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Lesson 1
Duration 45 minutes

Step Name Activity Instruction Duration

1 Warm-up - Exercises: This one is a 5 minutes
great for over excited
students who need to burn
off a bit of energy. It’s also
good for classroom
commands and numbers.
Let students stand up and
call out instructions: “Jump
10 times”, “turn around 4
times” etc. Other ones to
use are: run, hop, walk,
jump up, stand up & sit
down. At first students will
copy you but later they
should be able to do the
commands without you.
2 Vocabulary Camping - Before class, prepare 10 minutes
(Slide 3-8) things: vocab flashcards. Start
torch, comb, with the “swim”
sleeping bag, flashcard. Slowly push
teddy, pillow, the flashcard up,
pyjamas, revealing a little of the
blanket, mat, picture. Encourage
sunglasses, students to shout out what
book, towel, they think it is. Keep
toothbrush, slowly revealing the
image until someone
shouts our the correct
word (or you will have to
tell them the answer).
Then chorus the word 3
3 Grammar - T gives the def and how 10 mins
(slide 9-14) Have you to use the structure
got any/a… - Using illustrative
examples to make it
Yes/ No, I easier for ss to understand
haven’t got - Allowing them to make
a/any… their own sentences with
the new structure.
Is/are the…
4 Exercise 1 Look, Listen - Look at the picture with 3 mins
(Slide 15) and repeat the ss. Ask questions such
as Have they got any …?
Recast the ss’s answer as
necessary: Yes, they’ve
- Let ss listen to the
recording. They repeat
each word chorally and
point to the correct
5 Exercise 2 Ask and - Introduce the dialogue 5 minutes
(Slide 17) answer with questions such as Is
the comb on the table?
The ss answer your
question with Yes or No
- The ss practice asking and
answering the questions
in pairs.
- As a variation, the ss take
turns to close their books
and answer their partner’s
questions from memory
6 Exercise 3 Number the - Read the words in the 5 mins
(Slide 23) pictures. work bank to the ss
Write - Point to the picture for
blanket and ask What is
it? The student identity
the camping things
- Show how the example
answer 1 links to the
pictures with the correct
word in the word bank
- SS number the remaining
pictures in the same way.
- Check the answers
together and correct the
7 Exercise 4 Look and - Read the sentences and 5 minutes
(Slide 26) complete words in the box for ss
- Point to the picture 1. Ask
1ss to read the sentences
in the speech bubble
(Have you got any
sunglasses?) and ss2 read
the reply (No)
- Point to the picture 2 and
ask another pair ask and
answer. The ss write the
sentences in the speech
- Repeat with the other
7 Wrap-up Review - Finally, it’s time to 5 mins
review. Think about a
camping things and
choose one, but don’t tell
the students. Give
students a clue as to what
camping things you are
thinking of by telling
them the first letter by
saying “ I spy with my
little eye something
beginning with (T)” Then,
ask students to guess what
camping things you are
thinking of. If a student
guess correctly, ask
student to choose the next
object and play again

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