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he world is
the greatest qymnasium where we come to make ourselves Strotg
- Swami Vivekananda

Our body, however, is not solely about the
When we hear the word 'education, the
image that brain. We may think with the latter and indeed
springs up in our mind is usually that of a classroom the human capacity to think is a highly-priced
filled with students focused books
open on
identical desks, while a teacher looms
spread attribute that sets us apart from the rest of the
animal kingdom - but we breathe with our lungs,
over them between neat rows of benches. This is run with our legs, eat with our hands. How we live
perhaps because we automatically associate the each day is determined by the entire body's ability
term withknowledge acquired through textbooks. to function as a whole. Even the slightest cough or
Education in a general sense is restricted to the raised temperature tends to cause inconvenience.
inside of schools and colleges, where lectures are As such, it has now become necessary not only to
given in a time bound manner and exams are set nourish the mind but also nurture the body at the
to test our brains. same time.

Figure 1.1 Physical education leads to holistic development of the students.

Physical education is an educa
of this
born out
through human movement vhere on of and
Education increase

by many of
is to
Its primary
goal her/him educational activit are achieved
necessity. keeping
productivity by activity muscle activities volving sports, eans of big
student's physical
part of

about its
In this
dance and exercise."

Harold Ms Barrow and

we will learn PRr Janie
aims and c a r e e r options. Physical education is education throuoh rown
OF activities for the physical
levelopment of the total persone
its fullness and perfection inonality
MEANING AND of the child to body
PHYSICAL EDUCATION mind and spirit."
meaning of physical
Although the simplest functional -Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Ree
concerns the structural and
These definitions make it clear that
ofthe human body through Dhs
understanding endurance, education has a holist
approach ysical
development of the student. She/he towards
to increase
its strength,
physical activity the more
correct way gains the
and flexibility, in all
speed, agility beyond the mere growth of spheres of life: physical, mental, social and so
look at it extends how The next section will show us in detail what on.
to ourselves with
health. Let
aims and objectives of physical education are. the
physical understand the
define the term to
overall target of this subject.
the nature of
"With understanding of
in which wholeness of
the human organism
physical education
individual is the outstanding fact,
The Ministry of Education and National Planning
becomeseducation through the physical. of Physical Education and Recreation says that "the
education aim of physical education must be to make every
this view operative, physical
personal relationships, group child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and
emotional responses,
intellectual,also to develop in him such personal and social
behaviours, mental learnings and other
qualities which will help him live happily with
aesthetic outcomes.
social, emotional and - Jesse Feiring Williams others and build him up as a good citizen." This is
a reaffirmation of
what has already been stated in
a n integral part of
is taken as definite
Physical education total the previous section and may be
has its aim the
and a s
For an in-depth study of
total education process purpose of the subject.
and Put
emotionally break it down further
developmentof physically, mentally, this broad objective, let us
citizens through the medium of physical into five distinct categories.
socially fit with a view to
activities which have been selected
realising its outcomes.
- Charles A Bucher Organic Aspect of Development
education is to establish
The first step of physical
Physical education is a programme of physical (a) the body as the
activities that develops health in youth through physical fitness in two ways: regular
is kept in shape through
various organic systems of the body; develops eye c a n see it n
exercise, such as jogging.
walking, engaging
their skills in physical activities with an implication
various sports and through maintaining
recreation diet and (b)
for enjoyment, emotional development, correct posture and eating a healthy the of
and the optimum development of the human strengthening
the subsequent which in turn
- Irwin
and muscles,
organism. 1nternal organs rom
immune system and sprotects
the ound mind
"Physical education isa process through which boosts
diseases. As a
an individual claims optimal physical, mental and degenerative education classes thus
social skillsandfitness through physical activity." 1S in a sound body, physical
students with sharper inteluce
- Lumpkin produce healthier

