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Professional Development Program Proposal

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Professional Development Program Proposal

A professional development program shows the skill required, competency, objectives of

every employee, and goals. The manager has the obligation of developing a professional

development program working hand in hand with employees to determine essential skills

required by workers to help them work towards the organization's goals. In most cases, a

professional development program begins when a new employee joins the team. However, there

should be an existing professional development program in the workplace guiding the employees

on what they should do to achieve organizational goals. Based on emotional intelligence, a

professional development program should include strategies that will enhance communication,

improve overall performance, benefit all people in the organization, and encourage teamwork.

Emotional Intelligence and Motivation

Emotional; intelligence refers to the ability to manage and handle people's emotions in

the workplace. The managers in the different organizations must possess these skills because

they ensure that they take care of employees during their best moments and their worst moments

(Gupta & Bajaj, 2018). Various building blocks of emotional intelligence; include leadership,

self-perception, self-awareness, self-actualization, self-regard. They also include the ability to

understand feelings, the capability of understanding one's strengths and weaknesses, and the

ability to enhance your performance as an individual.

Some of these building blocks can help the management improve employee job

satisfaction and performance in the long run. For instance, knowing and accepting employee

strengths and weaknesses, respect, and understanding are essential in enhancing employee

performance (Gupta & Bajaj, 2018). Furthermore, when managers understand their employees'

strengths and weaknesses, they will always assign them tasks depending on their abilities. For

instance, some employees work best when alone, and some function best when they work as a

team. Therefore, when managers have this information, they can place employees in

environments that suit their needs, maximizing their productivity.

Notably, self-awareness is another emotional intelligence building block that impacts the

managers' ability to improve employee performance and job satisfaction. Emotions are very

delicate in an organization, especially if they are negative because they can be sources of

conflicts (Gupta & Bajaj, 2018). When managers find it challenging to control and manage their

emotions, it becomes difficult for them to function effectively. Emotional instability makes

employees hold grudges against their superiors hence affecting their performance and


Through this, managers can understand their emotions and control them, ending up not

affecting the organization and employees. By doing so, there will no effect on employee

motivation hence maintaining their performance on top levels (Gupta & Bajaj, 2018). The ability

to understand other people's feelings goes hand in hand with self-awareness. A good manager

will always know and understand that employees are normal human beings faced with challenges

that may affect their emotions and feeling that may impact their performance negatively. When

the manager can understand employee feelings, they can create a conducive working

environment, improving employee performance and job satisfaction.

According to the research conducted, we identified the two-factor theory by Hertzberg as

the primary motivational hypothesis for dealing with the issues. The theory states that two key

factors result in employee motivation: hygiene and motivational factors (Bevins, 2018). We have

elements such as feeling recognized, career progression, and enjoying your work as major

motivational factors. Hygiene factors comprise company policies, poor salaries, inappropriate

relationships with leaders and managers, leading to poor job satisfaction and employee


Based on this motivational theory, we decided to use positive reinforcement to impact the

organization's employees and offer a positive solution to all their troubles. Positive reinforcement

operates well by offering a motivational technique on the exhibition of a specific behavior

(Bevins, 2018). Therefore, the organization will use the Herztberge two-motivation theory to

emphasize motivating factors such as career progression and being recognized as the main

motivational techniques of improving employee performance. For instance, well-performing

employees should always get recognized in front of their colleges and awarded gifts of

understanding for their good work. When they display excellent performance, career progression

will be necessary and available for such employees. Employees like being given a pat on the

back and desire to progress the solution will be effective.

Emotional Intelligence And Decision Making and Social Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) comprises five key concepts; motivation, self-regulation,

empathy, self-awareness, and social skills. Understanding your feelings in real-time is what we

refer to as self-awareness (In Dacre-Pool & In Qualter, 2018). It is normal for our feelings to

change over time; hence the manager has the obligation of finding out why they change because

they directly affect the decision-making process. On the other hand, self-regulation is the process

of managing our emotions so that they do not affect our decision-making capabilities. The

capability of persevering while facing challenges and setbacks is motivation; it involves trying to

improve on what we have despite our previous troubles. Moreover, empathy is the ability to

understand what other individuals feel. When you are such a leader, you can show kindness to

the employees undergoing difficult times and challenges. Furthermore, the ability to handle your

emotions and those of other people productively is what we refer to as a social skill.

