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Organizational Behavior Course

Lecturer will use this rubric to evaluate each group’s assignment and presentation.
Students can look at this rubric so they may understand what they are being graded on.

Content and All required questions are addressed with All required questions are addressed but may not Some but not all required questions are
Methodology thoughful indepth consideration reflecting be addressed with thoughful consideration and/or addressed. Content and/or terminology
(4 points) proper use of content terminology. Points are may not reflect proper use of content is not properly used or referenced.
clearly made and evidence is used to support terminology. Some spelling and grammatical errors
claims. are presented.
4.0 – 3.0 2.5 – 2.0
1.5 – 1.0

Organization  All parts of the task are completed fully  Slides designed do not support the Pay attention:
(1 point) and support the theme/content of the theme/content of the presentation. .0 – 2.0
presentation.  Several graphics are unattractive and detract - Less than 15 minutes or more
 All graphics are attractive (size and from the content of the presentation than 20 minutes delivering the
colors) and support the theme/content of  Little or no visuals, too much text on slides presentation
the presentation.  Some spelling and grammatical errors are
 Free of all spelling and grammatical errors. presented.
1.0 0.5 0

Introduction The group have a clear introduction about the The group have a briefly introduction of the The group have no clear introduction
(1 point) topic and all members with the parts they topic. about members and topic.
take over.
1.0 0.5 0.0

Presentation  Demonstrates a strong, positive feeling  Occasionally shows positive feelings about  Shows absolutely no interest in
(Individual) about topic during entire presentation topic/ Shows some negativity toward topic topic presented.
(2 points)  Uses a clear voice and speaks at a good presented  Presenter mumbles, talks very fast,
pace so audience members can hear  Presenter’s voice is clear. The pace is a little and speaks too quietly for a
presentation. Does not read off slides slow or fast at times. Most audience members majority of students to hear &
 Seldom looking at notes or slides can hear presentation understand.
 Consistent use of direct eye contact with
audience, but still returns to notes
 Displayed minimal eye contact
with audience, while reading
2.0 – 1.5
mostly from notes

Q&A Student answers the question with a very Student answers the question with some parts Student cannot answer the question.
(2 points) convincible explanation. unclear.
2.0 1.5 - 0.5 0.0

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