of conflicts. Teenagers suddenly find an array
emotions to deal with, for example, jealousy,
aspect of loneliness, love, anger, pleasure, etc. Since
development onset of these intense emotions clashes
with the
start of adulthood, they strong need
also feel a

to handle them without parental supervision.
aspect of
muscular Although this entire process is natural, it is
aspect of
dangerously easy to be lured away by extreme
AIMS & development emotions. Depression and anger issues are common
OF PHYSICAL afflictions to be found among young students.
EDUCATION Physical education activities serve as a good outlet
for their surplus energy, reduce their anxiety and
may bring them closer to their peers. What's more,
aspect of
students get an opportunity to leave the classrooms
aspect of
development and textbooks for a while and refresh their body
and mind.

Figure 1.2 Aims and objectives of Social Aspect of Development

physical education One of the most positive outcomes of physical
education is the growth of social skills, although
Neuromuscular Aspect of Development this may not be immediately visible. It is human
Physical movement is involved in the greater share nature to seek the society of fellow human
of our waking hours. We may feel that we don't do no matter how well we can act alone. Besides, those
much while lying on the bed and reading a novel, who can empathise and adjust with others are bette
even the small task of flipping equipped to lead. Many sporting activities function
through pages
requires the nervous system to work with the on certain social values like team
spirit, fair play,
muscular system. Sports and games such as tennis, cooperation and respect. These are honourable
badminton, boxing, cricket, etc. all rely on the two values for all persons to possess- male or female,
systems for coordination. Neuromuscular aspect
of physical education enhances their
in addition to
gradually decreasing fatigue and
providing mental satisfaction.

Mental Aspect of Development

Sports and games require mental alertness and
concentration. There are rules and regulations
tofollow, techniques to explore and execute and
new tricks to discover. The players learn how to
face tough challenges and find within themselves
a sense of self-reliance. To keep up with the
best, it also becomes vital to create a
way of living, in which wasteful and idle
pursuits have no place. Physical education classes
help the students to employ their leisure time
Emotional Aspect of Development
Figure 1.3 Physical education plays an
Adolescence is portrayed as a rough period in important role in the development of values
literature and movies. And rightly it is the age like team spirit and cooperation.

young or old, but indispensable personality traits 4. Master of
for the youth since they are future leaders in the
Education: Philosophyof
making. MPEd. MPEd Doctora
Apart from these, and MPhil in
CAREER OPTIONS IN PHYSICAL courses are also taug certificatean
EDUCATION as NIS,in sports premier inst 8ioplcoma
Though physical fitness has been a priority in our sports science and Coaching, sports itutes such
sports physiotherapy, etc. sports medieicóne
Car managem
culture since ancient times, the physical
as a discipline was moulded in the latter
subject knowledge and expertise which
increase and ones
half of and
the twentieth century. The Government of India employability.
made various inroads after consultation with her/his
expert committees to turn the subject into an Teaching9
indispensable part of ayouth's formative years. Now
students who have an affinity for the Teaching physical education is
a wide
subject enjoy as
instructing students in just as
array of career options to choose from, rewav
it be teaching, may
training coaching. playing sports or
The teacher has the other
benefit of disciprarding
writing books. academic
knowledge and imparting both
The this career is still physical health.Howe
following shows a basic structure of in its
nascent owever,
academic education in physical education Regardless of the stage
subject's induction in India
in India in order to be required curricula, many schools have still into the overall
eligible for a serious and
steps to formally not
fruitful career in the field:
In countlessrecognise it as separate taken an
1. BA, BSc in
Physical Education, BPES (Bachelor
cases, discipline
asked to teach the teachers of other subijects are
of Physical Education and Sports): After at the physical subject as well,
completion of10+2. elementary and especiall
primary levels. This
2. Bachelor in partly be due the fact that for
to ma
Physical Education levels, the activities students in these
completion of any bachelor degree (BPEd): running,
are basic
such as
equivalent in a subject of physical education. its
climbing, etc. This
only succeeds in
3. Master reducing the subject to its
Physical Education (MPEd): simplest function and
strips it of the diverse benefits
completion of BPEd. it can
a lack of
seriousness hampers the bring. Such
students who can achieve a potentials of
lot with the
amount of
training. Now, right
CBSE has made Health
and Physical Education mandatory
I to XII. for Classes

