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Phys ics – Unit 3 Note s


How to find ___ value from the graph?

- Gradient or area under graph

How does it improve results?

- Enables average to be taken

- Shows anomalies
- Will show if ___ value is changing

Why graph is straight?

- Mention constant an mention the gradient

- Either A ∝ B or compare with y = mx + c

Advantages of graphs?

- Anomalies can be identified

- Allows interpolation/extrapolation
- Systematic errors can be detected
- Relationship/trend can be indentified
- Equation can be derived
- Line of best fit averages results
- Intercept/gradient/area can be determined

P.D v/s Current Graph ‡ Linear relationship

Remember “E = V + Ir”

Internal Resistance = negative of gradient

E.M.F = intercept with the potential difference axis/y-


Stress v/s Strain Graph

Gradient = Young’s Modulus Area = energy stored per unit volume


Points to remember – Fill in column headings with units

Criticize the readings/set of measurements.

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm
- Inconsistent precision / inconsistent significant figures in __ column
- Less readings
- Small range
- Accuracy (e.g. only recorded to nearest 10 cm)
- No mention of repeats/no repeats

Average taken should be of all normal readings and have same number of significant figures as
the readings


Advantages and Disadvantages for [Analogue] device v/s [Digital Device]:

∑ Advantages of Analogue:
- No power supply required
- Simple to operate or to set up
- Readily available, cheaper, easily transportable
∑ Disadvantage of Analogue:
- More errors
- Effect of reaction time
- Insufficient precision for short values (e.g. short times)
- Graph would have to be drawn manually
∑ Advantage of Digital:
- Fewer errors
- No reaction time
- Precise readings
- Graph drawn automatically
∑ Disadvantage of Analogue:
- Power supply needed
- Needs training, setting up, alignment issues, time to set up
- Not easily available, expensive, not easily transportable

Advantages and Disadvantages for manual v/s data logger + graph method:

∑ Advantage of manual:
- No power supply required
- Easily transportable
- cheaper
∑ Disadvantage of manual
- Small no. of readings/ large time interval b/w readings
- Reaction time
- Random/systematic/parallax errors
- Easily broken (if apparatus like glass beaker is used)
∑ Advantage of data logger + graph
- Large no. of readings/ small time intervals
- Graph drawn automatically
- Simultaneous reading of two values (if applicable)
∑ Disadvantage of graph

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm
- Power supply needed
- Zero/systematic errors

Advantages and disadvantages of Digital Multimeter v/s Ammeter + Voltmeter (analogue)

∑ Advantage of Digital Multimeter

- Only one meter needed/may be cheaper option
- No parallax error
- Variable scale/scale can be changed
- Two decimal places
- Only requires series connection
- Unlikely to be much heating effect
- Smaller uncertainty as only one reading
- No calculation required
∑ Disadvantage of Digital Multimeter
- Zero error, contact resistance
- Internal battery required
- Less simple to graph for a fixed wire
∑ Advantage of A+V
- Do not require individual batteries
- Graphical method possible
∑ Disadvantage of A+V
- Two meters needed/may be more expensive4
- Parallax error
- Scales are fixed so requires interpolation
- Limited by size of scale divisions
- Requires both series and parallel connection
- Heating effect
- Greater uncertainty as two readings
- Need calculation from two readings


Percentage Uncertainty

Mean – lower value × 100 OR Higher value – Mean × 100

Mean Mean

Percentage difference

(Given value – your value) × 100

Given Value


- Rule vertical/horizontal
- Release object from rest
- Practice

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm
- Repeat
- Avoid parallax errors

Sources of uncertainty

- (if wire) small diameter/diameter only measured once/kinks in the wire

- (if wire and circuit involved) Contact resistance/resistance of connecting wires
- (if circuit) accuracy of ohmmeter or voltmeter or ammeter
- (any device) Zero error
- Wires snapping
- Weights falling
- Didn’t reach terminal velocity/tube too narrow/distance between markers is too
small/ misreading of stopwatch or micrometer
- Reaction time
- Parallax error
- Inaccuracy in measuring _______.

Why repeat?

