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H$moS> Z§.

Code No. 61/1/1

amob Z§. narjmWu H$moS >H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð
Roll No. >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Code on the
title page of the answer-book.

(I) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV (I) Please check that this question
n¥ð> 17 + 1 _mZ{MÌ h¢ & paper contains 17 printed pages
+ 1 Map.
(II) àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS (II) Code number given on the right
>Zå~a H$mo N>mÌ CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ _wI-n¥ð> na hand side of the question paper
{bI| & should be written on the title page of
the answer-book by the candidate.
(III) H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| (III) Please check that this question
>31 àíZ h¢ & paper contains 31 questions.
(IV) H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go (IV) Please write down the Serial
nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$ Number of the question in the
Adí` {bI| & answer-book before attempting it.
(V) Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m (V) 15 minute time has been allotted to
g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU read this question paper. The
nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & question paper will be distributed
10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to
10.30 a.m., the students will
àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>|Jo Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ read the question paper only and
do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo & will not write any answer on the
answer-book during this period.


{ZYm©[aV g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 80

Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80
.61/1/1 1 P.T.O.
gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~hþV gmdYmZr go n{‹T>E Am¡a CZH$m nyar Vah go nmbZ H$s{OE :
(i) àíZ-nÌ _| nm±M IÊS> h¢  H$, I, J, K Am¡a L> & g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ &
(ii) IÊS> H$  àíZ g§»`m 1 go 20 VH$ A{V bKw-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ & àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma EH$ eãX `m EH$ dmŠ` _| Xr{OE &
(iii) IÊS> I  àíZ g§»`m 21 go 24 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ & àË`oH$ àíZ 3 A§H$m| H$m h¡ &
àË`oH$ àíZ H$m CÎma A{YH$V_ 100 eãXm| _| Xr{OE &
(iv) IÊS> J  àíZ g§»`m 25 go 27 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` àíZ h¢ & àË`oH$ àíZ 8 A§H$m| H$m h¡ & àË`oH$
àíZ H$m CÎma A{YH$V_ 350 eãXm| _| Xr{OE &
(v) IÊS> K  àíZ g§»`m 28 go 30 VH$ òmoV AmYm[aV àíZ h¢ & àË`oH$ àíZ 6 A§H$m| H$m h¡ &
(vi) IÊS> L>  àíZ g§»`m 31 _mZ{MÌ àíZ h¡, {Og_| _hÎdnyU© narjU _Xm| H$mo nhMmZZm Am¡a
ñWmZ A§{H$V H$aZm em{_b h¡ & _mZ{MÌ H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$ gmW ZËWr H$s{OE &
(vii) CÎma g§{jßV VWm q~Xþdma hmoZo Mm{hE Am¡a gmW hr Cn`w© º$ eãX gr_m H$m `Wmg§^d nmbZ
H$s{OE &
(viii) H$moB© g_J« {dH$ën Zht h¡ & VWm{n, EH$-EH$ A§H$ Ho$ Xmo àíZm| _|, VrZ-VrZ A§H$m| Ho$ EH$ àíZ
_|, AmR>-AmR> A§H$m| Ho$ VrZ àíZm| _| Am¡a _mZ{MÌ àíZ _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën {X`m J`m h¡ & Eogo
àíZm| _| Ho$db EH$ hr {dH$ën H$m CÎma Xr{OE &
(ix) BgHo$ A{V[aº$, Amdí`H$VmZwgma, àË`oH$ IÊS> Am¡a àíZ Ho$ gmW `Wmo{MV {ZX}e {XE JE h¢ &
IÊS> H$ 120=20

1. h‹S>ßnm Ho$ ñWbm| go àmßV Obo AZmO Ho$ XmZm| VWm ~rOm| H$s ImoO go h‹S>ßnmdm{g¶m| H$s
Amhma g§~§Yr AmXVm| Ho$ {df¶ ‘| OmZH$mar àmßV H$aZo ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV {dÛmZm| H$m H$m¡Z-gm
dJ© g’$b ahm ? 1
(A) nwam-àm{U {dkm{Z¶m|
(B) nwam-‘mZdOm{V {dkm{Z¶m|
(C) ^y-nwamVmpÎdH${dXm|
(D) nwam-dZñn{Vkm|
2. h‹S>ßnmB© {b{n H$mo ahñ¶‘¶ ³¶m| H$hm J¶m h¡ ?
{ZåZ{b{IV {dH$ënm| ‘| go ghr H$maU H$m M¶Z H$s{OE : 1
(A) ¶h {‘ò H$s {MÌmË‘H$ {b{n go ‘ob ImVr h¡ &
(B) Bg‘| {M•m| H$s g§»¶m H$ht A{YH$ h¡, 600 go 1000 Ho$ ~rM &
(C) ¶h ~mBª go XmBª Amoa {bIr JB© Wr &
(D) BgH$s {bImB© AmO VH$ n‹T>r Zht Om gH$s h¡ &
.61/1/1 2
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper comprises five sections  A, B, C, D and E. All questions
are compulsory.
(ii) Section A – Questions number 1 to 20 are very short-answer type questions,
carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one word or one
sentence each.
(iii) Section B – Questions number 21 to 24 are short-answer type questions,
carrying 3 marks each. Answers to each of them should not exceed 100 words.
(iv) Section C – Questions number 25 to 27 are long-answer type questions,
carrying 8 marks each. Answers to each of them should not exceed 350 words.
(v) Section D – Questions number 28 to 30 are source based questions, carrying
6 marks each.
(vi) Section E – Question number 31 is a map question that includes identification
and location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer-book.
(vii) Answers should be brief and to the point also the above word limit be adhered
to as far as possible.
(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
2 questions of one mark, 1 question of three marks, 3 questions of eight marks
and the map question. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such
(ix) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and
question, wherever necessary.

SECTION A 120=20
1. Which group of scholars among the following reconstructed the dietary
practices of Harappa from the remains of charred grains and seeds found
in the Harappan sites ? 1
(A) Archeo-Zoologists
(B) Archeo-Ethnographists
(C) Geo-Archeologists
(D) Archeo-Botanists
2. Why is the Harappan script called enigmatic ?
Choose the correct reason from the following options : 1
(A) It resembles the Hieroglyphic script of Egypt.
(B) It had too many symbols, between 600 and 1000 in number.
(C) It was written from left to right.
(D) Its writing remains undeciphered to date.
.61/1/1 3 P.T.O.
3. {ZåZ{b{IV {b{n¶m| ‘| go {H$gH$m AW© Ooåg qàgon Ûmam {ZH$mbm J¶m Wm ? 1
(A) ~§Jmbr Am¡a XodZmJar
(B) g§ñH¥$V Am¡a àmH¥$V
(C) ~«m÷r Am¡a IamoîR>r
(D) ¶yZmZr Am¡a BÊS>mo-¶yZmZr
4. ~wÕ H$s Cn‘mVm ‘hmàOmn{V JmoV‘r g§K ‘| AmZo dmbr nhbr _{hbm _________ Wt & 1
~wÕ H$m AnZo AZw¶m{``m| Ho$ {bE ApÝV‘ g§Xoe ³¶m Wm ? 1
5. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go H$m¡Z-gm J«ÝW ‘hmdra ¶m O¡Z Xe©Z H$s {ejmAm| H$mo g‘m{hV {H$E hþE
h¡ ? 1
(A) ‘hmd§e
(B) CÎmamܶ¶Z gwÎm
(C) Xrnd§e
(D) gwÎm {nQ>H$

