Jimenez m3l1 Math2a

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April 29, 2022

Lesson 1: Forms of learner-centered classroom organization,

procedures and physical structure

Let us now examine closely your responses from the previous activity.

1. Did you have difficulty in choosing your five objects/facilities? Why/why not?
No, I have chosen the important facilities/objects that should be inside in
a classroom.
2. What is/are your reason/s for choosing these five (5) objects/facilities?
a) Green board and chairs- these two is very important inside the
classroom where students and the teacher interact and exchanging
b) Garbage Bin- bins is important, too, to avoid trash and unnecessary
things that should be thrown away.
c) Books and Play place- I have chosen this because this is an essential
thing that should be inside the classroom, where students can find
references about the lessons and they can play.
d) Cleaning essentials- to help the environment clean and interactive. We
cannot focus on things if we have messy environment, it is important to
me to have some neat and clean surroundings.
Suppose that you have an incoming 40 Grade 7 students with varied learning
styles. Design, organize and explain the significance of the layout of the physical
structure of the classroom for active engagement of learners.

I have made just a simple lay-out of a usual situation in a classroom. As you

can see, usage of technology is portrayed in the photo above, this does simply mean
that students are more engaged in technology when it comes to learning. As we are
changing, we are also adopting the new norms of today’s learning setting. It says that
students with varied learning styles, I also include student that are in special education,
as a future educator myself, I believe it does not mean inclusion when you separate
these students to the normal ones. Seclusion is different from inclusion. I believe
having it there in the lay-out signifies accepting and anyone who is capable of learning.

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