Middle School: From this

education is stage onwards, physica
given the
importance it deserves in
Indian education, particularly in public schoos
of urban
areas that is CBSE
for Classes VI, afiliated. The syllabi
VII and VIII are
Educational separate
qualifications sought are 10 +2 (in a
subject of physical education) plus a certificate
diploma in PEd. That said, CBSE instructs
to involve scho0s
their science teachers to help cover e
Figure 1.4 Physical High School: Job opportunities
are available in
learning motoreducation teachers greater numbers at this level, as the
subject becomc
playing emphasise
skills and
games. nOre significant. The syllabus is divided cleaty
theory and practical lessons and hanale by
specialised teachers and coaches. Depending upon
the strength of the school, more than one physical
education teacher is employed. The required
educational qualification is graduation from any
recognised university, with a postgraduate diploma
in the subject or BPEd.

Senior Secondary School: In order to teach

physical education to senior secondary students, a
person should have a postgraduate degree in the
subject from a recognised university or institute.
As physical education is also offered as an optional
subject and teachers are given the responsibility of
preparing the school teams for tournaments and Figure 1.5 Effective coaching helps in developing
competitions, such eligibility criteria are strictly skills and improving performance.
College and University: A master's degree is Coaching
necessary in addition to clearing the UGC-NET Those who are already armed with the basic
(National Eligibility Test) in physical education qualifications also have the option of
conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) becoming coaches by first obtaining specialised
for teaching the subject at colleges. For university training in whichever field of sports they are
level, PhD degrees along with publishing of passionate about. Coaching is slightly different
books and papers are preferred. MPhil degree from teaching as it places deeper focus on the
also has its extra weighage in teaching. Here, practical side of things. A coach not only trains
the professional courses offered are extensive in her/his players to be physically fit and skilled:
variety: basic certificate and diploma courses, she/he also instils in them mental courage and team
BPEd, MPEd, certificate course in Yoga, BSc in spirit. She/he scouts for potential players, drills
Physical Education, etc. College level teachers them to perfection by observing and analysing
have the added task of instructing students their performance and gives them constructive
in research methodology, test and criticism. She/he keeps herself/himself updated on
measurement latest rules and techniques; has the crucial role of
sports psychology, sports sociology, sports
biomechanics, sports medicine, exercise boosting the players' confidence and leading them
to the
physiology, organisation and administration, etc. path of victory. She/he must also have strong
They also have to train the students for participation communication skills. As such, a coach usually
in sports events. faces a lot of pressure. Only those who are ready to
Teaching physical education is a science in take on the challenges of the long hours of
its own right, entaiing number and review are best fitted for the job.
of duties such
as Job opportunities for aspiring coaches are
training students in gymnastics, callisthenicss available at schools, colleges, state and central
and other physical activities departments of sports, professional teams, sports
clubs, Nehru Yuva Kendra, etc. It is compulsory
coaching the students in specific sports to obtain a diploma or certificate degree in the
organising sporting events specific sports, which are available in advanced
maintaining sports equipment, gymnasiums, institutes like NSNIS, Patiala and affiliated regional
fields, pools, etc. colleges.
andTherefore, a thorough
to commit oneself toof the detailsFersonal Trainer
awareness subject
willingness minor
are vital if one chooses to pursue teaching physical With increased awareness of health issues and
education as a career appreciation for healthier lifestyle, more and
out time
from with. Both public and private
are willing
to take
lucrative job opportunities for the also provi
devote to physical
Defence and Railways are two best

