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"@ HUMAN DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Parotid gland Oral cavity! Bi it Submaxillary sail feoced and sublingual ce ° jlands re Oesophagus 5 | Gatto: 0 esophageal sphnnler Stomach 5 Pyro sphincter Pancreas. ‘Small intestine © ea “ae Large intestine o Opens cut through ‘Anus Human digestive system Alimentary canal o Human digestive system consistsot ee Digestive glands/Associated glands co I Has-L Tongue. * Muscular organ, attached to the floor of oral cavity by the frenulum © Upper surface of the tongue has ‘small projections called papillae. Some papillae have taste buds. Common passage for food and air Thin, long tube Passes through neck, thorax and diaphragm J-shaped bag in upper left side of abdominal cavity ‘Cardiac ~ esophagus opens here Fundic Body ~ Main central region Pyloric ~ Opens into small intestine Duodenum — ‘C'-shaped 2 reaione Jejunum ~ Long coiled part Neum ~ Highly coiled, opens into large intestine © 4 regions. 3 regions { Caecum — Blind sac, hosts symbiotic microbet * Vermiform appendix: Vestigial organ, finger- like tubular projection Colony Ascending Transverse Descending siamo: _LRectum © Epigiottis pre during swalloy partially diges iated glands attached to the by the frenulum F the tongue has Called papillae. ve taste buds. phragm dominal cavity S opens here gion aa mall intestine Modifications i a 2 Stomach 2 Oblique muscle layer is present i 2 Irregular folds of mucosa called rugae art 2 Small intestine] 0 Finger like foldings of mucosa called villi 7 ens 2 Cells lining villi produce microscopic} e t Projections called microvilli giving brush : border appearance Symbiotic microbes | ~~ appendi: |o Vilh, microvilli, rugae — Increase surface area for absorption gan, fing || 2 Villi are supplied with blood capillaries and lacteals (lymph projection || vessel) © Gastric glands, goblet cells and crypts of Lieberkuhn — (3). HISTOLOGY OF GUT. > Typical ‘o Serosa 2 Outermost layer, made u mesothelium (epithelium of vis. with some connective tissues. 2 Inner— Circular muscles 2 Outer—Longitudinal muscles ° Loose connective tissue with nerve: and lymph vessels. Innermost layer lining the lumen P to thin| ‘Ceral organs) 2 Muscularis ° Sub-mucosa S, blood Serosa Inner-circular Outer-longitudinal, Sub-mucosa Mucosa | K kiscularis Bt Lumen | | Present in mucosa 9 Brunner’s gland — Present in sub-mucosa | | 2 The muscular activities of different parts of alimentary canal can 2 Epiglottis prevents the entry of food into the glottis (opening of trachea/wind pipe) during swallowing. ° Sphincters are muscular structures that regulate the flow of Partially digested food in the alimentary canal. | be moderated by neural mechanisms, both local and through CNS. } SS — ne (4) TEETH > nt a « Thecodont — Each tooth is embedded in socket of jaw bone « Heterodont — Different types: Incisor (I), Canine (C), Premolar (PM), Molar (M) ¢ Diphyodont — 2 sets of teeth during life + Aset of temporary/milk/deciduous teeth which are replaced by a set of permanent/adult teeth | CPMM . Teeth in each half of upper jaw |21 2 3 te Nee NSB nell Cl uppet jaw = | Staeen |i sao EP Pental formula = eth in each half oflowerjaw ~|242 3 3 Enamel — Hard chewing surface, helps in mastication of food. (8) DIGESTIVE GLANDS Glands Location [pH] Secretion Contents Function > Salivary Glands ree buccall 6.8} orwell > Mucus +] Lubrication and adhering of masticated sal 1 Pair - Parotids———»| Cheek juice into eee | coe 4 Pair - Submaxilary-| Lower jaw oral cavity |” Flectrolytes-Na" Kk, ‘Submandibular cr, HCO3 +1 Pair— Sublinguals—»| Below tongue > Lysozymes -—+| Antibacterial agent, prevent infections 2 Salivary amylase —»| Carbohydrate spliting enzyme ; Gastric glands Mucosa of [18] Gastric ->[> Mucus _ ————>| Lubrication and protection of mucosal stomach Juice in ‘Acive tom | epithelium from excoriation by HCl stomach | r]> Pepsinogen. Protein digestion * Mucus neck cell 2 Prorennin Active fom, " + Pepticichief cells. {infantg), “==> | Digestion of mik proteins © Lipase ——>| Fatigestion «+ Parietalloxyntic > HCl ——>| Acidic pH, activation of gastric colls proenzymes 2 Intrinsic factor ——» | Absorption of vitamin B 2 Liver (Largest gland) [Right side of | >7 [Bile > Bile salts _ ———>| Emulsification of fats 121.5 kg abdomen released > Bile pigments ——»| Bilirubin and biliverdin below into 2 Cholesterol diaphragm duodenum _|2_Phospholipids * Bile activates lipases Pancreas Between >7 [Pancreatic [> Trypsinogen as? Protein digestion (Heterocrine gland) limbs of juice 2 Chymotrypsinogen duodenum released | Procarboxypeptidase, into > Amylase ———»| Carbohycrate digestion duodenum |> Lipases ———»| Fat digestion Nucleases_———>| Nucleic acid digestion > gst gtanse Ge "Srunmers gloré—] suo mucosa. |" ju 2 Bit ors enzyme (ro enzyme) Seuodetem | [Siete |” +" Sacerdanel™| carbonyeats dgsston | «Chat iebaranwe|wucgeact” | lemencus | Disyicosos 2) Pracr dgerion potest 5 tceridsror 3|Nueesces igston Bases ova « enerokinges* 3] Rens ella tyodn when in en actos chr enzymes nthe ganereticpien _) (6) DUCTS ASSOCIATED WITH LIVER AND PANCREAS Gall bladder (Concentrate and store bile) Cystic duct (Duct of gall bladder) Common bile duct Ducts from liver Common hepatic duct 2 Pancreas Pancreatic duct Duodenum Hepato-pancreatic duct (Guarded by sphincter of Oddi) Exocrine part secrete alkaline pancreatic ° Panereas-{ juice containing enzymes Endocrine part secrete hormones, insulin and glucagon Schematic flow of digestive juices Liver —» Bile —» Hepatic ducts —s Common ee duct hepati ) ( calls) Pancreatic duct” ~Cystic duct Duodenum <= Hepato-pancreatic ducte+ Common bile duct \ Sphincter of Oddi ° Hepatic lobules are structural and functional unit of liver. ° Each lobule is covered by a thin connective tissue sheath called Glisson’s capsule. 2 Hepatic cells are arranged as cords in hepatic lobule. Control of activities of gastro-intestinal tract e Saliva secretion ~ Stimulated by sight, smell and/or presence of food in oral cavity e Gastric andintestinal - Local hormones produced by secretion gastric and intestinal mucosa | — Neural mechanisms -— local and | via CNS @ picesriow oF FooD i a norough riving up ofthe fond with various scretons and 2 Varaus ype of movement almnty canal (9 press) ne gnerated by maser ayer atlpsin erwin uP li lccnateagesion bots pees dom ticeiphogas by owalowinglephiton, » Cmplr lod susaons Emer + sme steerable fm, hice] Seat Taveras rains Fas Toca Aide Binston = [Sativa [Buccal cavity | (90%) Starch ==> Matoce = a 7 [case | Sonecr 7 Povo Ea pan pon nora ae ceca) - Prtens epi pes) + roses + a pte 8 patos oto en = — 7 Eels % | henetesinsae Ee capaci Toe ES Fa a er ae |2 Chymotrypsinogen shymotrypsin es [Panera amysce |> Procarboxypeptidase| “ Carboxypeptidasey ~ Proteins: Diglycerides voces Ocaitnrdos Ponenes Sian < i ono Sosa INE none Eo? Gace > capone S228 rine acts —_[Monogheeraes === Fatty acids ucteouses = lowes | oan chee + Cac ‘ " h one Diicerises Cayce { \ woos 22 cucoe + Fcoe sigs + roger Es _ ~~ @ ABSORPTION OF DIGESTED PRODUCTS Method Mechanism Examples © Passive: (Along concentration gradienl) 4 Simple difusion > Ghicose, amino acids, OT 1993 7] Girgctly Facltated transport © Glucose, amino acids Direc Osmosis © Water i 2. Active: (Against concentration