The concepts described above play a huge role in enhancing sound decision-making. In

most cases, emotions have a huge impact on the decisions we make. Therefore, with the concepts

discussed above, managers can manage the emotions not to affect decision-making that would

later cause harm to the entire organization (In Dacre-Pool & In Qualter, 2018). Being a member

of the organization as an employee or a manager, you should be fully aware of your emotional

state. If the emotions are not according to the expectations, they should practice self-regulation to

ensure that they do not interfere with rational decision-making.

Despite having long or consistent periods of failure, motivation helps the organization

make rational decisions. Furthermore, when making decisions in the organization that directly

affects employees, social skills and empathy are essential (In Dacre-Pool & In Qualter, 2018). In

most cases, before the management judges employee behavior, they should be lenient and

empathize with them. By adopting social skills, the management will find it easy to make

rational decisions and be fair to both the organization and employees.

Effective Teams

Teamwork and group work are essential in a company, especially in improving its

productivity. Hence, the organization must develop ways of ensuring effective and result-

oriented groups and teams in the organization (Sanyal & Hisam, 2018). The first major attribute

of an effective team is excellent communication. For an effective team or group to function, the

management flow to the employees and within the employees must be effective. It is via

communication that managers and employees share information that can propel the organization

forward. Communication also makes it possible to track the progress of each employee in the

organization. Performing teams also require excellent leadership, and they should be people that

the followers can trust and respect (Sanyal & Hisam, 2018). A leader has the obligation of

deciding the direction the team is taking, goals, and the pace required. With a good leader, the

team will be much stronger and motivated. Team cooperation and having a vision will be

effective for the team. All employees in the organization must dedicate themselves to all tasks

given to them and offer their best skills. When every team member focuses on improving their

area of specialization, it becomes easy for the entire team to succeed. Visions created by each

team make all team members work with ambition and purpose. At the same time, when the

vision is clear, it unites the entire team and enables them to work towards a common goal.

Reward Systems

Reward systems in an organization include both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The

company also rewards employees depending on their performance. When the company applies

an extrinsic form of motivation, it gives the employees money and other fringe benefits (Pekaar,

van der Linden, Bakker & Born, 2017). Additionally, in intrinsic rewarding, the company will

reward the employees with an excellent working environment. A company can apply different

strategies to motivate employees, such as communication, a strategy many organizations

overlook. The leaders of the organization acting as a good example also motivate the employees.

When the leader is self-motivated and hardworking, the employees will follow in his footsteps.

Furthermore, empowering employees is also an effective way of motivating them. Using either

monetary or non-monetary forms of motivation in the organization is effective and increases

employee productivity.


In conclusion, employees play a huge role in the success of an organization. A company

can have all the financial resources, whether monetary or non-monetary and fail if the employee

management is poor. Emotional intelligence is an important trait in employee management in an

organization, and leaders and managers must have it. Therefore, emotional intelligence involves

understanding your emotions and those of other people. Leaders should understand that just like

normal people, employees face day-to-day challenges that may affect their emotions. When

leaders possess emotional intelligence, workers get motivated and increase their productivity.

Emotional intelligence also helps an organization form effective teams that help it work towards

achieving its goals. When teams in the organization become effective, they should develop an

excellent way to motivate employees to enhance their performance. Rewarding employees can

involve different strategies, but companies should incorporate both intrinsic and extrinsic



Bevins, D. T. (2018). Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation: A generational study.

Retrieved March 22, 2021, from,


Gupta, R., & Bajaj, B. (2018). Emotional Intelligence: Exploring the Road beyond Personality

and Cognitive Intelligence. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences &

Humanities, 26(3)Retrieved March 22, 2021, from


In Dacre-Pool, L., & In Qualter, P. (2018). An introduction to emotional intelligence.



dissertation, St. Mary's University). Retrieved March 22, 2021, from,


Pekaar, K. A., van der Linden, D., Bakker, A. B., & Born, M. P. (2017). Emotional intelligence

and job performance: The role of enactment and focus on others’ emotions. Human

Performance, 30(2-3), 135-153. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from,

Sanyal, S., & Hisam, M. W. (2018). The impact of teamwork on work performance of

employees: A study of faculty members in Dhofar University. IOSR Journal of Business

and Management, 20(3), 15-22. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from

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