routine to
Gyms and weight
control clubs

of the country
opening up
just the urban sportspersons.
No one, however, turns into
big ermplofoyerrmoviserdseo.f
many afford it, hire
Those who can

trainers to improve
and physique in
their health
Hypertension, obesity
sportsperson overnigh The first
which sport one is most pridoentfessiifyoinang
skilled at.Th
the best possible way.
of the diseases that plague
the to devote hours to
practice under an second is
diabetes are s o m e

of the desire to prevent

such or coach, and levelopones
physique able trainer
On top
aflictions, we live in
an age of polished
wants to look slim
and in
with an appropriate diet. The third
and gain recognition. Only a
to corompet
appearance. Everybody
courageous attitude towards life can 1 disciplined and
shape. needs more than sportspersons achieve their goal.
To be a successful trainer, one

certificates of educational qualification and a good Examples of sports in which India has
nutrition. She/he must also be include cricket, badminton, Kcelled
boxing, wrestling,
grasp of proper
physically fit herself/himself.
Whether it is body weightlifting, lawn tennis, etc. Though ng
building, weight reduction
and control, aerobics or players show potential in other sports too: Indian
more likely to seek the guidance hockey, football, sketball, gymnastics such as
yoga, trainees are and table
whom they can look up to as an tennis. Lack of interest from the
of someone
sponsors and
authorities have dampened the players'
in this field is that of an Apart from these international
One career option sports,
athletic trainer. Although it is not yet as popular kho-kho, mallakhamba, etc. are traditional kabaddi
in India as it is in western countries, athletic sports.
trainers complement the job of coaches in
professional sports. They specialise in sports- Sports Officiating and Umpiring
related injuries and look after the affected Without sports officials and umpires,
sportspersons rehabilitation. Taking into sports
competitions and events
cannot operate
consideration the huge sports industry of our successfully. They maintain rules and regulations
country, athletic training should be encouraged. and ensure that the games are carried out in a
and professional manner. For
Professional Sportsperson many professional
sportspersons, it is easier to switch over to some
A skilled player always has the option official work once their active sports career has
of becoming a full-fledged professional come to an end. Still, a certificate of
sportsperson. She/he wins accolades for
training from
recognised institute is required to work as an
the country and earns high accredited state or national level official. The
salaries from endorsements eligibility criterion is different for international
and victories.
Sachin umpires and referees; in this case, the concerned
Tendulkar, MS Dhoni, nternational sports body should issue the
Virat Kohli, Saina One can choose to be a full-time oficial or take
Nehwal, Mary Kom it up as a part-time job. In India, since the number
Dipa Karmakar ofsports competitions and tournaments held each
are some examples of year is comparatively lesser, most officials work
contemporary famous part-time. Interested college students can also
personalities whose freelance as a sports official provided they have tut
success stories we knowledge of the game.
are familiar
Sports Administration
Figure1.66 ports industry as a whole is a huge busine
Virat Kohli theneed for trained individuals is growing
is why, players are advised to follow strict diets
suitable for their chosen sports. A professional
trained in sports medicine is qualified not only to
prepare such diets, but also take care of injuries
that may occur during games.

Sports Marketing
Sports marketing is the promotion of sporting
events and sports teams and sale of products
through the events and teams. The products on
sale may be goods, services, or a brand name
and the promotional activities may include
broadcasting, advertising, social media, ticket
sales and community relations. For activities such
as broadcasting and advertising, a background in
advertising and public relations may be required
in addition to being well-acquainted with
sports. One can also get employment as a sales
representative for sports goods, for which it is Figure 1.8 Sports photography has created
paramount to know the products inside out and new
have sharp communication skills. It can prove
opportunities for students.
useful to pursue courses in business management Nowadays, the Internet is also used as a platform
broadcasting and matches can be watched live
and accounting.
on mobile phones. A person interested
Sports Journalism business should be knowledgeable when it this
to rules of the
game, including those of officiating
Sporting events take place frequently and are or refereeing and be able to
translate the whole
written about in newspapers and magazines in event minute by minute to viewers and listeners.
detail. A sports journalist observes the matches A background in physical education comes
and competitions closely, analyses the reasons while studying the physiological aspects of the
behind the victories and defeats, assesses the game. A well-informed and talented broadcaster
performance of the players and puts it all into adds an ingredient of excitement to the event.
words for the information of readers. Other To gain experience before applying for the job,
than live coverage and feature articles, a sports one can practice one's skills by participating in
journalist may also write about any topic related college or local events as an announcer or

