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There is a certain relationship between face shape and personality.

People with long faces are resolute/tegas, stubborn and decisive/menentukan.

The round and square/empat persegi faces belong to those who are
outgoing/ramah , passionate/gairah, intelligent and tough/keras hati.

Those with oblong/bujur faces are gentle/lemah lembut and keenly/teliti


The diamond faced is maverick/tdk konvensional, highly persevering/tekun,

discontented/tdk puas to the current situation, arrogant,
self-interested/mementingkan diri sendiri and irresponsible/tdk bertanggung

The oval/buur telur face belongs to the perfectionists who are disciplining,
broad-minded toward others, experienced in social contact and
cleanliness/kebersihan oriented.

The triangular/bentuk segi tiga faced are of strong intention,

explosiveness/mudah marah, wisdom and memory while the inverted/terbalik
triangle suggests strong fighting, rebellious and unyielding/keras hati spirit of
holding on straight/terus to the end.

The trapezoid/segi empat trapesium face belongs to those who are calm,
shrewd/cerdas and highly self-demanding/menuntut diri, and tend to suffer
depression and autism/autis.


In Chinese face reading, the face shapes are vividly described with ten Chinese
characters, namely '圆', '田', '目', '同', '用', '由', '甲', '申', '风', and '王', which
have the following features respectively:

'圆' Shaped
It belongs to the round face.
This kind of people is easy-going/cing cai, compassionate/welas asih, helpful,
generous/murah hati, considerate/baik budi, honest and tolerant and they are
good at handling interpersonal/relasi anatar perorangan relationships. Also,
they are soft hearted/berhati lembut and never want to harm others or look out
others' harming. Being/menjadi careless/sembrono, they are the adaptable
optimists and most of Buddhists/penganut buddha have this kind of face.

'田' Shaped
The outline of face roughly resembles a square/segi empat.
People with '田' shaped face are rich, smart, energetic, motivated,
unflappable/tdk dapt diganggu in face of anything and skilled in diplomacy.
Also, they are humorous, noble-hearted /berhati mulia and popular with others,
especially the opposite sex. However, they are impatient, stubborn and quite
self-esteemed/mennghargai status sosial diri.

'目' Shaped
It belongs to the long face.
Those with '目' shaped face are resolute/tegas, stubborn, decisive/menentukan,
highly subjective/persepsi diri, bad-tempered/lekas tersinggung, suspicious
and inflexible/kaku . It’s hard to get along/berhubungan with them. They are
hard-working and well-planned but often focus on one thing and ignore the
trivial/remeh matters. Women with the '目' shaped face are unrestrained/tdk
dpt dikendalikan, frank/terus terang, competitive and career-oriented rather
than family-oriented.

'同' Shaped
It also belongs to the long face but is wider and more masculine, featuring
straight nose, low forehead/dahi and well-developed cheeks which look like the
two vertical strokes in '同'.
This kind of people is quite subjective and emulative/berlomba niru . With
good physical strength, they are tough and can always overcome the
difficulties. Also, they are frank, honest, serious and responsible, demanding
the payment matching the work they do. Though they are impulsive, they can
restrain at the most impulsive moment. The biggest shortcoming/kekurangan
lies in that they are overly emotional and softhearted/gampang terharu.

'由' Shaped
Evolving from the '田' shape, it features the small forehead and wide chin.
The '由' shaped faces are prudent/biaksana/hati2, practical, persevering/tekun,
frank/terus terang and ready to promise others. They have poor luck in early
years and good kinship/kekeluargaan because they are family-oriented. At the
same time, they are stubborn and impatient and cannot get along/bergaul with
others. Though women with '由' shaped face are not gentle, they can assist
their husbands to build up a family and embark/memulai upon a career.
'甲' Shaped
Also evolving from the '田' shape, this kind of face features broad forehead and
small chin and belongs to the currently popular 'V' face in China.
Full of ideas, people with '甲' shaped faces have good perception, memory and
imagination. They are the ambitious entrepreneurial talents yet not good at
interpersonal relationships. With good luck in early years, they enjoy success
when young but tend to be lonely in old age.

'申' Shaped
Small in both upper and lower part, this type of face features narrow forehead,
big and protruding cheeks, and pointed chin.
The '申' shaped faces tend to be in the complicated dual disposition. They are
smart, rational, emotional, highly adaptable and long-sighted. Meanwhile, they
are indecisive, think a lot messily, lack of confidence, and hardly carry out a
plan. Also, they are self-interested, lack of self-control, often tell a lie, have
many schemes and always need praise from others.

'风' Shaped
Just like the Chinese character '风', this kind of face is flat and defined with the
broad forehead, flat cheeks, broad and plump chin.
People with '风' shaped faces are easy-going, resigned to the situation and not
aggressive. They move about all the life, leave the hometown in early years,
move here and there at the age about 20 and will succeed if they get help from
the benefactor. After the age of 40, they have better luck and lead the good life
in old age. The shortcoming lies in their greed.

'王' Shaped
This kind of face is big, bony and defined with the protruding cheeks and
forehead, and straight nose.
Those with '王' shaped faces are intelligent, vigorous, capable and of distinctive
character. They have a clear-cut stand on what to love and what to hate, and
the courage to take the blame for what they do, and try their best to help those
in trouble. At the same time, they are capricious and change their mood with
the environment influence. Also, they are highly vengeful, greedy and selfish,
have no sense of responsibility to the family and will harm others to benefit
themselves by fair means or foul. They tend to live a hard life with bad luck.

'用' Shaped
Resembling the Chinese character '用', it belongs to the square face yet features
more protruding chin and cheeks.
People of this face shape are generally irritable, tenacious, loyal to friends and
of strong self-consciousness.

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