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This chapter discussed the following points: Method of the Study,

Operational Definition, Population and Sample, Technique for Collecting Data,

Validity and Reliability, Technique for Analyzing Data.

A. Method of the Study

In conducting this study, the researcher used correlation research method.

The word correlation comes from the English correlation. In Indonesian it is often

translated as relationship or mutual relationship or reciprocal relationship. In

statistics, the term correlation is defined as “the relationship between two or more

variables” (Anas, 2014).

B. Operational Definition

The title of this research is “The Correlation between Eleventh Grade

Students’ Online Reading Habits and English Achievements at SMA Negeri 3


The following key terms are necessary defined operationally, such as:

1. Correlation

Correlation is a mutual relationship or connection between two or

more things.

2. Reading Habits

Reading habit is done regularly to understand information and get

entertainment from written material.

3. Achievements

Achievements is a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage,

or skill.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population of the Study

According to Jhonson & Larry (2014) a population (sometimes called a

target populations) is the set of all elements. It is the large group to which a

researcher wants to generalize his or her sample results. In other words, it is the

total group that you are interested in learning more about a few possible

populations are the citizens of the united states.

Population can be defined into two kinds, target of population and access

of population. Target of population is population that has been planned in the

research planning. Access of population that can be accessed when the researcher

determines the number of population (Arikunto, 2010). The population to this

study was all students of the Eleventh Grade at SMA Negeri 3 OKU. The

distribution of the population of the research can be seen in the table 3.1 :

Table 3.1
The Population of the Research
No Class Number of Population

1 XI MIPA 1 35

2 XI MIPA 2 32

3 XI MIPA 3 35

4 XI MIPA 4 36

5 XI IPS 1 31

6 XI IPS 2 33

7 XI IPS 3 33

8 XI IPS 4 35

Total 270

Source: SMA Negeri 3 OKU (Academic Year 2021-2022)

2. Sample of the Study

According to Cresswell (2012) stated that sample is the group of

participants in a study selected from the target population from which the

researcher generalizes to the target population. Sample is part of population, who

are being investigated as a source of the data that represent the whole population.

In this research, the researcher used purposive sampling. According to

Arikunto (2013) purposive sampling is the process of selecting sample by taking

subject that is not based on the level or area, but take based on the specific

purpose. Purposive sampling refers to researchers intentionally select participants

who fulfill the required criteria. The sample this research was students who have

better reading habit. Therefore, the samples of this research was taken in XI

MIPA 1, XI MIPA 2, XI MIPA 3 and XI MIPA 4. There was 35 students as

sample from XI MIPA 1, 32 students as sample from XI MIPA 2, 35 students as

sample from XI MIPA 3 and 36 students as sample from XI MIPA 4.

The reason why the researcher chose purposive sampling was because

when conducting questions and answers with the English subject teacher, the

teacher suggested chose class XI MIPA 1, XI MIPA 2, class XI MIPA 3 and XI

MIPA 4 which their abilities who have better to other classes.

Table 3.2
The Sample of Research
No Class Number of Population

1 XI MIPA 1 35

2 XI MIPA 2 32

3 XI MIPA 3 35

4 XI MIPA 4 36

Total 138

Source: SMA Negeri 3 OKU (Academic Year 2021-2022)

D. Technique for Collecting Data

To collected the data in this study, the researcher used questionnaire and

English test.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher chose Adult Survey of Reading Habits and

Reading Attitude (ASRA) questionnaire as the main instrument in data retrieval.

Adult Survey of Reading Habits and Reading Attitude (ASRA) itself was an

instrument developed by Smith (1991) as cited in Ahmed (2016) and was adopted

from a questionnaire created by Wallbrown et al (1977). The instrument was

previously used in ESL context because still rarely in EFL context. The research

only adapted the domain reading habits and anxiety and difficulty. The

questionnaire consisted of 25 items, there are three parts that the first part consist

of 9 items about activity of reading, the second part consisted of 11 items about

enjoyment of reading and the third part consisted of 5 items about anxiety and

difficulty. This questionnaire used a 5-1 Likert scale to measure the influence of

students’ online reading habits.

a. Activity of Reading

Activity in reading is reading that doing by a person to get knowledge,

including understanding, discussion and another activity that done by the person

while reading (Suci, 2018). From a lot of reading this was added a lot of insight to

the reader.

b. Enjoyment of Reading

Enjoyment in reading is about how students feeling enjoy when they read a

book (Suci, 2018). The more interesting the reading text, the students will

enjoyment to the read.

c. Difficulty and Anxiety

In reading, someone may feel the difficulties and anxiety when they read a

book. According to Suci (2018) reading difficulties and anxiety is about worries

feeling while reading.