tosports. Good writing skills

career, so is a
needed in this
comprehensive k n o w l e d g e o f t h e

gameand the willingnessto gothe extra mile and Sports Photography

conduct research and gather related statistical For those who have a strong passion for the camera,
data and historical facts. Although not obligatory, to
backgrounds in sports psychology, sports sports photography is a career option. They getturn
physiology and other sub-disciplines are attractive indulge in their interest in photography
it into a serious income source by working tu
assets for this career. or freelancing
Time for newspapers and magazines familiar with
Sports Broadcasting Tor them. A person who is alreadybiomechanics,
physical education, particularly 1n
Much like sports journalism, sports broadcasting Can capture the best angles of
the players
brings the games to those who are unable to take courses
action. Furthermore, she/he should ssible in
watch them in person. Broadcasting is conducted in nd practice as much

through media such as radio, television and cable. photography this field.
order to become a professional in

Publication and Authorship of Books 5. Kinesiology and biomechanics in sports and

To increase awareness of health issues and to physical education.

fortify physical education and allied subjects as 6. Textbooks on fundamentals of physical
an important discipline,
the youth and the public education.
in general need books of high standard. Aspiring
authors and editors should equip themselves with COMPETITIONS IN VARIOUS SPORTS AT
academic knowledge of the subject. For editors, the NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL
job additionally includes surveying the demand of and games are an integral part of human
the market and the comparative values of books
culture and social interactions. A number of sports
available. Those in sales are tasked with doing and games are played around the world. Some
promotion of the product so that more people
buy it. The sub-disciplines on which books may be
sporting events are organised at the national level
while some are at the international level. At the
written and published are:
national level, a few competitions are common
1. Physical education and sports: their foundation, to almost all sports. Senior and Junior Nationals
current scenario in India, future prospects of are organised by the respective Federations;
physical education and sports, etc. National School Games are organised by School
2. Sports physiology, sports medicine, sports Games Federation of India; and the All India Inter
psychology, sports sociology, sports management, University Championships are organised by the
sports training methods, sports history, etc. Association of Indian Universities. Given below
3. Physical education statistics. is a list of some important sports, and various
4. Measurement and evaluation in physical national and international competitions associated
education. with them.

Table 1.1 Competitions in various sports at national and international level

Name of Sports National Level Competitions International Level Competitions

National Archery Championship for Olympic Games, Archery Asia Cup,

Men and Women. Summer Olympics, Commonwealth
Games, World Archery Championships.

Athletics National Games, National Inter-State Olympic Games, Asian Games,

Senior Athletics Championships, Commonwealth Games,
National Open Athletics Championships, IAAF World Championships in Athletics,
IAAF Continental Cup, Athletics World Cup.
Federation Cup.

Syed Modi Championship, Wills World

Badminton National Games, Narang Cup (National
Junior Team Men), Shafi Qureshi Cup Cup, Thomas Cup, Uber Cup, Asian
(National Junior Team Women), Championship, World Championship,
Mayor's Cup. 1BF Meet, Olympic Games,
Sudirman Cup.

Basketball National Basketball Championship for FIBAWorld Cup, Olympic Games, FIBA3x
3 World Cup, Euro League, FIBA AmeriCup,
Men and Women, National Juniors Inter
State Championship, Federation Cup. FIBA Asia Cup.