6. {ZåZ{b{IV à{V_m H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE Am¡a Bgo Cn¶w³V erf©H$ Xr{OE : 1

ZmoQ> : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ Ho$db Ñ{îQ>~m{YV narjm{W©¶m| Ho$ {bE à. g§. 6 Ho$ ñWmZ na h¡ :
~wÕ H$s {ejmAm| H$mo H$hm{Z¶m| Ho$ ê$n ‘| ‘w»¶V… {Ì{nQ>H$ Ho$ EH$ J«ÝW _________ ‘| go
nwZ{Z©{‘©V {H$¶m J¶m h¡ & 1

.61/1/1 4
3. Which of the following scripts were deciphered by James Prinsep ? 1
(A) Bengali and Devanagari
(B) Sanskrit and Prakrit
(C) Brahmi and Kharosthi
(D) Greek and Indo-Greek

4. The Buddha’s foster mother, Mahapajapati Gotami was the first woman
to be ordained as a _________. 1
What was the last message of the Buddha to his followers ? 1

5. Which one of the following texts contains the teachings of Mahavira or

Jaina Philosophy ? 1
(A) Mahavamsa
(B) Uttaradhyayana Sutta
(C) Dipavamsa
(D) Sutta Pitaka

6. Identify the following image and give it an appropriate title : 1

Note : The following question is for the Visually Impaired Candidates only, in
lieu of Q. No. 6 :
Buddha’s teachings have been reconstructed from stories found mainly in
_________, one of the texts of Tipitaka. 1

.61/1/1 5 P.T.O.
7. ~m¡Õ Y‘© Ho$ g§X^© ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZm| H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE :
I. ~wÕ Ho$ OrdZH$mb ‘| Am¡a CZH$s ‘¥Ë¶w Ho$ ~mX ^r ~m¡Õ Y‘© VoµOr go ’¡$bm &
II. ~m¡Õ Y‘© Zo AmMaU Am¡a ‘yë¶m| H$mo A{YH$ ‘hÎd Zht {X¶m &
III. Omo bmoJ g‘H$mbrZ Ym{‘©H$ àWmAm| go Ag§VwîQ> Wo, Eogo ~hþV go bmoJm| go ~m¡Õ Y‘©
Zo AmJ«h {H$¶m &
IV. ~m¡Õ Y‘© Zo OÝ‘ Ho$ AmYma na loîR>Vm H$mo A{YH$ ~b {X¶m &
Cn`w©º$ H$WZm| ‘| go H$m¡Z-go ghr h¢ ? 1
(A) I Am¡a II
(B) II Am¡a IV
(C) I Am¡a III
(D) III Am¡a IV
8. ZrMo Xmo H$WZ {XE JE h¢, EH$ H$mo Ñ‹T>H$WZ (A) Ho$ ê$n ‘| OmZm J¶m h¡ Am¡a Xÿgao H$mo
H$maU (R) Ho$ ê$n ‘| OmZm J¶m h¡ &
Ñ‹T>H$WZ (A) : ~{Z©¶a H$m {ZOr ñdm{‘Ëd Ho$ JwUm| ‘| X¥‹T> {dídmg Wm & CgZo XoIm {H$ ‘wµJb
gm‘«mÁ¶ ‘| ^y{‘ na amOH$s` ñdm{‘Ëd amÁ¶ Am¡a CgHo$ {Zdm{g¶m| XmoZm| Ho$
{bE A{hVH$a h¡ &
H$maU (R) : ^yYmaH$ AnZo ~ƒm| H$mo ^y{‘ Zht Xo gH$Vo Wo & Bg{bE do CËnmXZ Ho$ ñVa H$mo
~ZmE aIZo Am¡a Cg‘| ~‹T>moÎmar Ho$ {bE XÿaJm‘r {Zdoe Ho$ à{V CXmgrZ Wo &
Cn`w©º$ Ñ‹T>H$WZ Am¡a H$maU go kmV H$s{OE {H$ {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm {dH$ën ghr h¡ : 1
(A) (A) Am¡a (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢ Am¡a (R), (A) H$m ghr ñnîQ>rH$aU h¡ &
(B) (A) Am¡a (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢, naÝVw (R), (A) H$m ghr ñnîQ>rH$aU Zht h¡ &
(C) (A) Am¡a (R) XmoZm| µJbV h¢ &
(D) (A) Am¡a (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢ &
9. {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go H$m¡Z-gr BãZ ~VyVm H$s nwñVH$ [ah²bm H$s {deofVm Zht h¡ ? 1
(A) ¶h nwñVH$ µ\$magr ‘| {bIr JB© h¡ &
(B) ¶h ^maVr¶ Cn‘hmÛrn Ho$ gm‘m{OH$ Am¡a gm§ñH¥${VH$ OrdZ Ho$ {df¶ ‘| ~hþV hr
àMwa Am¡a amoMH$ OmZH$m[a¶m± XoVr h¡ &
(C) Bg nwñVH$ ‘| boIH$ H$s ¶mÌm Ho$ AZw^d g‘m{hV h¢ &
(D) ¶h nwñVH$ kmZ H$m EH$ ‘hÎdnyU© òmoV h¡ &
10. ~m°Šg _| Xr JB© {ZåZ{b{IV OmZH$mar H$mo gmdYmZrnyd©H$ n{‹T>E :
gJwU ^{³V Ho$ ^³V H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE Am¡a CgH$m Zm‘ {b{IE & 1
• dh ‘madm‹S> Ho$ ‘o‹S>Vm H$s EH$ amOnyV amOHw$_mar Wr &
• CgH$m {ddmh CgH$s BÀN>m Ho$ {déÕ ‘odm‹S> Ho$ {ggmo{X¶m Hw$b ‘| H$a {X¶m J¶m &
• CgZo AnZo n{V H$s Amkm H$s AdhobZm H$aVo hþE nËZr Am¡a ‘m± Ho$ na§namJV
Xm{¶Ëdm| H$mo {Z^mZo go BZH$ma {H$¶m &
• CgZo à^w H¥$îU H$mo AnZm ào‘r ‘mZm &

.61/1/1 6
7. Study the following statements regarding Buddhism carefully :
I. Buddhism grew rapidly, both during the lifetime and after the
death of Buddha.
II. Buddhism did not give much importance to conduct and values.
III. Buddhism appealed to many people who were dissatisfied with the
existing religious practices.
IV. Buddhism laid much stress on superiority based on birth.
Which of the above statements are correct ? 1
(A) I and II
(B) II and IV
(C) I and III
(D) III and IV
8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the
other labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A) : Bernier was a firm believer in the virtues of private
property. He saw crown ownership of land in the Mughal
empire as being harmful to both State and the people.
Reason (R) : Landlords could not pass on their land to their children,
so they were averse to any long time investment in the
expansion of production.
From the above Assertion and Reason, find out which one of the following
is true : 1
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true.
9. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Ibn Battuta’s book,
Rihla ? 1
(A) This book is written in Persian.
(B) It provides rich and interesting details of the social and cultural
life in the subcontinent.
(C) This book contains the travel experiences of the author.
(D) This book is an important source of knowledge.
10. Read the following information given in the box carefully :
Identify and name the devotee of Saguna Bhakti. 1
• She was a Rajput princess from Merta in Marwar.
• She was married against her wishes to a prince of the Sisodia clan
of Mewar.
• She defied her husband and did not submit to the traditional role
of a wife and mother.
• She considered Lord Krishna as her lover.

