-eye”

When you feel that the mental petition has been registered, extinguish the candle
using a candle snuffer do not blow out the candle, and repeat the next night, and
keep repeating the ritual until the candle has burnt away.

Transforming a Negative Situation into a Positive One

Take a large Bay leaf and write in black ink on the leaf the negative situation you
wish to remove. You may write on both sides of the leaf. Hold the leaf in your right
hand and repeat in your mind “transmute, transmute, transmute” see the negative
turning to a positive one if you can then say “transmute, transmute, transmute” once
again. Then throw the leaf into a fire.

You may repeat this ritual anytime and repeat till you see an improvement in the

Fire Incense Recipe

Here is a general purpose incense receipt which is recommended that you

compound and use in your Fire rituals.

 Myrrh 4 parts
 Frankincense 2 parts
 Benzoin Resin 4 parts
 Red Sandalwood ½ part
 Tonka Beans 1 part
 Dragon’s Blood 1 part

A part can be any measure, a teaspoon full, an ounce or even a pinch. The secret is
that the “part” uses the same measure

Chapter 11 – MASTER RITUAL

These previous Elemental Spells are only a few simple ones that you can now
practice. Remember that they are simple, so don’t try and complicate them by
reading into them any meanings that are NOT there, if you make a mistake, they will
do you no harm. The Archangels realize that you are only learning and won’t call you
to account for mistakes.

Although the following will give you the knowledge to construct your own rituals,
which in many ways is the best way forward, as they are from you and therefore have
absorbed your creativity, knowledge and Will. But before any ritual it is always wise
to attune yourself to that particular element that you wish to work with. For this please
use the meditative exercise previously given, and the basic ritual.

From thereon you may construct your ritual how you wish. Here are a few tips to
ensuring your ritual is designed to achieve its objective.

1. Make sure that you formulate the situation you wish to improve or eliminate
very clearly in your mind. Write it on a piece of paper, does it make sense?
Does is describe the situation as you see it? Can it be improved by you? If not
is the situation solvable? If not forget the ritual.

2. Ensure that the Elemental Spirit that you choose does have dominion over
the situation. It is a waste of time petitioning the Undines for a situation ruled
by the Salamanders.

3. Always use the correct Elemental incense where possible, if you do not have
the correct recipe, use an associated joss stick as indicated below. The use of
incense clears the atmosphere and has a major psychological effect on the

Earth Air Fire Water

Frankincense. Myrrh, or Frankincense. Myrrh or
Sandalwood. Sandalwood.

4. Try, it is important, to also include on your altar a plant/herb or flower

associated with the element. Ensure that they are live, or recently picked
plants, as they will have the spark of life energy in them.

Why not select a herb or flower which may be pot-grown and cultivate these
for future ritual use. Also having their plants in your home will attract the
related Elemental Spirits.

5. Not to be forgotten, candles of the correct colour to be as Altar Candles so

you will need two. If you cannot get the correct colour then select white. Altar
candles may be re-used as Altar candles, do not re-cycle them into ritual

6 Incorporate a symbol of the Element as an Altar piece in your Altar layout.

This may be a simple glass of water, for the Element of Water, a dedicated
candle for the Element of Fire, and a bowl of earth for the Element of Earth.

Air is a little trickier. By tradition Air is represented by the Wand, Beam
Scales, and an Arrow. So if you do not have a wand, use the incense of Air.
But consider making a talisman to the Element of Air. You have all the
information in the appendix on Air to be able to do this.

7. Finally, you may include the metal of the Element and a selection of
appropriate stones and gems.

Note: It is not the quality of items presented at your ritual, but what the items mean to
you. If you have personally fashioned a single mounted stone or gem on an ornate or
pleasing stand, this is worth, in power terms, more than 100 collected stones on your

It is also worth dedicating or consecrating your collected items to the particular

element. Simply in the case of mental/stones use the following simple consecration

Charging and Cleansing Stones/Gems or Metal

For metal or a stone to be magically of value, it must be “charged”, psychically

cleansed, so it links its powers to yours. The easiest way to charge a stone is to hold
it in your hand and meditate on it.

