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Integration of constant

The integration constant is a variable that is freely selectable. A single integration
constant can be used to represent the difference or sum of two integration constants. The
integration constant is always written as C alone, regardless of whether trigonometric or
logarithmic functions are employed.

A constant's integral is equal to the constant multiplied by the variable of integration
plus an additional constant.

Integral of a constant K with respect to x:

Kx + C (kx plux c)

The derivative of a constant K times an independent variable x is equal to K,

because the function Kx can be written y = Kx + 0 (y equals kx plus zero), a line of constant
slope K.

Integration of square
The integration of x^2 is equal to x3/3 + C, where C is the constant of integration. The
formula for the integral of x2 is written as ∫x2 dx = x3/3 + C. (The integration of x squared is
equal to x cube over 3 plus c, where c is the constant of integration. The formula for the
integral of x squared is written as sign x squared dx equals x cubed over 3 plus c.)

The integral of a function gives the area under the curve of the function. C is the constant of
integration. ∫ (sign) is the symbol of an integral and dx shows that the integration is with
respect to the variable x.

To determine the integration of x^2 (x cube), we need to find the function whose
derivative is equal to x2. So, we need to find the question mark in the equation d(?)/dx = x2
(d over dx equals x squared).

Using the power rule of differentiation, we know that d(xn)/dx = nxn-1. (d xn over dx
is equals to nxn minus 1)

Using this formula, we know that the derivative of x3 is equal to 3x2. (x cube is
equal to 3 x squared)
To get the derivative equal to x2, we divide x3 by 3. So, the derivative of x3/3 (x
cube over 3) is equal to x2. We add the integration constant to all indefinite integrals in
calculus. Therefore, the question mark in the equation d(?)/dx = x2 (d over dx equals x
squared) is equal to x3/3 + C (x cube over 3 plus c), where C is the integration constant.

Integration of reciprocal

Integrating reciprocal is in the formula of ∫ 1x dx=lnx+C . (sign one over x dx equals

ln x plus c)

Let x be a variable. The multiplicative inverse or reciprocal of a variable is

expressed as 1/x in mathematical form. It often appears in integral calculus. Hence, an
integral rule with reciprocal of a variable is introduced in integration.

The integration of the reciprocal of x with respect to x is equal to the natural
logarithm of variable and integral constant. It is mathematically expressed in the following

form in calculus, ∫ dx=lnx+C . (sign one over x dx is equals to ln x plus c)
❑ x

This integral rule is used as a formula in calculus when a variable is involved in

integration reciprocally.

Integration of exponential function

Exponential functions’ integrals are very interesting since we still end up with the
function itself or a variation of the original function. Our most fundamental rule when
integrating exponential functions are as follows:

∫ e x dx=e x+ C (sign ex or e raise to x dx is equals to e raise to x plus c)

∫ ax dx= lna +C (sign a raise to x dx is equals to ax over ln a plus c)

In the first equation , the derivative of the exponential function is simply itself. We
can apply the fundamental theorem of calculus to confirm the integral rule for . This means
that similar to its derivative rule, the antiderivative e x of is also e x as well. In the second
equation, integral of ax is equal to ax itself divided by the constant,lna. These are the two
formulas we can use when integrating exponential functions. When integrating more
complex functions, we’ll have to use other integration techniques including the substitution
method and integration by parts.

Integration of trigonometric function

Since integration is the reverse of differentiation, we have immediately that
❑ ❑

∫ cos x dx=sin x +c and ∫ sin x dx=−cos x +C . (sign cos x dx equals sin x plus c and sign
❑ ❑
sin x dx is equals negative cos x plus c)


In general, when we have products of sines and cosines in which both exponents are
even, we will need to use a series of half angle and/or double angle formulas to reduce the
integral into a form that we can integrate. Also, the larger the exponents the more we’ll need
to use these formulas and hence the messier the problem. Sometimes in the process of
reducing integrals in which both exponents are even we will run across products of sine and
cosine in which the arguments are different.

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