.61/1/1 7 P.T.O.
11. Cg ~moYdY©H$ ¶m {gI g‘wXm¶ Ho$ Jwé H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE Am¡a CZH$m Zm‘ {b{IE {OZHo$
H$m`m] Am¡a ¶moJXmZm| H$mo ZrMo {X¶m J¶m h¡ : 1
– CÝhm|Zo Imbgm n§W H$s Ztd S>mbr &
– CÝhm|Zo AnZo {gIm| H$mo nm±M {^Þ àVrH$ g‘{n©V {H$E &
– CÝhm|Zo g‘wXm¶ H$mo gm‘m{OH$, Ym{‘©H$ Am¡a g¡Ý¶ ~b Ho$ ê$n ‘| g§J{R>V {H$¶m &
– CÝhm|Zo Zm¡d| Jwé, Jwé VoJ ~hmXþa H$s aMZmAm| H$mo Jwé J«ÝW gm{h~ ‘| g§H${bV
{H$¶m &
12. H$~ra Ho$ Jwé H$m¡Z Wo ? 1
Cg qbJm¶V ^³V H$m Zm‘ {b{IE, {OgZo ~mahdt eVmãXr ‘| H$Zm©Q>H$ ‘| ZE Am§XmobZ H$m
ZoV¥Ëd {H$¶m & 1
13. ‘wµJb gm‘«mÁ¶ Ho$ g§X^© ‘| {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZm| H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE :
I. ‘wµJb gm‘«mÁ¶ ~hþV go {^Þ-{^Þ Z¥OmVr¶ g‘yhm| Am¡a Ym{‘©H$ g‘wXm¶m| H$mo g‘m{hV
{H$E hþE Wm &
II. g^r Y‘m] H$mo A{^ì¶{º$ H$s nyU© ñdV§ÌVm Wr &
III. em§{V Am¡a ñWm{¶Ëd Ho$ òmoV Ho$ ê$n ‘| ~mXemh g^r Y‘m] Am¡a Z¥OmVr¶ g‘yhm| go
D$na hmoVm Wm &
IV. ‘wµJbm| Ho$ AYrZ A{^OmV-dJ© ^r {^Þ Y‘m] Am¡a Z¥OmVr¶ g‘yhm| go g§~§{YV Wm &
Cn`w©º$ ‘| go H$m¡Z-go H$WZ AH$~a H$s gwbh-E-Hw$b Zr{V H$mo Xem©Vo h¢ ? 1
(A) I, III Am¡a IV
(B) II, III Am¡a IV
(C) I, II Am¡a III
(D) I, II Am¡a IV
14. {ZåZ{b{IV emgH$m| ‘| go {H$gHo$ emgZH$mb ‘| µJ¡a-‘wgb‘mZ àOm na O{µO¶m {’$a go bJm
{X¶m J¶m Wm ? 1
(A) AH$~a
(B) Ohm±Jra
(C) emhOhm±
(D) Am¡a§JµOo~
15. Zb{¶am {Xì¶à~§Y_² H$m dU©Z àm¶… _________ Ho$ ê$n ‘| {H$¶m OmVm Wm & 1
16. {~«{Q>e emgZ Ho$ {déÕ Jm±YrOr Ûmam ewê$ {H$E JE ‘^maV N>mo‹S>mo Am§XmobZ’ Ho$ VmËH$m{bH$
H$maU H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & 1
(A) H¡${~ZoQ> {_eZ
(B) {H«$ßg {_eZ
(C) gmB_Z H$_reZ
(D) _mC§Q>~oQ>Z ßbmZ
.61/1/1 8
11. Identify and name the preceptor or Guru of the Sikh community whose
works and contributions are given below : 1
– He laid the foundation of the Khalsa Panth.
– He bestowed the Sikhs with five distinct symbols.
– He consolidated the community as a socio-religious and military
– He compiled the compositions of the ninth guru, Guru Tegh
Bahadur in Guru Granth Sahib.
12. Who was the Guru of Kabir ? 1
Name the Lingayat devotee who led a new movement in Karnataka in
the twelfth century. 1
13. Study the following statements regarding the Mughal empire carefully :
I. The Mughal empire comprised of many different ethnic groups and
religious communities.
II. All the religions had absolute freedom of expression.
III. The emperor stood above all the religions and ethnic groups for
peace and stability.
IV. The nobility under Mughals also belonged to different religions
and ethnic groups.
Which of the above statements reflects the Sulh-i-kul policy of Akbar ? 1
(A) I, III and IV
(B) II, III and IV
(C) I, II and III
(D) I, II and IV
14. During the reign of which of the following rulers was Jizya reimposed on
non-Muslim subjects ? 1
(A) Akbar
(B) Jahangir
(C) Shah Jahan
(D) Aurangzeb
15. The Nalayira Divyaprabandham was frequently described as _________. 1
16. Identify the immediate reason of launching the ‘Quit India Movement’ by
Gandhiji against the British rule. 1
(A) Cabinet Mission
(B) Cripps Mission
(C) Simon Commission
(D) Mountbatten Plan
.61/1/1 9 P.T.O.
17. amîQ´>r` ^mfm Ho$ g§X^© _| {ZåZ{b{IV ‘Vm| na gmdYmZrnyd©H$ {dMma H$s{OE :
I. ¶h {hÝXþñVmZr hmoZr Mm{hE Omo Z Vmo g§ñH¥$V{ZîR> {hÝXr hmo Am¡a Z µ’$magr{ZîR>
CXÿ©, {H$ÝVw ¶h {hÝXr Am¡a CXÿ© XmoZm| H$m {‘lU hmo &
II. Bg_| Aݶ AbJ ^mfmAm| go eãXm| H$mo em{‘b Zht H$aZm Mm{hE &
III. h‘mar amîQ´>r` ^mfm H$mo EH$ gånÞ Am¡a ge³V CnH$aU Ho$ ê$n ‘| {dH${gV H$aZm
Mm{hE, Omo bmoJm| Ho$ {dMmam| Am¡a ^mdZmAm| H$mo A{^춳V H$aZo ‘| g‘W© hmo &
IV. dh {hÝXþAm| Am¡a ‘wgb‘mZm| H$mo VWm CÎma Am¡a X{jU Ho$ bmoJm| H$mo EH$OwQ> H$a
gH$Vr hmo &
kmV H$s{OE {H$ BZ {dMmam| ‘| go {H$ZH$s ‘hmË‘m Jm±Yr Zo dH$mbV H$s Wr : 1
(A) I, II Am¡a IV
(B) II, III Am¡a IV
(C) I, III Am¡a IV
(D) I, II Am¡a III
18. {ZåZ{b{IV H$WZ H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE :
‘‘‘oam ‘mZZm h¡ {H$ n¥WH$ {Zdm©{MH$m Aëng§»¶H$m| Ho$ {bE AmË‘KmVr gm{~V hmoJr Am¡a CÝh|
~hþV ^mar ZwH$gmZ nhþ±MmEJr & AJa CÝh| h‘oem Ho$ {bE AbJ H$a {X¶m J¶m, Vmo do H$^r
^r AnZo H$mo ~hþg§»¶H$m| ‘| ê$nmV§[aV Zht H$a nmE±Jo & {Zamem H$m ^md CÝh| ewê$ go An§J
~Zm XoJm &’’
Cn`w©º$ H$WZ {ZåZ{b{IV ‘| go {H$gH$m h¡ ? 1
(A) S>m°. Aå~oS>H$a
(B) n§. Odmhabmb Zohê$
(C) Jmo{dÝX d„^ n§V
(D) gaXma nQ>ob
19. 1946 ‘| H¡${~ZoQ> {‘eZ ^maV ³¶m| Am¶m ?
{ZåZ{b{IV {dH$ënm| ‘| go Cn¶w³V H$maU H$m M¶Z H$s{OE : 1
(A) {dYm{¶H$m ‘| A§J«oµOm| H$s gh^m{JVm H$mo {dñVma XoZo Ho$ {bE &
(B) {dYm¶r ñVa na {ÛV§Ì àma§^ H$aZo Ho$ {bE &
(C) ñdV§Ì ^maV Ho$ {bE Cn¶w³V amOZr{VH$ ñdê$n gwPmZo Ho$ {bE &
(D) ^maVr¶m| H$mo g§Kr¶ ݶm¶mb¶ àXmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE &
20. AJñV 1946 ‘| ‘wpñb‘ brJ Ûmam ‘à˶j H$m¶©dmhr {Xdg’ Kmo{fV H$aZo H$m ‘w»¶ H$maU
³¶m Wm ? 1

