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19 Mar 2022, 01:15

Alone Time

Have you just ever imagine yourself being on a

vast, high-up hill, by yourself.
Nature and the life it carries speak to themselves
in a silent tone.
You lay a cloth above the prickly grass because
you prefer being comfortable. Feeling that the
piece of cloth could shield you from the danger of
the world.
Though sometimes you seek freedom and roll
onto the cold grass.
Eyes closed, you spread your arms as far as you
can, taking in the occasional breeze coming your
Then you set your gaze on the night sky.
There are so many stars that you don't even feel
lonely. The sky is dark but the stars shine so
brightly at the same time.
You thought to yourself "I'll never forget this
sight". Thoughts after thoughts, you suddenly
say, "If only I could see this everyday... But then
will I get sick of this sky?"
There's still so many to see.

'What if the sky is cloudy?'

'Instead of here, what if I'd gone to the North Pole
during the time I could see the aurora?'
'Would other nights be this cold?'
'I wanna see it on a rainy day too..'
'When the season changes, what difference I
could witness?'

While there's still so many to see, I'll be grateful

just to be here.

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