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Welding Distortion of a Thin-Plate Panel


The effect of welding sequence on panel distortion is evaluated


ABSTRACT. Welding thin-plate panel ables are welding process, heat input, awareness, using flatter plates and
structures often results in warping of the travel speed and welding sequence. straighter stiffeners to control the initial
panels. Several mitigation methods, in- In principle, welding distortion con- conditions, reducing weld size by im-
cluding preheating and prestressing the trol practices for thin-wall panel struc- proving joint fitup and eliminating struc-
plates during assembly, have been inves- tures may be classified as follows: turally irrelevant rework.
tigated and used by some fabricators. Use design practices that make dis- The implementation of distortion mit-
This paper studies the distortion mecha- tortion-free panels easier to produce. igation techniques during welding coun-
nisms and the effect of welding sequence These design practices include choosing teracts the effects of shrinkage during
on panel distortion. In this study, distor- plates with appropriate thickness, reduc- cooling, which distorts the fabricated
tion behaviors, including local plate ing stiffener spacing, using a bevel T-stiff- structure. These mitigation techniques in-
bending and buckling as well as global ener web, optimizing assembly sequenc- clude controlled preheating, mechanical
girder bending, were investigated using ing, properly applying jigs and fixtures tensioning, thermal tensioning, pre-bend-
the finite element method. It was found and using the egg-crate construction ing fillet joints, presetting butt joints and
that buckling doesn’t occur in structures technique (Ref. 1). using appropriate heat sinking arrange-
with a skin-plate thickness of more than Better control of certain welding vari- ments. All these mitigation techniques are
1.6 mm unless the stiffening girder bends ables will eliminate the conditions that to balance weld shrinkage forces. Heat
excessively. Warping is primarily caused promote distortion. This includes reduc- sinking also balances welding heat about
by angular bending of the plate itself. The ing fillet weld size and length, including the neutral axis of the joint.
joint rigidity method (JRM) was found to tack welds; using high-speed welding; Some of the aforementioned distor-
be effective in determining the optimum using a low heat input welding process; tion control methods may increase fabri-
welding sequence for minimum panel using intermittent welds; using a backstep cation costs due to requirements for more
warping. technique; and balancing heat about the energy, increased labor and potentially
plate’s neutral axis in butt joint welding. high-cost capital equipment. Some
Introduction Incorporate a welding QC program. methods may not be suitable for auto-
This program should include personnel mated welding or may reduce the as-
Warping is a common problem expe- training on general quality control prac- sembly speed due to interruption from
rienced in the welding fabrication of thin- tice in order to reduce distortion through fixtures or stiffener arrangements. De-
walled panel structures. Several factors pending on circumstances of the fabrica-
that influence distortion control strategy tion environment and type of structures,
may be categorized into design-related different distortion control methods may
and process-related variables. Significant provide more adequate solutions to cer-
design-related variables include weld KEY WORDS tain problems than others. Understand-
joint details, plate thickness, thickness ing their capability and limitation of all
transition if the joint consists of plates of Distortion these distortion control methods is criti-
different thickness, stiffener spacing, Thin Plate cal to a successful welding fabrication
number of attachments, corrugated con- FEM project.
struction, mechanical restraint condi- Finite Element Method
tions, assembly sequence and overall Aluminum Plate Literature Review
construction planning. Important vari- Gas Metal Arc
GMAW Warping of thin-walled panel struc-
Joint Rigidity tures has been investigated with both ex-
C. L. TSAI and W. T. CHENG are with The Buckling perimental and numerical methods used
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. S. C. by many researchers (Refs. 2–15). In the
PARK is with Hyundai Industrial Research In- 1950s, Watanabe and Satoh (Ref. 2) ob-
stitute, Korea.

