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Bryce Tupper

March 1999

Department o f Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics

McGill University

Montréal, Canada

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies

and Rcsearch in partial fuifilment o f the requirements
for the degree of Master o f Engineering

O Btyce Tupper, 1999

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X reinforced concrete ductile flexural wall requires the placement of well-detailed

concentrated reinforcement at the ends of the wall. This ofien results in congestion in these
heavily reinforced regions, resulting in labourious construction. Two flexural wall
specimens, containing structural steel boundary elements, were constructed and tested under
reversed cyclic loading to evaluate the performance of this new construction technique. For
comparison, a third watl specimen meeting the requirements of a standard reinforced
concrete ductile flexural wall was constructed and tested under reversed cyclic loading. One
of the composite walls used rectangular hollow structural sections (HSS) as boundary
eiements which were connected to the wall by welding the transverse bars directly to both
HSS elements. The second wall used steel channels connected to the wall with headed studs
welded to the channels. These studs overlapped with the transverse reinforcing bars, which
had headed ends. The details of these three walls were chosen such that al1 of the walls had
approximately the same flexural capacity. The reversed cyclic responses of the three walls
showed that each wall had simi lar hysteretic properties. Following significant y ielding of the
structural steel, local buckling of the steel boundary elements in the composite walls was
observed. The design used for ductile flexural walls was modified to enable comparable
design of reinforced walls with steel boundary elements.

II est nécessaire de bien détailler l'emplacement de l'armature d'acier aux extrémités

pour les murs ductiles en béton armé en flexion. La congestion de l'armature d'acier dans
ces régions fortement armées, rendent leurs construction difficile. Deux murs en flexion.
avec des éIéments en acier à leurs extrémités, ont été construits et soumis à des charges
cycliques afin d'évaluer la performance de cette nouvelle technique de construction. A des
fins comparatives, un troisième mur en flexion fut construit selon les normes usuelles et
soumis à des charges cycliques réversibles. L'un des murs composites incorpore des tubes
rectangulaires (HSS) comme éléments d'extrémité. Ceux-ci ont été reliés au mur eu soudant
des barres transversales directement aux deux tubes HSS. Le deuxième mur utilise des
profilés d'acier avec section C reliés au mur à I'aide de goujons avec tête, soudés aux
profilés en C. Ces goujons chevauchent les barres transversales qui ont des têtes à leurs
extrémités. Les détails pour ces trois murs ont été choisis de sorte que la capacité en flexion
soit la même pour les trois murs. Le comportement cyclique des trois murs indique qu'ils
ont des propriétés hystéretiques similaires. Après une importante plastification de l'acier
structural, un flambement local des aciers en extrémité des murs composites f i t observé. La
méthode de conception des murs ductiles en flexion fut modifiée afin d'obtenir une
conception équivalente pour les murs renforcés à l'aide de composites en acier en périphérie.

The author w o u l d like acknowledge Professor Denis Mitchell for his encoura, oement
and expert guidance. The assistance and advice o f Dr. B i l l Cook and Stuart Bristowe was
extremely appreciated. The author would also l i k e to acknowledge the contributions o f
Profkssor S. H. Cho for his insight, encouragement and for providing funding for this
research project as part of the STRESS research programme i n Korea.
Thanks are extended to Ron Sheppard. Marek Prykorski. Damon Kiperctiuk. and
John Bartczak. technicians i n the Jarnieson Structures Laboratory. for helping to constmct
the test specimens. Thanks are also extended to K e v i n Li. Emmet Poon. Pierre Koch. Pedro
Da Silva. Carla Ghannoum. Wassim Ghannoum and Hrinaa Issa.

Lastly. the author would like to acknowledge the help o f the office staff o t' the
Department o f C i v i l Engineering and Applied Mechanics at M c G i l l University.

Bryce Tupper
March. 1999

ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... i
RÉSUMÉ ...................................................................................................................... 1 1
ACKNOWLEDCEMENTS ........................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF SYMBOLS .................................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. I

1.1 Seismic Design Criteria for Structural Walls .............................................. I
1.1.1 Ductile Flexural Wails ............................................................ 2
1.1.2 Walls with Nominai Ductility ..................................................... 4
1.2 Brief Sumrnary of Previous Research ........................................................ 5
1 2 . 1 Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls ............................................... 5
1.2.2 Composite Members .................................................................... 7
1 -3 Research Objectives .................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 2: EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME .......................................... 13

2.1 Design of Test Specimens ........................................................................... 13
2.2 Specimen Detailing .................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Reinforcement Details for Specimen W 1 .................................... 14
2.2.2 Reinforcement Details for Specimen W2 .................................... 15
2.2.3 Reinforcement Details for Specimen W3 .................................... 15
2.2.4 Foundation End Block ................................................................. 16
2.3 Construction Sequence ................................................................................ 16
2.3.1 Specirnen WI ............................................................................... 16
2.3.2 Specimen W2 ............................................................................... 17
2.3.3 Specimen W3 ............................................................................... 17
2.4 Material Properties ...................................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Reinforcing Steel ......................................................................... 17
2.4.2 Structural Steel .......................................................................... 18
2.4.3 Studs ........................................................................................... 19
2.4.4 Concrete ....................................................................................... 20
2.5 Test Set up ................................................................................................... 21
2.6 1nstrumentation ........................................................................................... --
2.6.1 Load Measurements ..................................................................... 22
2.6.2 Deflection Measurements ............................................................ --
2.6.3 Strain Measurements ................................................................... 23
2.7 Testing Procedure ....................................................................................... 24

CHAPTER 3: EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS........................................................... 39

3.1 P-A Effect Considerations ........................................................................... 39
Specimen W I .............................................................................................. 40
3.2.1 Load-Deflection Response ........................................................ 40
3.2.2 Strains and Deformations ......................................................... 41
Specimen W2 ....................................................................................... 4 2
3.3.1 Load-Deflection Response ........................................................ 42
3.3.2 Strains and Deformations ............................................................ 44
Specimen W3 .............................................................................................. 45
3.4. 1 Load-Deflection Response .......................................................... 45
3.4.2 Strains and Deformations ......................................................... 47


4.1 Construction Sequences ............................................................................ 70
4.2 Predicted and Experimental Results .......................................................... 70
4.3 Hysteretic Responses .................................................................................. 72
4.3.1 Specimen Ductility ...................................................................... 73
4.3.2 Load Sustainability..................................................................... 73
4.3.3 Stiffness Degradation .................................................................. 74
4.4.3 Energy Dissipation ...................................................................... 74
4.4 Structural Steel Local Buckling .................................................................. 74

CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS............................ 81

5.1 Conclusions ................................................................................................. 81
5.2 Future Research Recommendations............................................................ 82

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 84

APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................ 88
A. 1Determination of Axial Load ..................................................................... 88
A.2 Determination of Lateral Design Loads ................................................... 88
A.3 CSA Standard Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall (Specimen W 3 ) ....... 89
A.4 Design of Reinforced Concrete Walls with Steel
Boundary Elements (Specimens W 1 and W2) ........................................... 92
A.5 Cracking Moments ..................................................................................... 95

Chapter 1
1 -1 Determination of potential plastic hinging.................................................... 10
1.2 Concentrated and distributed reinforcement ................................................. 10
1.3 Effects of distributed vertical reinforcement on curvature ........................ .. Il
1.4 Variation of the curvature ductility ratio at the base of cantilever
walls with the aspect ratio and imposed displacernent ductility
demand ........................................................................................................... 11
1.5 Idealized envelope curves of the load-deflection relationship of
shear walls failing in shear under repeated loading ...................................... 12

Chapter 2
Typical wall dimensions ................................................................................ 25
Detailing of reinforcement for Specimen W I ............................................... 26
Specimen W 1 reinforcing cage ..................................................................... 2 7
Detailing of reinforcement for Specimen W2 ............................................... 2 8
Specimen W2 reinforcing cage ..................................................................... 29
Detaihg of reinforcement for Specimen W3 .............................*.................30
Specimen W3 reinforcing cage ..................................................................... 31
Welding studs to channel (Specimen W2) .................................................... 32
Stress-strain responses for reinforcing steel .................................................. 3 3 99

Stress-strain responses for structural steel and studs ....................... ...... 33


Compressive stress-strain responses for concrete ......................................... 34

Shrinkage strains measured in the concrete over time .................................. 34
Test setup for reversed cyclic loading of specirnens .................................... 35
Test setup before loading ............................................................................... 36
LVDT assembly ............................................................................................. 37
. .
Strain measuring instrumentation .................................................................. 37
Loading sequence for specimens................................................................... 38

Chapter 3
3.1 Accounting for P-A effect .............................................................................. 4 8
3.2 Shear and moment versus tip deflection responses for Specimen W 1 .........49
3.3 Crack patterns for Specimen W 1 ................................................................ 50
3.4 Failure of Specimen W 1 ................................................................................ 51
3.5 C u ~ a t u r responses
e for Specimen W I ......................................................... 52
3.6 HSS strain distribution at peak positive cycles for Specirnen W 1 ............... 53
3.7 Strain Conditions for Specimen W 1 .............................................................. 54
3.8 Response of Specimen W 1 reinforcement .................................................... 3 3
3 -9 Shear and moment versus tip deflection responses for Specimen W2 ......- 3 6
3.10 Crack patterns for Specimen W 2.................................... ............................... 57
3.1 1 Failure of Specimen W2 ............................ . . ............................................... 58
Cuwature responses for Specimen W2 ......................................................... 59
Channel strain distribution at peak positive cycles for Specimen W2 .........60
Strain Conditions for Specimen W2 .................................... ,...................... 61
Response of Specimen W2 reinforcement.................................................... 62
Shear and moment versus tip deflection responses for Specimen W3 .........63
Crack patterns for Specimen W 3................................................................... 64
Failure of Specimen W3 ................................................................................ 65
Cuwature responses for Specimen W 3 ......................................................... 66
Reinforcing bar strain distribution at peak positive cycles for
Specimen W3 ................................................................................................. 67
Strain Conditions for Specimen W3 .............................................................. 68
Response of Specimen W3 reinforcement.................................................... 69

Chapter 4
Experimental and predicted moment venus curvature plots ........................ 76
Determination of curvature diagrams
. .
from moment-curvature predicttons.............................................................. 77
Experimental and predicted load-deflection curves .................................... 78
Load sustainability of specimens .................................................................. 79
Stiffness degradation of specimens .............................................................. -79
Energy dissipation of specimens ................................................................... 80

Appendix A
Side view of S~ecimenW3 ........................................................................... 91


Chapter 1
CSA A23.3 requirements for ductile flexural wall reinforcement ...............4

Chapter 2
Properties of reinforcing steel....... ................................................................. 18
Properties of structural steel ...................................................................... 19
Properties of studs .......................................................................................... 20
Mix proportions for al1 specimens................................................................. 1
Concrete properties ........................................................................................ 1

Chapter 3
Peak base shears and tip deflections for Specimen W I ................................ 40
Peak base shears and tip deflections for Specimen W2 ................................ 13
Peak base shears and tip deflections for Specimen W3 ................................ 46

C hapter 4
Predicted plastic hinge lengths and experimental yielding lenghs .............. 72
Summary of specimen responses .................................................................. 73