Women and Men's National Boxing Boxing World Cup, World Amateur Boxing
Championship, Junior and Sub-junior Championships, Olympic Games, Youth
Men's National Boxing Championships. Olympic Games, AIBA World Boxing
Championships, Commonwealth Games.

Oicket Rang Trophy Duleep Trophy, Irani Trophy. ICCWorld Cup,
Deodhar Trophy, Vijay Hazare Trophy, Ashes Cup, Asia Twenty20 World
rld Cup
indian Premier League, etc. Net West Trophy,Cup, Championons Trophy
Football Santosh Trophy, Durand Cup, -League, FIFA World Cup, FIFA
IFA Shield, Indian Super Cup. FIFA
Confederations Women's Worla
AFC Asian Cup, AsianCup, dd Cup
Games. Gam
Gymnastics National Championship, All India Inter
Summer Olympic
University Gymnastics Championship, ames, Worid
Gymnastics Championship, AsianArt
Federation Cup.
Games, Commonwealth Games, Artistic
Olympic Games.
Hockey Rangaswami Cup (women), Indira
Gandhi Gold Cup, Federation
Olympic Games, World Cup,
(women), Beighton Cup, Aga Khan Trophy, Champions Challenge,Champigne
Hockey Tournament, Lady Ratan Tata Cup Commonwealth Games, Sultan Azlan
Hockey Tournament,
Hockey Asia Cup. Alps CupP. Sha
Judo National Federation Cup, All India SAI
Regional Judo Championship, Association World Judo
of Indian Universities Judo Games, AsianChampionships,
Games, Olympic
Championship. Games, Asian Judo Commonwealth
Junior Asian Judo Championships,
Handball National Games, HFI Men's Championship, etc
Handball Championship, HFINational Olympic Games, Asian
National Handball Championship. World Men's and Games, IHF
Women's Handball
Kabaddi Pro Kabaddi
Championships, IHF Super Globe.
League, National
Championships, Federation CupKabaddi Asian Games, Kabaddi
SAF Games.
World Cup,
Kho-ho Federation Cup, Nehru Gold
Cup, National
Kho-Kho Championship, Inter-University International Kho-Kho Tournament
Championship, Shivaji Cup.
Shooting National Shooting Championships
(india), Al india G V Olympic Games, ISSF Worid Shooting
Maviankar Shooting
Championship. Championships, ISSF World Cup.
Swimmin National Swimming Championships, Commonwealth Games, etc
All India inter
Olympics, Asian Games, Commonweat
Championship.University Swimming Games, FINA Swimming World Cup.
Table Tennis Worid Aquatic Championships
National Table Tennis
All India Inter Championship,
University Table Tennis Olympic Games, Asian Games,
Championship. Commonwealth Games, Worlid Table
Taekwando National Taekwondo Championship. Tennis Championship.
Olympic Games, Asian Games,
World Taekwondo Championships.
Tennis All hdia Championship, Chennai Open, etc. Olympic Games, Wimbledon, US Open,

Australian Open, French Open, Davis Cup.

Volleyball Men's amd Women's Nations League, Olympic Games, Men's and Women's
National Games, Federation Cup, National World Championships, World Grand
Volleyball Championship, Indian Volley Champions Cup, etc.
League, etc.

Weightlifting National Weightlifting Championships for Olympics, World Weightlifting

Men and Women. Championships, Summer Olympics, Asian
Championship, Commonwealth Games.

Wrestling National Wrestling Championships. Olympics, Commonwealth Games,

World Wrestling Championships, etc.