- Can identify anomalies, average can be taken, reduces random error/uncertainty

Why the voltmeter should have a very high resistance:

- Voltmeter is in parallel with wire

- Current through voltmeter should be negligible (accept very small or
- zero)

-- The voltmeter
Ammeter needs
should a high
measure resistance
current in justtothe
wire current through it.
- If the voltmeter takes any current, the current recorded for the wire will not be correct

Assumptions for calculating stress:

- Cross section has remained the same

Refraction Experiment

o Also take readings at second face


∑ Vertical length of wire with masses on end OR horizontal wire with masses over pulley
∑ Measure extension
∑ Δ

use of mark
extension on wire
= final OR length
– initial use of OR
F = comparison
kx of wires
∑ Variables to be kept constant – Initial length of the wires
∑ Precautions - Use of goggles OR means of catching/avoiding falling masses, Protection
(of eyes) from snapping wire OR protection of feet/floor from falling masses

Viscosity Experiment

ß Apparatus: Oil. Ball Bearing, Measuring cylinder, light gates, timing device, rule,

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm
ß Quantities to be measured: Diameter, distance, time (alt Diameter, velocity)
ß Instruments: Micrometer, metre rule, stopwatch
ß Independent: diameter/radius
ß Dependent: Terminal Velocit/time
ß Radius determined from diameter, velocity from dist and time. Graph of v against2 rand
find gradient
ß Source of uncertainty/systematic error: terminal velocity not reached, reaction time,
temperature not constant, zero error, measurement of diameter/distance fallen, parallax
ß Safety precautions: low risk experiment, mop up spills, use gloves, wear goggles, normal

laboratory rules should be followed

Determining Young’s Modulus

o Apparatus: Wire, support, weight, micrometer screw gauge/vernier callipers/ digital

o Quantities to be measured: Length, extension, diameter, mass/weight/force
o Instruments: Metre rule, travelling microscope, Micrometer for diameter, balance for size
of mass
o Independent – Weight/force
o Dependent – Extension
o Use of ? r2 and youngs modulus equation
o The main source of uncertainty/systematic error: Extension/diameter
o Risk of weights falling (hence toe protection) and snapping wires (hence safety glasses)

% Loss of Kinetic Energy

∑ Drops ball of known mass vertically from known height
∑ Determines height of bounce using a metre rule
∑ mgΔh = 1/2mv2
∑ States that mass cancels OR mass stays the same OR mass measured OR mass
∑ % loss in KE = loss in PE x 100%
∑ initial PE
∑ Precaution: make measurement of height of bounce at eye level

Thermistor resistance

ß Apparatus: Circuit, Thermistor in water, means of heating/cooling (Bunsen or water

bath), thermometer, stirrer
ß Quantities to be measured: Resistance, temperature (alt Current, pd, temp)
ß Graph of resistance v/s temperature
ß Sources of uncertainty/systematic error: simultaneous reading of two variables,
systematic error on thermometer, parallax error, meter zero error, uneven temperature of
ß Safety: hot water and heated wires


o Apparatus: Spring, mass/weight, support, rule, set square, pin, balance

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm
o Independent: Force/Weight/Mass
o Dependent: Extension
o Plot force v/s extension, gradient = k
o Uncertainty sources: parallax, zero error, elastic limit not exceeded

Semi-circular block refractive index – accuracy

∑ Use of paper/pins to trace path of ray

∑ Ensure there is a thin ray (from the ray box).
∑ Comment on using centre of block
∑ Normal drawn (at A) / measure from normal

Mark the ray, then measure the angle
∑ Use large angles of incidence/wide range
∑ Repeat and take average
∑ Work in a dark room.


ß Instruments: Ammeter, voltmeter, power supply, variable resistor/variable power supply

ß Determine R from V and I
ß Draw graph of R v/s V ‡ Positive intercept on R axis (either curve or straight line)
ß Uncertainty source: zero error on meter or difficulty of taking simultaneous
ß Safety Precautions: If low voltage supply ‡ low risk If bulb involved: Hot bulb, so do
not touch

Efficiency of motor
o Quantities to be measured: P.d, current, height and time
o Repeat?: Yes = for average. No = motor heats up, battery p.d reduces
o Power input = VI Power Output = mgh/t Efficiency = poweroutput/powerinput
o Uncertainty/Systematic error source: Zero error in meter, reaction time, parallax
o Safety Precautions: Risk of mass falling (wear shoes), low risk if p.d. is low, risk to eye if
string breaks (wear goggles)

Metre rule: Longer length so measurement to nearest mm appropriate

Micrometer: Measures to 1/100 mm
Stopwatch: reading to 0.1s or 0.01s
Ammeter/Voltmeter: 0.1A or 0.1V interval and state indentified range if bulb involved and value
>> Note: Resistance of variable resistor should not be reduced to zero so that circuit is not short
circuited (otherwise will get hot) OR to prevent high current through circuit

Reading: 5.5mm + 0.35mm = 5.85mm

Created by: Niharika Shinde Email: nihakalp@gm

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