Appendix A
A.2.1 Design loads ................................................................................................... 88
A.4.1 Composite specimen shear spacing ............................................................... 94
A.5.1 Cracking moments ......................................................................................... 95

area distributed longitudinal rein forcement

reinforcement within spacing s, fuit ultimate strength of reinforcement
net area of concrete bounded by F foundation factor of a structure
web thickness and length of applied lateral load
section in the direction of lateral interstorey height
force consideration height of wall
area of structural steel boundary importance factor of a structure
elernent bar location factor
gross area of concrete wal I bar coating factor
area of tensile reinforcement concrete density factor
total cross-sectional area of bar size factor
transverse reinforcement within a transverse reinforcement index
distance, s,, stiffness at a deflection of A,,
transformed area of wall stiffness at a deflection of 4.
effective area of transverse development length for a s&ight
rein forcement bar
area of weld plastic hinge length
width of wall clear distance between floors or
depth of the neutral axis measured other lines of weak axis support
from the compression edge of the horizontal length of wall
wall length of axial strands
distance from extreme moment at base of wall
compression fibre to centroid of cracking moment
tension reinforcement positive cracking moment
nominal diameter of aggregate negative cracking moment
the smaller of a) the distance of maximum resisting moment of
the concrete surface to the centre wall
of the bar being developed or nominal moment
b) 213 the centre-to-centre spacing probable moment
of the bars being developed wall self-weight moment
nominal diameter of moment at general yield
rein forcement moment at flrst yield
nominal diameter of tie moment at ultimate curvature not
specified compressive strength of less than 80% of Mu
concrete number of bars or wires k i n g
splitting strength of concrete developed along potential plane of
modulus of rupture bond splitting
specified yield strength of number shear connectors
rein forcement applied axial load
specified yield strength of horizontal axial load component
boundary element vertical axial load component
yield strength of transverse force modification factor
maximum centre-to-centre spacing concrete strain corresponding to f:
of transverse reinforcement within strain in reinforcement
td yield strain of reinforcernent
spacing of distri buted transverse diameter
rein forcement resistance factor for concrete
spacing of distributed longitudinal resistance factor for reinforcernent
reinforcement resistance factor for weld
seismic response factor of a shear strain in the plastic hinge
structure region of wall
transformed sectional modulus of wall overstrength factor equal to
wal l the ratio of the load corresponding
fundamental period of vibration of to nominal moment resistance of
a structure the wall system to the factored
calibration factor of a structure load on the wall system
zona1 velocity ratio wall curvature
seisrnic base shear of a structure curvature at maximum moment
equivalent lateral force at the base ultimate curvature
of the structure representing general yield curvature
elastic response first yield curvature
design shear factor to account for density of
load corresponding to A+ concrete
nominal shear resistance of one coefficient of friction
No. 1 O transverse reinforcement ratio of reinforcement to concrete
load corresponding to A,
load corresponding to 4.
dead load of a structure Plus 25%
of design snow load plus 60% of
the storage load for areas used for
storage and the full contents of
ultimate tensile strength of
acceleration-related seismic zone
velocity-related seismic zone
cycle peak tip deflection
tip deflection
maximum recorded tip deflection
deflection at general yielding
deflection at first yielding
deflection at general yielding in
the positive direction
deflection at general yielding in
the negative direction
principal tensile strain
principal compression strain


The research reported in this thesis is aimed at investigating alternative construction

techniques for shear walls incorporating structural steel boundary elements. interconnected
to the reinforced concrete web of the wall. The reversed cyclic loading performance of this
titw type of construction is compared to the performance of concrete shear walls with
conventional reinforcement details.

1.1 Seismic Design Criteria f o r Structural Walls

According to Paulay ( 1 980) "the primary requirement for an erirthquake-resisting

sheanvall structure is that it should ensure survival during the largest ground shaking that can
be expected in the locality". The National Building Code of Canada (NBCC 1995). gives
provisions for the design of structures to achieve an accrptabie level of safrty. Specit?cdly.
the code prescribes the minimum lateral seismic force at the base of the structure. V. as

where. V, = equivalent lateral force at the base of the structure representiiig

elastic response
R = force modification factor
U = factor representing level of protection based on experience. 0.6

The equivalent lateral force, V,. is crilculated as:

where. v = zona1 velocity ratio = the specified zonai horizontal ground

velocity expressed as a ratio of I mls
1 = seismic importance factor of the structure
F = foundation factor
W = dead load plus 25% of the design snow load plus 60% of the
storage load for areas used for storage and the full contents of
S = seismic response factor. for unit value of zonal velocity ratio.
based on
0 fundamental period of vibration o f the structure

oacceleration-related seismic zone

velocity-related seismic zone

The force modification factor. R. defines the ability of a structure to dissipate energy
through inelastic behaviour. The NBCC categorizes a number of diffèrent types Iateral-
force-resisting systems having varying values of R. Reinforced concrete walls are
critegorized as "ductile coupled walls" ( R 4 . 0 ) . "other ductile wal l systems" (R=3.5 ). -'wd ls
with nominal ductility" (R=2.0) and other structural walls without special seismic design or
detail ing requirements (R= 1 - 5 ) .
In addition to strength requirements. the NBCC limits the interstorey drift of
structures under seismic actions. In deterrnining the interstorey drifts the estimated lateral
deflections are tlrst deterrnined using an elastic analysis with the loads found from Eq. 1 - 1 .
The resulting elastic deflections multiplied by the force modification hctor. R. rire limited to
0.0 I h, for post-disaster buildings and 0.02 h, for al1 other buildings. where fi, is the
interstorey height.
The Canadian design and detailing requirements for "ductile tlexurril walls" (R=3.5)
and for walls with nominal ductility (R=2.0). given in the Canadian Standards Association
'433.3 "Design of Concrete Structures" ( 1994). are discussed below.

1.1.1 Ductile Flexural Walls

Clause 21.5 of the CSA A23.3 Standard (1994) prescribes the design and detailing
requircments for reinforced concrete ductile flexural walls. These requireinents are based
rnainly on the requirements developed for the New Zealand Standard (NZS 3 101 ) T o n c r e t e
Structures Standard" (1982, 1995). These provisions are based on the capacity design
philosophy developed by Park and Paulay (1975) to ensure that significant tlexural hinging
can occur without the formation of brittle failure modes. The plastic hinge rsgion is
typically located at the base o f a cantilever wall where signiticant flesural deformations
occur. Figure 1 . 1 I .adapted from the CSA Standard A23.3 Commentary ( 1994). indicates the
region of potential plastic hinging and includes a method for estimating the plastic hinge
length. In order to ensure that plastic hinging can occur. the CSA Standard assumes that at
the hinge location the wall can develop its probable moment resistance. M,. This probable
moinent resistance is defined as the moment resistance of the section using 1.25 t', 3s the
equivalent yield stress o f the tension reinforcernent and the specified values of- f:. nith
material resistance factors. 4, and 4,. taken as 1 .O.
Thc primary longitudinal reinforcement used to develop the resisting moment is
concentrated at both ends of the wall (see Fig. 1.2). The minimum amounts and detailing
requirements for this concentrated reinforcement and other distributed reinforcement are
summarized in Fig. 1.2 and Table 1 . I . which are both taken from the CSA Standard A 23.3
Commentary (1994). For example, the concentrated reinforcing bars have to be tied within
con tïning hoops. which are detailed like column transverse rein forcement according to
Clause 7.6 of the CSA Standard A23.3. Al1 the reinforcing bars used in ductile tlesunl walls
must be weldable grade in accordance with CSA Standard G30.18 ( 1 992).
To ensure that the plastic hinge has opportunity to develop tùlly without other brittle
failure modes occurring. the CSA Standard has requirements to avoid shear failure and
instability problems. The factored shear resistance of a ductile flexuml wall must be greater
tlian the applied shear corresponding to the development o f the probable moment resistance
at the base of the wall. In determining this factored shear resistance the contribution ot'the
tensile stresses in the concrete are neglected in the plastic hinge region. Tlic horizontal
reinforcement must be sufficiently anchored into the confined regions of the concentrated
longitudinal reinforcement (see Fig. 1.2 and Table 1 . I ). In order to limit instability of the
conipression zone o f ductile flexural walls a minimum wall thickness. b,%,of 1,,/10 must be
provided. where tu is the clear storey height of the wall.
Clause 21 3.6.7 of the CSA Standard limits the calculated depth of compression. cc.
to a maximum value o f O S S E , , in order to provide the desired level o f ductility. Ifc, exceeds
this value, the wall will have insufficient plastic rotational capabilities needed to reach the
desired ducti lity.
Plastic Hinge Other Region
- , r -- U
-- 1

Distributed reinforcement

1 Amount p 1 0.0025 p 2 0.0025

1 Spacing ,< 300 mm

develop f, within region of

1450 m m
Horizontal reinforcernent extend into region o f
anchorage concentrated reinforcement concentrated reinforcernent


1 W l ~ e r erequired 1 at ends o f walls and

coupling beams. corners, and
1 at ends o f the wnlls and
coupting bcams
Amount (at least 4 bars) p 2 0.002 b , f,, p 10.001 b, /,,
p 5 0.06 x area o f p 1 0 . 0 6 .u area o f
I 1 concentrated 1 concentratrd
reinforcement region reintbrcernent region
i-loop requirements must satisfy Clauses 7.6 and hoop spacing according t o
2 1 3.6.5 Clause 7.6
Splice requirements 1.5 Pd and not more than 1.5 rd and 100% at the
50% o f the same location. same location.
Unless lap length less than
1 /4 storey height lap
alternate tloors
-- - -. . -- - -

Table 1.1 CSA A23.3 requirements for ductile tlesural wali reinforccment

1.1.2 Walls with Nominal Ductility

The design criteria for walls w i t h nominal ductility are based on similar design

principles as that for ductile flexural walls. However. there are some relaxation i n the

rcquirements in keeping w i t h the smaller force moditication factor (R=2.0) t0r walls w i t h

nominal ductility. T h e m i n i m u m thickness for walls w i t h nominal ductility is /,/13. The

rcquired factored shear resistance is the shear corresponding to the attainment o f the nominal

moment resistance instead o f the shear corresponding to the probable moment resistance.
The reinforcement used in walls w i t h nominal ductility need n o t be weldable grade meeting
CSA Standard G30.18 (1992). In order to ensure sufficient ductility i n the plastic hinge
region o f a wall w i t h nominal ductility the neutral axis depth. cc. shall not exceed 0.33(,,7,,
(where y, is the wall overstrength factor. equal to the ratio o f the load corresponding to
nominal moment resistance o f the wall system to the factored load o n the wall system). Tliis
limit may be exceeded if concentrated vertical reinforcement having a minimum
reinforcement ratio o f 0.005. tied in accordance with Clause 2 1.4.4. is provided over the
outer h d f o f the compression zone.

1.2 Bricf Summary o f Previous Research

1.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls

Cardenas and Magura (1973) studied the advantages o f using vertical steel.
concentrated at the ends o f walls. i n improving the ductility (see Fig. i 3).Tliey carried out
rinalytical predictions o f the monotonic responses o f a series o f walls with varying
percentages and distributions o f vertical reinforcement. These monotonic predictions

indicated that w i t h concentrated reinforcement at the ends o f the walls. rather that uniformly
distributed reinforcement. larger ductilities could be attained.
Park and Paulay ( 1975) contributed signitlcantly t o the development o f capacity
design procedures and important detailing concepts for the design o f beams. columns and
shear wall systems. This research led to the development o f the progressive design codes

given i n the N e w Zealand Standards (NZS 1982. 1995). A comprehensive summary of-sliear
w d l design considerations. d o n g with corresponding research. is given by Paulay and
Prcistle'; ( 1992).
The ductility characteristics o f structural walls were reported by Paula'; and Uzumrri
i n 1975. They established a relationship between the curvature and displacement ductilities
of walls w i t h different w a l l height to length aspect ratios (see Fig. 1.3). The range o f
required curvature ductilities for each aspect ratio and displacement ductility is derived from
an upper and lower estimate o f plastic hinge length. The plastic hinge lengths are i n turn a
fùnction o f the wali dimensions o r aspect ratio. It is seen that as shear walls become more

slender they develop a greater plastic hinge length resulting in more rotational capacity and
in turn greater ductility.
Wall stability becomes a concern when thin waIl sections are subjected to high
compressive strains which could possibly lead to out-of-plane buckling. It is explained in
the NZS Commentary on The Design of Concrete Structures ( 1982. 1995) that this concern is
based on concepts of Eulerian buckling of stmts. The resulting solution to reducing the
occurrence of instability was to limit the wall thickness. b,,. to about one-tenth the height of
the uall in the first storey. This solution is also retlected in the î S A Standard A33.3 ( 1984.
1994). more recent research by Goodsir ( 1985) and Goodsir. Paulay and Crirr ( 1983) shou s
thrit out-of-plane buckling of thin walls is more dependent on high inelastic tcnsile strains in
the tmsile steel. It is believed that upon initial moment reversal. al1 compressive stresses
\ri11 be resisted by the steel because the cracks. formed in the concrete from the prcvious
tensile cycle. will not have completely closed. The result may be a tlexurai compressive
force that does not coincide with the centre of the wall thickness. b,,. This eccentricity
together with small dislocated concrete partic les and unaiigned crack surfaces could lead to
One of the consequences of Park and Paulay's (1975) concern over achieving large
ductility led to the suggestion that the concentrated steel at the ends of the wall should be
tied 3s columns. Confined concrete at the end of a walls would increase the allo\vable strain
in LIIL' compression zone of the wall where strains exceeding 0.003 arc required to reriçh
Iûrger curvature ductilitirs. In addition. more closely spaced ties at the ends of \valls prevent
buckling of the concentrated vertical reinforcement (Park and Paulay. 1975: AC1 3 18. 1989).
Several issues must be considered to ensure that shcar tàilure in a structural \vaIl will
bc avoided so that the desired ductility and energy dissipation can be achieved. Thç shear

rcsistance of a wall system must tirst be sutficient to withstand potentiai flesural

overstrength. Markevicius and Ghosh (1987) examined the effects of shear from the
influence of second and third modes of vibration on the a cantilever wall system. They
stated that dynamic shear magnilïcation will occur, moving the maximum shéar lower in the
\kaIl cornpared to the first mode of vibration. Blakeley. Cooney and Meggrtt ( 1 975) sliowed
that as the fundamental period of the wall increases, so does the sherir contributions tiom
higher modes. lqbal and Derecho (1980) have also proposed sheor force envrlopes based o n
inelastic dynûrnic analyses. In an attempt to understand the reversed cyclic shear-resisting
rnechrinisms of concrete, Corely. Fiorato and Oesterle ( 198 1 ) observed that uni tormly
distributed horizontal and vertical reinforcement helped to preserve the shear capacit) o f the

concrete web. Tests o n the reversed cyclic loading performance o f shear wa1ls by Bertrro et

al. ( 1977). and Vallenas et al. (1979) and Oesterle et al. (1980) showed that despite

limitations applied to m a x i m u m shear stress i n the wall web. web crustiing i n the plastic

hinge region may occur afier a few cycles o f reversed cyclic loading.

