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What is no mode of autowiring?

-- Default setting which means no autowiring and you

should use explicit bean reference for
What is Spring MVC framework?--The Spring web MVC framework provides model-view-
controller architecture and ready components that can be used to develop flexible
and loosely coupled web applications.
Where do you define DispatcherServlet? -- WEBxml
What is constructor mode of autowiring?--Similar to byType, but type applies to
constructor arguments. If there is not exactly one bean
of the constructor argument type in the container, a fatal error is raised.
What is session scope?--This scopes a bean definition to an HTTP session.
Which ORM does Spring support ?--All
Which of the following is correct about dependency injection?--It helps in
decoupling application objects from each oth
What is a DispatcherServlet?--DispatcherServlet handles all the HTTP requests and
Which of the following is correct about dependency injection?--It helps in
decoupling application objects from each other.
Executable jar can be created in Spring boot using--both
Maven command to run a Spring boot application--$ mvn spring-boot:run
What does do?-- ALL
How to modify the Java compiler level for a Maven built Spring boot app--POM.xml
Spring boot application can be executed as a stand alone jar.--true
'Spring-boot-maven-plugin' is added to the pom.xml pulgins section to--Package the
spring boot application as an executable jar
Annotation to be added to automatically configure beans based on classes added to
class path--@EnableAutoConfiguration
Default java compiler level for a Spring boot app--java 1.6
Spring boot starter for a Spring batch application--spring-boot-starter-batch
Spring boot does not auto configure when a jar dependency is added outside of the
Starters package--false
Dependencies cannot be added to the Gradle build system in Spring boot--false
What is the starter for using log4j2 for logging--Spring-boot-starter-log
Spring-boot-starter-parent allows to manage the below--all
Annotation used to import additional configuration classes--@import
Auto-configuration report can be logged to the console by enabling debug mode while
starting application--true
Additional xml configuration files can be imported using annotation--
List of auto-configuration classes can be excluded in the property file using
Specific Auto-Configuration classes cannot be disabled in Spring--false
Spring boot Actuator can be used to view--all
Property to set the host server port in Spring app--server.port
Spring supports externalizing configurable properties using Annotation--
Which of the following layers the @Controller annotation is used in--presentation
What is the scope for business service class in Spring MVC?--singleton
@RequestMapping annotation is used to map a HTTP request method (GET or POST) to a
specific class or method in the controller which will handle the respective

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