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Biblical Exegesis
Doc. Victor Montano

My Final Requirement
Name: Vincent Paul Elijay

The Literary Genre of the Passage: Acts 2:1-13

The book of Acts recounts the fascinating history of the primitive Christian church and the
wonderful acts of its member for the glory of God, that is, the continuation of Jesus’s
ministry through the life of disciples. The book was started in chapter 1, when Jesus
ascended to heaven, commissioning His disciples to continue the works He had left and
prepare the people for His advent. Before he promises that they will receive power when
the Holy Spirit comes (Acts 1:8). That promise was fulfilled in chapter 2, on the day of
Pentecost, exactly fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus. And when they received the
Holy Spirit in the image of a fiery tongue, they can speak many languages and the dialects of
their ancestors. And they began to preach Jesus in Jerusalem, next in Samaria, and to all the
world. That’s how the writer narrated the story, in the other words, Acts chapter 2 is a
narrative literary form. It narrates what is the experience of the apostles before and after
they received the promise of Jesus. Why it is a narrative form of Literary?

A) The author used the same style of literature in his first book (Acts 1:1)

B) Chapter two is connected to the events of chapter one and into the next passages of
the text.

C) It narrates the events as they unfolded from period to period, sometimes covering
only tiny but significant aspects of a given decade.

D) It epoch-making event demonstrating how the gospel initially commenced with the
Jews and later spread to other parts of the known world, thanks to persecution and
proactive ministry of the early evangelistic believers like Philip (Acts 7; 8; 11).

So there’s no doubt that the story of the Pentecost found in Acts 2:1-13 is a narration of
what happened to the disciples of Christ when He ascended into heaven. However, it was
written in a narrative form for us to learn from their experiences. How they can speak
boldly? How they are able to convince thousands of people to be baptized each day? In this
narrative form, we are able to learn the way how and what are the ways of the apostles to
become powerful preacher.

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