1.2.2 Composite Members

Composite members. especially columns. have been extensively used tor seismic

rrsistance i n Japan. Wakabayashi ( 1986) expiained that "buildings of- composite

construction showed good earthquake resistanr capacity under the Kanto earthquake ( 1923)

as compared with ordinary reinforced concrete structures". However. in tlie 1993 Kobe

earthquake a large number o f failures occurred i n structures with composite members built

bctore 198 1. There were many examples o f failures i n concrete encased steel columns. due

to poor confinement. In addition. there were failures o f cotumns a t the transition between

cncased steel construction and reinforced concrete construction, which usually occurred at

tlie sixth storey level (Hiraishi and Kaminosono. 1996: Mitchell et al. 1996). III 1974
Wakabayashi showed that experimental flexural strengths could be a c c u r a t e l predicted w i t h

the tlieoretical assumption that "plane sections remain pirine". 'The experimental results t i o m
trsting composite columns indicated that the strengths were similar to that of reinforced

concrete members. In addition. Wakabayashi and Minami ( 1976) observed that reiiiforced

concrete encased columns had improved shear behaviour when compared to traditional
rcinforced concrete columns. The hysteretic loops. govemed b y shear distortion. of a

concrete-encased steel column produced greater ductility and less strcngth degradation
compared to a reinforced concrete column. Waknbayashi's composite researçh \vas

supported b y other surveys o n composite members (e-g.. Viest. 1974). Viest pointed out tlie

increased stiffness and energy absorption that is developed by encasing a steel beam w i t h

concretc. He also comrnented o n the reduction o f torsional instability and local buckling that
is associated w i t h the use o f concrete encased steel beams.
Composite shear walls originated as reinforced concrete shear walls with encased tlat

steel bars. steel trusses and steel plates (Tall B u i l d i n g Cornmittee A41, 1979). The
deformation capacity produced b y the steel truss and steel plate composite walls compared to

reinforced concrete walls is shown in Fig. 1.5. The use o f composite construction resulted i n

-zreater ductility w i t h the load-carrying capacity being limited by the buckling ot- the

concrete-encased steel.

Composite lateral load resisting systems incorporating moment-resisting steel h m e s

w i t h an i nf i l 1 o f reinforced concrete were also studied. Chrysostomou ( 199 1 ) pointed out the

importance o f composite shear connection between the intilled concrete and steel boundary

elcrnents. Without adequate shear connection. the store). shear is primarily resisted by n

compression struts in the concrete panel, This compressive strut hris tinite ~ v i d t hand is

d i g n e d with the corners o f the panel. l n contrast. frames w i t h adequate sherir connection are

able to resist the shear w i t h a field o f diagonal compression i n the concrete rather than one

single strut.

The Composite Structural Steel and Reinforced Concrete Buildings Provisions o f the

.i\l SC ( 1997) and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP. 1997)
provide some design provisions for boundary etement shear walls. One consideration is that

the structural steel sections shall meet dimensional limitations to produce signitlcant

inelastic deformations without local buckling. Another. tentative recommendation suggests

tliat the static yield strength o f the composite shear connectors be reduced 25% as a

conservative measure. untit further research is performed.

1.3 Research Objectives

The overall objective o f this research project is to investigate the tèasibility o f

rcinforced concrete shear walls incorporating structural steel boundary elements having

adequate shear connection to the reinforced concrete. T w o very d i fferent types of composite

shear walls were investigated: one with total prefabrication o f the boundary elements. shear

connection and wall reinforcement. while the other specimen had prefabricated boundary
elements and shear connectors. w i t h additional reinforcement to be added i n the field. The

construction o f these t w o composite walls. including prefabrication and on-site activities.

were compared w i t h the construction o f a typical reinforced concrete ductile flesural wall.

I n order to compare the seismic responses o f the t w o composite shear walls w i t h the
response of the reinforced concrete ductile tlexural wall al1 three walls were subjected to

reversed cyclic Ioading. The response chancteristics that were rxamined includr:

1. load versus deftection responses:

2. crack patterns and crack development:

J. moment versus curvature responses:

4. extent o f flexural yielding:

5. shear responses and

6. failure modes.
moment diagram
corresponding t o

minimum assumed moment

envelope aftcr plastic

L -
hinge formation

probabk moment
resistant diagram

plastic hinge length

C, but not iess than
hJ6 but need not
exceed 2Cw

probabk moment resistanœ

at plastic hinge location

Fiy re 1.1 Determination of potential plastic hinging

(adapted fiom CSA Standard A23.3-94)

Distributed Reinforcement
hoops endosing
-vertical bars (area 6) 2O-ûû25 conœntrated
bS" reinforœmnt
-horizontal b a n at
spacing s,

must develop f, Concentratcd \Fertical

in this region Reinforcenient in
Shadeâ Regions

Figure 1.2 Concentrated and distributed reinforcement

(adapted fiom CSA Standard A23 -3-94)
Figure 1.3 Effect of distributed vertical reinforcement on curvature
(Cardenas and Magura, 1973)

Figure 1.4 Variation of the cwature ductility ratio at the base of cantilever walls with
the aspect ratio and i m p s e d displacement ductility demand (Paulay and Uzumen, 1975)
Figure 1.5 ldealized envelope curves of the load-deflection relationship of shear walls
failing in shear under repeated loading (Ta11 Building Comrnittee A4 1 , 1979)


Three shear wall specimens were constructed and tested in the Jarnieson Structures
Laborator), of the Department of Civil Engineering at McGill University. Two specimens
containing different types of steel boundary elements and one typical reint'orced concrete
\val l were subjected to reversed-cycl ic Ioading. t n addition to the seism ic loading responses.
difirent stages of construction for each specimen were monitored to enable comparisons of
the construction techniques.

2.1 Design of Test Specimens

The design of the walls followed the philosophy and design requiremrnt described in
Clause 21.5 of the CSA Standard A23.3 (1994) for ductile flexural w d l systsms. The walls
were designed as ductile flexural walls with force modification factors. R. of 3.5.
The test specirnens had the same overall dimensions. representing approximately half
scale of a typical prototype shear wall. The dimensions were chosen to accommodate the
shear naIl testing facility. The cross-sectional dimensions of each wall were 1000 mm by
152 mm. with the shear wall cantilevering 3900 mm from the end block (ser Fig. 2.1 ). The
potential hinge length. assumed as 1 O00 mm. was equal to the wall length in con formance
with the CSA. Each wall emerged from a heavily reintorced end block. representing a
toundation. with dimensions of 1400 mm by 2500 mm by 400 mm. as shown in Fig. S. 1.
The design of the test specimens is given in Appendix A. A minimum concrete
compressive strength of 35 M P a was used for design. For ail three walls. the 300 mm
spacing of distributed longitudinal reinforcement was taken from the minimum requirement
necessary for plastic hinge regions. The spacing of distributed transverse reinforcernent usrd
for shear resistance varied with each wall. However. the same shear design expression was
used to determine the spacing, s,,, of the transverse reinforcement. This spacing was
calculated as:
where, @, = resistance factor for reinforcing bars (0.85)
A,, = area of transverse steel within a distance s (200 mm' - 2 No. IO bars)
f, = actual yield stress of No. IO transverse rein forcement (488 MPa)
d = effective depth of specimen
V, = design shear correspondin- to the formation of plastic
hinging in the wall

DitTCrences in spacing arose from variations in effective depth and design shear force of the
three specimens. The effective depths are the distances from estreme concretr compression
tibre to the centroid of the tension reinforcement. The design shear was determined using
the program RESPONSE (Collins & Mitchell. 1991 ). The tlexural response was determined
for cach specimen assuming rnonotonic loading.
An axial load level was also chosen to represent an expected compressive load for a
tnclve storey structure. The resulting compressive load was 600 kN (see Appendis A).
~ihichis approximately 9 % of nominal axial capacity or 1 1% of gross concrete strength.
A,f:. of the typical reinforced concrete wall specirnen. This axial load of 600 kN was also
used with the walls containing boundary elements.

2.2 Specimen Detailing

2.2.1 Reinforcement Details for Specimen W 1

The design details of Specimen W 1 are presented in Figs 2.2 and 2.3. Specimen W I
was designed and constructed with hollow structural sections (HSS) at the wall boundaries.
Thcse HSS sections were not filled with concrete during casting. The transverse reinforcing

bars were placed in two layers. 1 80 mm apan as calculated from Eq. 2- 1 in order to provide
suficient shear resistance (see Appendix A). Each pair of transverse bars were weIded to the
inner flanges of the HSS elements, separated by a clear spacing of 66 mm (see Fig 2.2).
Additional transverse reinforcement. spaced at 90 mm, located at the tip of the wall was used
to ensure full flexural development and composite shear connection of the HSS slements. A
cle3r concrete cover of 15 mm was provided over the longitudinal reinforcing bars which
were tied to the outside of the transverse bars (set: Fig 2.2). The heavily reinforced end block
detai 1s were chosen to ensure proper anchorage and force iranskr.

2.2.2 Reinforcement Details for Specimen W2

The second specimen was constructed with steel channel sections ris boundan-
elrments. Figures 2.4 and 2.5 present the details of Specirnen W2. Shear studs. 207 mm in
length. were welded at the interior face of the channel webs to provide the necessary
composite connection. Each stud had a diameter of 12.7 mm with a 25 mm diameter head.
Spacing of the studs was 220 mm to match the spacing of the transverse reinforcement (see
Appendix A). Each pair of studs was separated by a 63 mm clear spacing. Extra studs were
welded to the channels near the tip of the wall to provide extra shear connection and ensure
tùll flexural development of the channels. In order to guarantee development of the
transverse reinforcement. each transverse bar had a 37 mm x 37 mm x 9.5 m m plate welded
to each end and were overlapped 175 mm with the headed studs (see Fig. 2.4). The clear
concrete cover was 15 mm to the longitudinal reinforcement. As with Specimen Wl. the
channel sections. longitudinal reinforcement and shear reinforcement continued into the
footing end block to provide proper anchorage.

2.2.3 Reinforcement Details of Specimen W3

The typical reinforced concrete.shear wall, Specimen W3. \vas designed to have a
sirnilar llexural capacity to that of the boundary element walls (see Appendix A). Specimen
W3 had eight No. 20 bars concentrated at each end of the wall that were confined by 6 mm
diaineter ties (see Figs 2.6 and 2.7). The confining ties were spaced at a distance of one Iidf
the wall thickness. 76 mm. in the plastic hinge region and were spaced at a distance equal to
the wall thickness. 1 52 mm. elsewhere. A clear concrete cover 01- 1 5 mm \\,as used on the
ties. while 30 mm was used on the longitudinal reinforcement. The pairs of No. 10
transverse bars were placed at 21 5 mm throughout the waIl height. as cakulated by Eq. 2-1.
Thest: bars extended into the contlned regions o f concentrated reinkrcement, conforming to

the development requirement o f C S A Standard A23.3 (see Appendix A).

2.2.4 Foundation E n d Block

The end block f o r each wall was identical. The end blocks were heavil> reinfbrced

to provided adequate anchorage for the reinforcernent o f each wall, while responding

elristically during flexural hinging o f the walls. The flesural capacity o f the end block was

provided by eight No. 25 headed bars. In addition. ctosed stirrups were used to contine the

longitudinal reinforcement anchored i n the wal I and to provide adequate shear resistance.