156-s | MAY 1999



Fig. 2 — Load-displacement curves under mechanical load (width

= 30.5 and 101.6 cm, length = 101.6 cm, thickness = 6.4 mm). A
Fig. 1 — Stiffened panel under mechanical and thermal loads
— Bending distortion (30.5 cm panel); B — buckling distortion
for buckling analysis. A — Mechanical model; B — thermal
(101.6-cm panel).

served bucking phenomenon in welding steel, Al 5083-O and stainless steel. studied the predictive methods for weld-
of a thin mild steel plate. Masubuchi (Ref. Terai, et al. (Ref. 7), investigated sev- ing-induced distortions using the finite
3) later extended the work and observed eral mitigation methods to minimize element method (FEM). Models with var-
a similar phenomenon. Both experimen- welding distortion in thin-plate panels for ious complexities were developed. Many
tal studies used bead-on-plate coupons ship superstructures. These methods in- complex models contributed to the
with relatively long and narrow strips. cluded preheating, prestressing and pre- knowledge of distortion, but might be im-
In the 1970s, Taniguchi (Ref. 4) inves- setting. Angular bending of the panel practical for industrial applications due
tigated angular bending of fillet-welded plates was reduced substantially when to the required computational intensity.
aluminum panel structures using an inte- these mitigation methods were applied in Simplified engineering approaches, such
grated numerical and experimental ap- welding fabrication. as the inherent shrinkage model, have
proach. A relationship was developed Penso (Ref. 8) conducted numerical been studied. Daniewicz (Ref. 9) pre-
between angular changes and plate and experimental investigations to ana- sented a hybrid experimental and nu-
thickness for various fillet sizes and span lyze bending distortion of a mild steel merical approach to predict weld distor-
widths. Pattee (Ref. 5) conducted experi- panel structure. An engineering method, tion of large offshore structures.
ments to investigate buckling behaviors commonly referred to as the “inherent Experimentally determined weld shrink-
of aluminum plates with different shrinkage method,” was used to deter- age values were implemented into the
boundary conditions. His experimental mine the distortion. The numerical re- structural FEM model to predict the struc-
work reached similar conclusions. sults were in good agreement with the tural rigidity interaction and the final
In 1976, based on their comprehen- experimental results. This work further equilibrium state, namely, distortion.
sive research results, Satoh and Terasaki analyzed the experimental panel struc- More recently, Michaleris and De-
(Ref. 6) proposed simple formulas that ture, investigated by Terai, et al. (Ref. 7), Biccari (Ref. 10) studied the numerical
correlate residual stress, angular bending and verified the beneficial effect of pre- analysis technique to predict welding-
and transverse shrinkage to the welding heating and prestressing on out-of-plane induced distortion in large and complex
heat input for different materials, includ- distortion of the panel. structures. The technique combined
ing mild steel, high-strength steel, 9% Ni For many years, researchers have two-dimensional welding simulations


with three-dimensional structural analy- PCT/GB88/00136 by Guan, Brown,
A ses in a decoupled approach. The nu- Guo, et al. (Ref. 14), present a similar
merical technique was used to evaluate concept to the Japanese patent JP-A-
welding-induced buckling. Thermal- 5311138 but use more active secondary