.61/1/1 10
17. Consider the following ideas regarding the national language carefully :
I. It should be Hindustani which should neither be Sanskritised
Hindi nor Persianised Urdu, but a blend of both Hindi and Urdu.
II. It should not admit words from other different languages.
III. The national language must develop into a rich and powerful
instrument, capable of expressing the thoughts and feelings of the
IV. It could unify Hindus and Muslims and people of the North and
the South.
Find out which of these ideas were advocated by Mahatma Gandhi : 1
(A) I, II and IV
(B) II, III and IV
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I, II and III

18. Study the following statement carefully :

‘‘I believe separate electrorates will be suicidal to the minorities and will
do them tremendous harm. If they are isolated for ever, they can never
convert themselves into a majority and the feeling of frustration will
cripple them even from the very beginning.’’
Who among the following made the above statement ? 1
(A) Dr. Ambedkar
(B) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Govind Ballabh Pant
(D) Sardar Patel

19. Why did the Cabinet Mission come to India in 1946 ?

Choose the suitable reason from the following options : 1
(A) To expand the participation of Britishers in the legislature.
(B) To introduce dyarchy at the legislative level.
(C) To suggest a suitable political framework for free India.
(D) To provide a federal court to the Indians.

20. What was the main reason for announcing ‘Direct Action Day’ by the
Muslim League in August 1946 ? 1
.61/1/1 11 P.T.O.
IÊS> I 34=12

21. ‘mohZOmoX‹S>mo Ho$ XþJ© ‘| {demb ñZmZmJma H$s A{^ݶmg ¶moOZm H$mo CXmhaUm| g{hV ñnîQ>
H$s{OE & 3
22. ^maVr` Cn_hmÛrn H$mo g_PZo _| Ab-{~ê$Zr Ho$ gm_Zo AmBª ~mYmAm| H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE & 3
23. 1857 Ho$ {dÐmoh Ho$ ~mX Cn{Zdoer eham| ‘| bmE JE {H$Ýht VrZ n[adV©Zm| H$s naI
H$s{OE & 3
^maVr¶ B{Vhmg Ho$ ‘ܶH$mb Ho$ Xm¡amZ X{jU ^maV Ho$ eham| H$s ‘w»¶ {deofVmAm| H$s
naI H$s{OE & 3
24. am°bQ> EŠQ> Ho$ {H$gr EH$ àmdYmZ H$m C„oI H$s{OE & n§Om~ Ho$ bmoJm| na Bg E³Q> Ho$ ³¶m
à^md n‹S>o ? 1+2=3

IÊS> J 83=24
25. 600 B©.ny. go 600 B©gdr Ho$ Xm¡amZ ~«m÷Ur¶ {ZYm©aU Ho$ AZwgma nm[adm[aH$ g§~§Ym| Am¡a
{ddmh Ho$ {Z¶‘m| H$m dU©Z H$s{OE & 8
~«m÷Ur¶ {gÕmÝV Ho$ g§X^© _| ~§YwVm Am¡a dU© ì`dñWm Ho$ AmXe© ì¶dgm¶m| H$m dU©Z
H$s{OE & ‘Bg {gÕmÝV H$m gmd©^m¡{‘H$ nmbZ Zht {H$¶m’, ¶h {gÕ H$aZo Ho$ {bE CXmhaU
Xr{OE & 4+4=8
26. ‘‘{H$bo~§Xr H$s Xrdmam| Zo Z Ho$db {dO¶ZJa Ho$ eha H$mo; A{nVw H¥${f ‘| à¶w³V Amg-nmg
Ho$ joÌm| VWm O§Jbm| H$mo ^r Koam Wm &’’ Bg H$WZ Ho$ àH$me ‘| {H$bo~§Xr Ho$ ‘hÎd H$s
ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE & 8
{dO¶ZJa Ho$ eha Ho$ {bE Ob Ho$ òmoVm| H$s ì¶m»¶m H$s{OE Am¡a BgHo$ gmW hr gm‘«mÁ¶
Ho$ ì¶mnma Ho$ {dH$mg H$mo ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 4+4=8

27. ‘‘AR>mahdt gXr Ho$ A§V VH$, ~§Jmb Ho$ BñV‘amar ~§Xmo~ñV Ho$ ~mX ^r, O‘tXma amOñd H$s
‘m±J H$mo nyam H$aZo ‘| {Za§Va Ag’$b aho &’’ Bg H$WZ H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s{OE & 8
‘‘~§Jmb Ho$ H$B© J«m‘rU joÌm| ‘| CÞrgdt eVmãXr Ho$ àmaå^ ‘| OmoVoXma e{³Vembr hþE &’’
Bg H$WZ H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$s{OE & 8
.61/1/1 12
SECTION B 34=12
21. Explain with examples the layout design of the Great Bath on the Citadel
in Mohenjodaro. 3
22. Explain the barriers faced by Al-Biruni in understanding the Indian
Subcontinent. 3
23. Examine any three changes brought into the colonial cities after the
Revolt of 1857. 3
Examine the main features of the towns of South India during the
medieval period of Indian history. 3
24. Mention any one provision of the Rowlatt Act. What were the impacts of
this Act on the people of Punjab ? 1+2=3