2.3 Construction Sequence

The sarne formwork was used i n the casting o f each o f the specimens and the
construction sequence f o r the end blocks o f each wall was identical. The details o f the

construction sequence f o r each specimen are discussed below.

2.3.1 Specimen W 1

The tirst step in the construction o f Specimen W I was t o drill holes i n the HSS
clcrnents for the placement and welding o f the No. I O transverse bars (see Figs 2.2 and 2.3).

Afier placement o f the bars in the holes, the steel sections were properly aligned and Icveled.

During the alignment stage. several welded connections were made to hclp position the 1-ISS

~ I e m c n t s . Following this. the remaining welds were completed and the resulting tiame \vas

inserted into the formwork. Once i n place. longitudinal reinforcement was tied to the outside

ot'thc transverse reinforcement. The concrete was placed into the t'ormwork mith tlie wall in

a horizontal position (see Fig. 2.3a). The HSS elernents provided the formwork for the ends

of the wall and remained "ho1 low" afier casting.

2.3.2 Specimen W2

The No. 10 transverse bars of Specirnen W 2 were tàbricated b ~ welding

. plates to
tl-ieir ends resulting in headed bars. 930 mm in length. Standard stud welding procedures
cnabled the rapid welding of the stud shear connectors to the channel boundary elements (see
Fig. 2.8). Following the stud welding. the channels where aligned and the headed
reinforcing bars were tied to each pair of adjacent studs. The steel frarne was placed into the
fol-mwork and the longitudinal reinforcing bars were tied to the outside o f the transverse
reinforcement. The steel channels served as formwork at the ends of the wall during the
placing of the concrete.

2.3.3 Specimen W3

The first stage of the construction of Spec imen W3 was the fabrication of the tied
column crises forming the concentrated reinforcen7ent. The fabrication of the two column
cages required considerable effort to tie the confinine hoops to the longitudinai bars. The
concentrated reinforcement cages were aligned and the transverse bars Mere tied into the
contlned cores. Unlike Specimens W 1 and W2. Specimen W3 required additional formwork
ar the ends of the wall.

2.4 &MaterialProperties

2.4.1 Rcinforcing Steel

The reinforcement used in the construction of each of the specimens was in

conformance with CSA Standard G30.18. All reinforcement was weldable grade. which is
required for structures having a force modification factor greater than 1.0. Three samples of
cac h rein forcing bar size were tested in order to determine their stress-strain characteristics.
TIie test samples of the 6 mm and 10 mm diameter bars were 250 mm in length and the No.
20 bars werc 500 mm in length. With the 6 mm diameter bars and the No. I O bars. a 25 mm
long extensometer was used to measure strain. The No. 20 bars were instrumented with a

150 mm long extensometer. The 6 m m diameter bars and No. 20 bars were used i n the

design and construction o f Specimen W3 and the No. 10 bars were used in al1 o f the

specimens. Figure 2.9 shows typical stress versus strain curves for these reinforcing bars

wh iIr Table 2.1 summarizes the mechanical properties.

Table 2.1 Properties o f reinforcing steel

2.4.2 Structural Steel

Two types o f structural steel were used. rectangular h o l l o w steel sections in

Specirnen W I and channel sections i n Specimen W2. Coupons. 250 mm i n length. were

f'ribriccited from tlie two different steel sections i n order to perform tensile tests t'rom which
typical stress versus s t n i n curves were found (see Fig. 2.1 0). The stress-strain rclationsliip

for the HSS samples have n o defined y ield plateau and Iience the 0.2 percentagr offset stress

\\as used for the equivalent yield stress. The mechanical properties are summarized in Table
3.3. Both tlie HSS and channel sections conformed to the Class 1 requircments o f the CSA
S16.1 (set: Table 2.2). A Class 1 section is defined as an member that w i l l attain plastic
rnoinent capacity, reduced for the presence of axial load. prior to local buckling of the plate
clernents. It is indicated in Table 2.2, that the flange o f the HSS and t h e web o f the channel
section are closest to the CSA requirements and w i l l undergo local buckiling firsr. Tlic

ef'fective slenderness ratios o f each o f the sections are rt tùnction of the transverse
rcinforcement spacing, s., and are also presented in Table 2.2

1 HSS 152x102x6.4 1 C 150x19

(Area. mm') (3960) (2450)
f,., MPa 377.0 402.2
(std. deviation j (1 8.3) ( 3 -1 )

E), mm/mrn 0.00500 0.0028

(std. deviation (0.00005) (0.00 130)
f,,,. MPa 442.5 555.0
(std. deviation) ( 16.6) (3.7)
Flange blt ratio = (b-2t)It 21.9 12.1
CSA Class 1 Flange 21.6 20.9
b/t lirnit
( 470\/F; ) I cJ~JF;
Web hlw ratio 14.1 6 -2
CSA Class 1 Web 21 -6 7.2
h/w lirnit
( ) ( 145JF;l
sh. m m 180 220
Effective Slenderness Ratio, 28.3 19.3

Table 2.2 Properties of structural steel

2 . 3 Studs

Three stud specimens were fabricated at the sarne time the studs were welded to the
cliannels. Each stud specimen consisted of two studs each welded to opposite sides of a steel
plate (see Fig. 2.10). The head of each stud was removed and then direct tension was applied
to the specimens to determine the yield stress and ultimate strength of the studs and the
ridequacy of the stud welds. Two of the specimens îàiled by yielding of the stud and one
I'riiled in a brittle rnanner rit the weld. The specimen that failed in the weld reached a load
level exceeding the yield force, corresponding to 90% of the stud capacity. An additional
stud specimen was tested (Fig. 2.10) to determine the stress-strain relationship. The results
01' the testing o f these four specimens are summarized in Table 2.3. The large standard
deviation in the ultimate strength of the studs. given in Table 2.3. is due to the lower ultimate
strength of the specimen that failed in the weld.
Table 2.3 Properties o f studs

2.4.4 Concrete

Ready-mix concrete w i t h a specified 28 day compressive strengtli o f 30 MPa was

used for al1 three specimens. Table 2.4 shows the components o f the mis and indicates the
proportions as specified b y the supplier.
A series o f field cured standard cylinders and flexural beams were prepared from
a c h o f the three casts and tested to determine the concrete properties. The compressive
strengrhs. fl. and compressive stress-strain relationships (see Fig. 2.1 1 ) were drtermined
from three 150 m m diameter b y 300 mm cylinders for each batch. The modulus ot' rupture.
1.; was determined from 150 x 150 x 600 m m long flexural beams subjected to three-point
loading. The splitting tensile strength. f,. was determined from threr 150 x 300 mm
cy linders. Table 2.5 summarizes the test resul ts.
Shrinkage measurements for each concrete batch were taken on t w o standard 50 mm
b). 50 mm shrinkage specimens over a gauge lcngth o f 275 m m (see Fig. 2.12). The readings
were taken between two small studs embedded i n either end o f the concrete prisms. The
concrete fiom Specimen W I undenvent approximately 30% more slirinkaye than the other
Spccimen's concrete. which is consistent with the lower concrete compressive strength
observed for the concrete o f Specimen W 1 (see Fig. 2.1 1). If excessive water was added to
the concrete m i x o f Specimen W 1 the result would be greater shrinkage and lower

compressive strength.
1 Specified 1

water-cernent ratio 0.47

superplasticizer ( ~ / r n ' ) 2.9

*Type 30 high early strength cernent

**20 mm maximum aggregate

Table 2.1 Mix proportions for ail specimens

Specimen fi, MPa cc, mrn/mm f,.MPa <p. MPa '

(std. deviation) (std. deviation) (std. deviation) (std. deviation)

0.0022 3.8 -7 .-7

(0.00029) (0.4) (O -2)
W2 38.1 0.0020 3.9 3 .O
(0.0) (0.000 i 2) (0.3) (0.2)
W3 38.7 0.0022 3.7 32
(2.4) (0.0000 1 ) (0.5) (0.3 )

Table 2.5 Concrete properties

2.5 Test Setup

The wall specimens were tested in their horizontal positions due to the rivailable
shrar wall testing apparatus (see Figs 2.13 and 2.14). Each wall end block was placed on
four steel supports and then post-tensioned to the reaction floor with eight 37 mm diameter
high-strength threaded rods.
Two pairs o f 250 mm stroke hydraulic jacks were used to provide the reversed cyclic
loading at a distance o f 3750 m m from the wall base. T o produce downward loading

(positive shear) a reaction beam on top o f the wall was pulled down with 32 m m diameter

tlireaded rods using jacks. which were bearing against the under-side o f the reaction tloor

(see Fig. 2.13). Negative shear loading was produced with upward forces provided by two

jacks bearing against the top surface o f the reaction Iloor. Upward loading was transmitted

to the underside o f each specimen through a distribution plate and a 50 mm diameter roller.

The constant axial load o f 600 kN was providcd with b u r hydraulic jacks and four
1 5 m m diameter prestressing stnnds (see Figs 2.13 and 2.14).
A steel frame near the tip o f the wall was used to prevent out-of-plane movement of
the \vaIl. As shown i n Fig. 2.14. the out-of-plane movement was resisted by two rollers on

each side o f the wall. which reacted against vertical extension arms attached to the wall. The

rollers permitted vertical movement o f the walls while preventing side to side movemcnt.

2.6 Instrumentation

A computerized data acquisition system was used to record load. displacernent and
strain values at small intervals throughout testing. I n addition. some strain measurements

lvsre taken manually using a demountable strain indicator.

2.6.1 Load Measurements

Load cells were used to measure the positive and negative shear forces on each wall

and to monitor the axial ioad. I n total, eight load cells were used in each test to collect the

load measurements (see Fig. 2.13). The axiaI load was recorded using tour 350 kN load cells

and the applied shear was recorded using 445 kN load cells.

2.6.2 Deflection Measu rements

Linear voltage differential transducers (LVDTs) were used to measure the deflections

ot' each wall. T w o +125 mm range LVDTs. located 3650 m m from the base o f the wall,

were used to monitor the tip deflections (see Fig. 2.15). The two LVDTs were offset 75 mm
in opposite directions allowing for a total available tip travel of 1175 mm ensuring the
acquisition of ail deflection data.
Two sets of four LVDTs were attached to the tension and compression chords dong
the height of each wal l (see Fig. 2.1 5) in order to determine curvature. In addition. each w d l
had LVDTs configured to forrn a rosette over the length of the expected plastic hinge re~ion.
.4 slightly different configuration was used tor Specimen W2 than that used for Specimens

U?I and W3 (see Fig. 2.15).

A pair of LVDTs was also used to measure the rnovement of the end blocks relative
to the rraction floor. N o signit'icant movement was observed.

2.6.3 Strain Measurements

Strain measurements were collected using both electrical resistance strain gauges and
demountabls mechanical targets. The gauge lengths of the electrical resistance strain gauges
tvere 5 mm and 2 mm dependent on the surface to which they were mounted (set=Fig. 2.16).
The gauge Iength between the mechanical targets was 200 mm (8 inches). The mechanical
strriin measurements were taken manually at the peak load of each cycle and rit zero loads.
T n o rosettes composed of mechanical targets with 200 mm gauge lengths were
attached to the concrete in the plastic hinge region. Each rosette enabled determination of
local shear strains and principal strains in the concrete. These rosettes were centred in the
iniddle of the web at distances of 500 mm and 700 mm from the base of the wall (see Fig.
2.1 6). Specimens W I and W2 had mechanical targets attached to the structural steel and
concrete in order to measure any separation between the structural steel boundary elements
and the concrete. These targets were located at 50 mm and 900 mm tiom the base of the
tvall on both sides of the walls (see Fig. 2.16).
Seven electrical resistance strain gauges were placed on the outer faces of the tension
and compression steel chords of each wall (see Fig. 16). The gauges were tocated along the
lengths of the hollow sections. channel sections and the No. 20 reinforcing bars for the
respective walls. In each wall, the first strain gauge was placed at the base of the wall while
the others wcre spaced 200 mm dong the wall. These gauges allowed the progression of
yiclding along the height of each wall to be monitored.
Electrical resistance strain gauges with 2 mm gauge icngths were plaoed on specific
transverse reinforcement in each wall. Figure 2.16 shows the locations of the strain gauges.
\vliich were glued to the two No. I O transverse reinforcing bars. Only one transverse bar was
instrumented in the plastic hinge region of Specimen W3. however. two 6 mm diameter
cunfining hoops. located 136 mm from the base of the wall were instrumented (sec Fig 2.7).