elastic-plastic welding simulation, along heating and cooling while restraining

with elastic and eigenvalue finite ele- the transient out-of-plane movement of
ment analyses was performed to predict the joint by appropriate jigging con-
both the applied weld load and the struc- straints. The joint is clamped along two
ture’s critical buckling load. This method lines parallel to the weld on each side of
was intended to be used by the authors the joint. The secondary heating is ap-
to assess various distortion mitigation plied between these two lines and strong
techniques such as thermal tensioning to cooling is applied underneath the weld.
prevent buckling in the thin-walled Guan, et al., refers to this mitigation
B panel structures. technique as the “low stress nondistor-
Several patents on welding distortion tion (LSND)” method. It is reported that
mitigation techniques using thermal man- buckling distortion in thin-walled (less
agement during or after welding have than 4 mm thickness) structures can be
been granted. The Japanese patent JP-A- prevented completely (Ref. 12).
6018292 presents a postweld thermal
management process for controlling an- Scope of Current Study
gular distortion of thick plates. Immedi-
ately after completion of welding, cool- With knowledge accumulated from
ing the weld zone while heating both previous studies in welding distortion
sides of the joint creates an appropriate control, the objective of this paper is to
Fig. 3 — Distortion shape due to bending and
temperature gradient that results in mini- address the basics of the warping mech-
buckling under mechanical load. A — Bend-
mum angular distortion. The Soviet anisms by studying the thermal and me-
ing distortion (30.5-cm panel); B — buckling
patent SU-A-1066765 applies the ther- chanical behaviors of a thin aluminum
distortion (101.6-cm panel).
mal management process during welding panel structure using the finite element
to control welding distortion. Using method. The essential conditions for
strong heat sinking of volatile plate buckling to occur in the panel struc-
materials to reduce thermal dif- tures were determined in this study.
A fusion into the joint, tempera- To study the effect of welding se-
ture in the base materials adja- quence on panel warping, a method
cent to the weld can be kept dubbed as the “joint rigidity method”
low. This reduces shrinkage in (JRM) was developed to determine the
the adjacent base materials re- optimum welding sequence for mini-
sulting in less angular distortion. mum distortion. This paper demonstrates
Another Japanese patent JP- the principles of the JRM method by
A-5311138 describes a method showing a practical example.
for controlling angular distor-
tion of panel structures by ap- Effect of Global Bending
plying a secondary heating and
a mechanical restraining condi- The panel structures consist of a rela-
tion, simultaneously, during tively thin-skin plate reinforced by a series
welding. The tensile stresses in- of longitudinal and transverse stiffening
duced by the temperature gra- members. The commonly used stiffening
dient, which results from cool- members are strip plates, Ts and angle
ing the weld and heating the shapes. When welding these stiffeners to
B base materials adjacent to the the plate, the stiffened panels act like a
weld, tends to compensate the girder due to tack welds made prior to the
compressive stresses resulting structural welding. Weld shrinkage may
from the welding heat source. bend the panel depending upon the rela-
The joint is restrained by clamp- tive distance between the centroid of
ing jigs along both sides of the welds and the neutral axes of the panel
weld. This method was investi- cross sections. Bending of the panel struc-
gated experimentally by Burak, ture shows a global nature to the panel
et al. (Ref. 11), with good results distortion. The skin plate is usually in
for panel plate thickness of 4 compression under bending. Buckling of
mm and above. However, this the skin plate under this compressive
method was later found ineffec- bending stress is one possible form of
tive in distortion control for panel distortion.
plates less than 4 mm thick by To study the effect of global bending
Guan, Guo, et al. (Ref. 12). on plate buckling, a simple panel (alu-
Fig. 4 — Displacement curves under thermal load (width
The Chinese patent No. minum 5456-H116) with two T stiffeners
87100959 by Guan, et al. (Ref. attached to the skin plate (Fig. 1) was
= 101.6 cm, length = 101.6 cm). A — Thickness: 3.2 mm;
13), and a joint international used for the analysis. Two types of analy-
B — thickness: 6.4 mm.
patent specification No. sis were performed to study the buckling

158-s | MAY 1999

Z h
weld size : 3⁄16


F.E F.E 24


Fig. 6 — Butt joint groove-welded rectangular aluminum
X b
2 2 (unit : inch) plate for residual stress characterization (Ref. 6).

Fig. 5 — Stiffened aluminum panel for residual stress characterization.