gradient) by utiising eneray © Glucose, amino acids, Na* ions | into bloo [Taisen ia acces Sa eS Se ata neeore a ben irs uaa > The digested food is absorbed into the body : through the epithelial lining of the intestinal villi Bite sults Enterocyte. Summary of different substances absorbed in different parts of alimentary canal Mouth and lower Certain drugs side of tongue Stomach Simple sugars, alcohol, water Fatty acids, glycerol Blood Glucose, fructose, amino acids Large intestine Water, ane some mine (9) ASSIMILATION 2 The digested end products formed in duodenum are absorbed and finally reach the tissues which utilise them for their activities. This process is calied assimilation. Food Digested Maximum absorption Alimentary . Blood canal Undigested and ie unabsorbed food [psi Body cells roe oF ance wrestwe | x » Wo significant digestive acy occurs here, Tm PeM-[_ 7m rato nd body weight dec eee tel Soe eee ere ose iL Stertion ofmucisio adhere > Soi ane nol neral ee caning re for rove > Undgested, unabsorbed substances ears caecum though leo-eaecal valve and the wastes solidified ino coherent faeces which s temporary stored in rectum tit defaecation, 2 Egeson ol fasce to ouside through anal opaning is defecation. sa voluntary process ands cared by 8 mass peristaltic movement. (@) PROTEIN ENERGY MALNUTRITION (PEM) © Dietary deficiencies of proteins and total food calories are widespread in children of underdeveloped countries. 2. It may affect large sections of the population during drought, famine and political turmoil calorie, low protein diet Parameters Kwashiorkor Marasmus: Dietary deficiency 2 Proteins © Proteins and calories Age © Child more than 1 year > Infants less than 1 year Reason 2 Replacement of mother's milk by high | © Replacement of mother’s milk too early by other foods or mother has second pregnancy when older infantis too young Characteristics Extensive oedemai.e. swelling of body parts| Wasting of muscles, thinning oflimbs Extensive emaciation of body, skin is dry, thin and wrinkled, thinning of limbs @2) ENERGY VALUES Gross Calorific Value Physiological Value ° Amount of heat liberated from}° Actual amount of complete combustion of 1 gmof] energy released on food in bomb calorimeter (metal! combustion of 1 g of chamber filled with O.) food in body 4.0 Kcal/g 4.0 Kcal/g 9.0 Keal/g © Carbohydrates - 4.1 Kcal/g e Proteins - 5.65 Kcal/g ¢ Fats - 9.45 Keai/g 2 1 kilo calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C i 2 Energy requirements of animals, and the energy content of food expressed in terms of heat energy, (calorie (cal) or joule (J)). Since this value is tiny amount of energy, physiologists commonly use kilocalorie (kcal) or kilo joule (kJ). 3) DISORDERS OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Disease/Problem Cause and Symptoms Inflammation of intestinal tract] Most commonly due te bacterial and viral infections. Can be due to parasites like roundworm, tapeworm, threadworm, hookworm, pin worm etc, Jaundice > Liveratfected 2. Skinand eyes tum yellow due to deposit of bile pigments. Vomiting 2 Ejection of stomach content, feeling of nausea precedes vomiting. > It'sareflex action controlled by vomit centre, medulla. Diarrhoea 2 Abnormal frequency of bowel movement and increased liquidity of faecal discharge, reduces food absorption. Constipation >. Faeces are retained within the colon as bowel movement occurs irregularly. Indigestion 2 Food not digested properly, feeling of fullness. 4 ‘Can be due to inadequate enzyme secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, over eating and spicy food.

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