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Before we begin, think of a popular place in your area where you get all your
services done, whether it is shopping, banking, traveling reservations, medicals,
or a bunch of other stuff too. Now just imagine all these services done right
through your mobile phones. I guess you are aware of all this, but for the sake of
the importance of the topic, we will be discussing it thoroughly.

Mobile applications are the best part that has come into use and continuous
advancements since the advent of smartphones. Apps are like interesting and
creative decorations that define mobile phones’ best purposes. These are
making the use of technology feasible and intelligible. Developers strive to bring
out the most convenient functionalities in the mobile apps that humans can
access to tone down their tasks and make them amusing.

Here are some facts about mobile applications.

The revenue from the mobile application globally was 318 billion U.S. dollars in
2020. Gaming apps are the most installed applications though there are varied
segments of applications that are downloaded and used in daily life.

Shifting from a business perspective, mobile apps have been making a lot of
profits because they offer convenience to the consumers, easy management,
and stores data – the whole lot. One more benefit that apps provide in the
business sector is that it is not dependent on the types of services. There are
diverse segments an app is serving businesses. We will discuss this topic later
on in this blog. But first, you need to know more about the importance of mobile
apps in our lifestyles.


Start it this way. Mobile apps were standardly made for information
retrieval and productivity. The category list extended since people started
focussing on other morals and purposes as of availability of the various tools and
technology. And also, the increased capabilities of smartphones lead to
impeccable app designs and their usage.

Applications have made the lives easiest, always there for the rescue to save
time, effort, and dependencies. You want a few transactions; financial apps save
you from the bank visit. In need of groceries, an app lets you shop from home
and get everything to your door. Have leisure time and no company; you have an
uncountable application to ensure productivity and interests. And as mentioned
earlier, gaming apps are the most preferred applications.

Several segments have successfully launched applications and are looking

forward to the betterment and advancements. Here are a few subjects that made
mobile applications the best thing.

1. Communication

2. Trivia

3. Learning

4. Entertainment

5. Social Media

6. Shopping

7. Finance and Stocks Related

8. Matrimony

And many more!

From waking you up in the morning with an accurate time ringing like an alarm
clock, followed by managing your To-do lists, handling finances, diet charts, daily
sources of entertainment, apps are always there. Until you end your day with
your favorite songs played in the music app (it ends like for a few), you can say
now that apps shape your lifestyles. Not just for the dependencies that people
have on apps, but they actually also desire to use apps instead of everything.

Some of the advantages that people opt for apps are:

 There are lots of apps focused on productivity like educational apps,

exploring informative apps that sharpen your skills and explore your

 There are applications that make communication easiest. Voice calls,

video calls, texting, and conference calls give access to the connection
with people in any corner of the world, all with a mobile app.

 It ensures comfort to a greater extent. The convenience of shopping,

selling, surveying, etc. It eliminates the long queue waiting for ticket
booking and gets a taxi at the doorsteps.

 Making and spending money is also made easiest with mobile

applications with full security. It can get you a loan, count interest, list
you the finest policies, and pick for you the most financially viable firms
and other imperative data.

 We cannot miss out on an important idea – the idea of super apps. All
the mentioned above welfare or most of them when served right just
with a single app, it’s a bunch of conveniences. There has been a
certain rise in the super apps for this reason and some more.
Applications have tremendously made life painless. Knowing the purpose and
the exact way to use it can serve utter satisfaction and the belonging experience.
We are summing up these points for now though there are rational reasons for
the same.

Let us move on to our pending discussion of how applications are affecting the
business world


Mobile applications are pivoting business errands now and

henceforward. People are flocking apps for all fronts – as we talked over earlier.
Technology has brought revolutionization in the way we business and
businesses serve us. For a conventional world, technology is being a juggernaut
that swapped the world’s behavior – surely in a positive way. Millions of business
exercises are done right from the fingertips and that too reliably.

The business has a reliance on the applications now not just for customers’
convenience but also for lots of benefits they get on to. More on that –
applications are known to have wide preferences because they offer awareness,
better recognition of the brand, and easy target potential address– all of which
gather a belief between business and the consumers. Market trends now speak
more about app-dependent ideas and outcomes.