Here is how to do this:

During the appropriate Moons phase, you may charge each stone you have selected
, as associated with the particular elementon his own particualr night following the
New Moon. First wash the stone in a well or spring water in which a little salt has
been added. Hold the stone(s) or metal in your right hand, go out into the garden to
do this if your wish, and call out to the Elemental Spirit name whilst visualizing the
Sprirt appearing in front of you, use your imagination here. Holding this image as
long as you can.
Whilst retaining the Spirits image in your mind, say:

“I dedicate this stone to you ….Name of Spirit….. may it act as a bridge for
our conscious and unconscious communications. As I use this ritual object in
the future may it call you to my presence in joy and love.”

Once charged wrap the stone in a white and store in a safe place until ritually
required. Your preparations or pre-ritual requirements are now complete.

The Actual Ritual

The initial steps are:

A. Set-up your Altar and arrange whatever items you have collected in a
pleasing arrangement.

B. Light your Altar Candles Remember to use a candle taper, DO NOT light
them directly from a lighter or match.

C. Light your incense charcoal, if using proper incense.

D. Have your written petition in front of you, or repeat from memory. Refer to
points 1 and 2 above.

E. Put some incense on the glowing coals. Or joss-stick if using one

You are now ready to start your ritual. …………………. this is where you fill in the
blanks. Remember with Elemental Spirits you have to show them symbolically what
you want.

Closing the Ritual

Once you have performed your petition

F. Close-down the ritual by thanking the Archangels and Elemental Spirits for
their participation in your ritual and request that they depart.

G. In order to dissipate the built-up energy around your Altar, stamp on the floor
a number of times or clap your hands loudly.

H. If you have been using any ritual candles, let then burn out (ensure that you
take every possible fire precaution that is possible), or extinguish them for a
repetition ritual. Remember the snuffer rule.

I. Extinguish your Altar Candles and let the incense burn out (again taking any
fire precautions).

The End of the Ritual

By following these simple steps you will be able to generate your own powerful
rituals. Remember the actual performance of the petition must be unique to you, your
words, your actions, and your emotion. If you refer to the Appendix Correspondences
you will not have any trouble formulating your own petitions.

Experiment, practice and you will achieve.

The End

Appendix A – Elements Correspondences from Agrippa

Appendix B - The Correspondence for the Element of Air

Direction: East.

Archangels Anael, Raphael, and Uriel.

Air Rules: Mind, essential qualities, spiritual plane, knowledge, abstract

learning, theories, windy or high places, breath, speech,
clarity, discernment, wisdom, knowledge, abstract thinking,
logic, the spoken word, the wind, breath. Intellect and theory.
It is creative and is that which causes magickal intentions to
become manifest. It is also associated with higher
consciousness and wisdom, divination, and purification,
mental and psychic work, intuition, clouds, inspiration,
hearing, herbal knowledge, plant growth, freedom, revealing
truth, finding lost things, instruction, telepathy, memory,
meditation, new beginnings and illuminations.
Time: Sunrise.
Moon’s Phase: First Day of the New Moon to First Quarter.
Season: Spring.
Wind: Eurus.
Eden River: Eastern.
Colours: All light hues and pastels, White, Yellow, Light Blue,
Lavender and Grey.
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Tools: Athame, Sword, Censer and Incense.
Chakra: Third Eye.
Virtues: Intelligence, Practicality and Optimism.
Vices: Impulsive, Frivolous, and Gulability.
Posture: Arms raised and palms parallel.
Season of Life: Youth.
Spirit Ruler: Paralda
Mythological Roc, Pegasus, and Gryphon.
Elemental Spirits: Sylphs.
Gems: Amber, Amethyst, Amber, Citron, Mica, Flourite, Topaz, All
Yellow and Blue Stones.
Sense: Smell.
Goddesses: Aradia, Athena, Arianrhod, Nuit, Iris, Ostara, and Urania.
Gods: Mercury, Hermes, Shu, and Thoth.
Types of Magick: Divination, Concentration, Karma. Prophecy, Visualization,
and Wind Magick.
Energy: Projective.
Metals: Gold and Silver.
Plants: Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Clover, Lavender, Lemongrass, Pine,
Vervain, and Yarrow.
Incense: Benzoin Resin, Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, and
Animals: Birds, Eagles, Hawks, Insects, and Spiders.
Symbol: Sword of David.
Tarot Card: Swords.
Location: Mountains and Beaches.

Appendix C - The Correspondence for the Element of Earth

Direction: North.