Table 3.3
Specifications of the questionnaire
No Indicator Kind of Item Number of Item Total

1 Activity of - Spend a lot of spare 1,2,3,6,7,12,13,14 9

time to reading in
online reading ,15
- Discuss e-book with
- Understanding reading
in online if text have
pictures, charts or
- Read English articles,
English text, online
short stories and online
novels in phone
2 Enjoyment of - Reading in online is 4,5,8,9,10,11,17,1 11
online reading best way to learn many 8,19,20,21
- Very like reading in
- Like reading articles
and news in the internet
- Reading in online is
favorite activities
- Like reading in online
more than print book
- Read in online when
have time
- Get enjoyment from
online reading
- Enjoy a good e-book
- Going to Wi-Fi area to
access reading in online

- Reading in online is
interesting things
3 Anxiety and - Try very hard, but can’t 16,22,23,24,25 5
difficulty of read in online very well
online reading - Need a lot of help in
online reading
- Have trouble to
understanding in
reading articles
- Worry a lot about
online reading
- Get tired and sleepy
when read in cell phone
Total 25

Table 3.4
Likert Scale
Statement Scale

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 4

Neutral 3

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree 1

Source:Sugiyono, 2012:135

2. English Test

In this research the test was adapted from PAS SMA Negeri 3 OKU

2020/2021. The reason why the researcher chooses this test instrument because

the researcher would know the correlation between eleventh grade students’

online reading habits and English achievement.

English test was gave in the form of multiple-choice test with five

alternative answers those are: a , b , c , d until e. The scores would be from 1 and

0. Scores 1 is gives for correct answer, while score 0 for incorrect answers. The

researcher used objective test in the form of multiple-choice to determine students

English achievement. In this test instrument are 21 questions test for students’

English achievement. The indicators of the test are 3 indicators there are reading,

speaking, and writing.

Table 3.5
Specification of the English test
No Indicator Number of items Total items

1 Reading 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20 10 items

2 Speaking 1 1 items

3 Writing 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,
10 items

Total 21 items

E. Validity and Reliability

a. Validity

According to Dorst (2011) validity is concerned with the meaningfulness of

research components. When researchers measure behaviors, they are concerned

with whether they are measuring what they intended to measure. In order to know

if the questionnaire that was gave are appropriate or not, the researcher was used

the content validity. In order to know the questionnaire have a great content

validity constructed the researcher was asked experts training and experience.

Experts may provide information, evidence, judgment and assessments (Skjong &

Wentworth, 2001). The researcher was asked for help from two lecturers of

English education study program the lecturers are Yunda Lestari, M.Pd and Mila

Arizah, M.Pd to examine whether the statement in the instrument are in

accordance with the concept of the indicators to be measured.

Table 3.6
Validity Table of English Test
r Validity
No Number of Item r Obtained
table r obtained > r table
1 item 1 0,126 0,344 Invalid
2 item 2 451** 0,344 Valid
3 item 3 0,290 0,344 Invalid
4 item 4 0,335 0,344 Invalid
5 item 5 395* 0,344 Valid
6 item 6 501** 0,344 Valid
7 item 7 357* 0,344 Valid
8 item 8 0,313 0,344 Invalid
9 item 9 0,041 0,344 Invalid
10 item 10 620** 0,344 Valid
11 item 11 726** 0,344 Valid
12 item 12 0,319 0,344 Invalid
13 item 13 0,326 0,344 Invalid
14 item 14 414* 0,344 Valid
15 item 15 -0,047 0,344 Invalid
16 item 16 755** 0,344 Valid
17 item 17 452** 0,344 Valid
18 item 18 796** 0,344 Valid
19 item 19 408* 0,344 Valid
20 item 20 0,291 0,344 Invalid
21 item 21 509** 0,344 Valid
22 item 22 461** 0,344 Valid