SECTION C 83=24

25. Describe the familial ties and rules of marriage as per the Brahmanical
prescription during c. 600 BCE – 600 CE. 8
Describe the Brahmanical theory regarding kinship and the ideal
occupations of the varna order. Give examples to prove that this theory
was not universally followed. 4+4=8

26. ‘‘The fortification walls not only encircled the city of Vijayanagara but
also its agricultural hinterland and forests.’’ In the light of this
statement, explain the significance of fortification. 8
Explain the sources of water for the city of Vijayanagara and also explain
the development of trade of the Empire. 4+4=8

27. ‘‘Zamindars regularly failed to pay the revenue demand even after the
Permanent Settlement of Bengal at the end of the 18th century.’’
Evaluate the statement. 8
‘‘The jotedars became powerful in the early 19th century in many areas of
rural Bengal.’’ Evaluate the statement. 8
.61/1/1 13 P.T.O.
IÊS> K 63=18
28. {ZåZ{b{IV òmoV H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE Am¡a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$
CÎma {b{IE :
g‘«mQ> Ho$ A{YH$mar ³¶m-³¶m H$m¶© H$aVo Wo ?
‘oJñWZrµO Ho$ {ddaU H$m EH$ A§e {X¶m J¶m h¡ :
gm‘«mÁ¶ Ho$ ‘hmZ A{YH$m[a¶m| ‘| go Hw$N> Z{X¶m| H$s XoI-aoI Am¡a ^y{‘ ‘mnZ H$m H$m‘
H$aVo h¢ O¡gm {H$ {‘ò ‘| hmoVm Wm & Hw$N> à‘wI Zham| go CnZham| Ho$ {bE N>mo‹S>o OmZo
dmbo nmZr Ho$ ‘wIÛma H$m {ZarjU H$aVo h¢ Vm{H$ ha ñWmZ na nmZr H$s g‘mZ ny{V© hmo
gHo$ & ¶hr A{YH$mar {eH$m[a¶m| H$m g§MmbZ H$aVo h¢ Am¡a {eH$m[a¶m| Ho$ H¥$˶m| Ho$
AmYma na CÝh| BZm‘ ¶m X§S> XoVo h¢ & do H$a dgybr H$aVo h¢ Am¡a ^y{‘ go Ow‹S>o g^r
ì¶dgm¶m| H$m {ZarjU H$aVo h¢ gmW hr bH$‹S>hmam|, ~‹T>B©, bmohmam| Am¡a IZZH$Vm©Am|
H$m ^r {ZarjU H$aVo h¢ &
(28.1) {H$g CÔoí¶ Ho$ {bE g‘«mQ> Ho$ A{YH$m[a¶m| H$s {Z¶w{³V H$s JB© Wr ? 2
(28.2) A{YH$m[a¶m| Ûmam {H$E JE ì¶dgm¶ Ho$ àH$mam| H$mo ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2
(28.3) H$‘©Mm[a¶m| Ho$ H$m¶m] H$m {ZarjU H$aZo H$s ³¶m Amdí¶H$Vm Wr ? 2

29. {ZåZ{b{IV òmoV H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE Am¡a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$
CÎma {b{IE :
AH$~a Ho$ emgZ ‘| ^y{‘ H$m dJuH$aU
AmBZ ‘| dJuH$aU Ho$ ‘mnX§S> H$s {ZåZ{b{IV gyMr Xr JB© h¡ :
AH$~a ~mXemh Zo AnZr Jhar XÿaX{e©Vm Ho$ gmW µO‘rZm| H$m dJuH$aU {H$¶m Am¡a
haoH$ (dJ© H$s µO‘rZ) Ho$ {bE AbJ-AbJ amOñd {ZYm©[aV {H$¶m & nmobO dh
µO‘rZ h¡ {Og‘| EH$ Ho$ ~mX EH$ ha µ\$gb H$s gmbmZm IoVr hmoVr h¡ Am¡a {Ogo H$^r
Imbr Zht N>mo‹S>m OmVm h¡ & nam¡Vr dh µO‘rZ h¡ {Og na Hw$N> {XZm| Ho$ {bE IoVr amoH$
Xr OmVr h¡ Vm{H$ dh AnZr Imo¶r VmH$V dmng nm gHo$ & MMa dh µO‘rZ h¡ Omo
VrZ ¶m Mma dfm] VH$ Imbr ahVr h¡ & ~§Oa dh µO‘rZ h¡ {Og na nm±M ¶m Cggo
µÁ¶mXm dfm] go IoVr Zht H$s JB© hmo & nhbo Xmo àH$ma H$s µO‘rZ H$s VrZ {H$ñ‘| h¢,
AÀN>r, ‘ܶ‘ Am¡a Iam~ & do ha {H$ñ‘ H$s µO‘rZ Ho$ CËnmX H$mo Omo‹S> XoVo h¢, Am¡a
BgH$m Vrgam {hñgm ‘ܶ‘ CËnmX ‘mZm OmVm h¡, {OgH$m EH$-{VhmB© {hñgm emhr
ewëH$ ‘mZm OmVm h¡ &
(29.1) MMa ^y{‘ VrZ go Mma dfm] VH$ Imbr Š`m| N>mo‹S>r OmVr Wr ? 2
(29.2) Bg dJuH$aU Ho$ AmYma H$mo ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2
(29.3) ³¶m Amn g‘PVo h¢ {H$ `h amOñd H$m ‘yë¶m§H$Z H$aZo H$m ‘µO ~yV AmYma Wm ?
ñnîQ> H$s{OE & 2

.61/1/1 14
SECTION D 63=18

28. Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that
follow :
What the king’s officials did
Here is an excerpt from the account of Megasthenes :
Of the great officers of state, some ... superintend the rivers,
measure the land, as is done in Egypt, and inspect the sluices by
which water is let out from the main canals into their branches, so
that every one may have an equal supply of it. The same persons
have charge also of the huntsmen, and are entrusted with the
power of rewarding or punishing them according to their deserts.
They collect the taxes, and superintend the occupations connected
with land; as those of the woodcutters, the carpenters, the
blacksmiths, and the miners.
(28.1) For what purpose were the king’s officials appointed ? 2
(28.2) Explain the types of jobs they carried out. 2
(28.3) What was the need to superintend the work of the workmen ? 2

29. Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that
follow :
Classification of lands under Akbar
The following is a listing of criteria of classification excerpted from the
Ain :
The Emperor Akbar in his profound sagacity classified the lands
and fixed a different revenue to be paid by each. Polaj is land
which is annually cultivated for each crop in succession and is
never allowed to lie fallow. Parauti is land left out of cultivation for
a time that it may recover its strength. Chachar is land that has
lain fallow for three or four years. Banjar is land uncultivated for
five years and more. Of the first two kinds of land, there are three
classes, good, middling, and bad. They add together the produce of
each sort, and the third of this represents the medium produce,
one-third part of which is exacted as the Royal dues.
(29.1) Why was Chachar land left uncultivated for some three to four
years ? 2
(29.2) Explain the basis of this classification. 2
(29.3) Do you think it was a sound basis to assess the revenue ? Explain. 2