Archangels: Anael, Cassiel, and Raphael.

Earth Rules: The Body and Nature, manifestation, physicality, fertility,

birth, death, healing, rocks, trees, animals, vegetation,
mystery, silence, growth, crystals, common sense, empathy,
grounding, employment, stability, success, runes, strength,
practical wisdom, mystery, metals. It is the element that is
most stable and dependable. It represents abundance,
prosperity, and wealth, and is creative but in which the other
elements rely.
Time: Midnight.
Moon’s Phase: From the first day of the Full Moon to the Third Quarter.
Season: Autumn.
Wind: Boreas.
Eden River: Northern River.
Colours: Deep Earth Tones, Dark Greens, Brown, and Black.
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, and Aquarius.
Tools: Pentacle, Rock Salt, and Stones.
Chakra: Root.
Virtues: Being Centred, Patience, Truthful, and Dependable.
Vices: Dullness, Laziness, and Inconsideration.
Posture: Arms extended and palms down.
Season of Life: Death and Rebirth.
Animal: Bull, Bear, Cow, Deer, Dog, Horse, Stag, Snakes, Wolf and
Spirit Ruler: Ghob (Gob)
Mythological Unicorns, Goblins, Trolls, Ogres, and Giants.
Elemental Spirits: Gnomes.
Gems: Amethyst, Emerald, Rock Crystal, Granite, Jasper, Jet,
Onyx, Peridot, Salt, Tourmaline, and Quartz.
Sense: Touch.
Goddesses: Hathor, Ceres, Gaia, Bo-Ann, Cerridwyn, Demeter, Gaia,
Persephone, Epona, Kore and Rhiannon.
Gods: Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Herne,
Marduk, Pan, Tammuz, and Thor.
Types of Magick: Binding, Employment, Fertility, Gardening, Grounding,
Image, Knot, Magnet, Money, Prosperity, Stone, and Tree.
Energy: Receptive, Feminine.
Metals: Lead.
Plants: Cedar, Cypress, Comfrey, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Grains & Nuts.
Oak Tree, Patchouly, Primrose, and Sage.
Incense: Benzoin Resin, Frankincense, Magnolia Petals, Patchouli,
Pine, Storax, and Vetivert.
Symbol: Coins.
Tarot Card: Coins.
Location: Forests, Caves, Valleys.

Appendix D - The Correspondence for the Element of Fire

Direction: West.
Archangels: Samael, Michael and Sachiel.
Fire Rules: Energy, spirit, heat, mental plane, blood, sap, life, will,
surgery, destruction, purification, hearth fires, volcanoes,
explosions, choleric, will, healing, destruction, courage,
strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision,
illumination, power and passion, authority, transformation,
purification, heat, flame, embers, lifeblood. Fire is associated
with change and passion. It is both physical and spiritual,
being related to sexuality and to divinity. Fire magick is
quickly manifested and filled with primal energy.
Time: Noon.
Moon’s Phase: From the First Quarter to the first day of the Full Moon.
Season: Summer.
Wind: Notus.
Eden River: Western.
Colours: Colours of Flame, Bright Red, Red-orange and All Fiery
Zodiac: Aires, Leo and Sagittarius.
Tools: Athame, Censer, Wand, Candles, Dagger, and the Burning
of Herbs.
Chakra: Solar Plexus and Genitals.
Virtues: Courage, Enthusiasm, and Willpower.
Vices: Anger, jealousy and hatred.
Posture: Arms over Head Forming a Triangle.
Season of Life: Maturity.
Animal: Lion, Horse, Lizards, Snakes, Praying Mantis, Bee,
Scorpion, Shark, and Fox.
Spirit Ruler: Djin
Mythological Phoenix, Thunderbirds, and Dragons.
Elemental Spirits: Salamanders.
Gems: Agates, Fire Opal, Ruby, Carnelian, Garnet, Red Jasper,
Bloodstone, Lava, Quartz Crystals, and Tigers Eye.
Sense: Sight.
Goddesses: Sekhmet, Pele, Vesta, Aradia, Ameratsu, Lucina. Brigit,
Freya, Hestia, Pele and Vesta
Gods: Vulcan, Ra, Agni, Hepaetstus, and Horus.
Types of Magick: Candle, Fire, Time, Sex, Protection, and Strength.
Energy: Projective, Masculine.
Metals: Iron, Copper.
Plants: Allspice, Basil, Bay, Cinnamon, Garlic, Hibiscus, Juniper,
Lime, Nettle, Onion, Orange, Red Peppers, Red Poppies,
and Thistles.
Incense: Benzoin Resin, Myrrh, Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood, Red
Sandalwood and Tonka Beans.
Symbol: Rod of Aaron.
Tarot Symbol: Rods or Wands.
Location: Deserts and all hot places.
Appendix E - The Correspondence for the Element of Water