23 item 23 550** 0,344 Valid
24 item 24 736** 0,344 Valid
25 item 25 659** 0,344 Valid
26 item 26 439* 0,344 Valid
27 item 27 414* 0,344 Valid
28 item 28 699** 0,344 Valid
29 item 29 442** 0,344 Valid
30 item 30 678** 0,344 Valid

Based on the table 2.6 there were 21 items valid

(2,5 ,6,7,10,11,14,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30) and 9 items invalid


b. Reliability

According to Dorst (2011) stated that reliability is the extent to which

measurements are repeatable-when different persons perform the measurements,

on different occasions, under different conditions, with supposedly alternative

instruments which measure the same thing. To know if the test that was gave an

appropriate or not, the researcher was used expert judgment. According to Sotille

(2016) experts judgment is a technique in which judgment is provided based upon

a specific set of criteria and or expertise that has been acquired in a specific

knowledge area, application area, or product area. To estimate the instrument was

reliable or not, the researcher found the reliability by using the Cornbach Alpha

test. The researcher was used the SPSS 26 program to calculate the reliability of

the instruments. To know whether the test is reliable or not, the researcher

concluded two hyphotheses as follow:

1. If the Cornbach Alpha point was more than 0.70, it means that the item were


2. If the Cornbach Alpha point was less than 0.70, it means that the item were


Table 3.7
Reliability Statistics
Reliability Statistics
N of Items
0,866 30

Based on table 2.7, the Cronbach Alpha point was 0,866. It was more than

0,070. So the writer concluded that the items of try out were reliable and could be

used at instrument to get the data of the research.

F. Technique for Analyzing Data

1. Technique for Analyzing Questionnaire

In this research, to know students’ online reading habits the researcher

administered a questionnaire. The questionnaire of this study used likert scale and

score of each the statement were 5 point for strongly agree, 4 point for agree, 3

point for neutral, 2 point for disagree and 1 point for strongly disagree. The

questionnaire was analyzed by total score in students chose at likert scale table.

To find out the percentage of result of questionnaire, the researcher use the

formula from Sugiyono (2010):


P=F/N x 100%

P = Percentage of students’ answer

F = The total of students’ answer
N = The number of the sample

To measure the students’ reading habit, the researcher categorized the

classification of students’ online reading habits. The classification can be saw as


Table 3.8
Classification of Students’ Online Reading Habits
No Category Score

1. Very High 80-100

2. High 60-79

3. Middle 40-59

4. Low 20-39

5. Very Low 0-19

Source: Rasyid, D (2012)

2. Technique for Analyzing English Test

To know students’ English achievements score, the researcher calculated

by the correct answer. The score for the correct answer is 1 and 0 point for wrong

answer. The results of students English test was taken the number of correct

answer divided by the total number of tests times 100.

The formulation:

S= R/N x 100
S= Score of the test

R= The number of correct answer

N= The number of question

Table 3.9
Score Range English Test
No Score range Score criteria

1 80-100 Very Good

2 66-79 Good

3 55-65 Fair

4 41-54 Poor

5 0-40 Fail

Source: Arikunto, 2014

3. Correlation

To find out the correlation of this research, the researcher used SPSS. The

researcher used the correlation analysis to find out the correlation between

students’ online reading habits (variable X) and students English achievements

(variable Y). The correlation coefficient was a number between 0 and 1. If there

was no relationship between predicated values and the actual values the

correlation coefficient is 0 or very low. As the strength of the relationship between

the predicated values and actual values increases so did the correlation coefficient.

A perfect fit gave a coefficient of 1.00 that is the higher correlation coefficient the

better. The level of correlation was follow:

Table 3.10
Size of correlation coefficient
Correlation Value Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Very Low

0.20 – 0.40 Low

0.40 – 0.70 Moderate

0.70 – 0.90 High (Good)

0.90 – 1.00 Very High

Source: Sudijono (2009)


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