2.7 Test Procedure

Tl~roughouttesting, the axial load was monitored and adjusted to give a constant load
of 600 kN. The reversed cyclic lateral loading was applied in smail steps at a distance of'
3750 mm from the base o f the wall. One complete cycle consisted of a downward and then
upkbard loading sequence. Downward loading and deflection were chosen as positive
quanti ties as positive moments were created. Consequently. upward loading and deflections
were assigned negative quantities.

Figure 2.17 shows the proposed loading sequence for each wall. Tlie fïrst two cycles
werc load-control sequences with essentially elastic response. The first cycle was to producc
the prc-calculated moment. 0.5Mcr.equal to half of the cracking moment. The second cycle
loaded the walls to the theoretical cracking moment. Mc,. The next cycle tvas determined b).
tlic tirst yielding of flexunl steel in the wall. monitored by the electrical resistance strain
gauges. The peak of the founh cycle was taken as the load and detlection corresponding to
zcneral yield. A,. of the wall.
General yielding is determined by the point at which a
significant drop in stiffness occurs. indicated by the load versus tip deflection relationship for
the specimen. The cycles after general yielding were controlled by detlection lirnits. based
on multiples of the general yield drflection. It should be noted. for the load-controlled

cycles a correction for self-weight was made.

During the experiments. manual measurements of the mechanical strain gauges.
photographs and crack widths were taken at the peak of each half cycle. Al1 othrr electroniç
readings were taken by a computerized data acquisition system at short intervals duriny both
the loading and unloading.

end block -

Figure 2.1 Typical wall dimensions

axial load

reversed cyclic loading

7 pairs of No. 10
bars @ 90 mm

18 pairs of No. 10
bars @ 180 mm

/ fillet weld

Section A-A
clear cover = 15 mm

H heavilv reinforced end block

Figure 2.2 Details of reinforcement for Specimen W 1

a) reinforcement before casting

b) close-up of reinforcement

Figure 2.3 Specimen W 1 reinforcing cage

axial load
1 -1 (constant)

5 pairs of No. 10
headed bars @ 11O mm

15 pain of No. 10
headed bars @ 220

150 x 19 Channel
r 12.7 mm I$ stud x 207 mm

A . H A .
No.1O bars
@ 300 mm
Section A-A
clear cover = 15 mm

heavily reinforced end block


Figure 2.4 Details of reinforcement for Specimen W2

a) reinforcement before casting

b) close-up of reinforcernent

Figure 2.5 Specimen W2 reinforcing cage

cyclic loading

8 No. 20 W bars
6 mm @ ties

No.1 O bars
@ 300 mm
y Section A-A

reinforœd end block

Figure 2.6 Details of reinforcement for Specimen W3

a) reinforcement before casting

b) close-up of reinforcement

Figure 2.7 Reinforcing cage for Specimen W2

Figure 2.8 Welding studs to channel (Specimen W2)
f, = 488 MPa

f, = 450 MPa
f, = 381 MPa

gauge length'

6 mm 4 ban
- No. 10W bars
----- No. 20W bars

O 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

25 mm for No 6 and No. 10
150 mm for No. 20 strain. mmlrnrn

Figure 2.9 Stress-strain responses for reinforcing bars

- Hollow Sections
----- Channet Sections

f, = 402 MPa
f i = 377 MPa

. 25mm . 1;
. gauge
. ii
. -..
. .. I

0.002 offset
v v v
O -
0.05 O. 1 0.15

strain, m d m m

Figure 2.10 Stress-strain responses for structural steel and studs

0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004

strain caused by stress,E,

Figure 2.11 Com~ressivestress-strain responses for concrete

275 mm
gauge length

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

time. days

Figure 2.12 Shrinkage strains measured in the concrete over time

- load cell

steel reaction beam

15mm strands
(axial load)

32rnrn high-strength
threaded rod
(downward loading)

250mm stroke loading jacks


250mm shoke loading jacks

(downward loading)

Elevation View End View

Figure 2.11 Tcs~sciiip liw rcicrscd cycliç 1o:idiiig of spcciiiieiis

900 for W1 and W3
932 for W2
3 .
I 1

Figure 2.15 LVDT assembly (view of back side of \vaIl)

reinforcing bar

- mechanical target
electncal resistance
strain gauge

Figure 2.16 Strain measuring instrumentation

oontror --
-- i defledion wntrol

positive loadin

negative loadin

s indicates where manua

readings were taken

Figure 2.17 Loading sequence for specimens



This chapter describes the behaviour of the tliree specimens tliat were tested under
reversed cyclic loading. The general response of each wall was rnonitored b plotting the
applied lateral load versus tip detlection throughout each test- The lateral load was applied
at 3750 mm from the base of the wall. while the tip deflection was measured at a distance of
3650 mm ro avoid the loading apparatus. The reported detlections were increased slightly
(2.7%) from the measured deflections to account for this smal l difference.
Due to the horizontal orientation of each wall during testing. it was necessary to
include the wall self-weight in detemining the shears and moments acting on the wall. The
self-weights of the cantilever portions were 15.8 kN. 17.5 kN and 16.7 kN for Specimens
W 1. W2 and W3. respectively. The corresponding base moments were 35.0 kN-m. 38.7
kN.m and 36.7 kNm.

3.1 P-A Effect Considera tions

As described in Chapter 2. a constant axial Ioad. P,,,,,. was applicd to rach wall
during testing using four prestressing strands. As the wall deflected due to the applied lateral
load. Fdpp.the strands also deflected from their original horizontal orientation. The resulting
eccentricity creates an additional vertical load component. P, . and horizontal load
component. P,. dur to the axial load. Figure 3.1 illustrates t h e second ordrr effects resulting
fiom the tip deflection of the wall. The base shear, V. includes the shear from applied loads.
the shrar arising from self-weight and the vertical component of prestressing. P,. In order to
determine the base moment, M, it was necessary to include the self-wcight moment and thc
secondary effects from the components of P,,,, (P, and P,.).
3.2 Specimen W1

3.2.1 Load-Detlection Response

Figure 3.2 shows the base shear. V. versus tip deflection and base moment. IV.versus
tip deflection curves. The base shear at the peak of the cycles and corresponding tip
deflections are given in Tabie 3.1.

- Cycle Tip
I 1

- 16.0
5 1.3

Table 3.1 Peak base shears and tip deflections for Specimen W 1

Specimen W 1 was loaded to the theoretically calculated cracking moment (see

Appendix A) during the first cycte. however. cracks were not obvious untii the tollowing
cycle. During the loading of the 2A and 2 8 cycles. which increased the applied load on the
tvall to twice the cracking moment. hairline flexural cracks began forming (see Fig 3.31).
The base shear at peak 3A reached 295.6 kN,which produced a 5 1.3 mm positive tip
deflection. The first yielding of Specimen W I occurred during this positive loading cycle at
a base shear of 191.2 kN and a corresponding deflection of 22 mm. General yielding also
occurred during this ioading cycle at a base shear o f 257.5 kN and a deflection of 36.6 mm.
Bath points are indicated on the base moment versus tip deflection curve (see Fig. 3.2b).
The location o f general yielding. representing ffexural yielding was determined from Fig.
3 2 b using a bilinear approximation: the elastic portion detined by the secant stiffness at tirst
ield (Paulay and Priestley. 1992). The crack development during this stage was signiticant
with many flexural cracks forming perpendicular to the concrete and HSS interface. These
cracks formed at the location of each transverse reint'orcing bar. The largest tlexural crack at
peak 3A. located 430 mm from the base o f the wall. was 0.6 mm wide. .4 series of shear

cracks atso developed during this cycle propagating from the tlexural cracks. The d o p e and
u idth of the cracks decreased a s the distance from the base of the wall increased.
Subsequent cycies were deflection controlled. based o n predetemined detlections.
The founh cycle had target peak deflections of =6O mm. which produced an increase in both
thc number and the size o f the flexural and shears cracks (see Fig. 3.3b). Important notes for

this cycle were crushing o f the concrete near the compression face of the wall and the
opening of a 3 mm wide crack just inside the end block. During cycle tive. local buckling
brgan in the outer flange followed by the webs of the HSS subjected to compression. The
sliear cracks produced earlier were h l l y developed during the tifth cycle and reached I mm
in width near the wall base. The sixth loading cycle deflected Specimen W 1 to 100 mm:
approximately three fime the general yielding deflection. Durinp this loading. the HSS
cxperienced further buckling o f the compression side and pullout from the end biock on the
tension side. The crack in the footing block at the peak load o f 6A reached a width of 8 mm
(se F i 3 . ) The final half-cycle. 7A. was an attempt to reach bryond the previous IO0
nim dctlection. However. at 98.8 mm a sudden reduction in load occurred as the bottom
I-iSS çompletely buckled. brought on by excessive crushing of the concrete (see Fi-. 3.4).

3.2.2 Strains and Deformations

A series of LVDTs were used to determine curvatures at three ditTerent regions d o n g

thc wall. Figure 3.5 shows the three regions where these LVDTs were located and the
moment versus curvature plots for each region. The majority o f tlexural deformations
occurred in region 1. with the curvature progressively increasing in each cycle. The
maximum curvature in this region reached approximately 30 rad/] 000m. The curvature
responsc of region 2 indicages that although yielding occurred. general yielding was not
apparent. Region 3 responded essentially elastically with no yielding.
Figure 3.6 shows the strains measured fiom the series of electrical resistance strain
-cauges glued on the surface of both hollow sections. These readings provide confirmation to
the estent of yielding along the steel sections. The upper and lower graphs of Fig. 3.6 show
the strain measurements dong each steel section at the peak shear of each positive cycle.
Tension and compression yielding of both steel sections occurred during the third cycle.
Subsequent cycles show the development of the plastic hinging near the wall brise. These
strain measurements indicate that tension yielding occurred over a wall length of about 1.2 m
\\ hi le compression yielding took place over a distance of approximatel) I m.
Strain measurements in the plastic hinge region were recorded using a fùll depth
LVDT rosette (see Fig 2.15). Figure 3.7 shows the various strain components determined
froin this rosette, including the transverse strain. E,. the shear strain. -(.the principal tensilr
strain. E,. and the principal compression strain. E,. The measured transverse strains indicate
that the transverse reinforcing bars reached about 80% of their yield strain. The shear strains
and tfie principal tensile strains indicate that significant shear deformation and significant
shcar cracking occurred in this region.
The electrical resistance strain gauges glued to two transverse reinforcing bars (sec
Section 2 - 6 3 ) also indicate that the maximum strains reached were approsimately 80% of
thcir y ield strain (set: Fig. 3.8).
The mechanical targets used to determine the separation between the hollow
structural sections and concrete confirmed the results of the electrical strain gauges on the
transverse bars. Apart from the transverse bar straining no signiticant separation occurred.
These measurements help to verify that the welding of the transverse bars provided
ridequately shear connection to the hollow steel sections.

3.3 Specimen W2

3.3.1 Load-Deflection Rcsponse

The base moment and base shear versus tip detlection curves for Specimen W2 are
sliown in Fig. 3.9. Table 3.2 shows the base shears at the peak of each cycle and
corresponding ti p d e flections.

Table 3.2 Peak base shears and tip detlections for Specimen W 2

The tlrst t'ull cycle performed a loading sequence in the pre-cracking range of
Specimen W2. The second cycle loaded Specimen W 2 to the moments predicted to develop
cracking of the extreme concrete fibre. Several srnall flexural cracks became evident at the
peak shrars of this cycle. The third cycle was a strige in the elastic response range o f the
specimen with maximum loads producing positive and negative moments equaling twice the
cracking moment. Figure 3.10a shows the crack pattern of Specimen W2 at the peak o f the
3A cycle. Cycle 4 was carried out to a maximum deflection slightly less than the detlection
at general yielding with first yielding occurrinç in cycle 4B. During cycle 5A. tlrst y ielding
occurred in the positive cycle at a deflection of 32. 1 mm. General yielding occurred in the
positive ioading cycle at 34.3 mm and in the negative loading cycle at a detlection of 33.7
mm. As can been seen from Fig. 3.7 first yielding and general yielding are very close
together. The crack development for the fourth and t i f t h cycles included significant tlesural

and shear cracking w i t h the flexural cracks developing at the locations o f the transverse
rein forcing bars.

