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1. What is tourism?
 Tourism is the temporary short-term movement of people to destination
outside the places where they normally live and work, and their activities
during the stay at these destinations.
2. How many sectors are there in tourism industry? What are they?
 There are 6 sectors:
 Tourist attractions
 Transportation
 Accommodation and catering
 Tour operators
 Retail (Travel agents and online)
 Public sector tourism (tourist information)
3. What are some essential skills and qualities to work in tourism?
 Calm, friendly, flexible, extrovert, smart, hardworking, confident,

4. What are destinations? Give some popular destinations in the world

 Destinations can be cities, towns, natural religions, or even whole countries.
 Some popular destinations: Cancun in Mexico

5. What is inbound tourism? Outbound tourism? And domestic tourism?

 Inbound tourism involves people arriving in a destination from another
 Outbound tourism: People travelling to destinations in a different country
are participating in.
 Domestic tourism occurs when tourists visit destinations in their own

6. Who are tour operators?

 Tour operators typically combines tour and travel components to create a
package holiday. They advertise and produce brochures to promote their
products, holidays and itineraries.

7. What is a package holiday? Give some advantages of choosing a package

 Package holiday: a holiday that is organized by a company for a fixed price
that includes the cost of travel, hotels, etc.
 Some advantages:
 They are cheaper than if you buy each component separately
 Customers know how much their holiday will cost before leaving home
 Customers do not have to spend time buying each component separately
 The standard of the transport, accommodation, and services has been
checked by professionals
 There will be a representative at the destination

8. Give two words which also mean package holiday

 Package tour, inclusive tour

9. How many types of tour operators are there? What are their roles?
 There are 4 types:
 Mass market tour operators: Like Thomas Cook create package holidays for
people travelling to the world’s most popular and most economical
 Domestic tour operators: specialize in packages for people travelling inside
their own country.
 Inbound tour operators: produce packages for coming into a country from
 Specialist tour operators: offer packages to people with specific interests
such as sailing or climbing.

10. What are some main reasons that make people go on holiday? What are main
differences among them?
 Most tourist arrivals statistics classify visitors as leisure tourism, visiting
friends and relatives, business tourism.
 Leisure tourism covers any activity we undertake in our free time and
which produces pleasure. This includes health tourism, sports tourism (both
watching and participating), educational travel, cultural and historical travel,
travel for religious reasons, and so on.
 Visiting friends and relatives: There is a leisure element to VFR.
Especially in social occasions like weddings or birthdays. However, VFR is
often not dependent on tourism services like accommodation. Because of
this, many tourism authorities see VFR as sufficiently different from leisure
tourism to be seen as a class on its own.
 Business tourism covers a wide range of activities: exhibitions and fair
conferences, business meetings and incentive travel. People travelling on
business need to relax, and they may take advantage of a business trip to
visit a local tourist attraction. However, business travel is different from
leisure tourism and VFR in that the main reason for travelling is work, not

11. Who are travel agents?

Travel agent are retailers, they sell tourism product to the public in a shop that is
called travel agency. They are part of the chain distribution and connect tour
operators (the wholesalers) to customer.
12. What are typical products which travel agents sell?
 Package holidays
 Air train and coach tickets
 Traveler’s cheques
 Insurance

13. How many stages are there in the sale process? What are they?
 There are 4 main stages:
 Establishing rapport with the client
 Investigating the client’s needs
 Presenting the product
 Getting the client to commit themselves to the purchase

14. How many main types of transport are there in tourism? Give examples
 There are 3 main types:
 Surface (land) transport - train coach, bus, train, coach, taxi, car, motorbike
and bicycle.
 Water-borne transport - cruise ship (liner), ferry, hydrofoil, hovercraft,
yacht, motorboat and barge.
 Air transport - jet aircraft, light aircraft and helicopter.

15. Which type of transport is the most popular? Why?

 Land transport is the most popular.

16. How many main types of accommodation are there in tourism? Give examples
 There are 2 types:
 Serviced accommodation: hotels, guest houses, motels, bed and breakfast
 Self-catering accommodation: Apartments, motorhomes, campsites,
caravans, villas.

17. What are main differences between serviced accommodation and self-catering
 Serviced accommodation: This refers to any sort of accommodation where
the guests receive a place to sleep, meals, porter services, reception services,
and so on.
 Self-catering accommodation: in this sort of accommodation the guests
prepare their own meals, and very few other services are provided except for

18. Which type of accommodation is the most popular? Why?

 Hotels are the most popular type of accommodation in many countries. They
can be small, family-owned hotels, hotels at popular resorts catering for
holidaymakers, business hotels, and so on.

19. What is the main purpose of marketing?

 Ensure that the right product is created and made available to the right

20. How many steps are there in the marketing process? What are they?
 There are 4 steps:
 Customer’s needs and wants
 Create your products and services
 Promote your products and services
 Obtain and evaluate feedback
21. How many types of promotional techniques are there in tourism? Describe each
 There are 5 types:
 Advertising: adverts on TV, the radio, in magazine and newspaper, on the
Internet, etc.
 Direct marketing: sending letters or emails to people whose addresses a
company has on its database. Direct mailing means you only contact the
people most likely to buy your product.
 Personal selling; this is vital to the success of a travel agency and is the sale
through talking face-to-face with the customer.
 Public relations: paying travel journalists to use one of your products and
then write about it; making sure that all of the staff of a company that come
into direct contact with the public project a good image of the company.
 Sales promotion: arrange of activities (discounts, competition, brochures,
exhibitions, free gifts, price cuts, etc.) all designed to stimulate short-term
demand for a product.

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