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Effect of a patient-information video on

the preoperative anxiety levels of cataract
surgery patients
Kiran J. Ahmed, MB ChB, Joshua D. Pilling, MB ChB, Khuram Ahmed, MD, John Buchan, FRCOphth, MD
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Purpose: To assess whether a cataract surgery patient- Results: The study comprised 200 patients (100 in the inter-
information video reduces patients’ preoperative anxiety levels. vention group, 100 in the control group). There was a significant
difference in mean VAS anxiety scores between the control
Setting: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. group (45.5 mm G 21.4 [SD]) and the intervention group (11.2
G 11.4 mm) (P < .001). On a 5-stage Likert scale, responses
Design: Prospective controlled trial of an intervention to reduce to the APAIS statement “I am worried about the procedure”
anxiety for first-eye elective cataract surgery patients. (range 1 Z not at all to 5 Z extremely worried) also showed
that the control group patients were significantly more worried
Methods: Patients attending for first-eye elective cataract surgery than the intervention group (P < .001). The mode response
were included in the study. The primary outcome measure was a score was 3 in the control group versus 1 in the intervention
questionnaire based upon the Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety group.
and Information Score (APAIS), and an 80.0 mm visual analogue
scale (VAS) score. The questionnaire was administered to a Conclusions: Providing a patient-information video before
control group of consecutive preoperative cataract surgery cataract surgery was an inexpensive and effective intervention in
patients who had not seen the information video. Subsequently, reducing preoperative anxiety. Such interventions could improve
the video was introduced to the surgical pathway and the the overall experience of cataract surgery patients.
questionnaire was administered preoperatively to an intervention
group of consecutive patients who had watched the video. J Cataract Refract Surg 2019; 45:475–479 Q 2018 ASCRS and ESCRS

ataract surgery is the most frequently performed places strain on clinicians’ time. The quality of verbal in-
operation in developed health economies.1 Patient formation provision is dependent on the commitment
anxiety surrounding all surgery is well recognized. and communication skills of the physician concerned,
Previous studies have reported high levels of anxiety which can be dampened by the reality of a busy clinical
amongst preoperative patients, and have attempted to environment,7,8 and previous studies have shown poor in-
quantify this through the use of a questionnaire.2,3 Most formation retention after clinic appointments in preoper-
of these studies relate to experiences before the administra- ative cataract surgery patients.9,10 Therefore, there is a
tion of an anesthetic or general surgery, but anxiety in need for efficient, standardized methods of delivering the
patients attending for cataract surgery has also been docu- necessary information to patients.
mented.4 A study by Morrell5 showed that information Videos are a practical method for providing preoperative
regarding the safety of cataract surgery could reduce pa- information in a standardized, reproducible manner.
tient anxiety. Furthermore, providing information on the Research has shown that a multimedia-assisted delivery of
procedure itself as well as risks, benefits, and alternative information to patients improves their retention, with
options are all required as part of the informed consent videos leading to better outcomes on knowledge question-
process.6 However, given that such large numbers of naires than face-to-face verbal and leaflet information pro-
cataract operations are performed annually, delivering visions.11,12 A study by Shukla et al.11 demonstrated that a
high-quality individual preoperative patient counseling videotape presentation, in conjunction with an information

Submitted: August 5, 2018 | Final revision submitted: October 25, 2018 | Accepted: November 18, 2018
From the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds, United Kingdom.
Mr. Buchan is supported by a grant from the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Trust through the Commonwealth Eye Health Consortium, International Centre for Eye
Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.
Corresponding author: Kiran J. Ahmed, MB ChB, St James’s University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF, United Kingdom. Email:

Q 2018 ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$ - see frontmatter

Published by Elsevier Inc.