behavior under global bending. Figure As shown in Fig. 2,

1A shows the panel under the mechani- the displacement
cally induced bending moment by press- curves at the stiffener
ing the Ts at the joint skin plate intersec- location show the
tion. The compressive force was global bending of the
increased incrementally to a design limit panel and those curves
when the flange of the Ts reached 60% of at the center of the
the material yield strength. The compres- panel indicate warping
sive stress in the skin plate results only of the skin plate due to
from the global bending effect. global bending. For the
During the welding of the assembly, 30.5-cm-wide panel,
the Ts were first tack welded to the skin the displacement
plate to build up the initial panel rigid- curve shows only the
ity. Shrinkage of the finished fillet welds bending phenomenon.
would cause the panel to bend in a However, for the
global nature and the skin plate to warp, 101.6-cm-wide panel, Fig. 7 — Comparison of longitudinal residual stresses determined
which is a local distortion behavior. This a large increase in the by the inherent shrinkage method and experimental measurement.
weld shrinkage also induces compres- displacement magni-
sive stresses, in addition to the bending- tude is shown when
induced stresses, in the skin plate. Figure the applied moment reaches approxi- ment force is independent of panel
1B shows the panel under thermal load- mately 12 kip-in. Figure 3 shows the pre- width. Therefore, the wider the panel,
ing due to shrinkage of welds. dicted buckling form of the skin plate displacements at both locations decrease
To study the buckling behavior of the under this load. The same figure also due to an increase in the structural rigid-
skin plate, the mechanically loaded shows the displacements of the 30.5-cm- ity of the skin plate. Greater displace-
model provides baseline information. wide panel without buckling. This ments are also shown for a longer panel
The thermally loaded model simulates demonstrates that a skin plate of 6.4 mm due to global bending. No buckling is ob-
the real welding assembly of a stiffened could buckle under global bending if the served in the skin plate.
panel structure. Monitoring the vertical panel is sufficiently wide. In this study, panels with smaller skin-
displacements at the midpoint of the left Figure 4 shows the displacement plate thicknesses were also analyzed by
T stiffener (point A) and the center of the curves at the same two locations with the finite element method. It was found
skin plate (point B) as applied moment in- various width-to-thickness ratios (b/t) that weld shrinkage alone would not
creases in the mechanical model, or the and length of the panel for two thick- cause the skin plate to buckle regardless
geometric parameter changes in the ther- nesses, 3.2 and 6.4 mm, when four welds of the plate width unless the plate was
mal model, shows the critical buckling (4.8 mm fillet) are applied to the joints thinner than 1.6 mm. However, the skin
conditions in the skin plate. Figure 2 that connect the Ts to the skin plate. The plate could buckle if the global bending
shows the load-displacement curves for moment force induced by weld shrink- due to welding was large and the panel
two different panel widths, 30.5 and age depends primarily on the welding was wide. This means that only excessive
101.6 cm. The length of panels is 101.6 condition, which is reflected by the fillet curvature caused by the global bending
cm and the skin thickness is 6.4 mm. The size requirement. For a given skin-plate effect may cause skin-plate buckling in
T stiffeners are 101.6 x 50.8 x 6.4 mm. thickness, the shrinkage-induced mo- wide panels.



Fig. 8 — Distribution and magnitude of the longitudinal residual stress at the panel’s mid-length. A — Width: 40.6 cm; B — width: 61 cm; C —
width: 81.3 cm.

Effect of Residual Stresses ues between strains measured from top

and bottom surfaces were reported.
Residual stresses in welded In the numerical analysis, the finite el-
structures are unavoidable. ement meshes were refined around the
High-tensile stress exists in the weld. The inherent shrinkage strains
weld areas. It changes to com- were incorporated in the analysis by pre-
pression in the areas away from scribing the initial weld temperature at
the weld. To investigate residual 649°C (1200°F). As the weld cools down
stress distribution and magnitude from this initially prescribed tempera-
for stiffened plates, numerical ture, heat diffusion into the base metal
analysis was performed for the takes place and results in volumetric
stiffened aluminum Al-5456 shrinkage upon cooling. These shrinkage
plate panel shown in Fig. 5. The strains interact with the plate rigidity.
stiffened plate panel for numeri- Residual stresses can be predicted at a
cal analysis was 61 cm long and state of structural equilibrium. Figure 7
6.4 mm thick. Three panel shows a comparison of the predicted re-
widths, 40.6, 61 and 81.3 cm, sults with the experimental data. Good
were simulated. The inherent agreement in both stress magnitude and
Fig. 9 — Aluminum T-joint specimen for angular distor- shrinkage method was applied to distribution was obtained using a cali-
tion characterization. determine the residual stress dis- bration factor. This factor was used for
tributions. the remaining residual stress analyses
To verify the inherent shrink- throughout this study.
A age method for residual stress For the Al-5456-H116 panel under
determination, analysis was first study, Fig. 8 shows the distribution of the
performed on an Al-5083 rec- longitudinal residual stresses for three
tangular plate, shown in Fig. 6. different panel widths. The panel width
Experimental data obtained by doesn’t change the tensile stresses, but it
Satoh (Ref.6) were referenced for affects the magnitude of the compressive
comparison with the numerical stresses. As the panel gets wider, the max-
results. In Satoh’s study, two imum compressive stress becomes
pieces of plates (60 cm long, smaller. This is due to the fact that the
27.5 cm wide and 10 mm thick) compressive force must be in equilibrium
were butt joined together with an with the tensile force (i.e., areas beneath
B included angle of 60 deg using the tension curve and the compression
the gas metal arc welding curve must be equal).
process. The welding conditions From the point of view of distortion re-
were 24 V, 230 A and 53.3 sistance, the moment of inertia of the cross
cm/min travel speed. Residual section of the entire panel structure in-
stresses were measured using the creases as the skin plate width increases.
sectioning method by measuring Since the weld shrinkage force remains
dimensional changes in the unchanged, the magnitude of global
transverse cross sections cut bending of the panel structure is reduced
from the weldment. The distrib- by the increasing cross-sectional rigidity.
Fig. 10 — Final deformation shape on the back side of ution of the longitudinal residual For wider panels, the reducing mag-
the T-flange. A — Measurement grid and measured de- stresses along the axis transverse nitude in compressive residual stresses
formation; B — calculated deformation using the inher- to the weld was determined from and the increasing panel rigidity explain
ent shrinkage method. the relaxed strains. Average val- why the weld shrinkage-induced, com-