Direction: South.
Archangels: Sachiel, Gabriel and Samael.
Water Rules: Emotions, love, sorrow, courage, astral planes, clairvoyance,
tides, oceans, pools, streams, wells, womb Melancholic,
feeling; strong, excitatory. Intuition, psychic abilities, love,
deep feelings, the unconscious, the womb, generation,
fertility, water of all kinds, tides, the Moon, menstrual blood,
amniotic fluid, saliva, the third eye, wisdom, vision quests,
self-healing, sorrow, reflection.
Time: Sunset.
Moon’s Phase: From the Third Quarter to the Full Moon.
Season: Winter.
Wind: Zephyrus
Eden River: Southern.
Colours: All Blue-Greens, Pale Greens, Turquoise, Aquamarine, and
Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.
Tools: Chalice, and Cauldron.
Chakra: Heart.
Virtues: Love, Compassion, Receptivity, Flexibility, Forgiveness.
Vices: Indifference, Depression and Instability.
Posture: Arms extended and palms up.
Season of Life: Old Age.
Animal: Sea serpents, leviathan of the deep, dragons, fish, sea lions,
creatures of water All fish, shellfish and sea mammals, sea
birds, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear.
Spirit Ruler: Niksa
Mythological Sea Serpents, and Mermaids
Elemental Spirits: Undines.
Gems: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Blue Tourmaline, Blue Topaz,
Blue Fluorite, Coral, Opal, Pearl, , Lapis Lazuli, and Sodalite.
Sense: Taste.
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Tiamat, Mari, Yemaya, Isis, Ran, and Kupala.
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon, and
Types of Magick: Magick involving the sea, snow, ice and rain. Cleansing,
Purification. Mirror Magick and Magnet Magick.
Energy: Receptive, feminine.
Metal: Mercury.
Plants: Aloe, Apple, Catnip, Chamomile, Ferns, Lemon, Lettuce,
Lilac, Lily of the Valley, Lotus, Mosses, Passion Flower,
Roses, Seaweeds, Thyme, Valerian, All Water Plants, Water
Lilies, and Willow Tree
Incense: Myrrh, Sandalwood, and Ylang-Ylang.
Symbol: Cup of Joseph.
Tarot Card: Cups.
Locations: Oceans, Lakes, Rivers

Appendix F – Archangels and the Rivers of Eden

Angels of Earth – The Northern River

Taurus (Anael - Earth): April 21st to May 21st

Virgo (Raphael - Earth): August 24th to September 23rd
Capricorn (Cassiel - Earth): December 22nd to January 20th
Capricorn (Lumiel - Earth): December 22nd to January 20th
Aquarius (Uriel - Earth): January 21st to February 19th

Angels of Fire – The Western River

Aries (Samael - Fire): March 21st to April 20th

Leo (Michael - Fire): July 24th to August 23rd
Sagittarius (Sachiel - Fire) November 23rd to December 21st

Angels of Water – Southern River

Pisces (Sachiel -Water): February 20th to March 20th

Cancer (Gabriel - Water): June 23rd to July 23rd
Scorpio (Samael - Water): October 24th to November 22nd

Asariel – Water Neptune Pisces February 20th to March 20th

Azrael - Water Pluto Scorpio October 24th to November 22nd

Angels of Air – Eastern River

Gemini (Raphael - Air): May 22nd to Jun 22nd

Aquarius (Uriel - Air): January 21st to February 19th
Libra (Anael - Air): September 24th to October 23rd