National Games of India is commonly known Sports is an extremely important component

as Tndian Olympics. These games are the highest for the overall development of our nation. India,
sporting events which host all the games and in the last few years, has made steady
sports. In addition to these games, the individual in the field of sports. This tremendous
sports federations organise many invitational needs to be showcased at a global platform. It is
sporting events at the national and international time we inspire young talent and, give them the
level to promote their respective sports. best infrastructure and high quality training. We
need to inculcate a strong spirit of participation
KHELO-INDIA PROGRAMME in sports that enables players to demonstrate their
true potential.
Khelo-India is a national programme for the
Playing sports makes us fit, inculcates team
development of sports. It is an initiative of the
spirit and, develops strategic and analytical
Government of India to strengthen the sports
thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk
ecosystem by encouraging mass participation and
promotion of excellence. This programme has
Being approved by the Union Cabinet, Khelo-
been introduced to revive the sports culture in
India Programme has been revamped after the
India at the grass-root level by building a strong
merger of Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA),
framework for all sports in India. It will provide
Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) and
a national level platform to the grass-root level
National Sports Talent Search Scheme (NSTSS).
Objectives of Khelo-India Programme
The objectives of Khelo-India Programme are as
1. Play Field Development

KHELO 2. Community Coaching Development

3. State Level Khelo-India Centres

INDIA 1. Annual Sports Competition

5. Talent Search and Development
6. Utilisation and Creation/Upgradation of
Sports Infrastructure
Figure 1.9 Khelo-India is not only about 7. Support to National/Regional/State Sports
winning medals, it is an effort to give strength Academics
to mass movement for playing more. 8. Physical Fitness of School Children

sporting cellence, which
9. Sports for Women
with talented sportspersons to pursueWould ena
both able
10. Promotion of Sports amongst People as well as sports. h studies
6. The programme also aims at
11. Sports for Peace and Development creating an
population with healthy lifestyle,
Promotion of Rural and Indigenous/Tribal
Games 7. The programme would cover
about 2020 crore
children in the age group of
10-18 undnder a
Features of Khelo-India Programme massive national physical fitness
will not only measure the drive, which
1. This programme/scheme will be implemented physical
the Central Government machinery and all children in the age group, but fitnese s
by also suDme
100 per cent of the funds will be provided by their fitness related activities. pport
the central government. The Government of 8. The power of sport in
India has approved 1756 crorefor the period
promoting gender equity
and social inclusiveness is also fully
2017-2018 to 2019-2020. and special measures are recognised
provided to achieve
2. A Pan Indian Sports Scholarship scheme, these objectives.
which would cover 1,000 most talented and 9. The
deserving young athletes every year across
programme strives to raise the standards
of competition, both at school and college
selected sports disciplines. Initially, there are
level, have maximum access
to to
16 disciplines. They are: Archery, Athletics, organised
sports competitions.
Badminton, Basketball, Boxing, Football,
10. It also includes the use of latest
Gymnastics, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, user-friendly
Shooting, Swimming, Volleyball, Weightlifting technology in all aspects of sports promotion
and Wrestling. such as, use of mobile apps for dissemination
of sports
3. Each selected athlete under the scheme shall training; National Sports Talent
Search portal for talent identification;
receive an annual
scholarship worth five lakh interactive website for indigenous sports; GIS
rupees for eight consecutive years.
based information system for locating and
4. A long-term athlete development pathway using sports infrastructure, etc.
would be made available to gifted and talented 11. This programme strives to promote Sports for
youngsters to excel in competitive
sports All well
and will create as as 'Sports for Excellence.
pool of highly
athletes who can
compete to win at the
12. Khelo-India School Games are a part of the
platform. Khelo-India Programme. The systematic
5. The programme long term approach of this programme will
aims to
promote 20 dawn for the world of
universities across the
country as hubs of
certainly mark a new
sports in India.

1. The primary goal of Physical
Education is to increase the student's
physically fit by including physical er/him
productivity by keepo
activity programmes as part of the curriculum.
2. As sound bodies create
sharper intellects. sound minds, physical education classes with
produce healthier s
3. Physical education
may bring them closer to theirserve as a good outlet for their and

peers. surplus energy, reduce ue"

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