Sectors like transportation, food, grocery, beauty, health, finance, entertainment,

and many more business through the mobile app. Also, some businesses
develop an app to showcase their content, including their services and benefits
besides or as an alternative to official websites. Here is the list of the benefits of
using an application for businesses.

Builds loyalty
Mobile applications can be used effectively to engage customers with the
business. It keeps both of them engaged virtually for the service, information, or
for awareness. In a way, a business can connect with the customers personally
using the apps, discoloring their habits and giving them the personalized effects
to respond to their interests and expectations. Industries are supported by
concepts like artificial intelligence that help reach the right person with the right
services and at the right time. Their effect made the consumers feel like they
were known intimately.

Marketing Made Easy

As you can see from the below stats, the world is growing digital – pointing
towards mobile phone users and internet users. This graph made it easy for a
business to flaunt themselves and their goods and chattels. Applications gather a
huge customer base for the business to market in a labor-saving way. Not just
their owned apps, but social media awareness is a lot more than it sounds. You
can refer to the mind-blowing stats that eliminate the tasks to find the audience.
They are left with the efforts to convince in front of the mass audience.

Easy Accessible
Applications have made it easier for businesses to access operations – anytime
and anywhere. There are businesses that rely on applications for all their
conversions and interactions. I know you are also thinking about the e-commerce
industry. Whether a small or big company all are more focused on mobile
shopping – not just on trends but because it made it easy to organize and nurture
the tasks and customers straightforwardly.
Becomes Competitive Edge
As the data showed earlier, the crowd in the internet world and businesses are
also gathering on the same platform and fighting to stay and embrace. All leads
to fierce competition between inter and intra segments in the vernacular
ecosystem. But that is not an issue as far the firms are taking it less of a project
and more of an intriguing challenge. The next day is always with new and unique
ideas with the tools and mindful developers.

The list is not this short.

So yeah, you could say mobile applications are needed and wanted for lifestyles
and businesses consequently. It makes everything easy. It helps the business
engage and encourage the consumer.



The technology is influencing almost everything in the world from the past few decades.
In the past, education was only associated with money. With time, things have changed, 
and there has been an innovation in the education system around the world. The world
has witnessed a revolutionary way to impart education. This system of education has
changed with the invention of mobile educational apps. It has accommodated a new
pattern of learning.

Like all the other sectors, technology has also sneaked in the system of education and has
changed the conventional learning methods. There is more which can be done with
mobile phones that people carry in their pockets. It is more convenient and more effective
than the usual traditional approach. Not only smartphones but also tablets have
transformed the knowledge sharing platform.

The students today are fully equipped with an enhanced understanding of their subject.
To improve productivity, educational apps are interactive and useful to attract students
for studies. Mobile apps give us access to infinite information and data. This digital
technology has revolutionized the education system.

Here is how mobile education apps are improving the education system in the world:

Personalized Learning And Mobile Educational Apps

When there are almost twenty to thirty students in the class, it will be very difficult for a
teacher to understand where each student stands, in terms of complete knowledge. It is
also sometimes very difficult for the students to keep with the pace in the class being
conducted. The education apps come to the rescue in this regard.

The apps can help the students get the personalized attention they need. It can help them
additionally with up-to-date knowledge.

Enhancement Of Knowledge

The area of education is very dynamic and every day, some new information is being
added. There are these education apps that provide updated information. For education,
an app to teach the student about general knowledge. By using these educational apps,
students can enhance their knowledge base and can increase their credibility.

Even the teachers use these apps to provide updated knowledge to the students. This
increases the quality of education which is being provided in the schools. The new way of
learning has changed the way a student perceives information.

24/7 Availability
An educational institute is not open or available all the time. But unlike schools and
institutes, the education mobile apps are available all the time. You do not have to worry
about the schedules. You can use your desired mobile learning app anytime you want to
study or learn. Even if you have any queries or confusions related to the subject, you can
get in touch with your tutors and teachers.

You do not have to wait for the next day to arrive so that you can take expert help. A
mobile education app is a solution for all.

Assistance For Assignments

The assignments are given in every field of study. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to
complete the assignment although you have all the knowledge of the product. These apps
make the process of studying easy for students. The app is going to suggest an easy way
of doing the assignment once you choose the subject you are going for. This is going to
save students a lot of time.

The education apps are not only providing education. They are also enhancing the entire
education system. There are apps which also make parents and teachers connect so that
parents can get the updated status report. These apps have enhanced the way the schools,
universities and various educational institutes work.