Appendix G - The Hebrew Alphabet and Esoterically associations

Letter Name Meaning Value Trump Attrib Name

Aleph Ox 1 Fool Air

Beth House 2 Magician Mercury

Gimel Camel 3 High Priestess Moon

Daleth Door 4 Empress Venus

Heh Window 5 Emperor Aries

Vav Nail/Pin/Hook 6 Hierophant Taurus

Zayin Sword/Armour 7 Lovers Gemini

Cheth Fence/Enclosure 8 Chariot Cancer

Teth Serpent 9 Strength Leo

Yod Hand 10 Hermit Virgo

Kaph Fist/Palm of hand 20 Wheel of Fortune Jupiter

Lamed Ox goad 30 Justice Libra

Mem Water 40 Hanged Man Water

Nun Fish 50 Death Scorpio

Samekh Prop 60 Temperance Sagittarius

Ayin Eye 70 Devil Capricorn

Peh Mouth 80 Tower Mars

Tzaddi Fishhook 90 Star Aquarius

Qoph Back of head 100 Moon Pisces

Resh Head 200 Sun Sun

Shin Tooth 300 Judgement Fire

Tau Cross 400 Universe Saturn

Appendix H - The Hebrew Alphabet – English Equivalent and Number Values

Appendix I – Hours of the Archangels

From The Magus – Francis Barrett

Depending upon the season the actual hours of daylight vary, therefore in order to
calculate the correct hour you must take sunrise and sunset time to establish total
minutes of daylight, and then divide by 12, this will give you how many minutes are in
each hour of daylight. From that information you can calculate when each hour starts
and how long it lasts for. You do exactly the same for the night hours, except you
need to calculate the total time between sunset and sunrise, again dividing by 12 to
calculate the minutes in the hour.

According to Peter de Abano, “…. that the first hour of the day, of every Country, and
in every season whatsoever, is to be assigned to the Sun-rising, when he first
appeareth arising in the horizon: and the first hour of the night is to be the thirteenth
hour, from the first hour of the day”

Let’s complete an example calculation. Say you wanted to work within the angel’s
hours, for a ritual dedicated to the Archangel Michael. From the Archangels
correspondences you will see that Sunday is the day of the Sun, the planet of the
Archangel Michael.

You wish to perform the ritual the coming Saturday, during the Hours of the Day.

1. From an Almanac you see the sun rises at 7am on that day and sets alt 8.48pm.

2. Calculating the hours of daylight: 7.00am till 8.48pm is 13 hours, 48 minutes.

3. Next calculate: 13 x 60 + 48 = 828 minutes of daylight.

4. Next divide by 12 = 69. The number of minutes in a daylight hour is therefore 69

minutes long.

5. Consulting the above table you will see that the first and eighth hour of
Sunday is ruled by the Archangel Michael.

6. For the first hour of the day the ritual should be performed between 7.00am and
8.09am, which is 69 minutes.

7. For the eighth hour further calculation is needed:

- Add together the "hour" length for 7 "hours" (7 x 69 483 minutes, or 8 hours
and 3 minutes).

- Then add this to the sunrise time (7:00am) + 8 hours and 3 minutes =

- This means the eighth hour starts at 3:03pm and finishes at 4:12pm - 3:03 +
69 minutes.

If this is far too laborious be glad that we are in the computer age. Refer to Appendix
J for software and those websites you will find will help with these calculations.

Appendix J – Information and Software

The following internet links and information on calculators will make you life a little
easier when calculating some information required in this Book

Internet Information Links

Physics and Astronomy Java Applets

An excellent site containing many astrological applets including Ephemeris and
Planetary Hours calculator.

Calculators for Planetary Hours, finding your Moon Sign and much more.
All things astrological, including a Planetary Hours Calculator.

Astro Dienst –

General Astrological Site, but with the facility to calculate you Longitude and Latitude

Canterbury Weather
This, for UK readers, you woll be able to obtain Sunrise and Sunset time.

Archangels & Angels

The site run by ArchAn Publishing, publisher of the book. The site contains masses
of Angelic information Font downloads etc.


1. Planetary Hours Calculator.

ChronosXP - is a free planetary hours program for Windows. It runs from the system
tray where it displays a glyph corresponding to the current planetary hour. If you
double-click on the glyph, a calendar window opens up where you can see planetary
hour times for any given day or location. ChronosXP currently supports the English,
Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese languages. It is limited to main
capital cities only.

Africa is not included in the options as standard you have to configure yourself, but
is relatively easy. There is also a very nice Moon phase’s calendar.