sheet at a low reading grade level, showed increased under- eye, patients who did not consent, and those who were unable to
standing of the risks and benefits of cataract surgery. In a complete the questionnaire.
The control group comprised 100 consecutive patients under-
study by Pager,13 patients were allocated to view either an
going routine cataract surgery, who had not seen the video preop-
“anatomy” video or an “expectations” video in cataract sur- eratively. The measurement of preoperative anxiety in a control
gery. Patients who watched the expectations video were group was made possible by starting the evaluation before the
found to be more satisfied after the surgery than those in video was ready for routine display to those undergoing cataract
the anatomy group. surgery. As an opportunistic evaluation of a health service inter-
vention, and because of financial and practical constraints, the pa-
With cataract surgery being the most frequently per-
tients were not randomly assigned to the study groups. However,
formed ophthalmologic operation,14 the presence of such to ensure that the general baseline characteristics were as similar as
a simple intervention to potentially reduce anxiety levels possible, the inclusion criteria were used. Also, all participants
for such a large number of patients represents an important were from the same study population because they had attended
opportunity for healthcare providers to improve the service the same hospital for routine surgery.
The intervention group constituted 100 consecutive patients
they offer. Videos have the added advantage of being able to
who were shown the video preoperatively on the day of their sur-
show patients information in a way that is not possible gery. Participants in the intervention group were shown the video
verbally. For example, giving a virtual-guided tour of an on arrival to the ward before dilation. Both groups had the anxiety
operating theater or including patient testimonials from questionnaire scoring conducted by the researchers immediately
previous cataract surgery patients describing their prior to them leaving the ward to undergo elective day-case topical
anesthetic cataract surgery. For comparability of the control and
intervention groups, the patients’ age and sex were also recorded.
Previous studies have evaluated the use of videos as a way Furthermore, the patients were recruited consecutively over a
of delivering information to patients undergoing surgery 3-month period, with no time gap between the control and inter-
and outpatient procedures, assessing the effect this has on vention group because the completion of recruitment of 100 con-
overall anxiety. A randomized trial of women attending trol patients coincided with the readiness of the video for
preoperative display.
for colposcopy15 found significantly less anxiety in the
The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Score
intervention group that was presented with a preoperative (APAIS) questionnaire involved three statements: “I am worried
explanatory video. A study of preprocedure colonoscopy about the procedure,” “The procedure is continually on my
patients16 found significantly less anxiety in patients mind,” and “I would like to know as much as possible about the
receiving a preprocedure information video compared procedure.” Each statement had 5-stage Likert scale responses
graded from 1 (not at all) to 5 (extremely) to assess patient anxiety
with those who did not. Lee et al.17 also showed that anxiety
related to the procedure.
related to anesthesia was reduced with a media-based The visual analogue scale (VAS) score was labeled “not at all
intervention. anxious” on the extreme left and “extremely anxious” on the
Despite cataract surgery being the most frequently per- extreme right. The patients were asked to mark how anxious
formed surgery worldwide, and the well-recognized posi- they felt on the scale. The position of the mark was measured in
millimeters with a range of 0.0 to 80.0 mm, where 0.0 mm meant
tive impact of preoperative information videos in various
the patient was not anxious at all and 80.0 mm meant the patient
surgical settings, there is a dearth of literature exploring was extremely anxious.
the effect of such videos on preoperative anxiety levels in
elective cataract surgery. This research aimed to assess Statistical Analysis
whether a cataract surgery patient-information video has The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS software
an effect on patients’ preoperative anxiety levels. (version 22.0, IBM Corp.). The quantitative values are presented
as means G SD. An independent-samples t test was used to
compare VAS anxiety scores between the two groups, whereas a
Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze categorical data gener-
PATIENTS AND METHODS ated from the Likert responses. A P value less than 0.05 was
This prospective comparative study based at a hospital in West considered statistically significant.
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, collected data on 200 patients under-
going their first, elective, age-related cataract surgery over a RESULTS
3-month period, June to August 2015. Because of the opportu- Over a 3-month period, 200 patients (100 in the control
nistic nature of the study, a formal ethical committee approval
was not required; however, full regard was paid to the tenets of group, 100 in the intervention group) were recruited. The
the Declaration of Helsinki. mean age of the 88 men and 112 women was 74 years.
This study focused on the evaluation of the effect of a video that The participants in the two groups were similar in terms
was created by two of the study authors (K.A., J.B.) to reduce pre- of age and sex distribution (Table 1).
operative anxiety levels for cataract surgery. The video was created As an overall group, the t tests showed there was a signif-
using new material and importing material under accepted terms
of fair usage. It includes an explanation of the process of routine icant difference between the mean VAS anxiety score of
phacoemulsification cataract surgery, and it features individual men (23.4 G 20.8) and women (34.1 G 26.9)
patients describing their cataract surgery experience. Subsequent (P ! .001). On average, female patients were more anxious
to the study, the video was made available online.A than male patients. The t tests also showed significant dif-
The inclusion criteria were all patients scheduled for routine ference in the mean VAS anxiety scores between the control
age-related first-eye cataract surgery with the capacity to provide
informed verbal consent and the ability to see, hear, and under- group and the intervention group (P ! .001). Table 1
stand the video as well as be able to complete the questionnaire. shows that patients in the control group were more anxious
The exclusion criteria were previous cataract surgery in the fellow than those in the intervention group based on the mean