Remote Access

Students will now not be worried about missing any lecture. They can easily track the
lecture in the app and keep themselves updated with their curriculum. This has actually
decreased the burden on students as they can easily access the information on various
subjects through apps. If they are unable to understand it at once, they can take the lecture

Students do not have to copy the lectures; this will save them a great deal of time.
Limitless Learning With Mobile Educational Apps

There is no hierarchy education system when it comes to learning from an app. With
mobile education apps, any child can access any kind of information, even if it is out of
their syllabus. They can even learn things from higher standards if they want to. Apart
from school education, they can search for any kind of information they are interested in.
Mobile education apps are making the students hungry for information.

The education apps are not only improving the education system in the world but are also
making the student smarter. It is the most synchronized way of learning and it is also
available for everyone, either rich or poor. Although it has revolutionized the global
education system, other surprises are about to happen as regards this innovation.



in the last decade, the logistics industry has integrated technological developments
in their operations and have encourage innovative ways to carry out shipping and
deliveries to ensure they are done in an accurate and timely manner.
Logistics companies were among the first to adopt mobile solutions to oversee and
supervise their processes. Every logistics process needs constant development and
improvements and mobile technology can be a great help to achieve that. Mobile apps
for logistics can bring many benefits to the industry such as helping managers with
functions that include transportation optimization, load management and load planning.
Other reasons to adopt mobile solutions in your logistic business are:

 Automation of existing paper-based processes

Paper work order forms and service orders get lost often or can end up incomplete,
incorrect and, in many cases, illegible. Using mobile apps and mobile forms, drivers can
gather the necessary data and store it in the company’s database or in their mobiles
devices. Deploying mobile forms, organizations can collect data and measure relevant
metrics like driving time and mileage.
The automation of existing paper based processes will give your productivity a boost
and will allow you to get instant mobile reports, saving time and ensuring that your data
is safe and easily accessible.

 Performance monitoring

Visibility is very important for logistics companies and mobile solutions can help

managers to oversee functions such a load management, load planning and
transportation optimization. Visibility also help companies to reduce performance gaps,
increase their agility, predict certain problems and make data-driven business decisions.

 Track vehicles

Mobile technology allows logistics companies track vehicles and the cargo. Right now,
it is even possible to track a parcel on a meter-by-meter, second-by-second basis which
makes it possible to oversee the transport processes and not only recognize issues
when they arise, but also to predict troubles before they appear. By using mobile apps
for logistics, you can instantly know where all your crews are and can keep track of your
assets with a GPS system.

 Flexible delivery process

Using mobile solutions, you can change delivery schedules and routes on the go which
provide a big level of flexibility to the organization. Increasing control of their supply
chains increase customer retention and generates opportunities for new levels of
cooperation between logistics providers and customers.

 Real-time information

With mobile forms and apps, logistics companies can enhance their supply chains with
real-time data which allow drivers to inform any delay and slowdowns in real-time
improving dispatch operations, inventory management, record keeping, tracking goods,
inspections and more. As a result, companies can better their supply chain operations.

 Save time and reduce costs

If your business use mobile forms instead of paper forms, you can optimize routes for
each driver reducing fuel expenses. Mobile apps for logistics can simplify major
functions and enable your organization to operate more efficiently whilst reducing
operational costs.

 Easy dispatch of work orders

Mobile apps for logistics you can speed up processes and work orders. Using work
order software, you can also optimize dispatches and routes, manage rides, reduce
miles driven and increase revenue.

 Effective warehouse management

Logistics is not only about transportation and delivery of the goods, but it is also about
managing warehouses well. This is a very important space where all the inventories are
stored before being dispatched to the final destination. Mobile apps for logistics will
make easier to store goods and check the inventory because all the information will be
in a database.
Transportation and logistics companies build their businesses based on detailed
planning and timely execution. Therefore, small details like route changes and delays
can make a big difference to the company’s productivity. Using mobile apps for
logistics to collect, manage and send data will cut down your business’ costs whilst
improving efficiency and accuracy with a better workflow.


Mobile applications may be classified by numerous methods. A common scheme is to

distinguish native, web-based, and hybrid apps.