Site URL:

Download Link:

The software recommended within this Book is either Shareware or Freeware

Biography & References

Agrippa, Cornelius (Turner, Robert trans.), Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

London. UK. 1654.

Barrett, Francis, The Magus or Celestial Intelligencer, Lackington, Allen & Co.
London. 1801.

De Witt, Avalon, You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your e-
zine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is that you include
this footer. Article by Avalon De Witt. Visit for more
original content like this. Reprint permission granted with this footer included.

Goddard, David, The Sacred Magic of the Angels. Weiser Books. Boston. 1996.

Greer, J.M, and Warnock, C. (trans) The Picatrix Liber Rubeus Edition, Adocentyn
Press. 2010 – 2011.

Guiley, Rosemary, Ellen, The Encyclopedia of Angels:, Second Edition, Facts on

File. USA. 2004

Jackson, Nigel & Howards, Michael, The Pillars of Tubal-Cain, Capall Bann
Publishing. 2003.

Pernety, Antoine-Joseph, (Edouard Blitz (Editor) “A Treatise on the Great Art - A

System of Physics According to Hermetic Philosophy and Theory and Practice of the
Magisterium”. Kessinger Publishing, LLC. 2007.

Kiesel, William (trans), The Picatrix – The Goal of the Wise, Ouroboros Press,
Seattle. USA. 2002

Levi, Eliphas, “The Conjuration of the Four Elements” Holmes Pub Grou LLC. 1991.
And Public Domain Internet Downloads.

Lewis, Michael, Elemental Associations. The shrine of knowledge:

MacGregor Mathers, S.L The Greater Key of Solomon, Kessinger Publishing, LLC
1996 And Public Domain Internet Downloads

Paracelsus (Four treatises of Theophrastus von Hohenheim, called;), Henry Sigerest

(Editor), “A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies and Salamanders, and on the Other
Spirits.” The Johns Hopkins University Press. USA. 1996.

Rankine, David & Sorita d'Este – “Practical Elemental Magick,” Avalonia, London UK.
First Edition October 2008.

Rowe, Benjamin, “A Short Course in Scrying” copyright 1997, 1998. Internet


Suba, High Magick: “The Elemental Adept”. An Internet Article.

Unknown – “A Treatise on Elemental Magic- An essay concerning the elements as

the first step in Hermetic Magic.” Taken from an Internet Document of unknown
origin. Date?

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Anael” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Cassiel” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Gabriel” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Michael” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Raphael” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Samael” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.

Veneficus, Angelus, “The Book of Uriel” Archan Publishing. UK 2011.


Salamander According tp Paracelsus - Paracelsus' Auslegung von 30 magischen

Figuren. 16th Century illustration reproduced in Hall, Manly P. (1928) The Secret
Teachings of All Ages, and rephotographed by Fuzzypeg (all rights released).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has
expired. This applies to Australia, the European Union and those countries with a
copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years.

Seal containing Planetary Alignments to a Pentagram - This image (or other media
file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to
Australia, the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the
author plus 70 years.

The Nymph of the Rhine 1855 - 19th Century German Sculpture by Ludwig Michael
von Schwanthaler This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because
its copyright has expired. This applies to Australia, the European Union and those
countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 70 years.

Zodiac signs, 16th century European woodcut - This image (or other media file) is in
the public domain because its copyright has expired. This applies to Australia, the
European Union and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus
70 years.


Online version of the 1901–1906 Jewish Encyclopedia:

De Witt, Avalon. Visit . Reprint permission granted with this
footer included.

“The Number and the Nature of those things, Cal'd Elements, what Fire,
Earth, Aire forth brings: From whence the Heavens their beginnings had;
Whence Tide, whence Rainbow, in gay colours clad. What makes the
Clouds that gathered are, and black, To send forth Lightnings, and a
Thundring crack; What doth the Nightly Flames, and Comets make; What
makes the Earth to swell, and then to quake: What is the seed of Metals,
and of Gold What Vertues, Wealth, doth Nature's Coffer hold.”
Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, or of Magick; Written by that Famous Man

Published in conjunction with this book:

The Conjuration of the Four Elements - by Levi, Eliphas

Other specific Angelic rituals, magical tools and related information are always being
reviewed for publication.

For more in formation on the Angelic Art, please visit the Archangels and Angels

© ArchAn Publishing


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