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the opening up of Nyasaland.

The Stevenson road forms a link

sources de l'histoire carolingienne, part i. (Paris, (1898);

oration upon the determination of magnetic variations and

E. Berthelot, who, in conjunction with Bardy, afterwards

into provinces or kingdoms and dependent territories. The

imposing temule still stood here. Akhmim was the Egyptian Apu

that in the aggregate they were greater than he calculated.

which this process was to begin. Again alarmed, the agitators

in Strongyle, i.e. Naxos, where they made themselves

(3) gradual variation of direction in gentle curves; (4)

Elphinstone, Account of the Kingdom of Kabul (1809);

Russia, but his new ally could give him very little assistance,

flexible joint. Above and below these movable coils, which

in his capacity as feudal lord; to act as his representative in

some of them can withstand a considerable degree of cold.

colony; in Desmidiaceae its contents divide on germination,

for examination for a commission as chief-boatswain,

Washington's Addresses (1789-1793-1796). Thus politics

On the other hand, the fact that an animal or plant cannot

19. Closing Operations of 1862.--Chickasaw Bayou and

referred to by Tiberius Cavallo in his Essay on the Medicinal

committee of the House of Commons on waste lands in 1795.

in 1870 and professor of the principles and practice of

assisted by the civil lord, responsible for finance at the

it is probable that their condition is not truly albinotic,

the deepest sounding in Victoria Nyanza being under 50

was also the work of Algardi. From an artistic point of view,

1354, who held it successfully against various attacks until

the literature of nearly every nation. The Hebrew scriptures

Benedictine house of St Mary's, York, in the valley of the

``flush'' (eight counters). ``Fredon,'' four of a kind (the

Bantu-Negro tribes, who had been for many years in contact

The buildings devoted to hospitality were divided into three

Achaeans, and its councils suffered less from disunion; but

to attract French colonists to the country, the colonization

and India; and the position, which is held by a tribal post at

speedily ascertained by evaporating the water from a measured

(Fondia madagascariensis) inhabits as an imported bird

purposes stones were got out, dressed, carved and sculptured

welfare, as the supreme test of government. In this labour,

idols; the pen of Christian monks made him an ascetic saint.

due). In commerce it is a common word for a formal notice

to heritable property in Scotland by the Entail Amendment Act

which existed till 1789. In the 17th and 18th centuries

1896); E. Strasburger, ``Kerntheilung und Befruchtung bei

platinum and mercury. They are ionized in aqueous solution

The people have by no means that immunity from disease

a component part of the High Court of Justice by virtue of

On the belief in the Fall, see Tennant, The Sources of the

in allowing the ``Alabama,'' the ``Florida'' (originally the

BIBLIOGRAPHY.--Lord Kelvin (Sir W. Thomson), ``New

1618); Scripta Pheologica Meidelbergensia (Amst.,

interference. Any operation, however, which is urgently

prominent part in this inquiry. The conclusion arrived at

politiques des Romains (1883), ii. p. 208; Mommsen,

17 Great Western Telegraph Company v. Purdy,

sufficient. In the latter case the townsfolk were collectively

in the mirrors of reflecting telescopes and especially in the

Mediterranean Sea separating Italy from the Austro-Hungarian,

Semidi, Shumagin and Sannak clusters; (2) the Aleutian Islands

under O'Donnell's command as a volunteer for the war in

settlements in the New World, but they were practically

according to Bede, on information received from Arculf, a French

earlier, in England and America, by the authors of Evenings at

certain amount of loss is of necessity entailed during this

gave it the new value of a spirant whirh developed out of an

that the pleasures of imagination (which arise originally

found their death in the battle, while their men rode off to

28 It is commonly spoken of as ``feeling oneself into''

have undergone alteration by weathering; the Tertiary basalts

scenes from ancient life he brings them within the scope of

parliament). He held the government of Gibraltar from 1883 to

in 1855, subsequently studying engineering and chemistry,

Chemie, and by E. S. Shepherd in the Journal of Physical

dealing with the introduction to algebra from the arithmetical

dissolves roughly 30% of its weight of pure alumina, so

found in the 'Agon `Omerou kai `Esiodou, the work of

IV. The Franco-German convention of the 15th of March 1894, by

Germany. German merchants had been settled for some years

up in the temple of Caesar. In the time of Nero, owing to

movements, their pace is either a kind of trot or a series

is intersected by the Jumna, and is also watered by the Agra

Aix-la-Chapelle: the first in 1668, the second in 1748, the third in 1818.

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