160-s | MAY 1999

Fig. 11 — Comparison of angular distortion on the back side of the Fig. 12 — Aluminum panel for study on welding sequence effect
T-flange determined by the inherent shrinkage method and exper- on angular distortion.
imental measurement.

pressive residual stresses may not buckle

the skin plate in the stiffened, thin-plate A B
panels, except for the panels with skin
plates thinner than 1.6 mm

Angular Distortion of the Skin Plate

in an Aluminum Panel

In addition to the global bending ef-

fect, welding can cause warping of the
skin plate due to weld shrinkage that
does not coincide with the plate middle
plane and because of the thermal gradi-
ents through the plate thickness. This
local warping phenomenon is usually re-
ferred to as angular distortion, angular
bending or out-of-plane distortion. C D
In this study, the inherent shrinkage
method was again used to analyze the an-
gular bending phenomenon. To verify the
inherent shrinkage method, numerical
analysis and experimental investigation
were conducted on an Al-5454-H34 T-
joint specimen — Fig. 9. The gas metal
arc welding process was used with A5556
welding wire (1.6-mm diameter). The
welding conditions were 200–220 A, 24
V, 53.3 cm/min, electrode positive and
1.13 m3/h argon shielding. As for the
welding sequence, the right-hand joint
was welded first. After completely cool-
ing back to room temperature, the left- Fig. 13 — Temperature-dependent thermal properties of Al-5456-H116 used in the FEA studies
hand joint was welded. After completing
(Refs. 16–19). A — Thermal conductivity; B — specific heat; C — thermal expansion coefficient;
both sides of the joint and the joint cooled
D — elastic modulus.
to room temperature, vertical displace-
ments at various locations in the back side
of the flange surface were measured using
a coordinate measurement machine placement variations in a transverse cross tion factor is introduced, the inherent
(CORDAX RS-30 DCC, Sheffield Mea- section at the joint mid-length (y = 6 in.), shrinkage method is a good alternative to
surement System). Figure 10A shows the Fig. 11 shows good agreement between the moving heat source model for charac-
measured distortion shape. the predicted results and the measurement terizing residual stresses and distortion of
The calculated final deformation shape data. The same calibration factor deter- weldments.
of the T-joint plate bottom surface is mined from the residual stress analysis To study the welding sequence effect
shown in Fig. 10B. By comparing the dis- was used. When the appropriate calibra- on angular distortion of an aluminum


weld passes was simulated. The MPC
A commend in the ABAQUS finite element
B analysis code was used to employ the
tack welds. Temperature-dependent ma-