Native app

All apps targeted toward a particular mobile platform are known as native apps.
Therefore, an app intended for Apple device does not run in Android devices. As a result,
most businesses develop apps for multiple platforms.
While developing native apps, professionals incorporate best-in-class user interface
modules. This accounts for better performance, consistency and good user experience.
Users also benefit from wider access to application programming interfaces and make
limitless use of all apps from the particular device. Further, they also switch over from
one app to another effortlessly.

The main purpose for creating such apps is to ensure best performance for a specific
mobile operating system.

Web-based app

A web-based app is implemented with the standard web technologies of HTML, CSS,

and JavaScript. Internet access is typically required for proper behavior or being able to
use all features compared to offline usage. Most, if not all, user data is stored in the

The performance of these apps is similar to a web application running in a browser, which

can be noticeably slower than the equivalent native app. It also may not have the same
level of features as the native app.

Hybrid app

The concept of the hybrid app is a mix of native and web-based apps. Apps developed
using Apache Cordova, Flutter, Xamarin, React Native, Sencha Touch, and
other frameworks fall into this category.
These are made to support web and native technologies across multiple platforms.
Moreover, these apps are easier and faster to develop. It involves use of
single codebase which works in multiple mobile operating systems.
Despite such advantages, hybrid apps exhibit lower performance. Often, apps fail to
bear the same look-and-feel in different mobile operating systems.

Developing apps for mobile devices requires considering the constraints and features of
these devices. Mobile devices run on battery and have less powerful processors than
personal computers and also have more features such as location detection and cameras.
Developers also have to consider a wide array of screen sizes, hardware specifications
and configurations because of intense competition in mobile software and changes
within each of the platforms (although these issues can be overcome with mobile device

Mobile application development requires the use of specialized integrated development

environments. Mobile apps are first tested within the development environment
using emulators and later subjected to field testing. Emulators provide an inexpensive
way to test applications on mobile phones to which developers may not have physical

Mobile user interface (UI) Design is also essential. Mobile UI considers constraints and

contexts, screen, input and mobility as outlines for design. The user is often the focus of
interaction with their device, and the interface entails components of both hardware and
software. User input allows for the users to manipulate a system, and device's output
allows the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation. Mobile UI design
constraints include limited attention and form factors, such as a mobile device's screen
size for a user's hand. Mobile UI contexts signal cues from user activity, such as location
and scheduling that can be shown from user interactions within a mobile application.
Overall, mobile UI design's goal is primarily for an understandable, user-friendly
Mobile UIs, or front-ends, rely on mobile back-ends to support access to enterprise
systems. The mobile back-end facilitates data routing, security, authentication,
authorization, working off-line, and service orchestration. This functionality is supported
by a mix of middleware components including mobile app servers, Mobile Backend as a
service (MBaaS), and SOA infrastructure.

Conversational interfaces display the computer interface and present interactions

through text instead of graphic elements. They emulate conversations with real
humans.] There are two main types of conversational interfaces: voice assistants (like
the Amazon Echo) and chatbots.

Conversational interfaces are growing particularly practical as users are starting to feel
overwhelmed with mobile apps (a term known as "app fatigue").
David Limp, Amazon's senior vice president of devices, says in an interview with
Bloomberg, "We believe the next big platform is voice."


The three biggest app stores are Google Play for Android, App Store for iOS, and Microsoft

Store for Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, and Xbox One.
Google Play.

Google Play (formerly known as the Android Market) is an international online software
store developed by Google for Android devices. It opened in October 2008 In July 2013,
the number of apps downloaded via the Google Play Store surpassed 50 billion, of the
over 1 million apps available As of September 2016, according to Statista the number of
apps available exceeded 2.4 million. Over 80% of apps in the Google Play Store are free
to download The store generated a revenue of 6 billion U.S. dollars in 2015.