.61/1/1 15 P.T.O.
30. {ZåZ{b{IV òmoV H$m gmdYmZrnyd©H$ Aܶ¶Z H$s{OE Am¡a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE àíZm| Ho$
CÎma {b{IE :
{dÐmohr J«m‘rU
J«m‘rU AdY joÌ go [anmoQ>© ^oOZo dmbo EH$ Aµ’$ga Zo {bIm :
AdY Ho$ bmoJ CÎma go Omo‹S>Zo dmbr g§Mma bmBZ na µOmoa ~Zm aho h¢... & AdY Ho$
bmoJ Jm±d dmbo h¢... & ¶o Jm±d dmbo ¶yamo{n¶m| H$s nH$‹S> go {~bHw$b ~mha h¢ & nb ‘|
{~Ia OmVo h¢, nb ‘| {’$a OwQ> OmVo h¢ & emgH$s¶ A{YH$m[a¶m| H$m H$hZm h¡ {H$ BZ
Jm±d dmbm| H$s g§»¶m ~hþV ~‹S>r h¡ Am¡a CZHo$ nmg ~mH$m¶Xm ~§XÿH|$ h¢ &
(30.1) BZ Jm±d dmbm| go ì¶dhma H$aZo ‘| A§J«oµOm| Ho$ gm_Zo AmZo dmbr g‘ñ¶mAm| H$s naI
H$s{OE & 2
(30.2) A§J«oµOm| Ho$ à{V AdY Ho$ bmoJ {damoYr ³¶m| Wo ? H$maU H$s naI H$s{OE & 2
(30.3) A§J«oµOm| Zo {dÐmo{h¶m| H$m X‘Z {H$g àH$ma {H$¶m ? 2
(‘mZ{MÌ AmYm[aV àíZ) 16=6

31. (31.1) ^maV Ho$ {XE JE amOZr{VH$ aoIm-‘mZ{MÌ (n¥îR> 19 na) ‘|, {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo
Cn`wº$ {M•m| go A§{H$V H$s{OE Am¡a CZHo$ Zm‘ {b{IE : 13=3
(i) bmoWb – {dH${gV h‹S>ßnmB© nwamñWb
(ii) H$m¡emå~r – ñVå^ A{^boI
AOÝVm – ~m¡Õ nwamñWb
(iii) AO_oa AWdm AmJam – ‘wµJbm| Ho$ AYrZ àmÝV
(31.2) ^maV Ho$ Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{MÌ na VrZ ñWmZm| H$mo A, B Am¡a C go A§{H$V
{H$¶m J¶m h¡, Omo 1857 Ho$ {dÐmoh go g§~§{YV h¢ & CZH$mo nhMm{ZE Am¡a CZHo$ ghr
Zm‘ CZHo$ {ZH$Q> ItMr JB© aoImAm| na {b{IE & 13=3

ZmoQ> : {ZåZ{b{IV àíZ Ho$db Ñ{îQ>~m{YV narjm{W©¶m| Ho$ {bE à. g§. 31 Ho$ ñWmZ na h¢ :
(31.1) amîQ´>r¶ Am§XmobZ Ho$ {H$Ýht VrZ Ho$ÝÐm| Ho$ Zm‘ {b{IE & 13=3
(31.2) {H$Ýht VrZ ‘hmOZnXm| Ho$ Zm‘ {b{IE & 13=3
{H$Ýht VrZ ~m¡Õ nwamñWbm| H$m C„oI H$s{OE & 13=3

.61/1/1 16
30. Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that
follow :
Villagers as rebels
An officer reporting from rural Awadh (spelt as Oude in the following
account) noted :
The Oude people are gradually pressing down on the line of
communication from the North ... the Oude people are villagers ...
these villagers are nearly intangible to Europeans melting away
before them and collecting again. The Civil Authorities report these
villagers to amount to a very large number of men, with a number
of guns.
(30.1) Examine the problem faced by the British in dealing with these
villagers. 2
(30.2) Why were people of Oude (Awadh) hostile against the British ?
Examine the reason. 2
(30.3) How did the British suppress the rebels ? 2

(Map Based Question) 16=6
31. (31.1) On the given political outline map of India (on page 19), locate and
label the following with appropriate symbols : 13=3
(i) Lothal  a mature Harappan site
(ii) Kaushambi  a pillar inscription
Ajanta  a Buddhist site
(iii) Ajmer OR Agra  a territory under Mughals
(31.2) On the same outline map of India, three places have been marked
as A, B and C, which are associated with the Revolt of 1857.
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn
near them. 13=3
Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates, only in
lieu of Q. No. 31 :
(31.1) Name any three centres of the national movement. 13=3
(31.2) Name any three Mahajanapadas. 13=3
Mention any three Buddhist sites. 13=3

.61/1/1 17 P.T.O.
àíZ g§. 31.1 Am¡a 31.2 Ho$ {bE For question no. 31.1 and 31.2

^maV H$m aoIm-_mZ{MÌ (amOZr{VH$)

Outline Map of India (Political)

.61/1/1 19 P.T.O.
Strictly Confidential: (For Internal and Restricted use only)
Senior School Certificate Examination-2020
Marking Scheme – HISTORY
(SUBJECT CODE : 027) (PAPER CODE : 61/1/1)
General Instructions: -

1. You are aware that evaluation is the most important process in the actual and correct
assessment of the candidates. A small mistake in evaluation may lead to serious
problems which may affect the future of the candidates, education system and teaching
profession. To avoid mistakes, it is requested that before starting evaluation, you must
read and understand the spot evaluation guidelines carefully. Evaluation is a 10-12
days mission for all of us. Hence, it is necessary that you put in your best efforts
in this process.
2. Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should
not be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking
Scheme should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed. However, while
evaluating, answers which are based on latest information or knowledge and/or
are innovative, they may be assessed for their correctness otherwise and marks
be awarded to them.
3. The Head-Examiner must go through the first five answer books evaluated by each
evaluator on the first day, to ensure that evaluation has been carried out as per the
instructions given in the Marking Scheme. The remaining answer books meant for
evaluation shall be given only after ensuring that there is no significant variation in the
marking of individual evaluators.
4. Evaluators will mark( √ ) wherever answer is correct. For wrong answer ‘X”be marked.
Evaluators will not put right kind of mark while evaluating which gives an impression that
answer is correct and no marks are awarded. This is most common mistake which
evaluators are committing.
5. If a question has parts, please award marks on the right-hand side for each part. Marks
awarded for different parts of the question should then be totaled up and written in the
left-hand margin and encircled. This may be followed strictly.
6. If a question does not have any parts, marks must be awarded in the left-hand margin
and encircled. This may also be followed strictly.
7. If a student has attempted an extra question, answer of the question deserving more
marks should be retained and the other answer scored out.
8. No marks to be deducted for the cumulative effect of an error. It should be penalized
only once.
9. A full scale of marks 0-80 has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if
the answer deserves it.
10. Every examiner has to necessarily do evaluation work for full working hours i.e. 8 hours
every day and evaluate 20 answer books per day in main subjects and 25 answer books
per day in other subjects (Details are given in Spot Guidelines).
11. Ensure that you do not make the following common types of errors committed by the
Examiner in the past:-
 Leaving answer or part thereof unassessed in an answer book.
 Giving more marks for an answer than assigned to it.
 Wrong totaling of marks awarded on a reply.
 Wrong transfer of marks from the inside pages of the answer book to the title page.
 Wrong question wise totaling on the title page.
 Wrong totaling of marks of the two columns on the title page.
 Wrong grand total.
 Marks in words and figures not tallying.
 Wrong transfer of marks from the answer book to online award list.
 Answers marked as correct, but marks not awarded. (Ensure that the right tick mark
is correctly and clearly indicated. It should merely be a line. Same is with the X for
incorrect answer.)
 Half or a part of answer marked correct and the rest as wrong, but no marks

12. While evaluating the answer books if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, it should
be marked as cross (X) and awarded zero (0)Marks.