Volume 45 Issue 4 April 2019


Table 1. Characteristics and VAS scores in the control

group versus video group.
Parameter Group Video Group
Patients (n) 100 100
Mean age (y) G SD 73 G 11 74 G 10.5
Female, n (%) 55 (55) 57 (57)
Male, n (%) 45 (45) 43 (43)
Mean VAS anxiety score G SD* 45.5 G 21.4 11.2 G 11.4

VAS Z visual analogue scale

*P ! .001

VAS anxiety scores (P ! .001). The Likert-scale responses

to “I am worried about the procedure,” where a score of 1
meant not at all and a score of 5 meant extremely worried,
also showed that patients in the control group were signif-
icantly more worried about the procedure than those in the
intervention group (P ! .001). The mode Likert-scale score
to this statement was 3 in the control group compared with Figure 1. Patients’ anxiety score to the statement “I am worried
a mode score of 1 in the intervention group. Figure 1 shows about the procedure” on a 5-stage Likert scale (range 1 Z not at
the frequencies of each stage of the 5-stage Likert scale all to 5 Z extremely)
response to “I am worried about the procedure.” No pa-
tients in the video intervention group gave a rating score environment such as most cataract surgery units. On the
of 4 or 5 to this statement. The mode Likert-scale score contrary, a VAS is a simple, quick measurement method
for “The procedure is on my mind continually” was 1 that has been shown to correlate well with other measures
(not at all) for both groups, with the majority of patients of anxiety. VAS scores have been used widely with studies
commenting that they had not thought about the surgery showing good validity, reliability, and correlation with the
until the day of the procedure. STAI. The APAIS has also been shown to correlate well
Comparisons of information needs based on responses to with the gold standard STAI.19 Therefore, these were cho-
“I would like to know as much as possible about the proced- sen as the main outcome measures for the study.18
ure” showed there was no significant difference in Likert- Second-eye cataract operations were excluded to reduce
scale scores between the two groups, with the mode score the source of potential bias constituted by previous personal
being 5 (extremely) for both groups: 34 (34%) of the 100 pa- experience. However, we did not exclude or ascertain
tients in the control group and 38 (38%) of the 100 patients whether patients had a spouse or close relative who had un-
in the intervention group. There was no association be- dergone surgery; nor did we determine patients’ level of
tween VAS anxiety scores and how much information pa- experience of previous ophthalmologic or nonophthalmo-
tients desired about the procedure; 86 patients (86%) and logic operations. Furthermore, the educational level and
96 patients (96%) in the control group and the intervention occupational background of the patients was not recorded.
group, respectively, gave a Likert score of 3 or more. Such factors could impact upon patients’ perceptions and
their overall preoperative anxiety regarding cataract sur-
DISCUSSION gery; and further research into determinants of heightened
This is the first study using standardized anxiety scores to anxiety would be of interest.
investigate the potential role of a patient-information video, In terms of desire for information, both the control and
which includes patient testimonials, to reduce preoperative intervention groups reported a high score; this suggests
patient anxiety regarding cataract surgery. The positive that despite in-clinic counseling, patients still wanted to
result of a significant reduction in anxiety in patients who receive more information. This resonates with findings
had been shown the video resonates with findings from from previous research that suggests patients (a) have low
other surgical specialties for which videos have been shown level of recollection of information given in the clinic7,14
to reduce anxiety.15,16 and (b) want more information than they felt they
This study involved a questionnaire based upon the received.20 Furthermore, studies have shown that the infor-
APAIS and a VAS. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory mation provision is a substantial factor influencing overall
(STAI) is often regarded as a gold standard questionnaire patient satisfaction, with perceived lack of information
in assessing anxiety.18 However, it is a time-consuming correlating to poorer satisfaction outcomes.20–22 Subse-
assessment to perform, involving 40 self-report statements quently, the use of a video informational tool can be crucial
that are scored by the participant on a scale of 1 to 4, which in improving patient understanding and recollection,
makes it impractical in a high turn-over clinical reducing anxiety, and contributing to greater overall