App Store

Apple's App Store for iOS and iPadOS was not the first app distribution service, but it
ignited the mobile revolution and was opened on July 10, 2008, and as of September
2016, reported over 140 billion downloads. The
original AppStore was first demonstrated to Steve Jobs in 1993 by Jesse Tayler at
NeXTWorld Expo As of June 6, 2011, there were 425,000 apps available, which had been
downloaded by 200 million iOS users. During Apple's 2012 Worldwide Developers
Conference, CEO Tim Cook announced that the App Store has 650,000 available apps to
download as well as 30 billion apps downloaded from the app store until that date From
an alternative perspective, figures seen in July 2013 by the BBC from tracking service
Adeven indicate over two-thirds of apps in the store are "zombies", barely ever installed
by consumers
Microsoft Store

Microsoft Store (formerly known as the Windows Store) was introduced by Microsoft in
2012 for its Windows 8 and Windows RT platforms. While it can also carry listings for
traditional desktop programs certified for compatibility with Windows 8, it is primarily
used to distribute "Windows Store apps"—which are primarily built for use on tablets
and other touch-based devices (but can still be used with a keyboard and mouse, and
on desktop computers and laptops).


 Amazon Appstore is an alternative application store for the Android operating system. It was
opened in March 2011 and as of June 2015, the app store has nearly 334,000 apps. The Amazon
Appstore's Android Apps can also be installed and run on BlackBerry 10 devices.

 BlackBerry World is the application store for BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry OS devices. It

opened in April 2009 as BlackBerry App World.

 Ovi (Nokia) for Nokia phones was launched internationally in May 2009. In May 2011, Nokia
announced plans to rebrand its Ovi product line under the Nokia brand [30] and Ovi Store was
renamed Nokia Store in October 2011.[31] Nokia Store will no longer allow developers to publish
new apps or app updates for its legacy Symbian and MeeGo operating systems from January

 Windows Phone Store was introduced by Microsoft for its Windows Phone platform, which was
launched in October 2010. As of October 2012, it has over 120,000 apps available

 Samsung Apps was introduced in September 2009.[34] As of October 2011, Samsung Apps

reached 10 million downloads. The store is available in 125 countries and it offers apps for
Windows Mobile, Android and Bada platforms.

 The Electronic AppWrapper was the first electronic distribution service to collectively provide

encryption and purchasing electronically

 F-Droid — Free and open Source Android app repository.

 Opera Mobile Store is a platform independent app store for iOS, Java, BlackBerry

Mobile application management (MAM) describes software and services responsible

for provisioning and controlling access to internally developed and commercially
available mobile apps used in business settings. The strategy is meant to off-set the
security risk of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) work strategy. When an employee
brings a personal device into an enterprise setting, mobile application management
enables the corporate IT staff to transfer required applications, control access to
business data, and remove locally cached business data from the device if it is lost, or
when its owner no longer works with the company. Containerization is an alternate
approach to security. Rather than controlling an employee/s entire device,
containerization apps create isolated pockets separate from personal data. Company
control of the device only extends to that separate container.

App wrapping vs. native app management

Especially when employees "bring your own device" (BYOD), mobile apps can be a
significant security risk for businesses, because they transfer unprotected sensitive data
to the Internet without knowledge and consent of the users. Reports of stolen corporate
data show how quickly corporate and personal data can fall into the wrong hands. Data
theft is not just the loss of confidential information, but makes companies vulnerable to
attack and blackmail
Professional mobile application management helps companies protect their data. One
option for securing corporate data is app wrapping. But there also are some
disadvantages like copyright infringement or the loss of warranty rights. Functionality,
productivity and user experience are particularly limited under app wrapping. The
policies of a wrapped app can't be changed. If required, it must be recreated from
scratch, adding cost An app wrapper is a mobile app made wholly from an
existing website or platform with few or no changes made to the underlying application.
The "wrapper" is essentially a new management layer that allows developers to set up
usage policies appropriate for app use.[39] Examples of these policies include whether or
not authentication is required, allowing data to be stored on the device, and
enabling/disabling file sharing between users Because most app wrappers are often
websites first, they often do not align with iOS or Android Developer guidelines.
Alternatively, it is possible to offer native apps securely through enterprise mobility
management. This enables more flexible IT management as apps can be easily
implemented and policies adjusted at any time


Apps are programs designed specifically for mobile devices

like smartphones, tablets, and wearables. With the explosive

growth of mobile devices, apps have become commonplace
since Apple introduced them for iPhones in 2008. There
are close to 4 million apps available. The app economy has
burgeoned with billions of downloads. Nearly 90 percent of
a mobile user’s time is spent on apps.

The growth of mobile devices and apps presents new oppor-

tunities in the public sector. Schadler, Bernoff, and Ask argue
that there is a mind shift in the mobile environment, in which
a person expects that “I can get what I want in my immediate
context and moments of need.”