terial properties of Al-5456, given in

Refs. 16–19 and shown in Fig. 13, were
used in the finite element analysis.
Weight of the panel was also incorpo-
rated in the analysis. The panel is point-
supported by ball joints at three corner
locations (B, C and D in Fig. 12).
Four welding sequences (Fig. 14)
were investigated in this study. Sequence
No. 1 deposits welds from inner panels
outward, while sequence No. 2 lays
welds from outer panels inward. Se-
quences No. 3 and No. 4 are similar se-
quences to No. 1 and No. 2, respectively,
C D with a consideration of changing struc-
tural rigidity of each joint in the panel
and the changing distance between the
center of the depositing weld and the
gravity center of the whole panel struc-
ture. Sequence No. 3 searches for the
joint with highest restraint to deposit the
next weld as the assembly process pro-
gresses. Sequence No. 4 lays the next
weld at the least restrained joint.
Figure 15 shows the final distortion
shape of the panel produced by welding
sequences No. 2 and No. 4, respectively.
Both the global and local distortions are
Fig. 14 — Welding sequences for angular distortion analysis of aluminum panel structure. A —
shown. The welding sequence that de-
Welding sequence No. 1; B — welding sequence No. 2; C — welding sequence No. 3; D —
posits the weld at the least restrained
welding sequence No. 4.
joint, sequence No. 4, results in more se-
rious warping in the skin plate.
Figure 16 shows the vertical displace-
ments along four panel cross sections for
panel, Fig. 12 shows the geometric the four welding sequences investigated.
A configuration of the panel structure The coordinate origin is at the left, lower
under investigation. Both experimen- corner (point A in Fig. 12). The cross sec-
tal and numerical analyses have been tions at x = 40.6 cm and 81.3 cm bisect
conducted. This paper presents only the inner panels, respectively, along the
the details of numerical investigations. middle, longitudinal lines (in the y direc-
Some comparisons with the experi- tion). The cross sections at y = 23.6 cm
mental results are also presented in and 76.2 cm bisect the inner panels trans-
this paper. Details of both numerical verse to the longitudinal stiffeners. The
and experimental studies can be found cusps in the displacement curves indicate
in Ref. 15. the stiffener locations. Angular bending of
The numerical model assumed that the skin plate is shown by the warping
the Ts were tack welded to the skin curvature at each stiffener location.
plate before structural welding. This in- The global distortion of the panel in
B dicates that the initial structural rigidity all cases shows a downward movement
of the T-stiffeners was built into the and tilting toward the unsupported cor-
panel and provided an initial condition ner due to structural weight. The panel
for the finite element analysis. The warps about the middle, longitudinal
welding sequence simulation included stiffener. Sequences No. 2 and No. 4 re-
1) laying the tack welds along the joints sult in greater angular bending curva-
and 2) laying structural welds at vari- tures than the other two sequences. The
ous joints with different sequences. angular distortions of the skin plate from
The initial temperature condition for sequences No. 1 and No. 3 are similar in
each welding pass was room tempera- their magnitude and shape. It appears
ture. The analysis was to investigate the that the welding sequence that follows
Fig. 15 — Distortion shape resulting from welding effect of welding sequence on angular the most restrained joint for depositing
sequences No. 2 and No. 4. A— Welding se- distortion of the skin plate. the next weld during the assembly
quence No. 2; B — welding sequence No. 4. In the finite element analysis, the process results in smaller angular distor-
gas metal arc welding process with 18 tion in the skin plate.

162-s | MAY 1999

Experimental Comparisons
To measure vertical displacements of
the deformed panel after each weld pass,

