Death On Board Procedure

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DEATH ONBOARD This document summarizes actions to be cartied out to manage a case of death onboard, as @ result of occupational accident or of sudden illness, {Lis also the reference quide to be used during the periodical drill exercise performed on board, Master has the overriding authority and the responsibilty to make decisions with respect to Safely and pollution prevention and to request the Company's assistance as may be necossary. In case of onboard emergency Master shall be in overall command. All other crew members shall follow the orders of the Master. ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION All personne! involved must keep a full & detailed log of events, including a Telephone Log, UNEXPLAINED DEATH - this term covers all deaths which stil have to be legally certified. It includes death by accident or by apparent natural causes. Whenever a body, suspected to be dead, is found by anyone on board the area shall be immediately restricted, & the body must not be touched until the arrival of the vessel Doctor. ‘Tho area shall be secured with tape, rope or a barrier & a placard stating that the area is under ‘nvestigation posted. Guards shall also be posted to prevent personnel from entering the area. Turn the AC on full as this slows the decay of the body. The cabin should be locked & a notice posted on the door forbidding access. Any of the deceased personnel effects which are not in his cabin should be quarantined until the arrival of tho police. The area is now officially a crime scene & should be maintained in its untouched condition until the police arrive to start their investigation. The police will originally assume ‘foul play’ & will investigate to see if there are any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death. Ifa crewmembers death occurs in hospital (off of the vessel) the cabin of the deceased is to be considered as a ‘crime scene’ & access restricted until it is cleared by the police. If the body has to be moved, the vessel Doctor in consultation with Master will give the authorization only once all necessary information have been gathered. If body is in @ bunk, the cabin & all the deceased lockers shall be secured. Re the deceased's Personnel Effects, prior to sending off of the vessel check any Laptops of HDD's for embarrassing data (porn movies, etc). Other persons using the same cabin must be accommodated elsewhere. Once the police give permission an officer & a witness shall be delegated to recover all the deceased belongings & to produce a detailed list of the items. Note. The witness should be a close friend or work colleague of the deceased. The necessary official documentation for accident records must be completed & sent to shore Based management as soonas possible. 5.1 OBSERVER + Note the time of the discovery & immediately inform Bridge: + Without endangering himself or other personnel, make the area safe and limit the disturbance to the sit If safe to do so remain at the site; Follow any instructions given by the Vessel Master or Doctor. 5.2 BRIDGE Mobilise Doctor & First Aid Team to the suspected deceased. © Inform Master; * Follow instructions of Doctor & Master. 5.3 DOCTOR Page 1 of 3 DEATH ONBOARD Examine person & confirm in a written statement that in his/her opinion the person is dead; Only the Medical Team shall have access to the IP/Deceased to perform Life Saving Activities, to check for signs of life or to confirm the death. Other crew must not be allowed to disturb or view the body Not If no certificated doctor is carried onboard it may be necessary for an MD to attend on-board the vessel to complete the Death Certificate formalities before the body of the deceased person can be transported onshore. Cover the body from view (body bags included in the Medical Equipment) Depending upon the circumstances the Master & Doctor will decide to move body to the Sickbay or into one of the Fridge Spaces & prepare body for transportation onshore, when clearance to do so is obtained from the Local Authorities. Use the Stretcher Team or in the event of an accident having caused severe trauma to the deceased, ask for volunteers to transport the body. 'dentify which Fridge Space would be used. Make sure it is emptied before the body is placed inside, Investigate the optimum stretcher routes from: Incident Location to Sickbay, Sickbay to Fridge Space and Fridge Space to Helideck (minimising opportunities for public display of the body). Enter details in the Medical log. 5.4 MASTER Ensure minimal disturbance to the site of the death & take photographs of the incident location; Instruct the ICT Dept to turn off the Wi-Fi & restrict internet access. (to avoid reports appearing on Social Media before the Nok have been formally advised). Inform Client Representative onboard. Notify Local Control Centre Ashore; Activate the Emergency Response Plan & alert the Project Emergency Response Team of the situation, Notify the HSE Manager; Notify the deceased direct employers (if employed via an agency) or liaise with Shore Based Management to ensure this is done in a timely fashion. Report case of death to Local Emergency Services & Port Authorities; via the Agent? Confirm if the local police will attend to view the incident location? In'the event of Local Authorities investigation, ensure full co-operation between authorities & all vessel personnel Request permission to move the body of the deceased. Organise transportation of the body onshore; Notify the vessel's owners, charterers, the Project Emergency Response Team & the ‘Vessel's owner & charterers. If in port notify the local emergency services, Port Authorities & the Agent. Make a formal declaration of the deceased's personnel effects to be passed to the ‘carrier’ who should acknowledge receipt & their agreement to transfer the items to the deceased Nok. Ensure that any ‘high value’ items are removed from the body (wedding Rings, etc) from the body & the details are added to the list of personnel effects. Any ‘High Value’ items should be passed to the ‘designated ‘carrier for safe return to the NoK. Once the Deceased body & his escort (the carrier) have left the VIL call the escort daily until such time as the deceased's body arrives with his/her NoK. Date, time & details of casualty (or name of missing person if someone has been lost overboard); Vessel's position at the time (i.e. latitude/longitude); Circumstances in which the body was found or event description in case of occupational accident or illness; Name & address of any witnesses, with name & address of their employer(s). Page 2 of 3 DEATH ONBOARD For Bahamian Flagged vessel the Master must complete BMA Form RBD1 (rev.01 2010) — ‘Return of Death’ & send it to the BMA, not sure about the Marshall Is. HSE Team Segregate any witnesses & interview them immediately. Do not allow them to interact with other crew members. Clerk The Clerk shall be instructed to make the biodata of the deceased (including details of the Next of Kin) available ASAP. Segregate the Passport of the deceased, Fill in the data in the deceased's Seaman's Book & get it signed & stamped, Complete the deceased Timesheet. LOCAL CONTROL CENTRE ASHORE (Saipem Logistics) Liaise with Local Authorities; Provide all necessary support to the vessel Master for transportation of the body; Arrange for transportation of body to a mortuary; Keep the Project Manager & HSE Manager informed; Maintain a log of all communications made & all actions taken. TRAINING NOTES Escort for Deceased The repatriation process can take as much as 10-14 days in some counties. {f possible, have the body escorted ashore by a friend or work colleague. Prior to leaving the VIL. (with the deceased) make sure the Escort has: The Biodata of the deceased. The Passport of the deceased, The deceased Personnel Effects (including any ‘High Value’ items). Means of communication (Laptop and/or Mobile Phone). Contact details for the deceased familyiNoK. Contact details for the deceased employers. Contact details for the local Agent, a Responsible Person on shore, the VIL, Head Office (HR Department), Project HSE Manager & the Local Logistical Support Team, Sufficient cash funds, especially if the repatriation will be through a 3 World Country. ft may be prudent to provide cash from the ships Petty Cash! Paper & writing instruments. Cigarettes (if he is a smoker) + to use as ‘gifts’ to help ease the Deceased’s passage thru’ the formalities. Page 3 of 3

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