Farhan Dwi Prasetyo - LT-2B - Describing Text Instruction

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Name : Farhan Dwi Prasetyo

Class : LT-2B

Describing Instruction

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, Hello everyone, how are you guys? I hope you are always

given health because of the increasing number of omicron cases in Indonesia. Before starting the

topic, let me introduce myself, my name is Farhan Dwi Prasetyo, you can call me Farhan. I'm

from class LT-2B majoring in electrical engineering, Semarang State Polytechnic Electrical

Engineering Study Program. The topic of this assignment is describing instruction. I will talk

today about a tutorial on how to make special fried rice for beginners. Let's start and listen

The first step you can do is prepare the ingredients and seasonings. There are many

ingredients that you have to prepare. In this modern era, you can buy instant spices/ingredients at

the nearest warung, but it would be better if you didn't use instant ones. Supermarkets are also

complete. For beginners, you just need to prepare white rice according to your portion, then 2

cloves of garlic, 1 small red onion, 1.5 tablespoons of cooking oil, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce,

chili as desired cucumber, leek, fried onions and crackers. For topping you can use eggs, fried

chicken, sausage and meatballs.

You can take notes in a small book or through notes on your cellphone. The most

important thing is that it is according to your taste. Who knows one day you will forget when

you want to make fried rice again.

The second step is to grind the spices to be sauteed. You can do this using a blender or

mortar. If using a mortar, the first is to grind the onion and garlic. After smooth then enter the

pepper and chili, after that pulverize until smooth. Whereas if you use a blender you can put

them together and turn on the blender then wait until it's smooth.

Prepare a frying pan, place it on the stove then add 2 tablespoons of oil and turn on the

stove until the oil is hot. While waiting for the oil to heat up, we prepare the topping. Cut

sausages and meatballs, you can cut them by forming dices or slices, cut the onion and shred the

After the oil is hot, break the eggs and then scramble the eggs until they are half cooked.

When it is half cooked, add the ground spices and stir fry until the eggs are cooked. After that,

add the rice and pieces of sausage, meatballs, pieces of leek and shredded chicken. Don't forget

to add soy sauce to add sweetness. Stir until smooth, before cooked don't forget to taste it first to

know where the taste is lacking. Keep stirring until cooked. Once cooked, serve the fried rice on

a plate. Add fried onions, cucumber slices or pickles, and crackers.

After the pan is finished being used to make fried rice, we continue to make the sunny

side or what is known as fried eggs. First remove the remnants of the rice stuck to the pan and

then replace the oil. after the oil is replaced, give a little oil and then heat the oil, after it is hot

add the eggs and give a little salt. Use low heat to get a half cooked yellow or can also be cooked

until done. Once cooked, remove the egg and place it on top of the fried rice. Fried rice is ready

to be served.

So many videos from me about describing instructions, sorry if there are mistakes, take

care of your health and always follow health protocols, Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb.

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