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MIL Reviewer

Communication is the ac of transferring information from one place, person, or group to

- May be verbal or nonverbal

Components of the Comm Process

- Source - Environment
- Message - Context
- Channel - Interference/Noise
- Receiver
- Feedback

Media Literacy
- The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms.
Information Literacy
- The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information in its various formats
Technology Literacy
- The ability of an individual to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological
Media and Information Literacy
- The skill and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and information

Pre Industrial Age (Before 1700s)
- People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with
stone, bronze, copper and iron.
- Cave Paintings
- Clay Tablets
- Papyrus
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
- Used the power of steam, developed machines, iron production, and manufacturing of
- Printing Press
- Telegraph
- Motion Picture
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
- The invention of the transistor.
- Long distance communication became more efficient.
- Transistor Radio
- Large Electronic Computers
- Mainframe Computers
New Age/Information Age (1900s-200s)
- Paved the wy for faster communication and he creation of the social net.
- Advanced the use of microelectronics.
- Laptop
- Facebook/Social Networks
- Video Chat

Functions of Communicaion of Media

- Monitoring Function
- Information Function
- Opinion Function
- Watchdog Role of Journalism
- Channel for Advocacy of Political Viewpoints

- Indigenous Media
- Library
- Internet

Media Content
- Media that is delivered to the audiences.
3 Types of Media
- Print Media
- Broadcast Media
- Online Media
Delivery Mode of content in different types of media
- Live Streaming
- Webinars
- Podcast
- Infographics
- E-Books

3 types of Media Codes

- Symbolic
- Seing
- Mise en scene
- Acting
- Color
- Technical
- Camerawork
- Lighting
- Audio
- Written
- Form conventions
- Story Conventions
- Genre Conventions


- Ad Hominem - Slippery Slope
- Strawman - Burden of Proof
- Loaded Question - Bandwagon
- Begging the question - Appeal to Emotion
- Black or White - Propaganda

Mass Media
- Third Party Effect
- Boomerang effect
- Cultivation Theory
- Agenda-seting theory

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