13. Any unassessed portion, non-carrying over of marks to the title page, or totaling error
detected by the candidate shall damage the prestige of all the personnel engaged in the
evaluation work as also of the Board. Hence, in order to uphold the prestige of all
concerned, it is again reiterated that the instructions be followed meticulously and

14. The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the Guidelines
for spot Evaluation before starting the actual evaluation.

15. Every Examiner shall also ensure that all the answers are evaluated, marks carried over
to the title page, correctly totaled and written in figures and words.

16. The Board permits candidates to obtain photocopy of the Answer Book on request in an
RTI application and also separately as a part of the re-evaluation process on payment of
the processing charges.
CLASS XII A I S S C E-March 2020
CODE NO. 61/1/1


. NO. S

1. D- Archaeo- Botanists Pg-2 1

2. D- Its writing remains undeciphered to date. Pg-15 1

3. C- Brahmi and kharosthi Pg-28 1

4. Bhikkhuni Pg-92 1


Buddha‟s last message to his followers was “Be lamps unto yourself as all Pg-92 1
of you must work out your own liberation.”

5. B- Uttaradhyayana Sutta Pg-88 1

6. Image of Tirthankara from Mathura(Lord Mahavira) Pg-88 1

For visually impaired : Sutta Pitaka Pg-91 1

7. C- I and III Pg-94 1

8. (A)-Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). Pg-130 1

9. (A)This book is written in Persian. Pg-118 1

10. Mirabai Pg-164 1

11. Guru Gobind Singh Pg-164 1

12. Guru Ramananda Pg-162 1


Basavanna Pg-147 1

13. (A)I, III and IV Pg-233 1

14. (D) Aurangzeb Pg-234 1

15. Tamil Veda Pg-144 1

16. (B) Cripps Mission Pg-363 1

17. (C) I, III and IV Pg-425 1

18. (C) Govind Ballabh Pant Pg-418 1

19. (C) To suggest a suitable political framework for free India. Pg-389 1

20. The reason for announcing „Direct Action Day‟ by the Muslim league in
August 1946, was to win its Pakistan Demand after it had withdrawn its
Pg-391 1
support from the cabinet mission.


21. Lay out design of the Great Bath:

i. The Great Bath was a large rectangular tank in the courtyard

surrounded by corridor on all four sides.
ii. There were two flights of steps on the north and south leading
into the tank.
iii. The tank and steps were made water tight by bricks and
iv. There were rooms on three sides in one of which was a large
v. Water from the tank flowed into a huge drain.
vi. There were eight other bathrooms four on either side of the
vii. Any other relevant point.
Any three points to be explained. Pg-8 3

22. Barriers faced by Al- Biruni:

i. The first barrier was language.

ii. The second was difference in religious beliefs and practices.
iii. The third was self absorption and consequent insularity of the
local population.
iv. Any other relevant point.
Pg-124 3
Any three points to be explained

23. Colonial cities after 1857-

i. After 1857 the British attitude in India was shaped by a

constant fear of rebellion.
ii. They felt that towns needed to be better defended.
iii. White people needed to live in more secure and segregated
iv. Thus civil lines for white people developed.
v. Cantonments were built for stationing troops. Pg-
vi. Separate black area for Indians came up. 326-
vii. Any other relevant point. 327
Any three points to be examined

Towns of South India- Main features-

i. In the towns of South India like Madurai and Kanchipuram,

the principal focus was the temple.
ii. These towns were also important commercial centres.
iii. Here religious festivals often coincided with fairs linking
pilgrimage with trade.
iv. Medieval towns were the places where everybody was
expected to know their position in the social order dominated Pg-

by the ruling elite. 318-

v. Any other relevant point. 319

Any three points to be examined

24. Rowlatt Act:

i. Censorship on the press.

ii. Detention without trial.
iii. Any other relevant point.
Any one to be mentioned

Impact :

i. Shops shut down, schools closed in response of the act on

people of Punjab to a bandh call.
ii. Prominent local Congress men arrested and Punjab suffered
iii. Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar.
iv. Any other relevant point.
Any two impacts to be mentioned Pg-349 1+2=3


25. Familial ties during 600BCE-600CE:

i. Every family varied in terms of number of members.

ii. They had definite relationship with one another, common activities
and shared food and resources.
iii. They performed rituals together.
iv. They had larger network of people called Kinfolk.
v. The family ties were natural based on blood.
vi. Any other relevant point.
Description of any four points to be done.
Rules of marriage:

i. Sons were considered important to continue lineage and daughters

were married outside and had no claim on resources of the
ii. Endogamy and exogamy were prevalent.
iii. Polygyny was also there.
iv. Polyandry- like in Pandavas were in practice.

v. Dharmasutras and dharmashastras recognized eight forms of
marriages out of which only four were considered good.
vi. The girls were married to the right person at a right time and
kanyadana was considered a religious duty of the father.
vii. Women were expected to give up their father‟s gotra and adopt
that of their husband on marriage.
viii. Members of the same gotra could not marry.
ix. Any other relevant point.
Pg- 55, 4+4=8
Description of any four points to be done


i. Families were usually a part of kinship.

ii. This was regarded natural, based on blood.
iii. Kinfolk had relations with one another but sometimes they
iv. The feud of Kauravas and Pandavas reinforced the idea of
v. Sons could claim the resources and the throne.
vi. Any other relevant point.
Description of any two points to be done. (2)
Varna order:

i. Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras contained rules about ideal

ii. Brahmins were supposed to study and teach Vedas, perform
sacrifices and rituals, give and receive gifts.
iii. Kshatriyas were to engage in warfare, protect people and
administer justice, study Vedas, get sacrifices performed and
make gifts.
iv. Vaishyas were to carry on trade, agriculture and pastoralism in
addition to study of Vedas, get sacrifices performed and make

v. Shudras were to do menial jobs and to serve the three higher
vi. Any other relevant point.
Description of any two points to be done. (2)
Instances to prove that this theory was not universally followed:
i. Non kshatriya kings- Contrary to the ideal occupations of the Varna
order.The Shungas and Kanvas were Brahmins.
ii. Some Satavahana queens retained their father‟s gotras even after
iii. Examples of endogamy were found in the Satavahana rulers.
iv. Bhim‟s marriage with Hidimba was deviation from the
v. The rule of gendered access to property defied in the case of
Vakataka queen Prabhavati Gupta.
vi. Eklavya acquiring archery skills and the Mandasor inscription of
guild of silk weavers from Lata Gujarat is an example of deviation Pg- 2+2+4=
from rules of ideal occupation. 55,56, 8
vii. Any other relevant point. (4) 60-65,
Description of any four points to be done. 68

