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Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870) is a great British novelist born in 1812.

He lived a miserable life, and he must work early to help support his family. These

experiences formed his thoughts as well as material for him to write many famous works

later. Charles Dickens is an excellent realist writer specializing in famous children's

works. The quality of his writing is sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp, and goes deep

into the injustices of society. He was also the most famous writer of the Victorian era. His

works are a huge hit. There are many of his books that have been translated into many

languages around the world and turned into movies, animations, musicals, etc. The most

prominent of them are Oliver Twist novel. The story of the novel revolves around the

adventures of the main character, Oliver Twist. He was born in a workhouse, lived

without parents, was mistreated, and was given to a funeral business. Because of abuse,

he fled to London but ironically fell into the hands of thieves. They tried everything to

entice him to join their clique. Fortunately, he met the benevolent Brownlow, and thanks

to everyone's kindness Oliver escaped from Monks and Fagin's trap and lived a happy


Charles Dickens is a great British novelist born in 1812. He lived a miserable life, and he

must work early to help support his family. These experiences formed his thoughts as

well as material for him to write many famous works later. Charles Dickens is an

excellent realist writer specializing in famous children's works. The quality of his writing

is sometimes gentle, sometimes sharp, and goes deep into the injustices of society. He

was also the most famous writer of the Victorian era. His works are a huge hit. There are

many of his books that have been translated into many languages around the world and

turned into movies, animations, musicals, etc. The most prominent of them are: Oliver

Twist novel.The struggle between good and evil is also a prominent theme in Oliver
Twist. Good and evil are sometimes separated by only a very thin line. There are honest

people, but they are pushed and corrupted by the currents of life. But on the contrary,

there are also people who, in any situation, keep their souls pure and honest. The main

representative is the boy Oliver Twist in the novel of the same name by author Charles

Dickens. In this work, the author putted Oliver in a pitiful situation and story. Oliver is an

orphan, whose father is unknown, mother died shortly after giving birth to him. Even

since he was born, Oliver's entire childhood was in an orphanage. But this orphanage had

too many children like Oliver but so little food. He suffered from hunger and thirst and

suffered a lot of physical and mental torture. Just because he was too hungry to ask for

more porridge, Oliver was imprisoned by the whole council in a cramped dungeon for

eight days. After this incident, the council agreed to send the boy to be an apprentice at

the Sowerberry family, who specialize in making coffins. Oliver has not received any

kind of treatment here either. He not only was fed leftovers, but they were tortured,

beaten, and scolded badly. They also insulted him and his deceased mother. After much

abuse, Oliver decided to flee to London and the boy accidentally met Jack Dawson, who

wasn't a nice person. He brought Oliver to the house of an old Jew named Fagin. And

here, Oliver is trained, lured to carry out the theft. In such a situation, it is easy for people

to have negative and unfair feelings and often feel that everything is against them, from

which it is easy to become an evil person. But the injustices and contradictions of life did

not make Oliver fall into evil. The most obvious proof is that when Oliver witnessed Jack

and his gang stealing Mr. Brownlow's handkerchief, he was scared, confused, and ran

away instead of doing the pickpocket job together. This shows that despite having to deal

with bad people every day and being taught by them, Oliver is still a kind person at heart.

The climax of Oliver's unchanging kindness comes when Sikes and Toby Crackit plot to
rob Mrs. Maylie's house with Oliver's help. Though Oliver had spent much time among

thieves and was placed between good and evil, his determination not to give in to the

wicked remained unwavering. Fagin has repeatedly threatened and forced Oliver to steal,

but he did not heed Fagin's threats or persuasion. No temptation or promise made Oliver

defeated by evil. With just one line "Oh, pray have mercy on me, and do not make me

steal. For the love of all the bright angels that rest in heaven, have mercy upon me!"

when Sikes forced him to the house they planned to rob, Oliver also showed his

innocence and determination not to let evil defeat him. Through the character of Oliver,

Charles Dickens gives readers two opposing light and dark areas. Good always shines,

evil will have to subdue.

In fact, we are not born with an evil inside. Since childhood, we have always been kind

little angels, when we grow up, life gives us the challenge to continue to be human. To be

a perfect human being, we must conquer the evil within ourselves. In an increasingly

complex and evil society like today, each of us should also use our own kindness and

tolerance to treat everyone around us. By treating each other with kindness, we can

spread goodness to everyone using the good itself to incubate the good for an even better

society. Good will always triumph over evil, that's always the truth in this life.

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