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Carrot grass(Parthnium)/ Lantana camara or any other invasive weed– names may be different, but
they are detrimental to agriculture. They are not only cause of environmental damage but
detrimental to native species. These alien species are considered second major cause of extinction of
species. These alien species are often introduced inadvertently or their economic or other uses. But
they soon become invasive and destabilize local community. Parthenium has pushed several herbs
and shrubs from open places in the plains. This weed is cause of major health issues in humans and
animals. It is major contributor to pollen allergy along with other weeds like chenopodium,
amaranthus etc. Manual removal of weed is effective before flowering. Taking fast growing crop like
sorghum, jowar can be used to control. We should develop biological control of this weed for more
effective, long lasting and least side effects. We may also use plants like cassia to grow to stop weed
from spread or make compost or vermi compost in proper way
Ways to manage parthenium- how do we manage carrot grass/ congress grass by following

1. By manual removal- most common, nuisance on roadside, tracks, wastelands, gardens etc.
So, uproot before flowering during monsoon. It may cause pollen allergy. So, covering of
hands with gloves and masks is necessary.
All workers, students, teachers work collectively to remove them as its our social
2. By weedicides- by use of glyphosate, metribuzin or 2-4D used to stop pre emerging of
3. By predators- like Mexican beetle in 1982 imported to BENGALURU to cotrol this weed after
long testing. Their larvas also feed on congress grass and keep pathenium uder control.
4. By making manure- as this weed absorbs more minerals from soil, if we can make manure of
them- it is the best use. But the problem is seeds all of which ae not killed and may grow
Deep pit, with large cowdung, worms and congress grass – multiple layers of soil and many
days labour – compost is ready.
But seeds again may germinate. So deep burial and full decomposition needed.

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