26. Significance of Fortification of Vijayanagara:

i. Abdur Razzaq, an ambassador of ruler of Persia has mentioned

seven lines of forts and fortifications.
ii. The massive masonry construction was slightly tapered.
iii. No mortar was used as the stone blocks were wedge shaped.
iv. This not only encircled the city but also agricultural hinterland and
v. The outer most wall linked the hills surrounding the city.
vi. The significance about fortification was it enclosed agricultural
vii. Often the purpose of medieval siege was to starve the people into
viii. Fields inside the fortification were, thus the source of providing

food to the people and the troops.
ix. The fort gates were well guarded so that enemy could not have
easy access.
x. The roads inside the fortification were meant to serve the troops.
xi. The line of fortification was thus to provide safety to the king and
Pg- 8
the subjects.
xii. Any other relevant point.
Any eight points to be explained


Sources of water for the city of Vijayanagara:

i. River Tungabhadra was the main source of water to the city.

ii. Number of tributaries of Tungabhadra also supplied water for
people and for agriculture.
iii. A number of streams flew down from rocky outcrops.
iv. Embankments were built along these streams to create reservoirs
of varying sizes.
v. A huge reservoir was also constructed to store and supply water.
Now it is called Kamalapuram tank.
vi. Hiriya canal was another source of water for the people of city.
vii. Any other relevant point.
Description of any four points to be done.
Development of Trade of Vijayanagar empire :

i. Trade was carried out by the kings and traders.

ii. Horses for military were imported from Arabia and Central Asia.
iii. The trade was initially controlled by the Arab traders. Local
communities of merchants kudirai chettis or horse merchants
participated in these exchanges.
iv. Portuguese also brought superior technology for military.
v. Vijayanagara was also known for trading with spices, textiles and
precious stones.
vi. High value exotic goods were also traded. 4+4

vii. The state also earned revenue from it. 172,
viii. Any other relevant points 177
Description of any four points to be done
27. Why the Zamindars failed to pay the revenue:

i. The company felt that after fixing the revenue demand, the
zamindars would pay regularly along with unpaid balance.
ii. The zamindars failed due to very high initial demands.
iii. The high demand was imposed in 1790‟s that was the time when
agricultural produce was depressed.
iv. The zamindars could not collect rent, so how could they pay to the
v. The revenue was invariable, regardless of the harvest and had to be
paid punctually.
vi. According to the sunset law, if payment did not come in by sunset
of the specified date, the zamindari was liable to be auctioned.
vii. The permanent settlement limited the power of zamindars to
collect rent from the ryots.
viii. Zamindars lost their power to organize local justice and the local
ix. Sometimes due to bad weather or bad harvest the rent was difficult
to be collected.
x. Sometimes the ryots deliberately delayed the payments. Pg- 8

xi. Any other relevant point. 259-

To be assessed as a whole 260


The Jotedars in the early 19th century in rural Bengal :

i. While zamindars were facing problems, some rich peasants called

Jotedars were consolidating their power in villages.
ii. By early 19th century Jotedars had acquired vast areas of land.
iii. They controlled local trade as well as money lending.
iv. They started exercising immense power over the village peasants.

v. Most of the zamindars often lived in urban areas and became
dependent on Jotedars.
vi. Within villages the power of Jotedars was more than the
vii. Since Jotedars were located in villages thus their control was over
a considerable section of poor villagers.
viii. They fiercely resisted zamindars to increase the jama of villages.
ix. They prevented zamindar‟s officials and mobilized peasants
against them.
x. That was why when zamindar‟s estates were auctioned the Pg-261
Jotedars were among the purchasers.
xi. Their rise inevitably weakened zamindari authority.
xii. Any other relevant point.
To be assessed as a whole

28. What the king’s officials did
28.1 For what purpose were the king’s officials appointed?
Ans: The king‟s officials were appointed
i. To superintend or look after variety of jobs to serve the people.
ii. For administrative control on the people. (2)
28.2 Explain the types of jobs they carried out.
i. Some officers superintended rivers.
ii. Some measured the land.
iii. Some inspected the sluices by which water is let out from the
iv. Some were incharges of huntsmen.
v. Others collected taxes.
vi. Some superintended occupations connected with land.
(Any two points to be explained) (2)
28.3 What was the need to superintend the work of the workmen?
i. It was necessary to superintend the work of workmen to keep

control over them.
ii. To regulate their work. (2) Pg-34 2+2+2=
29. Classification of lands under Akbar.
29.1 Why was Chachar land left uncultivated for some three to four
Ans: Chachar land was left uncultivated for three to four years
so that
i. It may regain its fertility within this period.
ii. It may recover its strength. (2)
29.2 Explain the basis of this classification.
Ans: The classification was based on
i. The fertility of the land.
ii. Capacity of soil to be cultivated annually or not. (2)
29.3 Do you think it was a sound basis to assess the revenue? Explain.
i. This classification seems to be sound basis to assess the revenue as
it was fixed according to the type and productivity of land.
ii. It made payment of revenue easier for the cultivators. Pg-214 2+2+2=
(2) 6

30. Villagers as rebels

30.1 Examine the problem faced by the British in dealing with these
i. The British faced much problem in dealing with the villagers of
Oude. They used to move away at the sight of the British
ii. They collected again in large numbers with guns.
30.2 Why were people of oude (Awadh) hostile against the British?
Examine the reason.
i. The people of Oude were hostile as Oude was annexed by the

British and the popular king Wajid Ali Shah was dethroned and
exiled to Calcutta.
ii. With the dissolution of the court many people lost their
livelihood. (2)
30.3 How did the British suppress the rebels?
i. The British unleashed repressive measures with full force to
subdue the rebels. Martial law was imposed in north India. Pg-
ii. Ordinary processes of law and order was suspended and 296,
punishment for rebellion was death. 297, 2+2+2=
iii. Rebel landlords were dispossessed and loyal rewarded. 305, 6
Mention any two. (2) 306
31 Map based work 1x6=6
31.1 Filled up map attached 1x3
31.2 Filled up map attached 1x3
For visually impaired:
31.1 Bardoli, Chauri-Chaura, Champaran, Dandi, Amritsar, Bombay, 1x3
Calcutta, kheda, Ahmedabad, Benaras, Lahore, Karachi.
Any three centres from given list.
Magadha, Vajji, Koshala, Panchala, Kuru, Gandhara, Avanti, Rajgir,
Ujjain, Taxila, Varanasi(Kashi). 1x3
Any three centres from the list.
31.2 Sanchi, Ajanta, Lumbini, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Bharhut,
NagarjunaKonda, Amravati, Nasik. 1x3
Any three from the given list.


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