The cycles following the fifth cycle were deflection controlled. based o n the tip

dellections applied to Specirnen W 1. During cycle 6, horizontal cracks tormed d o n g the

steel and concrete interface. paraIIel to the steel sections. indicating that some separrition was
taking place. This observation was confirmed by the data from the mechanical targets that

spannrd this interface. The largest cracks i n the sixth cycle were tlexural and were located

close to the base o f the wall. During the seventh cycle. signiftcant cracking and the tirst
noticeable concrete crushing occurred close to the base o r the wall (see Fig. 3.1Ob). Also

noticeable during this cycle was a 2 mm pullout o f the tensile steel section. relative to the

end block. During cycle eight. cracks extended and tùrther concrete crushing mas observed.
Channel yielding was also indicated by surface flaking o f the m i I l scale over a tength o f 580

inm. originating from the base o f the wall. A t the peak loading o f 9A. y i r l d i n g of the trnsile
cliannel had propagated to 790 m m from the wall base and local buckling \vas tirst noticcd i n
the compression channel. The local buckling began as outward buckting o f the web

followed by the flanges. I n addition. during cycle nine. concrete crushing and some spalliny

\\as evident along w i t h the deveioprnent o f several large shear cracks (sec Fis. 3 . iOc).
Specimen W2 failed o n the positive loading o f the tenth cycle when the compression

loaded channel undenvent local buckling. 50 mm from the base o f the wall (see Fig. 3 . l I).

The cippiied load decreased rapidly as the tip detlection passed 75 m m (see Fig. 3.9).

3.3.2 Strains and Deformations

The same LVDT setup that was used with Specimen W I was used to determinc the

çurvature responses o f Specimen W2. As sliown in Fig 3.12. the majority ot' the tlexural

delormations occurred in region 1, at the base o f the wall. The plots also indicate that region
2 undenvent general yield in the latter loading cycles. Region 3 i n Specirnen WZ did not
underço any significant deformations. responding elastically throughout the experiment.

The strain readings. measured with the electrical resistance strain sauges o n the

cliannels. are shown in Fig. 3.13. The upper channel. loaded in tension during the positive
cqcles. staned to yield significantly during the 7A cycle. By the completion o f the test, this

tension chord had yielded over a length o f about 800 mm t'rom the base o f the wall. The

yielding o f the corresponding compression chord occurred over a length o f 400 mm.
The LVDT rosette assemblage o f Specimen W2 (see Fig. 2.15) allowed for the

calculation o f the transverse, principal and shears strains in the wall during the testing.

Figure 3.14 shows the shear strains and principai strains. wliich indicate that signiticant shear
deformations occurred in the plastic hinge region during testing. Although the strains i n the

transverse direction. E ~ ,indicate that yielding may have occurred in the transverse headed

reinforcing bars. the results presented Fig. 3.15 indicate thnt the strains in these bars only
reached about one-half o f their yieid strain. The mechanical targets that measured the

separation between the channels and the concrete gave separations o f about 1 .O m m toward

the end o f the testing. T h i s separation accounts for the very h i g h apparent transverse strains

since the vertical transducer i n the strain rosette also measured sepantion.

3.4 Specimen W3

3.1.1 Load-Deflection Response

Figure 3.16 shows the base shear and base moment versus t i p deflection responses

f o r Specimen W3. A summary o f the peak base shears and corresponding tip detlections are
shown i n Table 3.3.

Cycles I and 2 were performed i n the elastic response range o f Specimen W3. The

fïrst cracking was noticeable at the positive and negative peak loads o f the second cycle.

These cracks were smail, hairline flexural cracks. During the third cycle. many flexural

cracks developed at the location o f the confining ties (see Fig. 3.1 7a). First yielding o f

Specimen W3 was estimated to have occurred just before the peak o f cycle 4A at a base
shear level of 251.2 kN and corresponding tip deflection o f 28 mm. This stage also

corresponded to compression yielding o f the lower No. 20 reinforcing bars. The first

appearance of shear cracks in Specimen W3 also occurred during load stage four. General

j,ielding during the positive ioading occurred at a deflection o f 35.8 mm. at the prak 01' the
fifth cycle (see Fig. 3.16).
Table 3.3 Peak base shears and tip deflections for Specimen W3

Subsequent cycles were detlection controlled. based on the tip detlections reached
during the cycles applied to Specimrns W I and WZ. By this stage. the crack patterns of
Sprcimen W 3 were significantly different from the crack patterns of Sprcimens W I and W 1 .
At the \val1 ends, in the area of the concentrated longitudinal reinforcement. there were a
largc number of closely spaced small cracks. Moreover. the shear crack widths in cycle six
reached a maximum of only 0.4 mm. General yielding of Specimen W3 under negative
loading also occurred in the sixth cycle at a deflection of 38.4 mm. During the seventh
cycle. srveral shear and flexunl cracks merged (ser Fig. 3.1 7b). while concrete crusliing
brpan in the compression zone. Cycle 8 did not reach the same peak loads as the previous
cycles. which was most likely due the concrete crushing. At this stage. the maximum width
of the shcar cracks was measured at 1.5 mm. In the last full cycle before failure. cycle 9:
fùnher widening of the cracks occurred along with continued concrete crushing (see Fig.

Specimen W 3 failed abruptly during positive loading of the tenth cycle (see Fig.
3.16) at a load of 317.1 kN and a tip deflection of II4 mm. Figure 3.18 shows the
apprarance of the wall after failure. It is clear that failure occurred due to severe distress in
the compression zone, with concrete crushing. rupturing of one of the contining hoops and
local buckling of the longitudinal bars.

3.42 Strains and Deformations

Moment versus curvature responses for the three regions of Specimen W3 are shown
in Fig. 3.19. These responses have a very sirnilar shape to those associated with Specimen
b'2. The majority of the flexural deformations occurred in rcgion I \vit11 gencral >.ielding
propagating into region 2 in the last loading cycles.
The positive cycle strain measurements for the compression and tension çhords are
shown in Fig. 3.20. It is evident that yielding of the tension chord occurred over a length of
800 mm from the base of the wall while the compression chord yielded over ;
i length ot-550

The LVDT rosette assembly was identical to that of Specimen W I (see Fig. 2.15)
and the strain plots are shown in Fig. 3.21. The results indicate that the transverse strnins
wrre small throughout most of the experiment reaching the yield strain at the v r r y end of tlie
test. The shear strains and principle tensile strains indicate that signitïcant shear deformation
and shear cracking had taken place.
The responses of the transverse steel instrurnented in Specimen W3 (sec Section
2.6.3) are shown in Fig. 3.12. Strain measurements indicate that neither of the No. 10
transverse bars yielded until failure of the specimen. The steel ties responded sirnilar to that
of the transverse bar. in that yielding did not occur until the last cycle.
base of wall- self-weight

---- -

- strand anchor - centre line of - wafl
-- ----:=
axial load strands defiection

a) applied loads

b) base shear and moment. including self-weight and P-A effects

Figure 3.1 Accounting for P-A effect

-1 25 -75 -25 O 25 75 125
tip deflection (A), mm

a) base shear vs. tip deflection

b) base moment vs. tip deflection, including P-A

Figure 3.2 Shear and moment vs. tip deflection responses of Specimen W 1
c) load of approximately 2M,

c) deff ection of approximately 1.754

c) deflection of approximately 34,

Figure 3.3 Crack patterns for Specimen W 1

a) close-up of HSS local buckling

b) plastic hinge region at failure

Figure 3.4 Failure of Specimen W1

-1500 f i I 1
40 -20 O 20 40
curvature (cp). radil 000m

region 2 I ion 3

Figure 3.5 Curvature response of Specimen W I

- strain gauge location
;. 2A
' 3A
= 4 A
. 5A
- 6A
- - - -yielding
-.- of steel

Figure 3.6 HSS strain distribution at peak positive cycles for Specimen W 1
E,, microstrain

-4000 O 4000
E,, microstrain

Figure 3.7 Strain conditions for Specimen W 1

400 ! I

-1000 O 1000 2000 3000

E, microstrain E, microstrain

1000 2000 3000

E, microstrain

Figure 3.8 Response o f Specimen W 1 reinforcement

tip deflection (A), mm

a) base shear vs. tip deflection

first yield
O general yield

-25 O 25
tip deflection (A), mm

b) base moment vs. tip deflection, including P-A

Figure 3.9 Shear and moment vs. tip deflection responses of Specimen W2
a) load of approximately ZM,

b) deflection of approximately 1.756,

c) deflection of approximately 34.

Figure 3.10 Crack patterns for Specimen W2

a) close-up of channel local bucking

b) plastic hinge region at failure

Figure 3.11 Failure of Specimen W2

-1500 1 1
40 -20 O 20 40
curvature (q), rad11000m

20 40

Figure 3.12 Curvature response of Specimen W2

r strain gauge location
- 1A

- 8A
- 9A
yielding of steel

Figure 3.13 Channel strain distribution at peak positive cycles for Specimen W2
2500 5000
Et, microstrain

E , microstrain E,, microstrain

Figure 3.14 Strain conditions for Specimen W2

200 -
O .
9 -200 -
: Ev
E, microstrain E. microstrain

El microstrain

Figure 3.15 Response of Specimen W2 reinforcement

tip deflection (A), mm

a) base shear vs. tip deflection

-75 -2 5 O 25 75
tip deflection (a), mm

b) base moment vs. tip deflection, including P-A

Figure 3.16 Shear and moment vs. tip deflection responses of Specimen W3
-- - .

a) load of approximately 2M,

b) deflection of approximately 1.754

c) deffection of approximately 34,

Figure 3.17 Crack patterns for Specimen W3

a) close-up of bucked reinforcement

b) plastic hinge region at failure

Figure 3.18 Failure of Specimen W3

-1500 ! I
II 1

40 -20 O 20 40
wrvature (q),radJiOOOm

Figure 3.19 Curvature response of Specimen W3

am strain determined from LVOT
œ strain gauge location
- . 7A
- BA
- 9A
- --- yielding of steel

Figure 3.20 Reinforcing bar strain distribution at peak positive cycles for Specimen W3
Et, microstrain

E ,, microstrain E,, microstrain

Figure 3.21 Strain conditions for Specimen W3

E, microstrain E, microstrain

E, microstrain E, microstrain

Figure 3.22 Response of Specimen W3 reinforcement



Analysis of the reversed cyclic responses. behavioural cornparisons and a discussion

of t h e differences in the construction techniques for the three shear wall specimens are
prcscnted in this chapter.

4.1 Construction Sequeoces

The construction of shear wall systems with boundar?, elements proved to have
srvcral advantages. The use of boundary elernents eliminated the ncrd for congested end
reinforcement details that were necessary in the typical reint'orced concrete wall. The end
reinforcement required in Specimen W3 was diffïcult and labourious to construct accuratelu.
As mentioned in section 2.3. the steel boundary elements served as the tension and

compression chords. however. they also acted as formwork ar the ends of Specimens W I and
W2. The main advantage of construction of walls with boundary elements is that
considerable prefabrication is possible. reducing the on-site labour and hence reducing
construction time.
Specimen W l required a significant ûmount of welding and drilling which
nccessitated more labour than was needed for Specimen W2. Combining stud \ïelding and
prefabricated headed reinforcing bars was a concept that made Specimen W 1 a reasonable
alternative to conventional construction.

4.2 Predicted and Experimental Results

Monotonic responses for each wall wrre predicted using the computer programs
RESPONSE (Collins and Mitchell. 1991) and RESPONSE 2000 (Bentz and Collins. 1998).
The cross-section of each wall was discretized into ten concrete layers with the boundary
elements simulated by several steel layers. Average values of the experimentally determincd
material properties (i-e.. .:f f, and E,,) were used in the predictions. The f u l l non-linear

responses o f both the concrete and the steel. including strain hardening and contining e t f i c t s

were modeled. W i t h the inclusion o f the 600 kN compressive axial load. the nominal

flexural capacity o f each w a l l was determined. The predicted monotonic moment versus

curvature responses are shown in Fig. 4.1. depicting the envelope o f the reversed cyclic
loading responses. T h e experimental moment versus curvature responses. plotted i n Fig. 4.1.

Lbere determined f r o m the curvature measurements taken f i o m region I tbr each w a l l using

the moment corresponding to the centre o f region 1. As can be seen. the curvature
predictions are very close to the envelopt: o f the esperimentat results.

