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Our Future Life After Corona Is Over

In my opinion, our future life after Corona is over will have major adjustments. We
call it a new normal life. This new normal life includes how people do their
activities considering health aspects. People prefer less physical contact by
doing things at home or online more frequently. People will value the importance
of health more.

After Corona is over, I think all students will go to school again, but with strict
health protocols. Working will be a combination of working from home and at the
office. Some workers with health issues will keep self-distancing by working from
home, if possible. Online shopping will grow intensively. The economy is

I believe that even if Corona is over, most people will still wash their hands
regularly. Some people will still wear face masks. People will be more aware of
their health by maintaining hygiene, exercising, and taking vitamins. Booster
vaccination will continue to be carried out.

Finally, lifestyle changes too for health reasons. People prefer enjoying music or
sport virtually rather than going to a music concert or sports event. Zoom
meetings will be very popular and common. It is a virtual world. Our future life
after the Corona pandemic will never be the same again!

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