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_______ can be deployed on top of _________.


Using _______ you can run multiple OS.@ Vm

Consider you have an application that does not play nicely in Windows 10 but works
fine in Windows XP. Which of the following can be used in your Windows 10 machine
to play the application? @vm

Which of these is a containerization technology? @Docker

Docker is focused on ______ containerzation. #Application

Which of the following is not a containerization Technology? @Vmware

Which of the following strategy will not deploy new software to your users at once?
@Canary Release

Which of the following strategy will you choose to deploy new software to your
users slowly? @Canary Release

Red Black deployment can be implemented on _________ applications. @Microservice

________ applications are easy to develo. @Monoslithic

A computer on which a hypervisor runs one or more virtual machines is called a

_______ machine. @Host

Which of the following is not a Container Focused (micro) Operating System?VM


Which of the following will you use to run multiple applications on servers with a
variety of OS? @VM

You can handle service-to-service communication using _________.@Service mesh

Service Mesh is a framework that handles the cross-cutting concerns like logging,
service registration etc . @False

Which of the following is open source messaging system for Asynchronous

Communication? @Appache

________ has delay in response. @Async

______ is a standard protocol used for synchronous communications. @rest

Client and service need not be available at same time in ___________.@AsSync

Which of the following will you use to run the maximum number of particular
application on a minimum number of servers? @Docker

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