Volume 45 Issue 4 April 2019


satisfaction. This is an important outcome because greater benefits of an improved patient-information provision.
patient satisfaction has been linked to greater compliance The outcomes could assess the effect of such a video on
with follow-up appointments, medical advice, and treat- reducing patient anxiety, improving satisfaction, informa-
ments, thereby enhancing health outcomes.23,24 tion recollection, and meeting the requirements for
The desire for more information was also reflected in pa- informed consent.
tients’ comments, “I looked on the Internet to try to find a In summary, this study showed that a simple,
video to tell you what’s involved in the procedure, but the time-efficient, and cost-effective informational and patient
video playing in the waiting room was exactly what I testimonial video could significantly reduce patients’ preop-
wanted to know.” In a technological age, many patients erative anxiety levels. This could help to improve overall pa-
source information for themselves via the Internet. This rai- tient experience and satisfaction by reducing anxiety and
ses the issue that sometimes the vast amounts of informa- meeting information needs, which is an invaluable benefit
tion available online can be difficult to filter and patients for clinicians and patients given that cataract surgery is one
might be unable to judge the quality of the information of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide.
without specialist knowledge, which could increase anxiety
levels. A patient-information video routinely introduced
into the surgical pathway could help overcome this chal- WHAT WAS KNOWN
lenge for patients.  Patients undergoing cataract surgery often report substan-
On the contrary, there was a small minority of patients tial preoperative anxiety.
who did not want to know as much as possible about the  Patient-information videos are a standardized, efficient way
of delivering information and can help increase the level of
procedure. It is possible that although the overall effect on
information retention better than that retained after a verbal
the population is beneficial in reducing anxiety, for a small
briefing alone or verbal briefings with a supplementary
subgroup of patients, increasing the information provision leaflet.
can be overwhelming and anxiety provoking. Patient pref-  Although multimedia approaches improve information
erence must be respected by providing information at a retention, there is concern and controversy about how the
level, amount, and pace that is suitable for them. This use of videos affects anxiety levels.
might involve excluding video information if patients  There is a dearth of literature on the effect of patient-
feel they have adequate detail and understanding from a information videos on preoperative anxiety levels in a cata-
ract surgery setting.
face-to-face clinic discussion; instead, a leaflet with written
information, which includes directions to the information WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS
video if they wish to watch it at a later date, could be  Most patients undergoing their first elective cataract surgery
provided. had a desire for more information.
Although this study demonstrates that a cataract surgery  Anxiety levels in first-eye cataract surgery patients can be
informational video can help reduce patient anxiety, significantly reduced by use of a patient testimonial and
informational video.
caution should be exercised when extrapolating these re-
 Such videos would be a beneficial addition to the surgical
sults because the content of the video has a role to play in pathway because they are a simple cost-effective and time-
its impact on anxiety levels.13 The inclusion of actual pa- effective standardized way of providing information.
tient testimonies, filmed in the same location as patients  Further research is required, with an emphasis on video
found themselves at the point of watching it, was felt to content and timing of exposure, to identify factors that can
be beneficial. The video demonstrated that patients who optimize the benefits of an improved patient-information
were anxious before the procedure then went on to report provision.
various, generally positive experiences of surgery. One
participant commented, “It is lovely to see how happy
they all are after surgery even though they were so nervous
before.” Thus, the informational video in this study mainly REFERENCES
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Volume 45 Issue 4 April 2019

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