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We call for:

The protection of fundamental human rights and freedom of expression for all Sri Lankans, including media workers and human rights defenders. Judicial independence and restoration of the rule of law. An end to the culture of impunity via competent and thorough investigations into the murders and disappearances of all media professionals. The implementation of a Freedom of Information Bill that complies with international and regional best practice.

To protect freedom of expression and information in Sri Lanka from the concerted attack of the government, a series of further measures is needed

Support for journalists in Sri Lanka: - Major media outlets need to retain correspondents in Sri Lanka and to push the government for unhindered access to the north and east. - The Sri Lanka government should provide visas to all foreign journalists wanting to report from Sri Lanka. Media outlets and foreign governments should protest when visas are denied. - Responsible Sri Lankan media outlets should discourage vitriolic personal attacks on journalists critical of the government. - Foreign governments should provide threatened journalists in Sri Lanka with access to safe houses and facilities for leaving to a safer country via the provision of a fast and timely in-country asylum system (such as the one Switzerland uses). Support for exiled journalists: - Foreign governments should provide hosting assistance to exiled journalists including scholarships, language training and professional continuing-education opportunities. - Media outlets should take advantage of the knowledge and skills of exiled Sri Lankan journalists by seeking to employ them wherever possible and appropriate. - Foreign governments should give an assurance that no one seeking asylum will be returned until the situation in Sri Lanka improves dramatically. Support for families of those killed and a commitment to tackle impunity - The murder of journalists must be investigated by the government of Sri Lanka and, especially in the absence of genuine or effective investigation by Sri Lanka, by the international community. - Foreign governments should provide threatened witnesses to assassinations in Sri Lanka with access to safe houses and facilities for leaving to a safer country via the provision of a fast and timely in-country asylum system. - Families of those killed should be offered victim support by the government of Sri Lanka and by the international community.

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