Predictions were made for the load versus deflection o f each specirnen. Figure 3.2

illustrates how the curvature diagrams were determined t i o m the predicted moment-

cuwature responses for different stages in the response. The moment-curvature response

\vas idealized b y four key stages: first yieiding (M,'.. $:).. general yieIding (M,. 4,). m a x i m u m
moment (Mm.$
), and ultimate curvature (Mu. 4,). General yielding was determined from

the predicted moment-curvature plot at the point where significant change in stiffness takes

place. The ultimate curvature point corresponds to the maximum curvature predicted. while
sustaining at least 80% o f the maximum moment attained (see F i g 4.2a). For the conditions

at first yield and general yielding linear curvature distributions were assumed (set: Fig. 4.2b

and c). For the conditions at maximum moment a concentrated plastic curvature of'+,-@,

over the plastic hinge length. l,. was superimposed on the general ~),ieldingcurvature

distribution (see F i g 4.2d). The length o f plastic hinging was determined ris folIows:

where. h, = w a l l height o f 3 7 5 0 m m

Figure 4.2e shows the assumed curvature distribution at ultimate conditions. It is assumed
that the plastic hinge length is the same as that determined from Eq. 3- 1 .

The predicted plastic hinge lengths determined from Eq. 4-1 and length o f tension

steel yielding determined f r o m the electrical resistance strain gauges (see Figs 3.6. 3.13 and

3-20) are compared i n Table 4.1. It must be pointed o u t that the actual plastic hinge length is
somewhat less than the length over which yielding of the tension steel was recorded.

Table 1.1 Predicted piastic hinge lengths and experimental yielding lengths

The predicted load-deflection response (ser Fig. 4.3) of each wall was deterrnined
fiom the predicted moment curvature responsr by inteçnting the curvaturr distributions orer
the Iength of the wall. Since shear defonations were predicted to contribute onljr 2% to the
detlection. they were neglected in the predictions. As can be seen from Fig. 4.3. the
predictions give smaller deflections than the experimental values. particularl> up to grneni
jrielding. This is most likely due to the debonding of the structural sections and the
reinforcing bars inside the footing end block. In addition. the HSS and channrl sections
exprrienced local buckling at significant detlections. whicli was not accounted for in the

4.3 Hysteretic Responses

The hysteretic responses of the wall specimens are described using cornparisons of
the displacement ductility. ability to increase load beyond general yielding. peak-to-peak
stiffness degradation and cumulative energy absorption. Table 1.2 summarizes the
maximum values of each of these attributes and indicates the tàilure mode of eacli specimen.
-The deflection ductility is taken as the ratio of' the ultimate positive tip detlection. A,. to the
positive tip detlection at general yield. 4. The VJV, ratio indicates a specimen's ability to
increase its load and maintain the load after general yielding. Vu and V, rcpresent the Ioads
corresponding to the maximum positive tip detlection. 4. and the positive yirld tip
defleciion. 4. respectively. The third parameter. k u / k , represents the stiffness degradation
between general yielding and ultimate deflection. The stiffnesses. k, and k. represenL the
slope of the line joining the peaks of the respective positive and negative ioad-deflection
responses. The cumulative energy dissipation is obtained by integrating the areas under the
load-deflection curves and hence is representative of the hysteretic darnping.

r Specimen
7--. -
Mode of Faiture

HSS local buckling

Channel local buckling 3 .O
and concrete cmsh ing
Concrete spalling and 3.18
crushing followed by bar
buckling and rupture of
contining tie

Table 4.2 Summary of specimen responses

4.3.1 Specimen Ductility

As shown in Table 4.2. al1 three specimens have comparable displacement ductility.
avcraging about 3.0. The ductility levels for each specimen at each peak load are given in
Chapter 3. Tables 3.1 through 3.3.
Local buckling of the structural steel compressive chord was the cause of hilure for
Specimens W I and W2. ln both cases. the local buckling occurred between the tirst rind
second set of shear connectors closest to the base of the wall. Figures 4 . h and 4.3b indicate
that buckling of the structural steel chords limited Specimens W I rind W2 from reaching
their previous maximum load levels. Specimen W 2 also experienced crushing of' the
concrete just prior to buckling. Failure ofspecimen W3 was initiated by severe spalling and
concrcte crushing. followed by buckling ot' the longitudinal bars in the concentrated
reinforcement zone and rupturing of one o f the confining ties.

1.3.2 Load Sustainability

The ratio, V JV?, indicates the ability of each specimen to increase and maintain a
load after general yielding. Table 4.2 and Fig. 4.4 show that Specimen W 1 reached the
largest value of V JVy, since the response of this wüll was governed by the s~ructuralsteel.
These tension and compression chords experienced signifiant strain hardening allowing
Specimen W I to maintain the load in the later stages. Specimen W2 began to !ose its
capability to sustain load in the last full cycle due to concrete crushing and buckling of the
channel in compression. Specimen W3. after yield. maintained a constant V,,/V, ratio of
approsimately 1.1.

4.3.3 Stiîfness Degradation

The ultimate stiffness ratios in Table 4.2 show that al1 of the specimens had a similar
prak-to-peak stiffness ratio. k&.. at the end of their respective tests. Figure 1.5 illustrates
the stit'tiiess degradation of each specimen throughout the entire test. The most evident
diffèrence between the specimens is the significantly lower initial stiffness of Specimen W I
(ses Fig. 4.5). Although Specirnen W 1 had comparable Hexural strength to that of the other
speciinens its elastic stiffness wüs less.

4.3.4 Energy Dissipation

One of the most important characteristics is the ability of a shear wall to dissipate
cnrrgy while subjected to reversed cyclic londing. Figure 1.6 compares the cumulative
enrrgy dissipation versus ductility and tip displacement for each wall. It is shown that
Specimen W2 dissipated the greatest amount of energy. approximately 25% more energy
than the other two specimens. The greater cumulative rnergy dissipation of Specimen W 2 is
dur: to the fact that the hysteretic loops are wider than the loops of the other two specirnens
(see Fig. 4.3).

4.4 Structural Steel Local Buckling

Various types of structural steel sections such as wide-flange. angle. channel and
HSS can be used for the chord members of composite shear walls. An IiSS is one of the
most economical sections because it is capable of developing large compressive strains. This
i s due to a larger radius of gyration when compared with other sections with the sarne cross
sectional area. There are concerns about the ductility of HSS brace members after local
buckling occurs. However. HSS members serving as truss chords in a composite steel-
concrete shear wall are subjected to much less severe strain gradients over their depth.
As described in Table 2.2. the width-to-thickness ratios and the height-to-web ratios
al1 satisfy the requirements for Class I sections in the CSA S16.1 Standard. The strain
measurements on the steel sections included local strain measurements using electrical
resistance strain gauges and average strain measurements using LVDTs. The electrical
resistance strain gauges were typically located just outside of the regions of most severe Iocal
buckf ing. however the LVDT readings captured the average strains ricross these reg ions.
From the strain readings the folfowing conclusions were made:
1 ) Initial signs of local buckling are apparent at strains of about 1 %.
2) Both the HSS and the channel sections hnd strains greater than 2% and hence it is
assumed that strain hardening was achieved prior to local buckling.
Thest: reversed cyclic loading tests have indicated that in order for composite walls to get
comparable behaviour to a reinforced concrete ductile flexural wall, Class I sections must be
used. since local buckling must be delayed until reasonably high strains are reached.
Another important aspect in the design is to provide adequate connection between the steel
section and the concrete. The provision of ri sufficient number of discrete shear connectors.
such that their shear capacity would enable yielding of the HSS chord member. was found to
be essential in achieving ductile response.
-1500 I
I I f
40 -20 O 20 40
curvature (9).
a) Specirnen W1

curvature (cp). rad11000m

b) Specirnen W2

- experimental

40 -20 O 20 40
curvature (cp). rad11000m
C) Specirnen W3

Figure 4.1 Experimental and predicted moment versus curvature plots

a) Monotonic moment-curvature prediction

b) Conditions at first yield c ) Conditions at general yield

d) Conditions at maximum moment e) Conditions at ultimate moment

Figure 4.2 Determination of curvature diagrarns from moment-curvature predictions

- experimental

o buckling

tip d e m i o n (A). mm
a) Speamen W1



n -200

, o buckling and

tip defiedion (A). mm

b) Specimen W2

g O
x crushing

-1 25 -75 -25 O 25 75 125

tip defledion (A). mm
c) Specimen W3

Figure 4.3 Experirnental and predicted load-deflection curves

AwaJAy tip deflection (A). mm
(a) Load ratio versus ductility ratio (b) Load ratio versus tip deflection

Figure 4.4 Load sustainability of specimens

Loading stiffness. k

tip deflection (A), mm

(a) Loading stiffness versus ducülity ratio (b) Loading stiffness versus tip deflection

Figure 4.5 Stiffness degradation of specimens


a) cumulative energy vs. ductility ratio

O 15 30 45 60 75 90 10 5 120
tip deflection (A), mm

b) cumulative energy vs, tip deflection

Figure 4.6 Energy dissipation of specimens



5.1 Conclusions

This experimental programme evaluated the performance of three shear wall

specimens subjected to reversed cyclic loading. The traditionally reinforced concrete ductile
flexural wall was designed in accordance with the Canadian Standard for the Design of
Concrete Structures CAN3-A23 -3-M94 (CSA. 1994). The designs of the two composite
shear walls were carried out following the same principais used for the design of ductile
flexural walls. An additional requirement for the composite walls was included ensuring that
the shear connection between the boundary elements and reinforced concrete was capable of
deve loping ful 1 yielding of the boundary elements.
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the reversed cyclic loading
responses of walls with structural steel boundary elements and compare these responses with
the response of a reinforced concrete ductile flexural wall. In addition. the constructibility of
the two composite walls and the reinforced concrete ductile flexural wall was compared.
The conclusions based on the construction and tests are discussed below:

1. The hysteretic responses of the walls with boundary elements were very sirnilar to
that of the typical reinforced concrete ductile flexural wall. All of the walls were
designed to have equivalent flexural capacities and displayed similar ductil ities and
cumulative energy dissipation. Composite wall Specimen W2 exhibited slightly
better energy dissipation than the other two specimens.
II. The welding of the transverse reinforcing bars directly to the hollow structural steel
tubes in Specimen W1 provided excellent shear connection enabling the full
development of yielding of the boundary elements. The shear connection in
Specimen W2 consisted of studs welded to the steel channel boundary elements,
together with overlapping transverse rein forcing bars with headed ends. This
connection proved capable o f developing the full yield o f the steel channels.
However. significant sepantion occurred between the steel channel and the
rein forced concrete web.
III. The failure mode o f the composite walls was precipitated by local buckling of the
structural steel boundary elements. While a reduced spacing o f the shear connectors
in the plastic hinge would help control local buckling. both composite wails achieved
ductilities and energy absorption comparable to the reinforced concrete ductile
ilexural wall.
i . The positioning o f the cliannels in Specimen W 2 provided some concrete
confinement at both ends o f the walf. The placement of the Iiollow steel sections at
the extreme ends o f Specimen W I enabled this wall to resist flexure almost entirely
by forces in the structural steel chords.
\' . The use of prefabricated elernents in the construction o f the boundary element walls
would significantly reduce on-site labour. The construction o f Specimen Wl
required more care during prefabrication of the reinforcement than Specimen W2.
However. Specimen W2 requires more on-site placement o f reintbrcrment than
Specimen W 1. Due to the intricate details of the continement rein forcement at the
ends of Specimen W3. this specimen requires the greatest amount of on-site labour.

This preliminary study indicates that structural concrete walls with steel boundary
clements are comparable to reinforced concrete ductile flexural walls when subjected to
reversed cyciic loading. in addition. the prefabrication of walls with steel b o u n d a ~elrmenis
can signiticantly reduce the need for on-site labour.

5.2 Future Research Recommendations

Suggestions for future work on the feasibility and behaviour of' composite walls
1. A study could be carried out to investigate the influence of both the tlange-width-to-
thickness ratio and the web-height-to-thickness ratio of the structural steel used as
boundary elements. This study could also examine the influence o f the shear
connector spacing on local buckling of the structural steel boundary elements.
11. Alternative shapes of structural steel sections (e.g.. channels with longer tlanges).
with more concrete confining ability. could be investigated to study the inttuence on
the overall ductility of the wall.
111. An investigation could be carried out to study ways in which the boundary elements
could be interconnected over the height of a multi-storey building.
iv. An application of this alternative form of construction o n an actual building would
provide usefuf information of the feasibility of construction.