The proliferation of mobile phones is also narrowing the

digital divide in terms of access to online services. The
ownership of smartphones, and dependence on them for
Internet access, is especially high among minority groups.
African Americans and Hispanic adults spend more time
on apps than the average user. Low-income households are
also more likely than high-income households to depend on
smartphones for online access. The greater accessibility of
smartphones to traditionally underserved populations raises
the prospects of delivering social services through apps.
There are two broad types of government apps that are
discussed in the report:

• Enterprise-focused apps are mainly for internal use within

a public organization. They are accessible only to employ-
ees and operate within secure firewalls established by the

• Citizen-oriented apps are intended for external use. They

are accessible to anyone who seeks to use government service.
State government apps. State governments are increasingly
adapting to the mobile environment.

Local government apps. Local governments vary greatly in

their adaptation to the mobile environment.

Enterprise-Focused Apps
In the federal government. Customized agency-developed
enterprise-focused apps for internal organizational use are in
their very early stages of emergence.

In state and local governments. Similar to the federal govern-

ment, enterprise-focused apps are not prominent—but rather
emerging—among state and local government agencies.
The transformational use of mobile devices is in re-engi-
neering field processes, so there is greater degree of inte-
gration between line workers in the field and back-office
workers. Field case management, road and rail infrastructure
maintenance, vehicular fleet management, inventory control,
and supply chain management are all areas that have poten-
tial efficiency gains with mobile use. The Pennsylvania
Department of Transportation’s Posted and Bonded Road
mobile app, for example, replaced manual paper-based
reports, reducing the field workers’ administrative duties.
The road ahead for enterprise-focused apps. Enterprise-
focused apps are still in the nascent stages of growth in
federal, state, and local government agencies. Indeed, enter-
prise-focused apps represent a lucrative growth area in
private businesses as well, especially among the sales force.
There is much opportunity for transforming internal opera-
tions with location-based services available anywhere in real

Enterprise-focused apps could enhance government produc-

tivity in several ways:

• Aid in managing mobile assets

• Increase employees’ productivity, especially among rou-

tine and simple tasks that require cursory examination
The State of Mobile Apps in Government
Mobile Apps in the Federal Government
The Obama Administration’s 2012 Digital Government
Strategy laid out a broad digital plan to harness information
technology in federal agencies. The strategy explicitly envis-
aged doing mobile “right” from the beginning. It was
premised on four principles to:

1. Create an information-centric government that focuses

on open data and content

2. Establish a shared platform within and across agencies

3. Take a customer-centric approach in presenting data

4. Build required security and privacy measures upfront

The federal strategy required agencies to expose high-value
data and content of at least two existing major customer-
facing systems through Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs), which are online methods for apps to access data
from public agencies in order to provide value-added
services in real time and place. The core strength of the
federal digital strategy is that government data is a resource
that can be leveraged to spur customer service innovation.
All new federal agencies’ systems, underlying data, and
content have to comply with the open data and API policy.

Mobile Apps in State and Local Government

State and local (county/city) governments vary in their adap-
tation to the mobile environment because they follow their
own mandates and policies. Customer service improvements
are very important at the state and local levels as they are the
direct service providers to citizens on a day-to-day basis (e.g.,
schools, hospitals, law enforcement, public works, transporta-
tion, etc.). Hence, state and local governments have created
app to facilitate citizen engagement.

educe field workers’ administrative onus in the back


• Provide opportunities for collaboration and networking

between public agency field offices

Citizen-Oriented Apps

Citizen-oriented apps are more prevalent than enterprise-

focused apps in the federal, state, and local governments.
These apps are used as additional innovative mechanisms of
delivering public services, and to engage the public in deci-
sion-making processes. They include:

• Citizen-oriented apps in the federal government

• Information and news service apps

• Client services apps

• Crowdsourcing apps

• Health and safety information apps

Educational apps

Citizen-oriented apps in the state and local government.

Citizen-oriented apps provided by state and local govern-
ments can be classified into four categories:

• Information on parks, recreation, and leisure activities

• Traffic and transit information apps

• Public engagement apps

• Third-party civic apps

The road ahead for citizen-oriented apps. In the years

ahead, government at all levels will move toward:

• Increased support of citizen-oriented apps to enhance

public services

• Increased embedded approach for citizen-oriented apps

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