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Felisa Gerardo

187 Upper Liwanag,Purok 2 Loakan Liwanag Benguet


To Sir Francis,

Thank you for taking the time to read and consider my appeal.As you may know, I was
dismissed from my position as Csr agent on December 12,2022

My name isFelisa Gerardo, a single mom and I have been with Sitel for 5 years .
I am the defendant in a violation of fraud on October 24, 2022,
I am filling this case to an appeal to my company which is SITEL due to shame and lack of
intellectual confidence as no previous fraud records, or misconduct of relation evident from
agent employment history

,On October 23,2022 I was only advised to off the phone and remove my access without any
reasons, and that started from October 23, 2022, until November 10, 2022.
Within that 19 days period, I tried and asked twice to my manager Myla Manamtam but she
denied to respond
Throughout this process, I was humiliated and suffered, in other words, I was emotionally
Note; [REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9745]
SEC. 3. Definitions. — For purposes of this Act, the following terms shall mean:

(a) “Torture” refers to an act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or

mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from

him/her or a third person information or a confession; punishing him/her for an act

he/she or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed; or

intimidating or coercing him/her or a third person; or for any reason based on

discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the

instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a person in authority or agent of a

person in authority. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or

incidental to lawful sanctions.

On November 10, 2022 the issue was then made into a serious and elevated for Administrative
Hearing and i was suspended on November 11,2022 .So I take this opportunity to ask the Hr
manager Haidee Sanjorjo for allowing me to check the call and the call flow .I discovered that
there is something wrong with the process. By depriving me to know and learn my case and
rights to be heard and defense myself due to no access to my account and review it and i was
With a new coach who is not confirmed yet and he has no knowledge about me as an agent

1#This fraud was discovered in the month of September 30,2022



Section 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without

due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of
the laws.

Section 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,

papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever
nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or
warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the
complainant and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing
the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

But i was not inform or warned

What they did is I was under investigation without my knowledge and they scrub all my calls
due to their suspicions about fraud (everyday call received are 40/60)
With respect to the procedural aspect of private respondent’s investigation,I should
have an ample opportunity to present my side and to defend myself against this
charges against me
Since we don't have an access to check the details to where the HMD was sent to after i
click the options .The only informations that i have on my end is the account of my customer

On the NTE letter that was served on November 11,2022, the records show that the fraud
activity was discovered in the month of September 30,2022
But on that same month of September 30,2022 until October 24, 2022 , I was not given the
proper documentation (complete call recording,screen shots) in respect to my
incurred mistake for fair judgment and transparency

As far as an agent experience is concerned,and as the BPO/Call Center Industry proper
management procedures are concerned,
there should have been an immediate supervisor or management intervention happened as to
correct an agent improper behavior and misconduct to prevent future company damages and
client negative escalation reports

Escalated all possible chronic issues, as per based by agent BPO experience and/or related

Real time assistance and offered suggestions to management for affected concerns and seat
transfer request for hardware/technical issues beyond agents control

This is what happened in related to my case history

During my hearing I already pointed out the system error issue and I tried to explain the process
by saying it. But no evidence to provide because I am not allowed to go to the floor and get
some evidence.I experience a lot of system error first is while on a call and assisted my
customer concern i still received some additional caller.I also received a positive response from
customer but on my end the HMD tag as not sent due to emails issue.There are some customer
who have an issue with there emails they are not able to received any messages from us for the
updates of there delivery or problem updates and some of the called us a scam out of there
frustration.My concern here is we agent experience a lot of system error but it seems like we
were never heard.They only ask us to take a picture and send it to a chime but we dont know
when it will be validated.However there are some issue that it is not available to our
access.Heres the thing there are two types of access here in this account the first one is us
customer service the send is the coach,support, managerial access.Then there are some error
that is not visible to my access but visible to managerial access The most unforgettable is when
i click the finish options the HMD option is already gryde out so what i did i need to wrap app
and take a screenshot and send it to my supervisor .Then my supervisor ask my attention and
asking for an explanation so I explain and some of my teammates confirm this error.Even the L2
have this kind of error but no clear explanation why how that happen.So this is my concern right
now they never ask my attention during the time of fraud discovered. Instead they do some
investigation behind my back.No supervisor asking me to clarify or QA about the issue.
The saddest part is that the error is only visible to a managerial access.Instead of asking and
clarifying the issue they push me to admit it.

I was only advised to off the phone and was not allowed to take calls and perform my duties
without proper knowledge. I never received prior notification nor initial coaching review
performed and assisted by immediate supervisor and team Quality Analyst

I was advised to transfer to a different supervisor on October 21,2022
My previous supervisor or coach was Alvin Jay Galad during that time .
I was under his supervision since the month of May 2022 until October 21,2022
And I am not allowed to ask something in regards for the current situation to him
According to my manager Myla Manamtam
I) No disciplinary action filed against me in view of my superior's report or QA team
that I was suspected of doing some fraud since September 30,2022

Their respondent was found to have violated my right as an employee
In general,I know and understand that management has the prerogative to discipline
its employees and to impose appropriate penalties on erring workers pursuant to
company rules and regulations.But
No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process
of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.

If possible please consider my request to transfer me to a different account. In five years with
Sitel I respected and learned to love this company .

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