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A.1 Determination of Axial Load

The level of axial compressive load acting on the wall specimens was deterrnined by
considering a twelve storey structure reinforced concrete prototype building. The following
assumptions were made in determination the axiai load level:

a) 5.5 m x 5.5 rn tributary area

b) Floor sIab width of 180 mm
c ) Floor Dead Loads - 4-32 k ~ / m self
' weight of concrete floor çlab
1 .O kWm2 partition loading on ail floors
0.5 k ~ / m mechanical
' services on al1 floors
d ) Floor Live Loads - 2.4 k ~ l m on' typical office floors

The unfactored grav ity loading case consistent with the earthquake loading requ irements of
the NBCC for this office building are:

Dead Loads
Live Loads

Therefore. the axial load is: (5.5 m x 5.5 m x 7.02 kN/rn2 x 12 storeys) = 2348 kN

Hence. for a half scale model. in order to have the same axial compressive stress. an axial
load of 2%8/4 = 637 kN would be required. In the experiments a 600 kN axial compressive
load was applied to each wall.

A.2 Determination of Lateral Design Loads

Trial cross-sectional dimensions and material properties of each specirncn were input
in program RESPONSE. to determine a monotonic moment-curvature response. Table A.2.1
gives the probable moment resistance. M,, for each of the walls. which inçludes effects for
strain hardening. These probable moments were then divided by a lever arm of 3.75 rn
(distance from the wall base to the application of the lateral force) to determine the sliear
force. V,. corresponding to hinging at the base of the wall.

Table A.2.1 Design loads

A.3 CSA Standard Design of Reinforced Concrete Wall (Specimen W3)

Check the design requirements for the detailing of Specimen W3 ( s e l Fig. 2.6).

Step 1: Dimension Limitations (refer to Clause 2 1.5.3)

The wall thickness within the plastic hinge region must exceed f,,/ 10.
unless the predicted depth of compression. calculated with factored loads.
does not exceed the lesser of:
a)4b,, = 1 ( l j 2 mm) =6O8 mm
b) 0.3 1,, = 0.3 ( 1 000) = 300 mm

A f n m e preventing out-of-plane movement of the wall was located 2.25 m from

the base of the wall, therefore, (,/IO = 225 mm. The calculated depth of
compression under factored loads (Step 4) is 365 mm.

It is noted that this dimensional limitation has been slightly exceeded in this test specimen.

Step 2: Concentrated Reinforcement (refer to Clause 2 I.5.3)

U) Ancltor-cqy und Development in uccordunce w ith CWiuuse12

minimum development length of No. 20 bars.

where. k, = 1 .O for other cases

kl = 1 .O for uncoated reinforcement
k, = 1 .O for normal density concrete
k, = 0.8 for No. 20 and smaller bars
f, =450 MPa
f;' = 38.7 MPa
d, = 20 mm

Therefore. t , = 520.8 mm and 2100 mm of length is provided for each No. 20 bar in the end
block. therefore, required anchorage is adequate.

hl .tfuximurn Reinforcement
i) the concentrated reinforcement must be 5 0.06 x area of concentrated concrets

area of concentrated steel - 8(300 mm') = 0.068

area of concentrated concrete ( 1 52mrn)(232 mm)

It is noted that this reinforcernent is on the limit of the code requirement.

ii) size of reinforcement must not exceed bJ10 = 15.2 mm

The uniformly distributed reinforcement in the wall consisted of No. 10 bars and the
concentrated reinforcement consisted well tied No. 20 bars.

c) Spucing of Concentrateci Reinforcement

minimum clear spacing shall equal or exceed
i ) 1.4 d, = 1.4 (20 mm) = 28 mm
ii) 1.4 d, = 1.4 (20 mm) = 28 mm
i i i ) 30 mm - governed

A minimum clear spacing of 25 mm was used between the reinforcement. It is noted that is
on the limit of the code requirements.

r i ) Hoop Re y uirernenls
Hoops shall be detailed as hoops in columns in accordance with Clause 7.6 and
2 1 S.6.5. satisfying the following:

i) minimum tie diameter at Ieast 30% of longitudinal bars = 0.3(20 m m ) = 6 mm

i i ) in plastic hingr: region. tie spacing shall not exceed

a) 6 d, = 6(20 mm) = 120 mm
b) 24 d, = 24 ( 6 mm) = 144 mm
C ) 0.5 b , = 0.5 ( 1 52 mm) = 76 mm governed

iii)outside plastic hinge region, tie spacing shall not exceed

a) 16db= 16(20 mm) = 320 mm
b) 1 8 d, = 48 (6 mm) = 288 mm
C ) b, = 152 mm - governed

iv)hook length shall equal or exceed

a) 60 mm - governed

Eacli of these governing requirements were met in Specimen W3.

Step 3: Vertical and Horizontal Distribured Reinforcement (refer io Clause 2 1-53)

Two curtains of reinforcement must be used if:

V, is greater than 108 kN. therefore. two curtains of reinforcement wrre used.

u) Ver-~icd
rein forcement spacing shali not exceed
i) 450 mm outside plastic hinge
ii) 300 mm in plastic hinge - governed
iii) steel/concrete ratio of 0.0025, giving spacing of 608 mm
h) Horizontuf Distribured Reinforcemenl
i) spacing of reinforcement shall not exceed
a ) 450 mm outside plastic liinge
b) 300 mm in plastic hinge
C) steel/concrete ratio of 0.0025 = 608 mm

In addition, it is necessary to provide sufricient shear resistance. The shear

resistance of the wall was determined from Eq. 2-1 by calcuiating the spricing. s,.
o f the distri buted transverse rein forcement spacing.

This gives a spacing. s, of 2 15 mm. which governs the placement o f the horizontal
distributed reinforcement.

Hence. two No. 10 bars at a spacing o f 2 15 mm were used.

i i ) development of horizontal transverse reinforcement

The required development length is determined from the general expression from
the CSA Standard. including the effects o f confinement. as:

where. k, = I .O for other cases

No. 10 bars
k, = I .O for uncoated reinforcement
k, = I .O for normal density concrete
k, = 0.8 for No. 20 and smaller bars No. 20 bars
f, = 175 MPa
6 mm 41 bars
f: = 38.7 MPa
d, = 20 mm
d,, (60 mm) = 40 mm
= 2/3
kt, = - (A-3)
105sn Figure A.3.1 Side view o f
s = maximum stirrup spacing. 152 mm Specimen W3
n = number of bars being developed, 2

Therefore, the required embedment length is 160 mm

Since. the embedment length provided was 190 mm, sufficient development length is
c) C'leur.CvoncrereCover
The cover shall equal o r exceed:
i ) 20 m m for non-exposed wail
ii) I . O d b = 2 0 r n m
.I .I .I ) 1 .O d , = 20 m m governed
The cover provided was 15 m m due to the specimen scale.

Step 4: Ductility (refer t o Clause 2 f -5.7)

i) the depth o f compression. cc. shall not exceed 0.55 l,, = 550 mm

From the factored ioading predictions using program RESPONSE for the \vaII
subjected to an axial load o f 600 kN. c, = 365 mm.

Since cc exceeds 0.14 y, t,,. = 165.2 mm. conttnement must be provided over a
length greater than:

For this specimen confinement has been provide over a length o f 232 mm.

A.4 Design o f Reinforced Concrete Walls with Steel Boundary Elements

(Specimens W 1 and W2)

Check the design requirements for the detailing o f the composite walls (see Figs 3.2 and 2.4).

Stepl: DimensionLirnitations(refertoClause21,5.3)
The w a l l thickness within the plastic hinge region must exceed 1,110.
unless the predicted depth o f compression. calculated w i t h factored loads.
does not exceed the lesser of:
a) 4b,. = 4 (152 mm) = 608 m m
b) 0.3G,,.= 0.3 ( 1000) = 300 mm

A framr preventing out-of-plane rnovement o f the w a l l was located 2.25 m from

the base of the wall, therefore. tJ10 = 225 mm. The calculated depth o f
compression under factored loads (Step 4) is 407 m m (i.e.. a distance o f 307 m m
into the concrete) and 275 m m for Specimens W I and W2. resptxtively. Since
the compressed regions o f concrete are close to the l i m i t given above. than the
wall thickness can be iess than t JIO.

Srep 2: Steel Boundary Elements

u) Anchoruge und Devdopmenr
T h e composite shear connection in the wall should be sufficient to f u l l y dcvelop
the yield strength o f the steel boundary elements. From first principles, the
devclopment is based o n the material properties o f both the b o u n d a p elernent and
the shear connectors. T h e necessary number o f shear connectors is detennined
f r o m the following:

where. N = number o f r o w s o f sliear connectors

, = area o f steel boundary element
, = y i e l d stress o f steel boundary element
p = coefficient o f friction. 0-6
4, = 0.85. rnaterial resistance factor
A, = area o f steel connectors in one r o w
f = y i e l d stress of shear connectors

i ) Specimen W 1 : A
, = 2960 mm'
f = 380 M P a
A, = 200 mm' (2 - No. I O bars)
f& = 4 7 5 M P a

Therefore. at least 24 r o w s o f 2 - No. 10 bars are necessary to fulIy develop the HSS
sections. Additional bars exceeding the shear resistance requirernents (Step 3) were welded
at the tip o f the wall to ensure s u m c i e n t shear connection

i i ) Specimen W2: A, = 2450 mm'

f = 377 M P a
A, = 253 mm' ( 2 - 12.7 4 mm studs)
f, =402 M P a

Therefore. at least 18 rows o f 2 - 12.7 4 m m studs are necessary to tùlly develop the
channcis. Additional studs were placed at the tip o f the w a l l to ensure shear connection.

Step 3: Vertical and Horizontal Distributed Reinforcement (refer to Clause 2 1.5.5)

T w o curtains o f reinforcement must be used if:
Vp 2 0 2 h ~ ~ f i ~
= ,1 O8
, , kN
V, is greater than 108 kN for both walls. therefore. two curtains of reinforcement
were used.

LI) Verticd Distributed Reinforcemenf

rein fcrcement spacing shall n o t exceed
i) 4 5 0 mm outside plastic hinge
ii) 3 0 0 mm in plastic hinge governed
iii) steel/concrete ratio of 0.0025. g i v i n g spacing o f 608 mm
h) Horizonrai Distribtrred Reinforcemenr
i) spacing o f reinforcement shall not esceed
a) 450 mm outside plastic hinge
b) 300 m m in plastic hinge
c ) steeVconcrete ratio o f 0.0025 = 608 mm

In addition. it is necessary to provide sufficient shear resistance. The shear

resistance of the walls was determined from Eq. 2-1 b y crrlculating the spacing. s,.
of'the distributed transverse reinforcement spacing.

I effective depth. d (mm) 1 spacing. s, (mm) I

1' ~ p e c i m e nW2 976 220

Table A.J.1 Composite specimen shear spacing

f-ience. two No. 10 bars at a spacing o f 180 m m and 220 mm were used i n Specimen W I and
W2. respectively.

i i ) development o f transverse reinforcement

a) Specimen W 1 : determine necessary weld size to develop No. 1 O bars

A,,. =
0.674,,.X ,

where, V, = nominal shear resistance o f one No. 10 bar

= (475MPa)( lO0 mm2)
= 47.5 kN
Q,, = 0.67
X, = electrode tensi le stength. 300 MPa

Therefore. a minimum 7 mm by 7 m m weld was chosen to connect each No. I O bar.

b) Specirnen W2: determine area o f hcaded plates t o develop No. IO bars

A, = I O (A,)= (10)(100mm') = 1000 mm'
and thickness greater than 7 m m

Tlierefore. 37 m m x 37 m m x 9 mm plate was used giving an area o f 145 1.6mm'.

Step 4: Ductility (refer to Clause 2 1 3.7)

i) the depth of compression, cc, shaii not exceed 0.55 4, = 550 mm

From the factored loading predictions using program RESPONSE for the walls
subjected to an axial load of 600 kN, c, = 407 mm (Le., a distance of 307 mm
within the concrete) for Specimen W I and cc = 275 mm for Specirnen W2.

Since cc exceeds 0.14 y, k', = 165.2 mm in both cases, confinement must be

provided over a length greater than:

cJ0.25 + ~24,)= 267 mm for Specimen W I

~ ~ ( 0 . 2+5cd!,) = 144 mm for Specimen W2

These requirements of confinement do not really apply to the situation with structural steel
boundary elernents. Instead, the steel boundary elements must be designed and detailed to
provide adequate buckling resistance.

A S Cracking Moments

The cracking moments were calculated using the equation:

where, Mc,= applied moment that would crack the extreme concrete fibre
f, = 0.6, where f l was assumed 35 MPa
,P = constant axial load, 600 kN
A, = transfonned area of specimen

i,, = transforrn moment of inertia of specimen

y, = distance from neutral axis to extrerne concrete fibre

The cracking moments are summarized in the following table:

Specimen W2 1 178895 1I 1.9053 1 489 1 261

Specimen W3 179654 1 1.2667 500 175

Table A.5.1 Cracking moments


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