a custom-designed, gantry-type measur-
ing system was developed by the Inter-
national Welding Technology Research
Laboratory at National Taiwan Univer-
sity. The measuring system consists of
three major components: 1) a frame
structure with linear, optical scale tracks
and a three-axis movement mechanism,
2) the electronic displacement measur-
ing dial gauge with computer interface
and 3) a three-point, ball-joint, panel
support table with rollers. C D
The frame keeps a constant reference
and level for the table that supports the
panel. It also provides a precision travel-
ling mechanism for locating the mea-
surement points. When the panel is fin-
ished with any weld pass off the
measurement system, it is placed on the
table at three ball-joint supports, which
are fixed at three adjustable corner loca-
tions. These three-point supports always
maintain a reference triangular plane for
the panel when the table is jacked up to
the reference seatings in the frame. Each
time after loading and unloading of the
Fig. 16 — Distortion displacements at four cross sections of the panel from four welding sequences.
panel, the panel displacements are al-
ways measured in the same reference A — At x = 40.6 cm; B — at x = 81.3 cm; C — at y = 23.6 cm; D — at y = 76.2 cm.
and leveling condition.
Figure 17 shows the comparisons be-
tween the predicted distortions and the B
measured displacements across two lon-
gitudinal cross sections (x = 40.6 cm and
81.3 cm) and two transverse cross sec-
tions (i.e., y = 23.6 cm and 76.2 cm) for
welding sequence No. 4. Good agree-
ment between predicted and measured
displacements in all four cross sections is

Optimum Welding Sequence by

Joint Rigidity Method

Joint rigidity can be defined as the re-

sistance to angular bending of a T-joint
under a unit moment applied to the joint
— Fig. 18. For example, a unit moment
applied to the middle joint of a panel re-
sults in smaller angular rotation of the
skin plate at the joint than applying the
same unit moment to the T joints at the
free edge of the panel. Several general
trends in the welding sequence effect
were observed from extensive numerical
simulations (Ref. 15). The welding se-
quence that starts with more rigid joints
and moves progressively toward less
rigid joints would result in less bending
in the skin plate. One example of this
welding sequence is, first, welding both
sides of the middle stiffener in any order, Fig. 17 — Comparisons between predicted and measured distortions along four cross sections in
second, welding the inside joint of the the aluminum panel, welding sequence No. 4. A — At x = 40.6 cm; B — at x = 81.3 cm; C — at
edge stiffeners in any order and, finally, y = 23.6 cm; D — at y = 76.2 cm.



Fig. 18 — Definition of joint rigidity.

Fig. 19 — Optimum welding sequence (se-

quence A) determined by JRM.

welding the outer joints of the edge
stiffeners in any order. This chasing-
the-rigidity method is referred to as the
joint rigidity method (JRM).
Using the concept of JRM, the op-
timum welding sequence, designated
as A (Fig. 19), was determined for the
aluminum panel structure under inves-
tigation. The determination procedure
is summarized as follows:
After completing each weld pass
(including tack welds), a distributed
unit moment is applied to each joint
Fig. 20 — Joint rigidity indices at the unwelded joints. A — After 6th weld pass; B — after 12th
one at a time to determine the elastic
weld pass.
angular rotation at all joints in the
panel structure. The magnitude of the
calculated joint curvatures is normal-
A B ized by the maximum value obtained
from the panel structure under its pre-
scribed initial conditions (i.e., before
structural welding starts with all tack
welds completed). This normalized
parameter is the rigidity index of each
joint. The joint rigidity indices may
change after completing each weld
pass since the solidified weld becomes
an integral part of the panel structure.
Therefore, the rigidity index calcula-
tions repeat after each welding pass to
locate the most rigid joint for laying
the next weld.
To illustrate the joint rigidity of each
C D individual joint after completion of any
weld pass, Fig. 20A shows the calcu-
lated rigidity index of the remaining
joints after completing the sixth weld
pass. The optimum location for the sev-
enth pass is shown by the highest index
number (0.89). After completing the
12th weld pass, the optimum next pass
location is shown by the index of 0.72
— Fig. 20B. The rigidity index is the
joint stiffness normalized by the maxi-
mum value calculated in the panel dur-
ing the assembly process. The index
values vary from 0 to 1.
Fig. 21 — Comparison of distortions resulting from welding sequence No. 1 and the optimum weld- Figure 21 shows the displacement
ing sequence A. A — At x = 40.6 cm; B — at x = 81.3 cm; C — at y = 23.6 cm; D — at y = 76.2 cm. comparisons between sequence No. 1
and the optimum sequence A. It shows

164-s | MAY 1999

a significant reduction in angular distor- References Welding, 3 and 5.
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